September 26, 2009

In Nashville, Linda Gail Lewis. Bonny pursued her famous brother, Jerry Lee. - Transcripts


Who Killed the Wife of 'Baretta' Star Robert Blake?

Aired May 16, 2001 - 21:00   ET


LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, Hollywood's latest crime story: real- life murder. Sensational, unsolved. Who killed the wife of "Baretta" star Robert Blake? Exclusive insights into the actor from his son, Noah Blake, speaking out for the first time about the man behind the tough-guy image.

Then attorney Cary Goldstein. He represented the crime's victim, Bonnie Lee Bakley. Also in Los Angeles, Robert Blake's attorney, Harland Braun. With us in Washington, Bonnie Lee's half-brother, Peter Carlyon. In Nashville, Linda Gail Lewis. Bonny pursued her famous brother, Jerry Lee. Back in L.A., Robert Blake's personal assistant Earle Caldwell, and the man who created the "Baretta" TV series, producer, writer, bestselling novelist Stephen J. Cannell. They're all next on LARRY KING LIVE.

We begin with our first guest, Noah Blake, the son of Robert Blake. This is exclusive, his first interview since all of this happened. We thank you very much for coming, Noah.

Now, you're the son of Robert's first marriage.


KING: OK. And you have a sister, right?

N. BLAKE: Uh-huh. Yeah, her name...

KING: And you also have a half sister, who would be Bonny's daughter.

N. BLAKE: Yes, I do.

KING: Is it true that you never met Bonny?

N. BLAKE: No, I never did.

KING: How do you -- how do you explain that? Your father's wife?

N. BLAKE: How I do explain that? Well, I think it was -- at that point, when they had met and got involved, I wasn't talking to my dad a lot anyway. You know, I'm living my life and he's living his. And I think probably it also had a little to do with the fact that, you know, they hadn't really established what the nature of their relationship was going to be. I mean, although they were married, you know, it obviously wasn't traditional. And so I think it would have kind of been a reverse effect of sort of the meeting the parents, you know, in a sense, and that would have been me, and I just don't think it was time to do that yet.

KING: Noah, you said you didn't see lot of your father. Were you estranged or just not close or what?

N. BLAKE: No. We're neither estranged nor not close. We just, you know -- I'm a grown-up person living my life and he's living his. And you know, I've been for the last while really trying to individuate and separate, because I had a pretty big shadow looming over me for a good portion of my life, which was this, you know, tough-guy "Baretta" image. And it just happens that I'm in the same industry that he is, so, you know, I've just been trying to separate and kind of do my business.

But no estrangement.

KING: What was he -- what was Robert Blake like growing up?

N. BLAKE: Well, I don't know what he was like growing up, but I can tell you...


KING: No, I meant what was it like for you growing up with him.

N. BLAKE: It was -- well, you know, people have asked me that before, and it's like I don't have anything to compare it to, because I only grew up with that dad in that life. So I don't know what it's like to grow up with a plumber, or you know, some other, quote, you know, "regular person" for a father.

But you know, for me, it was -- you know, it had some great stuff and a lot of it was difficult, because of who he was and the image that he projected, and you know, being his son. There was -- there was always some kid, some wannabe bully tough guy who figured if he could beat up "Baretta's" kid that it would make him Superman or something.

KING: And of course, he was a child star, so he was in the business all of his life.

N. BLAKE: Yeah. All of it. It's hard to even conceive that, you know, someone who is supporting their family from the time they were 4 or 5 years old, and has been, you know, acting ever since. You know, 60-something years. It's...

KING: And he has -- he has this image of tough guy. Is that purely image or would you say dad is a tough guy?

N. BLAKE: No. Dad is not a tough guy. I don't know what a real tough guy is. Maybe, you know, some Marine Navy SEAL or something where you have to kind of shut off portions of your personality to survive, to get by. And I think he adopted a lot of that, because he came from a -- a sort of a war-zone-like household that he grew up in when he was a kid. It wasn't very good.

So I just think as he went on in life, and then certainly after the whole "Baretta" thing, he -- he wore this mantle, you know, of the tough guy, and I think it was more just out of fear and insecurity than anything else. But you know, that's not who he is.

KING: Was he tough in the sense that did he -- was he very tough on you? Was -- did he hit you as a child? I mean, was he a spanker?

N. BLAKE: A spanker?


KING: Well, people -- some fathers will say, we don't spare the rod.

