August 5, 2011

World's CSSexiest NoCSSterous Blog (Inline) NOT viewable on Posterous!

Pornsterous theme by Dogmeat

where along with Eric Meyer and Traci Lords' encouragement Dogmeat continues to expand the unCSSemantic limits of what may come to be considered, world's MOST UNCSSEMANTIC DAILY ECSSPERIMENT...

WHICH YOU'LL NEVER FIND LINKED BY TB-L, W3.ORG, or E.MEYER'S Thoughts!, but which will continue to show the misguided Hipster-filled hand his considerably older and more experienced Pimp Hand! HOWCOME? Because I'm like the last guy onboard the Tantekic but the first one to see the iceberg! CSSemantic at heart!
DOGMEAT PREVIEW World's CSSexiest NoCSSterous Blog James Joyce


The Dead


Currently: Wordpress, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Friendfeed, Tumblr x 2 and at four more unofficial Posterous locations...

 Dubliners Online


The Dead

"One by one, we are all becoming shades."

World's CSSexiest NoCSSterous Blog (Inline) NOT viewable on Posterous!

In groups of two or three, write answers to the following questions:
For help, see the list of related links below.

  1. What is the setting: time, place, exact place, and occasion?

  2. Describe each of the following characters, giving their relationships to one another and main qualities: Aunt Kate, Aunt Julia, Lily, Gabriel, Gretta, and Miss Ivors.

  3. Joyce spends a great deal of time and energy on the party and its guests. Discuss the party in several ways: 1. Comment on the imagery and verisimilitude of the scene. 2. Discuss the interplay between the guests. What are some of the main topics/ideas here? 3. Discuss Gabriel's speech. What's he talking about?

  4. What is the tone at the beginning of the story? How is it created? Give specific words, lines etc. What is the tone at the end of the story? Where and why does it change?

  5. If conflict is two forces in opposition, does Gabriel experience a conflict? What does he want and what/who is keeping him from getting it? Is this an internal or external conflict (or both)?

  6. Is Gabriel a developing character? What does he learn? Joyce would call Gabriel's moment of recognition an epiphany. Reword your answer to be universal and to serve as a theme for the story.

  7. Was Lily raped or used for ill by a man? Support your answer. What has the inclusion of Lily's troubles got to do with the rest of the story? Also, think about what Lily's name might mean symbolically.

  8. What part does Gabriel's interaction with Lily, early in the story, play in the development of theme?

  9. The story of Michael Furey seems to be the climax of the story. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (You need to connect to the main conflict: see Gabriel's conflict).

  10. The last paragraph of the story is one of the most famous passages in all of English literature. What is Joyce saying?


  • palaver

  • Quadrilles

  • goloshes

  • wizen-faced, wizened

  • swarthy

  • wane

  • quay

  • blancmange

  • lugubrious

  • heliotrope

  • ludicrous

  • impalpable

  • vindictive


  • country vs continent
  • simple vs sophisticated
  • carpe diem

Related Links

Online version

Notes/References/Allusions by Wallace Gray

Gray's annotated text

Politics of Ireland in The Dead

Biography of the author




Araby (see this page for clarification of Joyce's term: epiphany)


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  • Currently: Wordpress, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Friendfeed, Tumblr x 2 and at four more unofficial Posteros locations where along with Eric Meyer's and Traci Lords' encouragement Dogmeat continues to expand the unsemantic limits of what may come to be considered the world's MOST UNSEMANTIC but COOLEST DAILY CHANGING EXPERIMENT WHICH YOU'LL NEVER FIND LINKED BY TB-L, W3.ORG, or E.MEYER'S Thoughts!, but which will continue to show the misguided Hipster-filled hand his considerably older and more experienced Pimp Hand! HOWCOME? Because I'm like the last guy onboard the Tantekic but the first one to see the iceberg! CSSemantic at heart!

