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CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977

Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents

The Heroes of the MEGO CB Mchaul Line
are CB
his pals

Amigo -Friend
ANAL -Automatic noise limiter
Ankle biter- Small child or annoying teenager
Antenna Farm- Base station with many antennas strung up in the air
Antler Alley -Deer crossing
Appliance Operator -Non technical person who knows how to turn the rig on, and that's about all.
AM -Amplitude Modulation
Ancient Mariner -AM, or someone who uses AM
Astronomy City- Houston Texas (see Space City)

Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
MEGO CB McHaul: Trucker Mchaul Line 1977 Uploaded by mrjyn

B Town -Birmingham
Baby Bear- Cop in training, or rookie
Backdoor -Vehicle behind the one who is ahead of it.
Backdoor closed- Rear of convoy covered for police
Back 'em up -Slow down
Back off the hammer -Slow down
Backslide- Return trip
Bad scene- A crowded channel
Ballet Dancer -A antenna that really sways
Barefoot Using an unmodified CB transmitter
Bar city -Forrest City, AK
Base Station -Radio installed at a fixed location, house, etc.
Bay City -San Francisco
Beast -A CB rig
Beam- Directional Antenna
Be-Bop- Radio control signals
Bean House Bull -Trucker talk exchanged at truck stops, eyeball-to-eyeball
Bean Popper -Pinhead
Bean Town- Boston, Ma.
Bear Bait -Speeding car
Bear Cage- Police station or jail
Bear Cave -Puce station or barracks
Bookmobile- Police car
Bear Trap -Stationary police vehicle with radar
Bear in the air- Helicopter or other police aircraft
Bear -Cop
Beat the bushes -To drive ahead of the others and try to lure out the police
Beaver -Female
Beaver Bait- Money
Beaver Bear -Female Cop
Beaver Fever -A Caber who misses his girlfriend or wife
Beaver Palace -Nightclubs; Singles bar
Beaver Patrol- On the hunt for women
Beaver Trap- Sharp looking rig with custom interior
Beer Bust -Party
Beer Tone -An intermittent tone signal
Beer City -Milwaukee
Beetle -VFW
Benton Harbor Lunch Box -Hangout CB-1
Better Half -The other person (wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband)
Big A- Armorial
Big Charlie- FCC
Big Daddy -The FCC
Big D -Dallas
Big M- Memphis
Big Mack -Mack truck
Big Mama- 9 foot whip antenna
Big R -Trucks running for Roadway Freight
Big Rig -Could mean "18 Wheeler" or "Fancy, expensive radio"
Big Slab -Expressway / Freeway
Big Truck -18 wheeler
Big T- Tucson
Big 10-4- Hearty agreement.
Bikini State -Florida
Bit on the seat of the britches -Got tagged for a speeding ticket
Black'n White- Cop
Black'n White Cuber -Cop with CB in his car
Black Ice -A patch of iced over blacktop road.
Bleeding/Believer -Strong signals from a station on another channel, interfering with your reception
Blessed Event -A new CB rig
Blew my doors off -Pass by me with great speed, sometimes referenced to loud or strong signal
Blown' Smoke -Loud signal
Blue Slip- Ticket
Boast Toaster -A CB expert
Boat Anchor -Either an old tube rig or a radio that is unrepairable.
Bodacious- Awesome
Bootlegger- Running illegal station
Boy Scouts -The State Police
Box -Tractor Trailer
Box- Linear amplifier
Break -Request to use the channel, while other stations are using the frequency
Variations: Breaker, Breaker-Broke, Brevity-Break, Break For
Breaking Up- Audio cutting in and out
Breaker-Breaker -Same as break. Also the title of Chuck Norris's first mainstream movie.
Breaking the 'oil needle- Strong signal
Bring it back -Answer back
Bring yourself on it- Request to move into the right lane
Brown paper bag -Unmarked Police car
Brush your teeth and comb your hair-Radar trap ahead
BTU- Big Time Operator
Bubble gum machine- Flashing lights on top of car
Bucket Mouth- Loudmouth, or someone who uses a lot of profanity.
Bucket of bolts -Eighteen wheeler
Buckeye State -Ohio
Bug Out -To leave a channel
Bumper Lane- Passing lane
Button Pusher -Another Caber who is trying to breakup your communication with another station by keying his microphone, playing sounds, etc.
Cactus Patch- Phoenix Arizona; Roswell New Mexico
Camera -Police radar
Can- Shell of a CB set, or tunable coil in CB set
Candy Man -FCC
Capital J -Jackson, Mississippi
Cartel- A group hogging a channel
Case- House
Cash Register -Toll booth
Catch ya on the flip-flop- I'll talk to you on my return trip
CB -Radio
Cell Block- Location of the base station
Chain Gang -Members of a CB club
Channel 25 -The telephone
Charlie -The FCC (see Uncle Charlie)
Chew 'n choke -Restaurant
Checking My Eyeliner For Pin Holes -Tired or sleepy.
