May 4, 2013


    • NOW this i can't believe...
    • This reminds me that Jason was bald, the nightmare that was my girlfriend at the time, Karen Holly (everyday was not a Holly Day then), Craig Burnaugh, Perry Bags (RIP), Jeff Johnson before rehab, Jack Emerson--who i never talked to at the time cuz nice people scared me, Kay Clary, who was a nice person and wrote me fan letters, and Lori, also at the Praxis office, Dan Zumwalt, who reminded me of Ely what's his name, the lawyer in Gimme Shelter, Andy McLenon, without whom...Don Spicer, it was much easier to say back then, who was older than i didn't drive, REM, when they were cool, although the bass player had not raided Nudie's closet yet (did he still wear those dorky glasses with the cowboy rig?), Jefferson Holt, who was dorky in a good way, Heaven 17, or was it 18, and their hit song--who can forget? 'fascist groove thing', which i used to rack up in my gold Datsun 310 on campus and drink Bud quarts to, Warner Hodges, who was always cooler than any of us and knew it, and who still always acted like he was not particularly fond of the 'country punk' thing while inventing the genre, as he smoked cigarettes through his nose, and did Richard Pryor impressions--his Jerry Lee-like front bangs, his groundbreaking invention of the lamentably gone 80s (what did they call it?), rhine-stone-washed look, and the arm jewelry that he wore, and Ronnie the roadie, who still had not sublet me his one-room, no-windowed, purple apt. on E.10th St. on the LES yet, so that he could use the money that i mailed him in Nashville for dope instead of paying the landlord, who tried to evict me...all good things like that
      from OUR FAVORITE on Myspace.

  • talking budgie

    Medical abbreviations

    Abbreviation Meaning
    s without (s with a bar over it) (from Middle English sans, borrowed from Old French sans, Latin sine)
    S sacrum
    Sx symptoms
    S1 first heart sound
    S2 second heart sound
    S3 third heart sound
    S4 fourth heart sound
    S&O salpingo-oophorectomy
    SA sinoatrial node
    SAAG serum–ascites albumin gradient
    SAB staphylococcal bacteremia
    spontaneous abortion (that is, miscarriage)
    SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage
    SAM systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve
    SAN sinoatrial node
    SAPS II simplified acute physiology score
    SAPS III simplified acute physiology score
    SAR Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
    Sarc Sarcoidosis
    SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
    SB small bowel (see small intestine)
    SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
    SBFT small bowel follow through
    SBMA spinal bulbar muscular atrophy
    SBO small bowel obstruction
    SBP systolic blood pressure
    spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
    s.c. subcutaneous (from Latin subcutis)
    SCA Spinocerebellar ataxia
    SCC squamous cell carcinoma
    SCD sudden cardiac death
    SCD Sequential compression device
    SCD Sickle Cell Disease
    SCLC small cell lung cancer
    SCID severe combined immunodeficiency
    SCIWORA spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality
    scope microscope or endoscope
    S.D. subdermal
    standard deviation
    SDH subdural hematoma
    SDTI suspected deep tissue injury
    SE side effect
    Sed sedimentation (rate) (see erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
    SEE syphilis elimination effort
    Segs segmented cells
    SEM systolic ejection murmur (see heart murmur)
    SERM selective estrogen receptor modulator
    SERT serotonin transporter
    SFA superficial femoral artery
    serum folic acid
    SGA small for gestational age
    SG cath Swan–Ganz catheter (see pulmonary artery catheter)
    SG Specific Gravity (in Urinanalysis)
    SGB Stellate ganglion Block
    SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
    SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
    social history (personal habits, living situation, job)
    SHBG sex hormone-binding globulin
    shob shortness of breath (see dyspnea)
    SHPT Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
    SHx surgical history
    SI International System of Units
    suicidal ideation
    seriously ill
    sacroiliac (joint)
    SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
    SICU surgical intensive care unit
    SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
    SID Semel in die meaning once daily. Only used in veterinary medicine.
    SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
    SIL squamous intraepithelial lesion
    SIMV synchronized intermittent mechanical ventilation
    si op. sit if needed (from Latin si opus sit)
    SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome
    SIT stress inoculation training (see posttraumatic stress disorder)
    SJS Stevens–Johnson syndrome
    SK streptokinase
    sl sublingual
    SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
    SLEV St. Louis virus
    Sentinel Lymph node biopsy
    SLR straight leg raise (see Lasègue's sign)
    SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma
    SLP Speech-language pathologist
    SM multiple sclerosis (from Latin sclerosis multiplex)
    SMA sequential multiple analysis
    superior mesenteric artery
    spinal muscle atrophy
    SMA-6 six-channel serum multiple analysis
    SMA-7 serum metabolic assay
    SMN statement of medical necessity
    SMS senior medical student
    SMT spinal manipulative therapy
    SMV superior mesenteric vein
    SN student nurse ;
    skilled nursing
    SNB sentinel node biopsy (ductal carcinoma)
    SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
    SNP sodium nitroprusside;
    single nucleotide polymorphism
    SNRI serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
    SNV sin nombre virus (the most common type of hantavirus)
    SO salpingo-oophoritis
    SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, plan (how physicians’ notes may be organized)
    SOB shortness of breath (see dyspnea)
    SOBOE shortness of breath on exertion
    SOL space-occupying lesion
    Sol solution
    SOOB send out of bed
    SOS if needed (from Latin si opus sit)
    status post
    SPE streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin
    Spec specimen
    SPECT single-photon emission computed tomography
    SPEP serum protein electrophoresis
    SPET single-photon emission tomography
    Sp. fl. spinal fluid (see cerebrospinal fluid)
    Sp. gr. specific gravity
    SR slow release (see also time release technology (medicine))
    SROM spontaneous rupture of membranes
    SRS stereotactic radiotherapy
    SS Hemoglobin SS (HbSS) (see in sickle-cell disease = SS disease)
    S/S signs & symptoms
    SSC secondary sex characteristics
    SSI Sliding scale insulin
    SSKI potassium iodide solution
    SSPE subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
    ssRNA single-stranded RNA
    SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
    SSSS staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
    SSS sick sinus syndrome
    ST heat stable
    speech therapy
    Staph. Staphylococcus
    STD sexually transmitted disease
    stat immediately (from Latin statim)
    STEC Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (another name for enterohemorrhagic E. coli)
    STEMI ST elevation myocardial infarction
    STH somatotropic hormone
    STI sexually transmitted infection
    soft tissue injury
    STN Subthalamic nucleus
    STNR symmetrical tonic neck reflex
    STOP Surgical termination of pregnancy (sometimes suction termination of pregnancy)
    STS serological test for syphilis
    Subq subcutaneous
    Supp suppository
    SUV Standardized Uptake Value—when used in positron emission tomography (PET) cancer scans—any lesion seen on a scan with a SUV of more than 3 indicates metabolic activity
    SV seminal vesicle
    stroke volume
    SVC superior vena cava
    SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery
    simple vertex delivery
    SVG Saphenous vein graft
    SVI systemic viral infection
    SVN small volume nebulizer
    SVR systemic vascular resistance
    SVT supraventricular tachycardia
    SW Sturge–Weber syndrome
    Sx surgery
    SXA single-energy X-ray absorptiometer
    SXR skull x-ray
    Sz seizure

    May 3, 2013

    30 Million Dollars Blew Her Brains Out!--Crazytown (where are you?)

    30 Million Dollars Blew Her Brains Out!--Crazytown (where are you?)