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Pornsterous theme by Dogmeat where along with Eric Meyer and Traci Lords' encouragement Dogmeat continues to expand the unCSSemantic limits of what may come to be considered, world's MOST UNCSSEMANTIC DAILY ECSSPERIMENT... WHICH YOU'LL NEVER FIND LINKED BY TB-L, W3.ORG, or E.MEYER'S Thoughts!, but w ...»See Ya

Victoria's Secret | Lettering & Calligraphy | Positype

positype-vs-victoria's secret (a lipsitick love story)

sexy underwear font

August 4, 2011

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Page last edited: 2011-05-10
via linotypebaby dingbats

Old Standard was intended as a multilingual font family suitable for biblical, classical and medieval studies as well as for general-purpose typesetting in languages which use Greek or Cyrillic script. The font is currently available in three shapes: regular, italic and bold. Old Standard is still far from being finished, and yet it already covers a wide range of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters, as the image below can demonstrate. Beginning from version 2.0 it also supports early Cyrillic letters and signs (including those added in Unicode 5.1) and thus can be used for texts containing fragments in Old Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.

In addition to its support for various special characters, Old Standard also implements many advanced rendering features, implemented by the means of two rendering technologies: OpenType and

Graphite. Both Open Type and Graphite allow to resolve many tasks, especially important for typesetting texts in "exotic" languages, such as printing accented combinations which are not available in the Unicode standard as precomposed characters. At the present time there are already many applications for various platforms. which can take advantage of OpenType features. Graphite is much less popular, but its support would be very actual for (and LibreOffice) users. So one of the intended tasks of the Old Standard font family is to attract the attention of philologists to "smart" rendering technologies by demonstrating how useful they can be for their purposes.

Origin and Design

Old Standard reproduces a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. However, this lettertype still has at least two advantages:

  • it can be considered a good choice for typesetting scientific papers, especially on social and humanitarian sciences, as its specific features are closely associated in the people's eyes with old books they learned on;
  • the most beautiful examples of Greek and Cyrillic lettertypes were all based on the classicist style, so that for those scripts "Modern" fonts are much more appropriate than any contemporary (e. g. Times-based) designs.

The name "Old Standard" was selected as opposed to the "Obyknovennaya Novaya"

("New Standard") typeface, widely used in the Soviet typography, which represents another, slightly different type of the same Modern style. The digital version of this font is now available from Paratype. Of course this name doesn't look very original, but it seems to be a good choice for a revival of the most common lettertype of the early 20th century.

Note on available formats

The Old Standard font family is currently available in several formats:

  • TrueType fonts, or, more precisely, OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines;

  • OpenType fonts with PostScript outlines (also called OpenType-CFF);

  • WOFF fonts for embedding into web pages.

There are many differences between TrueType and OpenType-CFF formats, but their functionality is nearly the same from the user's point of view. In particular it should be noted that both versions of the Old Standard fonts include the same set of advanced OpenType features. As for Graphite tables, they are currently available only in TrueType fonts, but this advantage makes no difference for most applications.

Previously I used to recommended installing TrueType versions, since the support for this format was generally better both on Windows and *nix platforms. However since then most of the problems with OpenType-CFF fonts have been fixed by software developers (in particular it is now possible to use them in the Linux versions of and LibreOffice), and so preferring one of the two formats is now essentially a matter of taste. Note that it is possible to install both TrueType and OpenType-CFF versions of the Old Standard family alongside, as they follow different naming conventions (a "TT" suffix is appended to the font name and family name fields in TrueType fonts).

WOFF is a relatively new format, developed for use in web pages. Basically a WOFF file is an OpenType font compressed for size reduction. Like other OpenType fonts, it may be either TrueType or PostScript flavored. Note that the WOFF files I distribute for the Old Standard font family have TrueType contours, but no "TT" suffix in their font names. Of course you may want to download these font files only if you are engaged into web design.