N. BLAKE: No, he wasn't a big spanker. You know, he'd yell. Gosh, maybe once or twice I remember maybe he spanked me. But no, I never saw in my life, Larry, I never saw my dad hit anyone, push anyone, swing at any one, beat anyone up, get beat up, get into a bar fight, get drunk, get arrested. He never did any of the things that supposed tough guys are reputed for. You know, he got -- he got away with this image just by the roles he played, and you know, the colorful, controversial, you know, intriguing interviews that he would do.


KING: Yeah.

N. BLAKE: ... it was never -- you know, you've had him on. You know, and...

KING: And never in that same regard, you never saw him harm your mom.

N. BLAKE: No. No. I mean, they yelled at each other.

KING: We'll come back...


N. BLAKE: ... yell at each other.

KING: We'll talk to Noah Blake about how he learned of this incident, talking to his father since, what his life is like now, since all of this. Noah Blake begins all the things tonight. This is LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.


KING: We're back with Noah Blake. Noah, how did you learn of the incident?

N. BLAKE: I think, if I remember correctly, I got a call from my sister very early in the morning. I'm pretty sure. KING: Did you go to see your father?

N. BLAKE: Not immediately, no.

KING: But you eventually did?

N. BLAKE: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

KING: All right. What -- what was that like? How's he doing? What's the mood? Tell us.

N. BLAKE: Well, they were having a big party, you know, and there were champagne corks and...


He was -- he was -- he was really upset. I mean, he was -- I -- I -- he was -- I think the best way I could describe it is just kind of in shock, you know. He was scared. He was scared for himself, he was scared for me, he was scared for my sister. He just had no idea what had happened. And he was really scared. He still is, you know, pretty shaken up about this.

KING: Do you feel very sorry for him?

N. BLAKE: Oh, god, yeah. I mean, I just, you know, I just hugged him, and held him and held him. And I mean...

KING: Did you ever give a -- ever give a thought, Noah, that he might be the perpetrator?

N. BLAKE: You know what, it -- it didn't even really cross my mind. I mean, it -- maybe somewhere in the back of my head I thought, "Did he?" You know, does he have a -- I mean, not really, no. It just -- it didn't even seem possible. It's -- not -- I didn't even ask him.

KING: What did -- what did you make -- did you talk to him about -- did you talk to him about the incident? Did you talk to him about the gun or going back to the restaurant? Did you talk to him about that night?

N. BLAKE: Umm, not much. You know, really I was just trying to console him and comfort him. We really didn't get into too much of the details, you know. You know, I -- I -- he said, you know, that he forgot his gun, he went back there, and that he came back. And he -- he was so shaky and so shaken up about it that he was, you know, he said: "You know what? I saw her, and you know, I just, I got, I got terrified." And I -- you know, he -- I'm sure he must have. I can't imagine anything else.

KING: Why did he carry a gun?

N. BLAKE: Umm, I couldn't answer that for sure, you know. I'm not him. But from time to time, I know that, you know, God, I -- even as a kid growing up, you know, there -- there is always some idiot who wants to get drunk and start something with a tough guy. And you know, like I said, he avoided it his entire life. And from what I understand, you know, Bonny was afraid and wanted him to carry it.

KING: Not afraid for herself, afraid for him?

N. BLAKE: No, afraid for herself.

KING: But not from him?


KING: I mean, as he being protective of her...

N. BLAKE: Yeah, exactly.

KING: ... and having his gun around.

Noah, now, of course, it was well-known that he had a drinking problem. He discussed it. He was in AA.

N. BLAKE: Yeah.

KING: Did you talk to him a lot during his life about drinking?

N. BLAKE: Umm, not a whole lot, because, again, I'll tell you the truth, Larry, I never saw my dad drunk. I never -- you know, and he didn't like sneak out of the house to do it. I think, you know, he is the kind of person who if he felt like he was, you know, having a drink here, drink there, drink wherever, maybe that it was too much.

I don't really know. I don't know, you know. I think it's great that he goes to AA, and I think it's, you know, a good thing for anybody, their whole system of just trying to live your life better and do the right thing. But again, to be totally honest I never saw him drunk.

KING: Do you personally fear that he might be charged?

I mean, does that enter your thoughts, that my dad might be arrested?

N. BLAKE: In sort of an irrational sense of, you know, the sense that a kid is afraid of the bogeyman. But in reality, you know, all there is, is innuendo and rumor and sensationalism and hype. I mean, I've heard every crazy thing in the book. I mean, I heard he had a car that had machine gun turrets on it. And you know, I -- just to address that, you know, Larry, it's -- there are atomic laser disintegrator rays on that car. So I just want to make sure that's clear to everybody, you know, just to address some of the rumors.

