July 17, 2010

Cramps (Bryan Gregory) TV Set-Domino SUN Studio Alex Cilton 1977 Interview (Pre-Panther Burns-Klitz Dickinson Daisy Show) via bangtwister et Rusty Spur

Cramps (Bryan Gregory)  TV Set + Domino at SUN Studio Memphis with Alex Chilton 1977: Interview (Before Infamous Panther Burns-Klitz Dickinson Daisy Show)

by Limbs Andthingsvideos

Infamous Cramps footage recorded Cramps (Bryan Gregory) TV Set-Domino SUN Studio Alex Cilton 1977 Interview (Pre-Panther Burns-Klitz Dickinson Daisy Show) via bangtwister et Rusty Spur Memphis before the Panther Burns Klitz Gig at the Daisy with Jim Dickinson (RIP) and LX Chilton in Sun Studio unearthed by my ex-best FB friend and video miner coequal who decided "Maybe I wouldn't be interested in seeing Bryan Gregory Scowl at the Camera or play the fucking ARM Solo from TV Set and Domino, or maybe I wouldn't go into a sexual fantasy through Ivy Rorschak's Linda Blair-Like expression while being questioned about the Ayatollah. ON A THURSDAY... WHAT'S TODAY? IT'S GOT TO BE AT LEAST SATURDAY?!

Well, I've already written to Mr. Cramps Uploader and asked his permission to upload this, but since that was about five minutes ago, try to keep this previeiw on the QT till I get a definite Y or Maybe, at which point, I'll just go with the "it's the Internet, Pal. Google it!" tactic, and then you can all get chatty with it. Just make sure you watch Rusty Spur for the things whe may NOT be sending/telling/being you...

Dear Rusty:

alternately love you and hate you. because i know you were hiding that source. well, i was just going to forward you mike prokes msg to me from youtube after his channel got pulled. but i think i'll wait just a little bit to see if this wall thing turns up anything else you may have been closeting away. cramps with bryan tag...i'm sure

Posted via email from Dogmeat

Eiffel Tyra - Bester Sex Lesbian Knee Rub YouTube Playlist video Home Made Classics

(Video) Dali Venus with Drawers, Dali Ursula Andress, Kutti Pi, responses to Daliology Paganini Crayfish

YouTube Food Taboos: It's All a Matter Of Taste
—In the United States many people celebrate
Thanksgiving with a traditional turkey dinner. But party hosts in other parts of the world often mark their special events by dishing out more unusual fare.
In southern India, for example, a big Sunday lunch among the Anglo-Indian community might feature the local delicacy kutti pi—a cooked animal fetus.
Take a trip to the markets and see how one woman convinces wary butchers to sell her this taboo meat, then witness her guests' reactions to a dish made from unborn goat.

Kutti pi (prounounced 'cootie-pie') is a dish from the Anglo-Indian cuisine, consisting of the flesh of an unborn fetus from an animal. It is unique to the Anglo-Indian community, where it is considered a delicacy despite being abhorred as taboo by both parent cultures.

Dali "Venus with Drawers" "salvador dali" gala tokyo montparnasse gare train station exhibition interview french television "venus de milo"

© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Posted via email from Dogmeat

(Video) Dali Venus with Drawers, Dali Ursula Andress, Kutti Pi, r

limbsandthings1 has posted a video in response to Salvador Dali Astrology, Paganini, Crayfish.

YouTube Food Taboos: It's All a Matter Of Taste
—In the United States many people celebrate
Thanksgiving with a traditional turkey dinner. But party hosts in other parts of the world often mark their special events by dishing out more unusual fare.
In southern India, for example, a big Sunday lunch among the Anglo-Indian community might feature the local delicacy kutti pi—a cooked animal fetus.
Take a trip to the markets and see how one woman convinces wary butchers to sell her this taboo meat, then witness her guests' reactions to a dish made from unborn goat.

Kutti pi (prounounced 'cootie-pie') is a dish from the Anglo-Indian cuisine, consisting of the flesh of an unborn fetus from an animal. It is unique to the Anglo-Indian community, where it is considered a delicacy despite being abhorred as taboo by both parent cultures.
Dali "Venus with Drawers" "salvador dali" gala tokyo montparnasse gare train station exhibition interview french television "venus de milo"
© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

YouTube help center | e-mail options | report spam Food Taboos: It's All a Matter Of Taste
—In the United States many people celebrate
Thanksgiving with a traditional turkey dinner. But party hosts in other parts of the world often mark their special events by dishing out more unusual fare.
In southern India, for example, a big Sunday lunch among the Anglo-Indian community might feature the local delicacy kutti pi—a cooked animal fetus.
Take a trip to the markets and see how one woman convinces wary butchers to sell her this taboo meat, then witness her guests' reactions to a dish made from unborn goat.

Kutti pi (prounounced 'cootie-pie') is a dish from the Anglo-Indian cuisine, consisting of the flesh of an unborn fetus from an animal. It is unique to the Anglo-Indian community, where it is considered a delicacy despite being abhorred as taboo by both parent cultures.

The flesh of a fet... more

© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

YouTube help center | e-mail options | report spam

© 2010 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

(video) Salvador Dali à l'hôtel Hotel Meurice on l'astrologie, les écrevisses, et les ortolans

Salvador Dali à l'hôtel Hotel Meurice, his Paris home, speaks on l'astrologie, astrology les écrevisses crayfish et les ortolans ortolans a portrait of Paganini, a guitar, and ... his love for France

limbsandthings1 | July 03, 2010
What Gets Me Hot App

Carlos ☼ Big♥Bisous (Summertime Fromage) The Merry Carousel (Russian Cartoon) Salvador Dali on Astrology, Paganini, Crayfish My Pee Pee Song (Very Stupid) Emmanuelle, I can excuse your country for almost everything...mais come on?

Posted via email from Dogmeat