It is worth pointing out that there is no PostScript Type 1 version available. This is because Type 1 is an old 8-bit format, which doesn't support Unicode. Yes, modern rendering engines usually can assign Unicode codepoints to glyphs from a Type 1 font basing on their PostScript names, but this doesn't work very well for Greek, and especially for Private Use Area. That's why releasing a Type 1 version of Old Standard would make no sense, as this would contradict to its basic scope as a multilingual font. On the other hand, I can hardly imagine such a situation where you would prefer a Type 1 font, although there is a good quality TTF version available. The only exception is TeX, where Type 1 font are really preferred. I have not adapted Old Standard to the TeX typesetting system yet, but if you would like to do this for your purposes, then I would recommend you using the excellent LCDF Typetools package by Eddie Kohler, which contains all utilities necessary for converting OpenType-CFF fonts to Type 1 and generating all additional files needed for TeX.

Finally, you also can download the FontForge sources of the Old Standard font family. Of course this package may be useful for you only if you have the FontForge font editor, as well as some other font editing utilities, and know how to use them.

Terms of Use

Old Standard is freely available and may be used by anyone at no cost. It is released under the SIL Open Font License, a free and open source license that permits modification and redistribution.

To download Old Standard, go to my font download page, where all download links are placed. Except the font files themselves, there is a PDF manual available, where you can find detailed instructions on how to install the fonts and use them effectively.

Old Standard Font Family

Old Standard was intended as a multilingual font family suitable for biblical, classical and medieval studies as well as for general-purpose typesetting in languages which use Greek or Cyrillic script. The font is currently available in three shapes: regular, italic and bold. Old Standard is still far from being finished, and yet it already covers a wide range of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters, as the image below can demonstrate. Beginning from version 2.0 it also supports early Cyrillic letters and signs (including those added in Unicode 5.1) and thus can be used for texts containing fragments in Old Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.


In addition to its support for various special characters, Old Standard also implements many advanced rendering features, implemented by the means of two rendering technologies: OpenType and

Graphite. Both Open Type and Graphite allow to resolve many tasks, especially important for typesetting texts in "exotic" languages, such as printing accented combinations which are not available in the Unicode standard as precomposed characters. At the present time there are already many applications for various platforms. which can take advantage of OpenType features. Graphite is much less popular, but its support would be very actual for (and LibreOffice) users. So one of the intended tasks of the Old Standard font family is to attract the attention of philologists to "smart" rendering technologies by demonstrating how useful they can be for their purposes.

Origin and Design

Old Standard reproduces a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. However, this lettertype still has at least two advantages:

  • it can be considered a good choice for typesetting scientific papers, especially on social and humanitarian sciences, as its specific features are closely associated in the people's eyes with old books they learned on;

  • the most beautiful examples of Greek and Cyrillic lettertypes were all based on the classicist style, so that for those scripts "Modern" fonts are much more appropriate than any contemporary (e. g. Times-based) designs.

The name "Old Standard" was selected as opposed to the "Obyknovennaya Novaya" ("New Standard") typeface, widely used in the Soviet typography, which represents another, slightly different type of the same Modern style. The digital version of this font is now available from Paratype. Of course this name doesn't look very original, but it seems to be a good choice for a revival of the most common lettertype of the early 20th century.

Note on available formats

The Old Standard font family is currently available in several formats:

  • TrueType fonts, or, more precisely, OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines;

  • OpenType fonts with PostScript outlines (also called OpenType-CFF);

  • WOFF fonts for embedding into web pages.

There are many differences between TrueType and OpenType-CFF formats, but their functionality is nearly the same from the user's point of view. In particular it should be noted that both versions of the Old Standard fonts include the same set of advanced OpenType features. As for Graphite tables, they are currently available only in TrueType fonts, but this advantage makes no difference for most applications.

Previously I used to recommended installing TrueType versions, since the support for this format was generally better both on Windows and *nix platforms. However since then most of the problems with OpenType-CFF fonts have been fixed by software developers (in particular it is now possible to use them in the Linux versions of and LibreOffice), and so preferring one of the two formats is now essentially a matter of taste. Note that it is possible to install both TrueType and OpenType-CFF versions of the Old Standard family alongside, as they follow different naming conventions (a "TT" suffix is appended to the font name and family name fields in TrueType fonts).