KING: So what is this doing to Noah?

N. BLAKE: It's not a picnic. It's not a picnic at all.

I didn't mean to be flip, but what I was saying was, you know, the fear of him being charged is -- there is no -- I mean, there's not been one shred of anything that connects to him or points him in any way to this crime. So...

KING: But he's certainly taking care. I mean, he's had one criminal lawyer. He's hired another criminal lawyer. He certainly must have some thoughts that something could happen.

N. BLAKE: Well, because everybody is pointing to him, you know, and trying to create a story here. So I'm sure he's scared and he's protecting himself.

KING: Did he know you were coming here tonight?

N. BLAKE: Yeah.

KING: Did he approve, or did he say, don't go, or did he say anything?

N. BLAKE: He said -- he said, do what you feel is right, man. Do what's in your heart. And if you want to talk to any press or not talk to any press, you're a grown man. Do what you -- do what's in your heart. And you know, he's not concerned about that at all.

KING: Do you think he should come forward?

N. BLAKE: Absolutely not. Come forward with what? He is not, you know -- like again what I said was my dad is innocent. Period. He doesn't need to prove that. He is not obligated nor is he obliged to address a thousand-trillion rumors, you know.

If he comes out and starts answering a bunch of rumors, then it's, you know -- you know how it works. Then -- then where do you draw the line? Then if he doesn't answer something, says, "You know what, I don't want to answer that," then they go, ah, see, he didn't want to answer that one, that must be the -- blah-blah.

KING: So it's almost a no -- it's a no-win, though, because if you don't say anything, people say, "Well, why isn't he saying something?"

N. BLAKE: He -- he's no more obliged to answer questions about this than you are.

KING: Of course.

N. BLAKE: Nor is he...

KING: Of course.

N. BLAKE: ... or the Kennedy assassination. He has the same connection to that virtually as far as the law is concerned. He had nothing to do with this, and you know, like I said, when the only thing out there is scandalous, rumor, tabloid gossip, why would he want to come out and say that?

You know, if somebody says, you know, Noah was found in a Vegas hotel room with a syringe in his arm and a pack of elephants, you know, I'm not going to come out and start defending myself about that. People can believe what they want to believe. But if I know there's nothing to do with it, then I'm not going to address ridiculous nonsense.

KING: We'll be back with some more moments with Noah Blake. As we go to break, here's what the police chief in Los Angeles said today about this investigation.


CHIEF BERNARD PARKS, LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT: We do not have sufficient number of clues to identify a suspect. We're working through all these clues. We're interviewing people. We're waiting for whatever our forensic tests are available.

And so, again, we're driven by the collection of evidence and the interviewing of suspects or witnesses compared to an artificial time line that somebody would like to place on us

QUESTION: Did you say there were few clues so far?

PARKS: There are very few clues, yes. It's a whodunit.



KING: There's the Noah Blake house, which has got press around it every day, and tourists go by. And that's the Robert Blake house -- I'm sorry -- in Studio City, California. People supporting him. Keep the faith.

The TV series "Baretta" made Robert Blake a household name and burned his tough-guy image into the public's brain. Here's a small sample.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): Keep your eye on the sparrow, when the going gets narrow...


KING: What do you make, Noah, of that scene at the house?

N. BLAKE: Well, a scene -- I think that's a good way to describe it. I mean, I don't -- I don't know what they're waiting for. I don't know what they're hoping for.

I mean, I -- you know, and the clip that you just showed of the police chief or the detective, whoever that was...

KING: Chief.

N. BLAKE: ... saying again, we haven't identified any suspects in this case. My dad has not been mentioned once by anybody of any authority as a -- even a suspect here. And it is just, you know, I don't know.

I think it is -- the public has some kind of insatiable lust for scandal and so, when there even isn't one, try to create one, and I don't understand it, but it certainly exists.

KING: Couple other quick things, how is your half sister? How is the little girl?

BLAKE: She is doing good. She is a beautiful little kid; she is a -- she is great.

KING: And does he contact with her? Because we know how deeply in love with her he is.

BLAKE: Yeah, I think he does. Yeah.

KING: And Noah, I asked you earlier, we didn't elaborate at all, the effect on you has been tremendous, right?

