November 13, 2011

Banana Tootsie Pop Suckers are THE BEST SUCKERS OF ALL TIME...EVER...EVER!!! - except to her!

I bought a bag of tootsie pops yesterday and inside was a bright yellow one, a BANANA FLAVORED one ! Only one in each goodness it was amazing.  An explosion of banana goodness I absolutely loved it and have been frantically searching the net for candy stores that sell the Banana flavor separately...but no luck so far 



I bought a bag of tootsie pops yesterday and inside was a bright yellow one, a BANANA FLAVORED one ! Only one in each goodness it was amazing.  An explosion of banana goodness I absolutely loved it and have been frantically searching the net for candy stores that sell the Banana flavor sepa ...»See Ya

banana candy universally sucks » Japanese Candy

Then there is the part where you get tired of kneading and taste the stuff. Oof. It turns out that the yellow version is banana flavor, and there are few things in the world of candy that I like less than artificial banana flavor. I will say in its favor, though, that despite what you’d probably expect, it’s not overly sweet. This is one of the nice things about Japanese candy – even stuff that looks like a lump of pure sugar is usually way less sweet than is typical of American products.

Then there is the part where you get tired of kneading and taste the stuff. Oof. It turns out that the yellow version is banana flavor, and there are few things in the world of candy that I like less than artificial banana flavor. I will say in its favor, though, that despite what you’d probably exp ...»See Ya

Top 9 Candy Jingles - because YouTube sucks the MOST!

9. Hershey Bar

This one was a little before my time, but when I told people I was compiling this list, this commercial was always mentioned as a sentimental favorite. It’s hard to argue with the claim: if any chocolate bar is distincly American, it would have to be the Hershey bar. The commercial itself is a celebration of America: diversity, Americana, and the landscape itself are all prominently featured. Hershey wanted you to know that it thought America was pretty great, and that America, apparently, felt the same about Hershey.

8. Ring Pop

The Ring Pop people wanted to take it slow here. Perhaps they thought the idea of a lollipop ring was a bit too difficult for children to grasp. That can be the only explanation for the first line of this jingle:You can wear a ring around your finger! Ring Pop! Stay with us, kids! You can wear a ring around your finger!

Then, after 10 seconds of showing children eating their Ring Pops, the jingle informs us: It’s a lollipop, without a stick! A ring of flavor you can lick! So that’s what it is! Brilliant.

Even at age seven I knew this commercial was a bit insulting. Still, it was really catchy, and Ring Pops are delicious, up until the point where they melt all over your finger and you just look crazy trying to get the last bits of delicious lolly flavor from your once bejeweled hands.

7. Doublemint Gum

For some reason, it seems that gum jingles are much more memorable than their candy counterparts. There have already been two gum jingles on the countdown, and there are more to come. This particular jingle is peppy, repetitive, and even more effective when played over double-takes of happy people whose happiness is clearly linked to their use of Doublemint Gum. It there is a clear message here: “Chew Doublemint and you will be attractive and loveable.” No Single Gum, indeed.

6. Almond Joy

Almond Joy, I’ll have you know, has nuts, and Mounds don’t. If this commercial is as ingrained in your mind as it is in mine, then you know exactly why that is.

5. Big Red

I have to be honest: I hated these commercials growing up. They would always come on while I was watching TV with my parents, and there is nothing worse than being 10 years old, watching TGIF with Mom and Dad, and having a commercial come on wherein two people kiss endlessly thanks to their long-lasting fresh breath. Am I alone on this? One second I’m watching DJ Tanner in a crisis, and then, boom–it’s the Big Red Make Out Minute. Gross!

4. Mentos

Oh, the Mentos commercials. For a while there in the early 1990′s, they were pretty inescapable. The Foo Fighters even went so far as to parody them in their “Big Me” video, further cementing their pop-culture status. Like most things that become pop phenomenons, we fell for the Mentos commercials because they were silly, dumb, and horribly catchy. As the jingle promises: “nothing gets to you, staying fresh, staying cool”, when you have a pack of Mentos in your pocket.

We learn in this particular commercial that “staying fresh, staying cool” gives this woman the nerve to do things she ordinarily wouldn’t do, like, say, asking four guys to pick up her car and move it out of its blocked-in parking spot. Even the jerk who blocked her in is impressed with her moxie! Mentos has softened his cold heart as well. The Freshmaker has truly worked its magic on all of us.