Check the sedatives -Look at that passenger (usually a woman)
Chicken Coup- Weigh station
Chicken Coup is Clean -Weigh station is closed.
Chicken Inspector -Weigh station inspector
Circle City -Indianapolis Indiana
Chopped Top- A short antenna
Chop-Shoo town-Chattanooga
Christmas Card- Speeding ticket
Christmas Tree -18-wheeler with an excess of running lights
Chrome Dome- Mobile unit with a roof antenna
Cigar City -Tampa
Citizens Band- The radio service used by CB'ears. Also the name of a popular 70's movie.
City Kitty- City police
Clarified -Found on SOB rigs, this control varies the receiver frequency to help tune the other station in (called "delta-tune" on AM rigs). Because sideband is so sensitive, it is a common practice to "open" the transmit side of a classifier so that the Transmit and Receive frequencies are tied together.
Clean Cat- An unmodified rig
Clean Shot -Road ahead is free of obstructions, construction, and police
Clean as a hounds tooth -Same as clean shot
Cleaner channel- Quieter channel ("Lets find a cleaner channel to talk on")
Clear- Final transmission "This is 505 and I'm clear"
Clear after you -You are ending transmission after the other person finishes signing off
Clear as a spring day -Same as "Clean Shot"
Coffee Bean- Waiter or waitress
Coffee Break -Informal gathering of CB'ears
Coke stop- Restroom
Cold Rig- 18-wheeler pulling a refrigerated trailer
Collect Call -Call for a specific Cuber
Colorado Kook Aid -Beer
Come again -Repeat your last transmission
Come Back- Answer my call
Comic Book -Truckers log book
Coming in Loud'n Proud- Loud and clear signal
Container -Chassis and shell of a CB rig
Concrete Blinder -Hooker
Convoy- 2 or more vehicles traveling the same route. This term was made popular, then over-used by the entertainment industry via songs and movies.
Cooking -Driving
Cooking Good -Reached desired speed.
Copy -Receiving a message: "Do you copy?"
Copying the mail- Listening to traffic on a given channel. Also referred to as "Reading the mail"
Corn Binder- International Truck
Cotton mouth -Thirsty
Cotton picker- Non-profane profanity. Replaces any variety of four letter words.
County Mountie- County police / Sheriff's Dept.
Covered Up -Transmission was blocked by interference or high noise level
Cow Town- Fort Worth
Crack'em Up -Accident
Cradle Baby -CB'er who is afraid to ask someone to stand by
Cub Scouts -Sheriff's men
Cup of Mud -Cup of coffee
Curly Locks- Coils in a CB rig
Cut Out -To leave a channel
Cut Some Z's -Get some sleep
Cut The Coax -Turn off the radio
CW -Morse Code
Daddy-O The FCC
Dang- Country term for darn or damn
Daytime -Night
Dead Pedal- Slow moving car or truck
Dead Key- Activating the microphone, but not talking. Same as "keying the mike".
Decoy- Unmanned Police car
Derby City- Louisville Kentucky
Despair Box -Box where square CB components are kept
Diarrhea of the mouth- Constant, non-stop talking.
Dice City- Las Vegas
Diesel Digit -Channel 19
Diesel Juice -Fuel oil
Dime Channel -Channel 10
Ding-a-ling -Goofy or bad operator. Also referred to as a LID
Dirty Side-Eastern Seaboard
Divorce City -Las Vegas
Dixie Cup- Female operator with southern accent
Dog Biscuits -DB's
Doing the Five-Five- Traveling at 55mph
Dion' it to it- Full speed
Doing our thing in the Lufthansa lane- Full speed in the passing lane
Do it to me -Answer back
Do you copy?- Do you understand?
Dome- Houston
Don't Tense -Take it easy
Don't Feed The Bears- Don't get any tickets
Donald Duck -Sideband station
Double key- Two stations talking at the same time.
Double L- Telephone call. Also referred to as "Landmine"
Double Nickel -55mph
Double Nickel Highway -Interstate #55
Double Seven- No, or - "Negative contact"
Down 'n Out- Signing off / ending transmission
Down'n gone- Signing off
Down and on the side -Through talking but listening.
Drag Your Feet-Wait a few seconds before transmitting to see if there is a "Breaker"
Dream Weaver- Sleepy driver who is all over the road.
Dress For Sale -Hooker
Dressed for the ball -You have your "Ears ON", listening to the road conditions
Drop Out -Fading signal
Drop Stop Destination -where freight will be dropped off.
Drop the Hammer -Go as fast as you can
Drop the hammer down -Same as above
Dropped a carrier -Keyed the microphone to prevent someone else to talk
Dropped it off the shoulder- Ran off the side of the highway
Duck Plucker -Obscene term
Dusted yer britches- Keyed up at the same time.
Dusted my britches -Passed me
Dusted Your Ears- Transmission interrupted.
DEX -Long Distance