BLAKE: It is -- um -- it is hard to even fathom what happens, I mean it is just -- it was just immediately, you know, phone ringing off the hook, reporters everywhere, and, you know, and I just -- I didn't want to get involved in it at all, you know? I just wanted to say, come on, please, let this go away.

And when it became clear that it wasn't, and I just kept seeing this endless parade of -- Robert Blake psychology experts appearing out of hither and yon, there must be a university course offered someone into my dad's psyche.

KING: Noah I'm glad you came here, I'm glad you were with us, we will call upon you again, and we hope everything goes well for you.

BLAKE: Thank you very much, Larry, and thanks for giving me an opportunity to come here and let everybody know how I'm feeling about this.

KING: Noah Blake, the son of Robert Blake. We'll take a break and come back and meet Cary Goldstein. He was originally Bonny Lee's attorney. He now represents her younger sister. Don't go away.


KING: We are back with Cary Goldstein, a return visit, as promised the other night. He used to represent the late Bonny Lee Bakley, and now, he represents her younger sister, Marjorie, and in any civil matters that might come about.

The latest, Cary, dealing with all this is alleging about Bonny Lee targeting the actor Gary Busey. What do you make of all of this?

CARY GOLDSTEIN, BONNY BAKLEY'S ATTORNEY: What I said before, Larry, I mean, there are so many American women around the country, that would just love to marry a celebrity. Lee Bonny was just good at it. KING: So you hold this -- are you saying this is incidental to all of this? What do you make of all the stories about your late client?

GOLDSTEIN: Well, what about it, Larry? What does it have to do with anything? It has nothing to do with this situation. So she had people out there, that she was talking with, you know, maybe took some money from. I don't condone the criminal activity, but you know, I would like to comment on what Noah had to say.

You know, I give the man credit for standing up for his father, but what I can tell you, Larry, is that there are facts out there that have not been responded to. I mean, the story that was put forth on behalf of Mr. Blake by his counsel, as far as I'm concerned, is theater of the absurd.

What are they doing now is building a dreamteam. This is O.J. again, right down to the Kato Kaelin character, they are adding lawyers, they are adding characters daily, if you stop and you look at the absurdity of the situation, you will see -- you will see what's going on.

KING: So, you're believing -- are you saying you believe he did it, and that all this is a buildup to overcome that? Is that what you are saying, Cary?

GOLDSTEIN: I'm saying -- I don't know if he did it or not. But his story is absurd. Forget the facts and the stories that are spinning in the press, the machine guns on the car, forget that baloney. Take the story that comes from his counsel. Think about that absurd story. Here is a man who is worried about the safety of his wife, carries a handgun, goes to that trouble to do so, then leaves her next to a dark construction site at night, in the car, a block and half from the restaurant in a bad neighborhood, walks back to the restaurant because he is supposedly left his handgun there.

Larry, this is theater of the absurd, and what frightens me, Larry, is that they are starting to sell it. The characters they are putting up before us, Larry, are looking good, these are people who are -- who America wants to like. Noah seems like a great guy, but Noah doesn't know anything here. Noah doesn't know the story. This isn't right. My client documented -- Lee Bonny -- documented the story.

Lee Bonny has letters where she calls Blake a maniac. We know about his background. We know about what this man was like. We know that he kidnapped a child. He is not the lovable dad that is being portrayed here. This man has problems. Did he murder Lee Bonny? I don't know. But certainly, he is a very, very likely suspect.

KING: Do you think Mr. Braun is acting unethically?

GOLDSTEIN: No. Well, no, I will not -- I do not think he is acting unethically, I do have a problem with one thing that Mr. Braun has done, they have released those tapes and on those tapes are privileged attorney-client privileged statements between Lee Bonny and my office. And they were obtained inappropriately, none of Lee Bonny's possessions were rightfully obtained by Mr. Blake, pursuant to terms of the prenuptial agreement.

And even if they were obtained properly, there is attorney-client privilege and Mr. Braun's office knows that. I have discussed it with Mr. Braun and, fortunately, I think we are going to resolve the issue.

KING: Where is -- when is the funeral? Where is the body? Do we know of any arrangements?

GOLDSTEIN: You know, it is so important that we keep the funeral secure, but unfortunately, apparently, the information is out. I don't want to add to it. I'm not going to add to the melee, but...

KING: But there is a funeral, the body has been turned over to proper authorities for burial and the like?

GOLDSTEIN: Yes, Larry.

KING: And Noah said that the girl is OK. Do you know that to be a fact, too, the little baby?

