July 3, 2010

Salvador Dali on Astrology, Paganini, Crayfish




l'hôtel Hotel Meurice, 

his Paris home,





les écrevisses



 les ortolans


a portrait of Paganini,

a guitar,

  and ...







...Salvador Dali à l'hôtel Meurice : l'astrologie, la musique et la les écrevisses et les ortolans. Salvador Dali interviewé à l'hôtel Meurice s'exprime sur l'astrologie, son choix sur sa résidence parisienne, "l'hôtel Meurice".Dali présente des cadeaux qu'il a reçu notamment "une effigie" de Paganini, une guitare . Dali parle de son amour pour la France, les écrevisses et les ortolans l'astrologie musique écrevisses ortolans télévision française

Chaumont, Richard
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Salvador Dali : le goudron et les écrevisses

Posted via email from Dogmeat

Salvador Dali on Astrology, Paganini, Crayfish




l'hôtel Hotel Meurice, 

his Paris home,










a portrait of Paganini,

a guitar,

and .







...Salvador Dali à l'hôtel Meurice :
l'astrologie, la musique et la les
écrevisses et
les ortolans.
Salvador Dali interviewé à
l'hôtel Meurice s'exprime sur
l'astrologie, son choix sur sa résidence parisie
nne, "l'hôtel
Meurice".Dali présente des cadeaux
qu'il a reçu notamment "une effigie"
de Paganini,
une guitare . Dali parle de son amour pour la France, les
écrevisses et les ortola
l'astrologie musique écrevisses


Chaumont, Richard

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Salvador Dali :  le <br />goudron et les écrevisses

Top 5 Gmail attachments

Tip: 5 things you may not know you can do with attachments in Gmail

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 | 4:40 PM

Posted by Arielle Reinstein, Product Marketing Manager

The more I use Google Docs, the less I have to deal with sending attachments back and forth. While attachments' days may be waning, they're still very much a part of most people's email experience. Here are five things you may not know you can do with Gmail to make sending, receiving, viewing, and finding attachments easier:

1. Drag attachments in
Simply drag files from your desktop right into the message you're composing and they'll upload from there. (Make sure you're using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox 3.6 for this to work.)

2. Select multiple attachments
Attaching multiple files one by one is no fun. Instead, just multi-select the files you want to attach by holding down the Ctrl key (or Command on a Mac) and clicking on each file you want to attach. Holding down the Shift key will select a continuous list of files.

3. Never forget an attachment again
Gmail looks for phrases in your email that suggest you meant to attach a file (things like "I've attached" or "see attachment") and warns you if it looks like you forgot to do so. Every day, this saves tons of people the embarrassment of having to send a follow up email with the file actually attached.

4. View attachments online
When you receive an attachment, sometimes you just want to view it and there's no need to download or save to your desktop. The Google Docs viewer allows you to view .pdf, .ppt, and .tiff files in your browser. Just click the "View" link at the bottom of the message.

5. Find that long lost attachment via search
If you're looking for an attachment someone has sent to you, Gmail's advanced search operators can help you find what you're looking for quickly and accurately.

A couple examples:

  • To find all messages that contain Share: /mail/ ?hl =en & shva= 1#search / has%3Aattachment">attachments: has:attachment
  • To find all messages from your friend David that contain attachments: from:david has:attachment
  • To find all messages that have .pdf attachments: has:attachment pdf
  • To find a specific attachment named physicshomework.txt: filename:physicshomework.txt
* To find all messages that contain attachments: has:attachment * To find all messages from your friend David that contain attachments: from:david has:attachment * To find all messages that have .pdf attachments: has:attachment pdf search/has%3Aattachment+pdf * To find a specific attachment named physicshomework.txt: filename:physicshomework.txt

Posted via email from Dogmeat

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Fresh Mozzarella Video | Luxirare

Fresh Mozzarella Video

Quick Video of how to make Fresh Mozzarella Cheese. This video has music, so if you are viewing this at work, make sure to turn your speakers off before you play the video (if you play the video before you read my disclaimer don’t say I didn’t warn you!). To those of you who asked, the classical music in this video is actually played by me, I got some old recordings from recitals I played long time ago digitized into MP3 format. The piece is Toccata in E flat Minor by Aram Khachaturian. The gangsta rap sandwiched in between the two edited recordings is by MIMS “this is why I’m hot”.

You’ll need 1 gallon milk, 1 rennet tablet crushed, 1/2 cup bottled water (1/4 cup for rennet, 1/4 cup for citric acid), 2 tsp Citric Acid (divided, 1 dissolved in the water, 1 dry) 1/2 tsp salt.

    -Pour the milk into pot, let it come to 50 F. Mix 1 rennet tablet crushed into the water. Do the same with 1 tsp citric acid.

-Pour in the dissolved citric acid when the milk is at 50 F, also add the dry citric acid and mix.
-Heat the milk now to 88 F.
-Turn off heat and add crushed Rennet. Stir the milk, cover the pot, and let it sit for 20-30 or until you get a tofu like formation. You shouldn’t touch it until you get a clean break.
-Once you can get a clean break, cut the curd into 1/2 inch cubes. Let it sit there for 10 minutes. Reheat back to 108 and continue stirring until curds start to melt and shrink.
Turn off heat and continue to stir until curds shrink.
-Drain curds, let them sit there for about 15 minutes, then with a slotted spoon start grouping the curds so they start to form. Heat in microwave for about 15 seconds, drain the extra whey if there is any, add salt. Heat again for 15 seconds and see if you can start kneading the cheese, or stretching it. Form it into a ball. If you haven’t gotten something by now, you have to start over, heating it over and over again will only mess up the cheese more.

Some stills of the process…

Citric Acid, most important part, along with Rennet.

The cheese hardens after 20-30 minutes.



This video was edited in AfterEffects.

Posted via email from Dogmeat