June 12, 2010

Die Simpsons in Angola

Die Simpsons in Afrika

Die Simpsons in Angola.

Die Simpsons in Angola. (© Dstv)

Von WZ Online

Die Simpsons kennt man in rund 100 Ländern, und nun soll die schräge Familie auch Angola erobern. Zu diesem Zweck hat ihnen eine Werbeagentur ein afrikanisches Aussehen verpasst.

Braun statt gelb präsentieren sich Homer, Marge, Lisa und Bart in einem Werbevideo der Agentur Executive Center für den Kanal Bué, der die Cartoonserie ausstrahlen will.

Die Kleidung wurde den örtlichen Gegebenheiten ebenso angepasst wie Homers Lieblingsdroge: Er schüttet lokales Cuca Bier in sich hinein.

Kritik nahm der Kreativdirektor der Agentur gelassen auf. "Wenn es den Leuten nicht gefällt, haben sie wohl nicht genügend Humor für die Simpsons", erklärte er laut Reuters.

The Simpsons in Africa

Die Simpsons in Angola.

The Simpsons in Angola. (© Dstv)

By WZ Online

The Simpsons is known in some 100 countries, and now is to conquer the inclined family, Angola. To this end, an advertising agency has missed them an African look.

Brown instead of yellow present in Homer, Marge, Lisa and Bart in a promotional video of the Agency Executive Center for the channel BuéWho wants to broadcast the cartoon series.

The clothing was adapted to local conditions as well as Homer's favorite drug: it pours local Cuca beer to himself.

Criticism was the creative director of the Agency to left. "If the people do not like it, they probably have not enough humor for the Simpsons," he said aloud Reuters.p

Posted via email from Dogmeat

Mark Zuckerberg's Королевство Facebook: Russia's Perspective

10.06.2010, 19:10:40

Facebook Kingdom

Mark Zuckerberg Photo © AFP

Article Editor's Blog Business Insider, dedicated to the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg

Speech by Mark Zuckerberg at All Things D conference last week was a flop so that many - including previously supported him author of the blog Scobleizer, Robert Scoble - call for him to leave his post and hire a new executive director.

These people are crazy.

They are fools if they think that Mark needs to resign. They are crazy if they think that Mark leave resign.

Yes, Mark made some mistakes. When he was 19 years old, he wrote insulting things about users of Facebook, behaved unethically with business partners and perhaps even violated the law by breaking into email accounts, users sotsseti. Now Mark 20 with the tail. He - the head of a large company, and he performed poorly with the pressure of the press on the privacy of users sotsseti and simply horrible acts in public - whether in interviews or conferences.

But - like it or not - these bugs do not have any influence on the future of the company.

Facebook users do not know about them, and if they knew - they probably would not care. For them sotsset - especially handy product. Each month, Facebook enjoyed 500 million. Half of them are doing it every day. Revenue diversified as much as Google can not dream. In 2010, Facebook will earn more than two billion dollars, given that in 2009, was rescued about 800 million. In May, Mark proved to be the most incompetent of all time at the helm of Facebook. However, the increase in the number of subscribers sotsseti only increased. Obviously, the errors did not affect Mark's ability to offer Facebook users a good product.

And even if the various weaknesses and shortcomings Mark really mattered, we very much doubt that Mark would have left for them to resign.

After all, Mark stopped working together with the twins and Vinklvoss Divia Narendra Harvard Connection over the network and launched a Facebook just because I wanted to manage his own company. The desire to stand at the helm guided him in making important decisions:

- Mark the first time received funding from Peter Thiel, because Thiel wanted it, Mark was at the helm.

- Mark has received funds from the investment fund, Accel Partners, because Jim Breer allowed Mark to appoint three of the five members of the board of directors.

- Mark refused to sell the holding company Facebook Yahoo! Over one billion dollars, because he wanted to retain control over sotssetyu.

- Mark has sold 1.6 percent stake in Facebook from Microsoft, because that allowed him to control the company.

- Mark has received funding from the DST, because its director Yuri Milner not object to the fact that DST got ordinary shares without voting rights - Milner wants to control the company named Mark.

Facebook has already parted with many successful top managers, specializing in internet industry, who came to the company, full of confidence that one day they will stand at the helm. Fact: The current Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg holds office because she is the only one of all qualified candidates for this position has not expressed a desire to take the place of the head.