3. Juicy Fruit

Juicy Fruit is gonna move ya….for about 15 seconds, until the flavor wears out. But still, for those 15 seconds, you are going to ski like you’ve never skied before. Why was everyone skiing in these commercials? It was always water skiing or ski jumping with Juicy Fruit. Are you even supposed to chew gum while you flip around on skis? Isn’t that incredibly dangerous? And why is everyone on the mountain in shorts and half-buttoned shirts? Does Juicy Fruit move you enough to protect you from frostbite? As an East Coast kid, I always felt like a bit of a poseur with this gum. I really wanted it to transport me to a world of sun and fun, but Juicy Fruit wasn’t moving me anywhere, except to the driveway to shovel, and I always had to wear a hat.

2. Tootsie Roll

“Tootsie Roll, I think I’m in love with you.” How could you not be, after watching this commercial? It’s sweet and lovely and will most likely get stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Many of us have probably imagined a world made of candy at some point or another, and this commercial captures that perfectly. This commercial was old when I was a kid, but I still loved it. It’s a bit like a Tootsie Roll itself: it may be old school, but it’s still one of the best.

1. Kit Kat

You have to be careful when you have a Kit Kat bar in your hands. It is almost certain that someone will ask you to “gimme a break” off of it. Once one person asks, two more will join in, then four, and soon enough your entire office/classroom/family/ neighborhood/tri-state area will be singing along, begging for you to give them a break as well. There are only 4 pieces to a Kit Kat bar. If this jingle breaks out, and you only have one Kit Kat, you might consider running. Very, very fast.

9. Hershey Bar This one was a little before my time, but when I told people I was compiling this list, this commercial was always mentioned as a sentimental favorite. It’s hard to argue with the claim: if any chocolate bar is distincly American, it would have to be the Hershey bar. The commercial it ...»See Ya

Cockroaches, Fear Factor, and Poop

Banana Tootsie Pops - yes, it sucks!

Banana Tootsie Pop

Since joining the Candy Addict staff, I have found my usual proclivities for candy changing. One such change has been an added addiction to lollipops. I typically find myself inundated with so many candies that it’s nice to retreat to a lollipop, a candy that is small, filling, and pleasant if only for the fact that your hands can’t get sticky or gooey from consuming it.

At the All Candy Expo, there was an assortment of lollipops to sample, but one piqued my interest more than any other: the new Banana Tootsie Pop. I have long been a fan of Tootsie Pops, and banana seemed like a great flavor. I mean, who doesn’t like chocolate/mockolate and banana together?

So I grabbed a handful of the suckers each of the three days knowing that not only I, but also many of my friends would be delighted to see what the folks at Tootsie had whipped up for us.

The candy is a dark yellow, lacking in fragrance, and frankly, doesn’t seem like much to look at. But you don’t look at candy, you eat it; I was willing to forgive it’s aesthetic flaws in exchange for a great taste. Unfortunately, that trade-off never occurred.

The banana flavor isn’t very revealing, and when it does manifest, it shows up as a chemical banana flavor that I dislike. There are a lot of types of artificial banana flavors in the confection world, and this one most resembles the flavor of banana Runts.

Now, some people love banana Runts (I think they are the most popular of the five flavors), but I am not one of them. When chewed with the center, something I did because I didn’t think I could last that long without chewing, the poor flavor was slightly assuaged.

The main problem with the banana shell mixing with the Tootsie Roll center is that, essentially, all you’re tasting is the Tootsie Roll. The banana flavor is so muted that the center overpowers any banana flavor, which disappointed my thoughts of a harmonious melding of the two.

I’m sad that these were not as successful as the Pomegranate Tootsie Pops that debuted last year at the ACE. Lovers of this sort of banana flavor will most likely enjoy these, but I think a good number of us will stick to the original flavors.

Since joining the Candy Addict staff, I have found my usual proclivities for candy changing. One such change has been an added addiction to lollipops . I typically find myself inundated with so many candies that it’s nice to retreat to a lollipop, a candy that is small, filling, and pleasant if only ...»See Ya

November 11, 2011


how i met comedienne on airplane reading berger, theremin overkill, belushi-akroyd's last movie, only film memorized, only film watched over fifty times, ramona ramona ramona, kathy moriarty is not my Moriarty, 32 bucks for this load of crap, in the swamp, bill conti best gay composer from baton rouge outdoes himself, ed wood tribute, frankenstein tribute, more quotable lines than citizen kane...kathy moriarty's yellow tube-top ensemble--sexiest outfit since marilyn's white halter dress...
neighbors_9_min.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Neighbors.mp4 Watch on Posterous

how i met comedienne on airplane reading berger, theremin overkill, belushi-akroyd's last movie, only film memorized, only film watched over fifty times, ramona ramona ramona, kathy moriarty is not my Moriarty, 32 bucks for this load of crap, in the swamp, bill conti best gay composer from baton rou ...»See Ya

Cicciolina and Apture still work?