WOFF is a relatively new format, developed for use in web pages. Basically a WOFF file is an OpenType font compressed for size reduction. Like other OpenType fonts, it may be either TrueType or PostScript flavored. Note that the WOFF files I distribute for the Old Standard font family have TrueType contours, but no "TT" suffix in their font names. Of course you may want to download these font files only if you are engaged into web design.

Old Standard was intended as a multilingual font family suitable for biblical, classical and medieval studies as well as for general-purpose typesetting in languages which use Greek or Cyrillic script. The font is currently available in three shapes: regular, italic and bold. Old Standard is still far from being finished, and yet it already covers a wide range of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters, as the image below can demonstrate. Beginning from version 2.0 it also supports early Cyrillic letters and signs (including those added in Unicode 5.1) and thus can be used for texts containing fragments in Old Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.


In addition to its support for various special characters, Old Standard also implements many advanced rendering features, implemented by the means of two rendering technologies: OpenType and

Graphite. Both Open Type and Graphite allow to resolve many tasks, especially important for typesetting texts in "exotic" languages, such as printing accented combinations which are not available in the Unicode standard as precomposed characters. At the present time there are already many applications for various platforms. which can take advantage of OpenType features. Graphite is much less popular, but its support would be very actual for (and LibreOffice) users. So one of the intended tasks of the Old Standard font family is to attract the attention of philologists to "smart" rendering technologies by demonstrating how useful they can be for their purposes.

Origin and Design

Old Standard reproduces a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. However, this lettertype still has at least two advantages:

  • it can be considered a good choice for typesetting scientific papers, especially on social and humanitarian sciences, as its specific features are closely associated in the people's eyes with old books they learned on;

  • the most beautiful examples of Greek and Cyrillic lettertypes were all based on the classicist style, so that for those scripts "Modern" fonts are much more appropriate than any contemporary (e. g. Times-based) designs.

The name "Old Standard" was selected as opposed to the "Obyknovennaya Novaya" ("New Standard") typeface, widely used in the Soviet typography, which represents another, slightly different type of the same Modern style. The digital version of this font is now available from Paratype. Of course this name doesn't look very original, but it seems to be a good choice for a revival of the most common lettertype of the early 20th century.

Note on available formats

The Old Standard font family is currently available in several formats:

  • TrueType fonts, or, more precisely, OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines;

  • OpenType fonts with PostScript outlines (also called OpenType-CFF);

  • WOFF fonts for embedding into web pages.

There are many differences between TrueType and OpenType-CFF formats, but their functionality is nearly the same from the user's point of view. In particular it should be noted that both versions of the Old Standard fonts include the same set of advanced OpenType features. As for Graphite tables, they are currently available only in TrueType fonts, but this advantage makes no difference for most applications.

Previously I used to recommended installing TrueType versions, since the support for this format was generally better both on Windows and *nix platforms. However since then most of the problems with OpenType-CFF fonts have been fixed by software developers (in particular it is now possible to use them in the Linux versions of and LibreOffice), and so preferring one of the two formats is now essentially a matter of taste. Note that it is possible to install both TrueType and OpenType-CFF versions of the Old Standard family alongside, as they follow different naming conventions (a "TT" suffix is appended to the font name and family name fields in TrueType fonts).

WOFF is a relatively new format, developed for use in web pages. Basically a WOFF file is an OpenType font compressed for size reduction. Like other OpenType fonts, it may be either TrueType or PostScript flavored. Note that the WOFF files I distribute for the Old Standard font family have TrueType contours, but no "TT" suffix in their font names. Of course you may want to download these font files only if you are engaged into web design.

It is worth pointing out that there is no PostScript Type 1 version available. This is because Type 1 is an old 8-bit format, which doesn't support Unicode. Yes, modern rendering engines usually can assign Unicode codepoints to glyphs from a Type 1 font basing on their PostScript names, but this doesn't work very well for Greek, and especially for Private Use Area. That's why releasing a Type 1 version of Old Standard would make no sense, as this would contradict to its basic scope as a multilingual font. On the other hand, I can hardly imagine such a situation where you would prefer a Type 1 font, although there is a good quality TTF version available. The only exception is TeX, where Type 1 font are really preferred. I have not adapted Old Standard to the TeX typesetting system yet, but if you would like to do this for your purposes, then I would recommend you using the excellent LCDF Typetools package by Eddie Kohler, which contains all utilities necessary for converting OpenType-CFF fonts to Type 1 and generating all additional files needed for TeX.