GOLDSTEIN: No. But I would assume with such focus on what's going on that she is.

KING: Thank you, Cary, as always, we will be calling on you again.

GOLDSTEIN: I appreciate that.

KING: Cary Goldstein, the attorney for the sister Marjorie, of the late Bonny Lee Bakley.

We mentioned Harland Braun. We'll get his response to all of this, right after this. Don't go away.


KING: We now welcome Harland Braun. He is Robert Blake's attorney. And first, any comments on what Cary Goldstein just said, Harland?

HARLAND BRAUN, ATTORNEY: No, I just will speak for Mr. Blake. I really don't want to answer the charges. The charges that the child was kidnapped is absurd. I have the written agreement between Lee Bonny and Robert Blake which basically sets forth the terms of the child custody, and sets forth all the conditions of it. Some of them are rather strange but basically there was no kidnapping. You can't kidnap your own child.

KING: I know you brought some documents. We haven't seen them, but you're vouching for whatever authenticity they are, if they come up.

BRAUN: These were those taken right out of Lee Bonny's property and copies were turned -- the originals were turned over to the police department, and I have copies.

KING: What about this -- as he charged, this onslaught of attacks on her? Let's say everything about it is true. She was killed. Why is it material?

BRAUN: It is very material, because we are trying to cooperate and assist the police in finding who killed her. Now, Robert Blake is obviously the person who is primarily being investigated thoroughly and completely. We accept that. Whether you call him a witness, suspect, whatever. He was there, he has to be investigated. We told the Los Angeles Police that they should seize all of her property, to go through it to it look for other suspects, and they did not. And we seized it, and then we have turned it over to them subsequently.

So we -- she had such a strange business of defrauding and cheating men out of money for sexual reasons and romantic reasons that there could be any number of people out there who would have a motive to kill her.

KING: Oh, I see. So you are doing it to help the police or others to take away from the aegis against your client and point out that there are many other people who could have done this or had reason to do this.

BRAUN: To be fair to the Los Angeles Police, if a woman is killed and she's not raped or robbed, there is a good chance, statistically, that it would there would be her husband or boyfriend or something like that. This is not a typical case. And that is what we had to point out to the Los Angeles Police.

And Lee Bonny is not a typical person. She has been running a 25 year con game, and there is a lot of people out there who have been cheated defrauded who might have a motive, and that is all we are trying to point out.

KING: Is your client, though, very saddened by her death?

BRAUN: He is shocked, saddened. I mean it was a difficult relationship. I mean, no one says this is a normal marriage. He married her because in order to maintain control over his daughter's upbringing he had to marry her, but they were doing better. On the trip that they took shortly before her death they seemed to be getting along well, and they seemed to actually be having a good time together.

KING: Why did your client have the need to hire another counsel?

BRAUN: Well, because I -- there is a lot of work in this particular case. I'm a traditional criminal lawyer. I am an adversary with the police. Barry Levin, who I asked to help me, is a former Los Angeles Police Department (sic) who represents a lot of police. And they have a tremendous confidence in him. So I believe the combination of the two of us will allow us to work with the police more efficiently.

KING: Do you have a comment on what former O.J. prosecutor Marcia Clark told "TIME" magazine that the only thing protecting Blake from arrest is celebrity?

BRAUN: Not at all. I mean the Los Angeles Police Department, if they had had any physical evidence that pointed to my client they would have arrested him. And I think that is an unfair charge by Marcia.

KING: Your theory, which Cary said was incredible as to what happened that night, the going back for the gun and the like. How do you respond to that?

BRAUN: Well that is exactly what happened. I mean he put the gun down, and there is a number of witnesses that corroborate that. And then when he realized he didn't have the gun when he was in his car, he instantaneously shot out of the car in order to, thinking, "My God, I left a loaded gun in a restaurant booth." But you know, we have other theories, and we don't know what happened.

I mean, for example, we have found in the property we turned over to the Los Angeles Police Department, a letter within 60 days of her death from one of the people she was defrauding, saying that he has hired a hit man to...

KING: You have a letter from someone telling her that he has hired a hit man to get her.

BRAUN: Not against her, against her -- his wife's boyfriend. And he warns her in this letter essentially that if she is trying cheat him or defraud, him he is kind of man that hires a hit man. I'm not saying this is the man that killed her, I'm saying this is the kind of evidence the Los Angeles Police should look at.

KING: You are not going to name the person, right?

BRAUN: I think it would be unfair because the police should investigate it completely.

