May 21, 2010

Sandy because she and her soundtrack are classic, rolling, sensuous via R♥sty Spur

drink up, shriners. i have a soft spot for Tori, in spite of incessant dragging (sometimes a cigarette is just an overworked prop) and because she and her soundtrack are classic, rolling, sensuous. i ♥ jaques
Luft Films and Jacques Magazine Presents Sandy
Directed by Jonathan Leder
Cinematography / Editing by Kevin Schaefer
Produced by Danielle Luft
See more at!

from Dogmeat

Unbelievable John Lennon Party Films Discovered Featuring: Andy Warhol, Miles Davis, Phil Spector,Yoko Ono + Lennon Birthday Party, Two Virgins Photo Shoot...Much More! 16mm Color Film 1972

Unbelievable John Lennon Party Films Discovered
Featuring: Andy Warhol (shooting Polaroids) Miles Davis (Playing Basketball with HOT Girlfriend) Phil Spector (Being PS) Yoko Ono (being witchy) PLUS...???

John Lennon Andy Warhol (Miles Spector Yoko ?) My Kinda Party

by Limbs Andthings (videos)

John Lennon Birthday Party/Fluxus/Two Virgins/Phil Spector/How Do You Sleep?


16mm Color Film by Jonas Mekas October 9, 1972

 I'm not saying for sure, but I think this is the only 'Two Virgins' Butt Outtake Footage (Worth it right there).  And that's without Phil Spector-Lennon Singalong with Allen Ginsberg or the HOW DO YOU SLEEP OUTTAKE RECORDING used as Soundtrack.  JUST WATCH!

Jonas Mekas October 9, 1972

Exhibition of John Lennon/Yoko Ono's art, designed by the Father of Fluxus movement, George Maciunas, opened at the Syracuse Museum of Art (curated by David Ross, presently director of the Whitney Museum). Same day an unusual group of John's and Yoko's friends, including Ringo, Allen Ginsberg and many others gathered to celebrate John's birthday. This film is a visual and audio record of that event.
We hear a series of improvised songs, sung by John, Ringo, Yoko Ono, and their friends,--not a clean studio recording, but as a birthday singing, free and happy. This is the only recording of that event.

There are other images that are included in the film that develops like a "music video": the John & Yoko party at *Klein's /their agent/ June 12, 1971; August 1972 at the Madison Square Garden; the Central Park Vigil on the day John was shot; and some other rare footage that I have taken on different occasions of John and Yoko.

The soundtrack, besides the unique recording of the Birthday Party singing, contains John's comments on his own film-making, his "home movies" he did on 8mm. The most catchy song, sung in an improvised manner, in the film, is the Attica Blues. The drummer for the last part of the film is Dalius Naujolaitis."

Who else DID you spot?
See who else DID you spot?

CHECK OUT THE LATEST ON filmographer extraordinaire: Jonas Mekas
/Jonas Mekas

Interview with Jonas Mekas I: Birth of a Nation

Wait, Elvis is wearing a bejeweled Turban, an Edwardian Overcoat with Fur Yoke and a Solid Gold Capricorn necklace to visit a Karate Dojo? Yep! WHY? 
Read HERE (I found unpublished pictures too!)

-------------------------------------------------Unbelievable John Lennon Party Films Discovered
Featuring: Andy Warhol (shooting Polaroids) Miles Davis (Playing Basketball with HOT Girlfriend) Phil Spector (Being PS) Yoko Ono (being witchy) PLUS...???

(this video) John Lennon Andy Warhol (Polaroids) + Miles Davis (Shoots Hoops)


John Lennon Birthday Party/Fluxus/Two Virgins/Phil Spector/How Do You Sleep?
by Limbs Andthings (videos)

16mm Color Film by Jonas Mekas October 9, 1972

 I'm not saying for sure, but I think this is the only 'Two Virgins' Butt Outtake Footage (Worth it right there).  And that's without Phil Spector-Lennon Singalong with Allen Ginsberg or the HOW DO YOU SLEEP OUTTAKE RECORDING used as Soundtrack.  JUST WATCH!

Jonas Mekas October 9, 1972

Exhibition of John Lennon/Yoko Ono's art, designed by the Father of Fluxus movement, George Maciunas, opened at the Syracuse Museum of Art (curated by David Ross, presently director of the Whitney Museum). Same day an unusual group of John's and Yoko's friends, including Ringo, Allen Ginsberg and many others gathered to celebrate John's birthday. This film is a visual and audio record of that event.
We hear a series of improvised songs, sung by John, Ringo, Yoko Ono, and their friends,--not a clean studio recording, but as a birthday singing, free and happy. This is the only recording of that event.

There are other images that are included in the film that develops like a "music video": the John & Yoko party at *Klein's /their agent/ June 12, 1971; August 1972 at the Madison Square Garden; the Central Park Vigil on the day John was shot; and some other rare footage that I have taken on different occasions of John and Yoko.

The soundtrack, besides the unique recording of the Birthday Party singing, contains John's comments on his own film-making, his "home movies" he did on 8mm. The most catchy song, sung in an improvised manner, in the film, is the Attica Blues. The drummer for the last part of the film is Dalius Naujolaitis."