Another fact: Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg company. He controls three of the five members of the board of directors. In November 2009, Mark has manipulated the structure of shareholders Facebook in the image of Google Inc. and the managing company of the newspaper The Washington Post. After Facebook hold IPO, Mark and his allies will package of preferred shares that will give them 10 votes for each share at the meeting. Other investors would get shares of common stock with one vote. Mark is not really the executive director, he - the king.

So no, Mark Zuckerberg should not and will not go away. And the next director of Facebook, is likely to be his (until you see the light), the heir.

However, we, like other media, do not stop in the foreseeable future, meticulously examine all of the Mark. As vicious mob of participants All Things D, we envy him. His youth, power, wealth and popularity of Facebook users.

Translated Dmitry Reading

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Larcher, Accoyer et la cloche A ECOUTER Pour fêter le 150e anniversaire de son rattachement à la France, la Savoie a offert au Sénat une cloche dans les jardins du Luxembourg à Paris

Larcher, Accoyer et la cloche

Pour fêter le 150e anniversaire de son rattachement à la France, la Savoie a offert au Sénat une cloche. Fondue puis démoulée dans les jardins du Luxembourg à Paris par les Présidents des deux Chambres, Gérard Larcher et Bernard AccoyerLarcher, Accoyer and bell

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of his attachment to France, Savoy has offered the Senate a bell. Melted and removed from the mold in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris by the Presidents of both Chambers, Gerard Larcher and Bernard Accoyer


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Director: Hervé Marchon / Duration: 3'52 "

Suit, tie and large hammers. Thursday, June 10, Gerard Larcher and Bernard Accoyer, presidents of both houses of Parliament have typed the bell in the gardens of the Luxembourg Palace in Paris. Bing bing bang, they unmolded bronze in the "little sister" of the Savoy, "a miniature replica of the bell of the Basilica of Montmartre biggest bell in France (19 tons).

The bell, cast on site the day before, cooled slowly. It is offered in the Senate by the House of Savoy Country to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the annexation of Savoy to France. On this occasion, all the bells will ring at noon France Saturday, June 12

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黑島工作室 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


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Feargus Urquhart:创始人, 部主任
{{{P/E ratio}}}

黑島工作室電腦視訊遊戲開發商Interplay公司旗下的電腦角色扮演遊戲開發小組,位於美國加利福尼亞州橘郡[1]。創建於1996年,並於1998年正式確定其名稱為Black Isle Studios[2]。該名稱的創意來自位於創立者Feargus Urquhart家鄉蘇格蘭Black Isle[3]


在1998年,部分曾參與製作其首部大作異塵餘生的關鍵成員因為「無法與『他們』的下一個團隊如何與Interplay達成組建共識」而離開Interplay組建了Troika Games[4]。在2003年12月8日,虧損嚴重的Interplay遣散了黑島工作室的全部成員 [5]。直到2007年,Interplay從未就黑島工作室的前景明確表態,但是考慮到Interplay本身是一家處於嚴重財政困難的公司,黑島工作室的前途還十分黯淡。許多前黑島工作室僱員現在為一家名為黑曜石娛樂Obsidian Entertainment)的視訊遊戲開發公司工作。

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[编辑] 參考文献

  1. ^ Black Isle StudiosIGN.於2006年July 25查閱.
  2. ^ Cheong, Ian.Game Info.Lionheart Chronicles.GameSpy.於2006年July 25查閱.
  3. ^ Keefer, John(2001年January月).Black Isle Studios: We are not BioWareGameSpy.於2006年July 25查閱.
  4. ^ Blancato, Joe.The Rise and Fall of TroikaThe Escapist.於2007年March 27查閱.
  5. ^ Thorsen, Tor(2003年12月8日).Interplay shuts down Black Isle StudiosGameSpot.於2006年May 1查閱.
  6. ^ Black Isle Studios WebsiteInterplay.於2003年6月4日從此原始頁面存档.於2006年July 25查閱.

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1《辐射》在小组被命名为“黑岛工作室”之前发行,因此开发小组使用的是另一个名称。 2《博德之门》系列与《狮心皇:十字军遗产》为黑岛工作室协助开发。

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Hugh Mitchell - Wikipédia

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Hugh Mitchell (né le 7 septembre 1989 à Winchester), acteur britannique, a joué Colin Crivey dans les films de Harry Potter. Il a joué le jeune Silas dans le film Da Vinci Code.

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