KING: Now, we haven't seen these documents as we said earlier. So we don't have chance to verify them, but you have them there, right?

BRAUN: I have them, for example I have a -- I have a property profile on my client, that was obtained by Lee Bonny, his wife, prior to them even meeting. So in other words, she was essentially stalking him, figuring out who he was and how much money he had before she arranged to meet him in a bar.

KING: Some of this, of course the thing that sounds weird about it, Harland, and distasteful, I guess, is that she is dead.

BRAUN: You know what, I believe in a forgiving God, but I also think it is important to treat the living fairly. We've only released 10 percent of the information we had on Lee Bonny. The reason we did it was because the police wouldn't seize the evidence that I asked them to seize. And it was only by going to the press did we force the police to start looking at alternative theories.

KING: Do you expect someone to be arrested in this crime?

BRAUN: I am afraid not.

KING: Not.

BRAUN: Not. I'm convinced that my client is innocent. Then, once the police recognize that, there is almost an infinite number of people out there that would have a motive to kill her. I mean, we've only 30 to 60 days worth of the letters from her, and there is like hundreds of men who have sent her money under belief that she was going marry them or they were going to have sex with her, and so I don't know if there is someone out there. But I wish them well. It is a terribly difficult investigation. I predict it will never be solved.

KING: Thanks, Harland. Harland Braun, the attorney for Robert Blake. When we come back, Peter Carlyon. He's flown here to Washington from Memphis. He's the half-brother of Bonnie Lee Bakley. Let's find out what he thinks of all this. Don't go away.


KING: We now welcome to LARRY KING LIVE, Peter Carlyon, he's the half-brother of Bonny Lee Bakley -- the late Bonny Lee Bakley. They have the same mother and different fathers. What do you make of what you've heard so far tonight?

PETER CARLYON, BONNY BAKLEY'S HALF-BROTHER: Basically, a lot of different peoples' standpoint of what has transpired. What I basically feel has transpired is a very good strategic strategy. Well-placed players...

KING: Who put your sister as a villain?

CARLYON: Where she belongs. They have smothered her memory with negativity that she has earned over the years. She was no Mother Theresa, yet she was not the people that they're trying to portray her as. And...

KING: What was she like?

CARLYON: A generous person. Kind, good hearted, for the most part. Of course, you know, she did have her...

KING: Quirks.

CARLYON: Yes, quirks. That's the perfect word. She was conniving, and I'm not denying that. I'm saying that she was conniving. She did have evil characteristics. She was no Mother Theresa.

KING: So she -- you're not saying she sort of made her bed and had to lie in it.

CARLYON: I am saying that, Larry.

KING: You are.

CARLYON: I am. But it's unfortunate that a decent -- she was no murderer, she was no rapist, she was no child molester. If she were, I'd say drag her behind a car until she died. But she wasn't. She was generous. She did as much as she could for other family members that were down and out, helped whoever she could when she could. And it's misfortunate that she did not listen to family and separate herself from the situation she was involved with.

KING: Were you were close with her?

CARLYON: I was for a time when I was involved. But after I had an experience with federal authorities, and I realized that...

KING: Involving her?


KING: Did you know Robert Blake?

CARLYON: No. Did not ever meet him. Never really had any real interest in meeting him, just because -- I didn't want to be involved anymore.

KING: How did you learn your sister had been killed?

CARLYON: Through Fox News, and watched her basically die in the gurney behind the ambulance that they showed, and watched Robert Blake walk off with the sheriffs while they were still working on her. I didn't see him mourning over his potentially dying wife, which, I can assure you -- my wife and I don't have the most beautiful relationship, but if she were lying on her deathbed, hanging on to the last strain of life she had, I wouldn't walk off from her under any circumstances.

KING: So you have a feeling he was somewhat involved?

CARLYON: I am not saying that he is 100 percent guilty. I'm saying that I feel that he is 99 percent -- and then there is the 1 percent that it was just a random act of violence. I'm not saying that this happened in Mayberry. This happened in Los Angeles, and so I'm trying to keep as realistic of a standpoint as I can in this.

KING: What do you make of all media thing?

CARLYON: I say the media is releasing a lot of basic crap. I hate to say it, but, just garbage. You know, I'm not saying -- I don't know Mr. Blake, but I'm not saying he's an idiot. If I were Mr. Blake and my wife were murdered, I wouldn't write on the walls, "I'm not going down for this." I mean...

KING: Have you been offered money by tabloids?