Who else DID you spot?
See who else DID you spot?

CHECK OUT THE LATEST ON filmographer extraordinaire: Jonas Mekas
/Jonas Mekas

Interview with Jonas Mekas I: Birth of a Nation

Wait, Elvis is wearing a bejeweled Turban, an Edwardian Overcoat with Fur Yoke and a Solid Gold Capricorn necklace to visit a Karate Dojo? Yep! WHY?
Read HERE (I found unpublished pictures too!)

John Lennon Andy Warhol (Polaroids) + Miles Davis (Shoots Hoops)

John Lennon Birthday Party/Fluxus/Two Virgins/Phil Spector/How Do You Sleep?

by Limbs Andthings (videos) 7:39

Download now or preview on posterous
Lumiere_num2.pdf (1971 KB)

from Dogmeat

Elvis Wears Turban To Heal Sick Child OR High?

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me... AND Don't Miss: Elvis Mafia Black Belt Ceremony Or Who're Dave Hebler, Barry Elwood, Frank Trejo, Larry Tatum, and Ed Parker?
'Even for Elvis a turban was not a typical late night accessory '
That might be significant enough, but this never-before-seen footage is the Holy Grail of NBS Elvis Footage: 

It documents the night Elvis ventured out in the Summer weather of Glendora Californa (Pasadena) wearing an Edwardian fur-yoked overcoat, a solid gold Capricorn Necklace, and most bizarrely of all...A BEJEWELED TURBAN...INSIDE A FUCKING KARATE STUDIO! AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS!

May 20, 2010

Empire of Oshima (c)Criterion Collection

BUY the 5-DVD set

READ Michael Koresky’s essays on the films

READ Dave Kehr’s New York Times review

READ Dennis Lim’s Los Angeles Times review


Eclipse Series 21: Oshima’s Outlaw Sixties

Many Criterion viewers discovered Japanese filmmaker Nagisa Oshima through his explicit and searing 1970s hits In the Realm of the Senses and Empire of Passion, which we released in special editions last year. We’re pleased to report that those were only the tip of the iceberg. In the new Eclipse series Oshima’s Outlaw Sixties, we present five daring, hypnotic movies, all about social deviants and outcasts and all made just after Oshima struck out on his own as an independent director (his final studio film having proved too controversial to handle). These are challenging, brilliantly shot works, from the excoriating portrait of hedonistic excess Pleasures of the Flesh to the visceral, political serial-killer study Violence at Noon and the truly radical Three Resurrected Drunkards, a passionate antiwar statement and absurdist takedown of Japanese prejudice against Koreans. It’s a collection of rarely seen films that Film Comment has already called “one of the year’s most significant DVD releases,” adding, “By presenting the work of Oshima and, earlier this year, Chantal Akerman to new audiences, Criterion’s Eclipse label has already equaled the achievements of its more renowned parent.” And in the Los Angeles Times, Dennis Lim calls Oshima’s films “universal, and as urgent and important as ever.”

No more teachers, no more books: Sing a Song of Sex’s students learn the hard way. Check out the film’s original trailer.




A corrupt businessman blackmails the lovelorn reprobate Atsushi into watching over his suitcase full of embezzled cash while he serves a jail sentence. Rather than wait for the man to retrieve his money, however, Atsushi decides to spend it all in one libidinous rush.


Containing more than two thousand cuts and a wealth of inventive widescreen compositions, this coolly fragmented character study is a mesmerizing investigation of criminality and social decay.


Four sexually hungry high school students prepare for their university entrance exams in Oshima’s hypnotic, free-form depiction of generational political apathy, featuring stunning color cinematography.


A sex-obsessed young woman, a suicidal man she meets on the street, a gun-crazy wannabe gangster—these are just three of the irrational, oddball anarchists trapped in an underground hideaway in Oshima’s devilish film.


A trio of bumbling young men frolic at the beach. While they swim, their clothes are stolen and replaced with new outfits. Donning these, they are mistaken for undocumented Koreans and end up on the run from comically outraged authorities.


Available now!
SRP: $69.95
Criterion Store price: $55.96


Series 1: Early Bergman
Series 2: The Documentaries of Louis Malle
Series 3: Late Ozu
Series 4: Raymond Bernard
Series 5: The First Films of Samuel Fuller
Series 6: Carlos Saura’s Flamenco Trilogy
Series 7: Postwar Kurosawa
Series 8: Lubitsch Musicals
Series 9: The Delirious Fictions of William Klein
Series 10: Silent Ozu—Three Family Comedies

Series 11: Larisa Shepitko
Series 12: Aki Kaurismäki’s Proletariat Trilogy
Series 13: Kenji Mizoguchi’s Fallen Women
Series 14: Rossellini’s History Films—Renaissance and Enlightenment
Series 15: Travels with Hiroshi Shimizu
Series 16: Alexander Korda’s Private Lives
Series 17: Nikkatsu Noir
Series 18: Dušan Makavejev—Free Radical
Series 19: Chantal Akerman in the Seventies
Series 20: George Bernard Shaw on Film