Finally, you also can download the FontForge sources of the Old Standard font family. Of course this package may be useful for you only if you have the FontForge font editor, as well as some other font editing utilities, and know how to use them.

Terms of Use

Old Standard is freely available and may be used by anyone at no cost. It is released under the SIL Open Font License, a free and open source license that permits modification and redistribution.

To download Old Standard, go to my font download page, where all download links are placed. Except the font files themselves, there is a PDF manual available, where you can find detailed instructions on how to install the fonts and use them effectively.

Old Standard Font Family

Old Standard was intended as a multilingual font family suitable for biblical, classical and medieval studies as well as for general-purpose typesetting in languages which use Greek or Cyrillic script. The font is currently available in three shapes: regular, italic and bold. Old Standard is still far from being finished, and yet it already covers a wide range of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters, as the image below can demonstrate. Beginning from version 2.0 it also supports early Cyrillic letters and signs (including those added in Unicode 5.1) and thus can be used for texts containing fragments in Old Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.


In addition to its support for various special characters, Old Standard also implements many advanced rendering features, implemented by the means of two rendering technologies: OpenType and

Graphite. Both Open Type and Graphite allow to resolve many tasks, especially important for typesetting texts in "exotic" languages, such as printing accented combinations which are not available in the Unicode standard as precomposed characters. At the present time there are already many applications for various platforms. which can take advantage of OpenType features. Graphite is much less popular, but its support would be very actual for (and LibreOffice) users. So one of the intended tasks of the Old Standard font family is to attract the attention of philologists to "smart" rendering technologies by demonstrating how useful they can be for their purposes.

Origin and Design

Old Standard reproduces a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. However, this lettertype still has at least two advantages:

  • it can be considered a good choice for typesetting scientific papers, especially on social and humanitarian sciences, as its specific features are closely associated in the people's eyes with old books they learned on;

  • the most beautiful examples of Greek and Cyrillic lettertypes were all based on the classicist style, so that for those scripts "Modern" fonts are much more appropriate than any contemporary (e. g. Times-based) designs.

The name "Old Standard" was selected as opposed to the "Obyknovennaya Novaya" ("New Standard") typeface, widely used in the Soviet typography, which represents another, slightly different type of the same Modern style. The digital version of this font is now available from Paratype. Of course this name doesn't look very original, but it seems to be a good choice for a revival of the most common lettertype of the early 20th century.

Note on available formats

The Old Standard font family is currently available in several formats:

  • TrueType fonts, or, more precisely, OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines;

  • OpenType fonts with PostScript outlines (also called OpenType-CFF);

  • WOFF fonts for embedding into web pages.

There are many differences between TrueType and OpenType-CFF formats, but their functionality is nearly the same from the user's point of view. In particular it should be noted that both versions of the Old Standard fonts include the same set of advanced OpenType features. As for Graphite tables, they are currently available only in TrueType fonts, but this advantage makes no difference for most applications.

Previously I used to recommended installing TrueType versions, since the support for this format was generally better both on Windows and *nix platforms. However since then most of the problems with OpenType-CFF fonts have been fixed by software developers (in particular it is now possible to use them in the Linux versions of and LibreOffice), and so preferring one of the two formats is now essentially a matter of taste. Note that it is possible to install both TrueType and OpenType-CFF versions of the Old Standard family alongside, as they follow different naming conventions (a "TT" suffix is appended to the font name and family name fields in TrueType fonts).

WOFF is a relatively new format, developed for use in web pages. Basically a WOFF file is an OpenType font compressed for size reduction. Like other OpenType fonts, it may be either TrueType or PostScript flavored. Note that the WOFF files I distribute for the Old Standard font family have TrueType contours, but no "TT" suffix in their font names. Of course you may want to download these font files only if you are engaged into web design.

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