CARLYON: Yes, and have turned them down. Repeatedly.

KING: Although your mother spoke to them, right? CARLYON: Yes, and...

KING: Did that disappoint you?

CARLYON: Yes. It disappoints me that any of my family members would financially gain from death of another family member. And I'm saying that I was the least close to Bonny, but out of respect for the dead, and respect for myself, and hopefully, gaining at least an iota of respect from the American public -- I will not financially benefit from the loss of my sibling.

KING: The attorneys tell us that they do know that details now of the funeral and where the body is. Do you?

CARLYON: I do not.

KING: You're the brother and you don't know where your sister's funeral is?

CARLYON: No, and though I did fly out to L.A. to attend a ceremony, could not get Harland Braun to return one of my phone calls. Tried calling Blake at what I thought was his number, but I think it was the wrong number -- could not. Either way, went out there for five days, did not attend a ceremony, and almost had nervous breakdown doing it.

KING: What did you think of Noah tonight?

CARLYON: I basically feel he is in the same place as I am, which is dark, and it's lonely. It's a place of not knowing what's going to happen next, who's doing what to solve what. I do have to commend the LAPD for remaining tight-lipped, as they didn't in the O.J. deal, and as they promised me, they would remain tight-lipped.

KING: Do you think they have learned from that?

CARLYON: They told me they learned from that. They're a good bunch of guys, and they did a lot for me when I was out there. No one else would.

KING: Well, Peter's going to stay with us, and we'll be joined by Linda Gail Lewis, Earle Caldwell, and Steven J. Cannell right after this.


KING: Remaining with us is Peter Carlyon, half-brother of the late Bonny Lee Bakley. In Nashville is Linda Gail Lewis, a friend of Bonny Lee's, the sister of Jerry Lee Lewis, who, by the way, was pursued by Bonny Lee. Also in Los Angeles now is Earle Caldwell, Robert Blake's personal assistant and bodyguard, a return visit. And an old friend, Stephen Cannell. Stephen is the creator of the "Baretta" series, which starred Robert Blake. He's a producer, writer, actor, best-selling novelist. His newest book, by the way, is "The Tin Collectors," and he really knows how to spin a yarn. There is its cover. Linda, even though Bonny Lee was pursuing Jerry Lee Lewis, you still liked her a lot, didn't you?

LINDA GAIL LEWIS, JERRY LEE LEWIS' SISTER: I did really like Bonny. Yes, I did. I knew her to be a good mother, and we used to take our children out to Disney movies together.

KING: How did you hear about this?

LEWIS: I was watching CNN news, and I heard it on there, and I was just -- I couldn't believe it.

KING: And is your mind racing through the idea of suspects and who might do it as well?

LEWIS: Yes, because it's such a shock. I've never had a friend who was murdered before. This is the first time.

KING: And even though she was pursuing your brother in maybe not the best of manners, you still liked her.

LEWIS: Well, Bonny was very likable, and she never did anything to my brother that was wrong, really. I mean, she just would turn up and want to spend time with him. She really wanted to marry him.

KING: Nothing wrong with that. Stephen, we've heard a lot of back-and-forth tonight. You knew him as well as anyone. He worked for you. What's he really like, Robert Blake?

STEPHEN J. CANNELL, CREATOR, "BARETTA": Well, I think it was kind of an interesting -- that's an interesting question, because I'm not sure I could even answer that -- knowing him for almost 20 years, off and on, didn't spend a lot of time with him. But Robert gave you an image, I think, that he wanted you to believe. And as Noah said earlier, it was a tough-guy image. It was certainly solidified by the show "Baretta" that we did together. But I always felt that -- that a lot of what I was getting off of Robert was sort of what he wanted me to see. And, of course, he is being tattooed with that right now. You know, he -- he always had that sort of blue collar persona, right on the edge of violence. He sort of -- I think he enjoyed that -- that as a persona.

However, even though he was often on the show quite hard to deal with, and he'll admit that I'm sure, himself, I never saw him rise to the level of violence. I never saw him throw a blow at anybody or physically assault anybody. So, it all just of appeared to me verbiage, and he was very emotional.

KING: Earle Caldwell, would you say the same that this was a persona?

CALDWELL: Yeah, very much so. I mean, the time that I spent with him, he was my boss, but I mean he was tough -- but, he was fair. I never saw him yelling. The only time I would even consider it yelling is his version of singing. It was kind of loud, so that's about it. KING: Peter, the trouble with all of this is you...