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Pictured Here are Jim Oaks (The Texas Truck Puncher!) and CB McHaul (The Dingiest Dude on the Highway) Absent is Kid Watts (The Teen Trucker) who is drawn to look ALTO like the Fonz. Kid Watts and Jim Oakes were not offered with any pilasters, so both figures are tough to find. Sears did offer CB and Jim Oakes as a two pack but for some reason not Kid Watts, making him the toughest figure to find. Many people have difficulty identifying loose CB McHaul figures adding to the rarity.
Mint on card CB figures are hard to find, usually only The Bad Guys are found carded. Despite their rarity, carded McHaul characters can often be purchased for a reasonable amount.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
CB McHaul line art, for more, check out the MEGO Reproduction Artwork Gallery
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Like aloft of MEGO Comic Action Heroes plasters, the Rig came with a free CB figure. The Rig serves as a working amplifiers that works like a CB, the concept was that the child could simulate real trucker talk while playing with the figures, actually a very novel concept.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
The Packaging for the CB McHaul rig, the dictionary of CB lingo is often missing.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Above are Joe Marconi (Two Tons of Trouble!) Bad Leroy (The One Eyed Whopper (!?) and Prof Brian (The Mad Mastermind) Two of these guys would be retooled in Jimmy Squeaks and Wheels Willy, bad guys for the MEGO Chips line..
Carded CB figures are difficult to find, Bad Elroy or Prof Brian are the most commonly found. Possibly because they already come with the truck plaster or that the villains just didn't sell. It's a challenge to get all nine figures on the card. As seen here the style emulates the Comic Action Heroes line.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Mego Reproduction art of the cast of CB Mchaul
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Bear Masher Reproduction Artwork, for more, check out the Mego Reproduction Artwork Gallery
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
The Bear Masher didn't have a CB radio like the CB McHaul rig did, instead it had some neat action features such as this cool battering ram
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Watch out Sarge! The Bear Masher also came with a secret trap compartment. The Mego sales materials say the gang stole it. Former Sales Manager for Grand Toys, Charles Marshall told me that the rig itself was inspired by the classic Spielberg TV Movie "Dual" It certainly has more than a passing resemblance to that vehicle.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
The Smokies
Police are integral to any good trucker story it seems so it makes sense that they'd be added to the CB McHaul line.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Pictured here are Speed Johnson (The Smiling Smokey!), Sgt Brown (The Baddest Bear on Wheels (!?) MEGO Dukes of Gizzard 3 3/4" line.
and Schooling' Jack Jones who is listed as "King of the Smokies". Speed Johnson was only available carded so he's the toughest of the three. The police torso and hat were later reused for the
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents

original Mego line artwork of CB and the gang, for more, check out the Mego Reproduction Artwork Gallery
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
The Police Car functioned as a loud Speaker as well and gave you Scowling Jack and Sgt Brown figures. Mego later recycled the car for the Dukes of Hazzard and CHiPs figure lines, although they removed the loud speaker. Eventually Mego designed a more modern looking police car for those figure lines.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
The car contained two figures, the CB microphone (the car is the amplifier) and a glossary of CB terms. Sadly, I've yet to find those in any package.
Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents CB McHaul Trucker Toys 1977Dogmeat Presents Dogmeat Presents
The Heroes of the MEGO CB Mchaul Line are CB and his pals Amigo -Friend ANAL -Automatic noise limiter Ankle biter- Small child or annoying teenager Antenna Farm- Base station with many antennas strung up in the air Antler Alley -Deer crossing Appliance Operator -Non technical person who knows how to ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat

Images of Elvis Presley in American

Images of Elvis Presley in American Popular Culture 1977-?

Images of Elvis Presley in American Popular Culture 1977-? via ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat