January 8, 2011

Dear Jane, Aldridge | | Why are you so | onlylady woman?

Dear Jane, Aldridge | Why are you so | onlylady woman?

  • Breakdown of those high heels, high heels princess   [star] [star with]

    Breakdown of those high heels, high heels princess, is the envy of others, ah, Love bloom of youth, high heels princess breakdown of those high-heeled shoes, high heels already established their own kingdom. Breakdown of those high heels, high heels princess, the young ruler, but this year, 17 mediocre, but in a shoe fanatic "Shoe Ma Click for details (2011-01-07) - J.
  • Rose Wedding fashion a large interpretation of late autumn of life   [wedding] [Hua Meili services]

    White dress decorated with jewels belt Novia D 'Chiffon Collar Lisa Redman rose skirt body encrusted with vivid colors of the shoes with very harmonious, more eye-catching bright pink, long and short in front is designed to bring a lively sense of dress . Click for details (2010-10-28) - null
  • Jane Aldridge super-high heels Control   [star] [with the Bible]

      17-year-old well-known fashion blogger Jane Aldridge on high heels with extraordinary acumen, called the youngest "senior high heels collector!" Excellent conditions for family or high school Jane Aldridge already has hundreds of pairs. Even Karl Click for details (2010-07-27) - sami Rongrong
  • To be a high-heeled shoes control - 17 years old you have how many pairs of high heels   [current] [luxury front]

    When you wear high heels 17-year-old was it? If you wear so many pairs do you have? 17-year-old girl from Texas with Jane Aldridge of sensitive extraordinary high heels, she was known as the youngest "senior high heels collector", a look at her possession of the goods it! Click for details (2010-06-21) - null
  • Beckhams and her Hermès Hermes 800   [big] [bridge situation]

    Birkin bag is a famous French luxury brand Hermes's classic, depicting the 70's the legendary goddess of Jane Birkin. General Birkin bag about 5 million people, crocodile skin and ostrich skin are even more expensive. Who has the most was Birkin Bag? Course Click for details (2010-04-03) - null
  • 16-year-old pair of shoes into a crazy shoe fairy princess   [star] [spring tide Overview]

    Jane faces a quiet, somewhat immature, 16-year-old pair of shoes into a crazy fairy princess shoe, sexy high heels and exaggerated form together with a unique charm. Replace shoes and lower body clothing, you can instantly transform into two very different style of dress, young age, Jane has come fire with pure skill Click for details (2010-03-25) - null
  • Comments: popular star will divorce after   [marriage] [popular wedding yet]

    William has always denied rumors of divorce, but his wife, Feng Liqing has confirmed to the press in Singapore, she and William between early May has officially divorce. Hong Kong "Next Magazine" reported that William and his wife, Feng Liqing (Jane) as early as May 2003, has signed a divorce in Singapore. Click for details (2010-03-12) - null
  • Jane Taylor Jewelry luxurious extravagance of color ring   [jewelry] [wedding ring]

    Jane Taylor Jewelry ring to help you achieve color, large pieces of precious stones and bright color, then cut polyhedron becomes shining between your gestures to show extraordinary luxurious extravagance. Jane Taylor Jewelry ring to help you achieve color, large stones and bright stars Click for details (2010-03-04) - null
  • Five big luxury fashion filling thousands of bags decorated style   [bag] [single items feast]

    The world's top luxury brands - Jimmy Choo Choo, Jimmy Choo bag is this section of this year's new Lohla Jane series in the classic, with a unique white leather rivets, the design of a unique identity totally natural, decorated in pure white leather on the Decorative rivet Click for details (2009-12-14) - null
  • Benefit Crescent Avenue series perfume   [perfume] [new trends]

      Jean and Jane in that piece by the 30 villas at the Royal Crescent, issued a heartfelt admiration when the sound of the era of King George has a strong art style villa really magnificent piece! Click for details (2009-09-30) - null
  • Benefit Crescent Avenue series perfume   [perfume] [beauty nothing new]

      Jean and Jane saw the 30 piece in the form of the Royal Crescent House issued a heartfelt admiration when the sound of the era of King George has a strong art style villa really magnificent piece! Click for details (2009-09-30) - null
  • 16-year-old collection of beautiful high heels experts   [Street beat] [New York]

    Jane Aldridge, 16-year-old collection of beautiful high heels experts, see her blog, found Susie Lau has had the thrill of excitement and stylish as the life of a top player! She and Susie Lau would like the selection of unique clothing, the wearing Click for details (2009-07-11) - null
  • French women "non-big" style stylish elegance   [Street beat] [London]

    In fact, most of the famous French women do not pursue, even more than they love the Paris flea market and antique shop vintage. But they have a way with the whole world crazy good, the French woman "non-big" style stylish elegance, elegant taste and appearance, just like how we are, the French woman "non-big" style stylish elegance Click for details (2009-06-25) - null
  • CROCS special sale of 50 yuan Shanghai   [clothes] [apparel]

    2009-03-14 to 2009-03-20, Shanghai, Hong Xu Road, Building 2, No. 20, the first floor of the West Bank Shanghai Innovation Park CROCS special sale of 50 yuan, with ALICE, PRIMA, MARY JANE, HI CRUISER (M), ATHEN, Click for details (2009-03-16) - null
  • Black lace goddess Gaultier show in Paris   [T station] [spring tide Overview]

    Jean Paul Gaultier 2009 Spring Haute Couture fashion show staged charm. Jean Paul Gaultier show this season is no age of couture, the fashion theory priceless. They invited Jane Birkin 2 Click for details (2009-03-06) - null
  • American high school girls with crazy shoes   [with] [Exclusive Zhuangao]

    Jane Aldridge was born in Texas, the United States with a crazy high school girl shoes, is a high school student, U.S. high school girls with crazy shoes, her own every day, the U.S. high school girls with crazy shoes, wear with records in their own blog,. American high school girl shoes Click for details (2009-02-18) - null
  • Mary Jane's romantic retro shoes   [bag] [Luxury show field]

    In general, there is a foot in the shoes with the first round last legs high heels package, known as Mary Jane (Mary Jane shoes), but this year a slight change in the style of such shoes, the foot than traditional all on tape, in response to this year's fashion footwear designers were particularly focused on women's ankle to Click for details (2008-12-15) - null
  • Crystal Ball Graffiti Bulldog bag   [other] [Favorites single product]

    The concept of Crystal Ball, sexy French girl singing girl is Jane Birkin (Jane Birkin) in the closet for the concept, go retro in Europe, also the names of bags affixed between intentional and France, as France's names or is the coffee shop's name and so on. Product design Click for details (2008-11-14) - null
  • Mary Jane Elegant white high-heeled shoes   [shoes] [Favorites single product] Click for details (2007-10-29) - null
  • Dear Jane, Aldridge | Why are you so | onlylady woman?Breakdown of those high heels, high heels princess [star] [star with] Breakdown of those high heels, high heels princess, is the envy of others, ah, Love bloom of youth, high heels princess breakdown of those high-he ... Dogmeat

    Lady Gaga Marc Jacobs after-party - Teen Vogue

    Jane Aldridge only “my daughter” | 人lady人

     17岁的知名时尚博主Jane Aldridge对高跟鞋有着超乎常人的敏锐触觉,堪称最年轻的“资深高跟鞋收藏家”!优越的家庭条件使还是高中生的Jane Aldridge已经拥有几百双高跟鞋。就连卡尔·拉格菲尔德大帝也表示了对她的欣赏,在自家博客最显眼的位置上,为Jane Aldridge的博客地址做了友情连接,并特别标注“my daughter”。


    本文系Onlylady独家原创 如需转载请注明出处

    Jane Aldridge博客:  17岁的知名时尚博主Jane Aldridge对高跟鞋有着超乎常人的敏锐触觉,堪称最年轻的“资深高跟鞋收藏家”!优越的家庭条件使还是高中生的Jane Aldridge已经拥有几百双高跟鞋。就连卡尔·拉格菲尔德大帝也表示了对她的欣赏,在自家博客最显眼的位置上,为Jane Aldridge的博客地址做了友情连接,并特别标注“my daughter”。 本文系Onlylady独家原创 如需转载请注明出处 Jane Aldridge博客: via ... Dogmeat


    雷诺阿《戴安娜》 雷诺阿《戴安娜》 马奈《受惊的女神》 马奈《受惊的女神》 戈雅《莱奥卡蒂娅》 戈雅《莱奥卡蒂娅》

      本专题编译及图片整理 记者金叶 实习生梁韵怡



      在爱德华·马奈的作品《受惊的女神》《The Surprised Nymph》(1861年)里,我们可以看出这种特别的关系。画中的女子曾经出现在马奈的许多作品当中。她的名字叫苏珊妮·利恩霍夫,曾经是马奈和他弟弟的钢琴教师。当时他们住在巴黎。但很快,这个荷兰女人似乎变成了马奈的情人,并且在1852年的时候生下一名男婴,据说是马奈的儿子。




      1861年,雷诺阿进入查尔斯·格莱尔的画室学画。他很快与一起习画的伙伴巴吉尔、莫奈、希斯里结为好友,这几位画家与雷诺阿后来成了印象画派的核心。他们喜欢一起到枫丹白露森林里写生。正是在这个美丽的森林里,雷诺阿第一次见到了17岁的丽丝·特蕾儿(Lise Trehot)。从此之后的7年间,丽丝成了雷诺阿的情人和画中的模特儿,就像马奈将自己的情人比喻成希腊神话里的希神一样,雷诺阿也将丽丝形容成月之女神戴安娜,她裸体着坐在枫丹白露的森林中看着一只被射死的雌鹿。保守的巴黎沙龙(Paris Salon)的审查委员对雷诺瓦用这么年轻的女孩做裸体模特感到不满。再后来,雷诺阿为丽丝画画的时候就注意些了,1867年的《打伞的丽丝》《Lise with a Parasol》中,这位姑娘穿着很密实。尽管如此,丽丝和雷诺阿还是在很长时间里成为巴黎艺术界的谈资。不知道是不是因为这个原因,丽丝和雷诺阿的关系最后土崩瓦解,丽丝在1872年嫁给了一位年轻的建筑师,她还将关于雷诺阿的信件和照片全部销毁了。尽管如此,她却留下了雷诺阿为她画的画。这是一个非常聪明的做法,这些艺术品后来成为了这个年轻女子一笔不错的储蓄金。



      对于男画家来说,画自己的妻子或者姐妹是最安全的办法,可以回避不少关于道德的不利评论。但问题是在古典时代,将这些贤良淑德的女子画在画中,对她们的形象又是一种羞辱。所以没有办法,画家们只能找那些一无所有的女人做模特,她们或许还能从中得到点什么——一个男人的感情,画室的温暖,或者是一顿饭。奥地利画家埃贡·西勒(Egon Schiele)曾经将自己的姐姐格蒂(Gerti)作为裸体模特,但最终他的姐姐迫于压力放弃了。西勒于是发现在维也纳很难找到自己的模特,于是他跑到近郊寻觅新的裸体模特,但这位大画家惨遭当地居民的驱赶。后来西勒移居到了另外一个小城镇,又因为同样的原因而被控强奸和绑架罪。后来,西勒终于找到了他梦想中的模特沃利(Wally)并且和她住在了一起。西勒以她为原型画了不少油画,比如《穿黑色长袜的女人》(1913年),现在看来,这些画中并没有过分的色情性质,但当时的人并不这么认为,西勒的作品曾经有一幅被当众销毁。

      沃利并不是一个顺从的人。西勒在宣布自己将要和伊迪丝(Edith)结婚时表示自己还想和沃利保持情人的关系。但沃利选择了离开。西勒把自己的痛苦表现在油画《Death and the Maiden》中。


      在“画家中的莎士比亚”之称的西班牙画家弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya)和他的情妇莱奥卡蒂娅·韦斯(Leocadia Weiss)之间却有一个非常伤感的故事。戈雅的作品《莱奥卡蒂娅》(《La Leocadia》)(1819-1823年)完成于戈雅生命的晚期,正是以这位女子作为原型。当时戈雅已经进入了生命中的暮年,莱奥卡蒂娅带着她的女儿一起在戈雅家做管家,同时也成为画家的模特和情人。在这幅画里,莱奥卡蒂娅身着黑衣、戴着面纱,斜靠着一块墓碑。但是根据X光分析,戈雅原本画的是莱奥卡蒂娅靠着壁炉——这个老男人为什么要改掉原来的画呢?

      当你知道以下的事情,你的疑团还会加深——在戈雅死后,莱奥卡蒂娅发现自己的名字并没有出现在遗嘱里。戈雅的合法继承人冷酷地和她划清界限。对韦斯来说,这幅画变成了一种密码警告:爱人的去世让她不能做一名快乐的寡妇。不过好在莱奥卡蒂娅在和戈雅生活的时间里,学会了绘画的技法,后来她自己也成为一名画家。 雷诺阿《戴安娜》 马奈《受惊的女神》 戈雅《莱奥卡蒂娅》   本专题编译及图片整理 记者金叶 实习生梁韵怡   从人类开始画画的历史,画家们(一般都是男性)都会在画中描绘自己的亲密爱人。欣赏一下西方艺术的伟大作品,你会很容易发现到她们的身姿。画家们总是对这些女人的真实身份保持缄默,他们会悄悄地给画作取名为《缝衣妇》、《洗澡的女孩》或《睡眠》……但事实上,这些女人对于画家们有着特别的意义。美国作家凯瑟琳·休斯在新近出版的专著里详细探讨了众多伟大画家和他们画中的模特 ... Dogmeat

    The Perfect American: I Got You Babe via mrjyn.blogspot.comClick image to play video ... Dogmeat