CARLYON: Is that...

KING: ... weren't there.

CARLYON: I was not there. I was not close to my sister. I cannot say that any of my information is firsthand. I have got be very honest and blunt with you. What I can tell you is that I have sugarcoated a lot of what I do know strictly because...

KING: Sugarcoated what you know about Robert Blake?

CARLYON: No, no, no -- don't take it the wrong way. Sugarcoated as far as what I've said about my sister and my family and myself. Sugarcoated a lot of things over the past couple weeks, I just strictly because I don't intend to put her in the ground or -- hell, she's not in even the ground, she's still in a block of ice. I'm not going to just...

KING: Bring down the name.

CARLYON: Yeah. I mean, no more than it has been.

KING: We'll be back with our remaining moments. Here's another clip from Steven Cannell's production with Robert Blake of "Baretta."


ROBERT BLAKE, ACTOR: Sure that's a good idea, that's what his mother does, that's what her boyfriends do, that's what her social workers, that's what everybody does. What the hell good does it?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Hey, hey, you know something? We don't care about that. You want to know why? Because we are policeman. We are not social workers, you got that?



KING: Once again a shot of Robert Blake's dwelling in Studio City, California which has now become a tourist attraction and a media hangout and is part of the bizarre nature of celebrity and murder and the likes of which attract so many.

Linda, do you have any theories at all, any thoughts about this?

LEWIS: The thing that bothers me the most Larry is the thing about the gun, because in all the years that I have known Bonny, I never knew her to ever have a gun, or suggest that anyone carry one.

KING: So the thought that she suggested to Robert that he have a gun for protection, you doubt?

LEWIS: I find that very strange. And I do doubt it. Larry: Do you know if she ever had a gun -- Peter, do you know if she ever had a gun.

CARLYON: Yes, I do, and I want to make my belief very clear. She did have guns throughout the years, and I want to make my point very clear, that I am absolutely for the carrying and ownership of guns, I do not believe that guns kill people, I believe people kill people.

KING: But you're are saying Linda is wrong. She had guns.

CARLYON: She is wrong, she has guns.

KING: Boy, you are really up front about this.

CARLYON: I want to be very up front, I don't want to be taken as just your average schmuck.

KING: Earle, you have a theory.

CALDWELL: As far as the killing, you mean?

KING: Yeah, what do to make of all of this.

CALDWELL: It -- it's such -- it's so wild. There's so much craziness going on, it is hard to say anything. I know who didn't have anything to do with this and this is Mr. Blake. He just doesn't have it in him to do something like that.

KING: Steven, you are a novelist. You have directed and produced some of televisions most intense dramas, is this beyond fiction?

CANNELL: Well, it's certainly a pretty good episode of "Columbo," I think,


You know -- you know, it's such a sad case. You know, my main mantra here in the last couple days when I've been asked to speak is to say we should give Robert his presumption of innocence. You know, there is a tendency, I think, in a lot of news rooms to want to put the cuffs on him and take him off. You know, because it is going to make a hell of a story. Whereas, there may be a desire for that, I think we need to wait and let the police make their investigation and see if Robert ever gets charged with this. And if he doesn't, then I think we may owe him an apology.

KING: And, Peter, you have already praised the police.

CARLYON: I have praised the police. I would like to get one other thing out of the way.

KING: Get it out because we're running out of time.

CARLYON: OK, I've got a couple of thank yous and that would to be to you, Mr. King, for having me on. Also to Maryland Fletcher from "Dateline" who's helped me through a tremendous amount of -- I almost had a nervous breakdown in L.A. -- thank you. Also to my wife, who we are expecting a new baby, I'm with you, I'm going to be there.

KING: This has taken a lot out of you.

CARLYON: It has. It's been one headache on top of the other, and like I said, I'm on verge right now.

KING: Take it easy.

CARLYON: I'm going to try.

KING: Thank you all very much. Boy, we will stay on top of this. Anne Robinson is with us tomorrow night, the host of "The Weakest Link," and on Friday night the cast of "The Sopranos."

Stay tuned for "CNN TONIGHT." I'm Larry King. For all of our guests, thank you for joining us and good night. - Transcripts


Guangzhou Wife Cuts Off Cheating Husband’s Penis

From Shanghaiist:

“The Lorena Bobbit of Guangzhou”

Heating up the Netease forums is this sorrowful story: a Guangdong husband brazenly brought his affair back home after 10 years of marriage. If that wasn’t enough, he even made love to his mistress in front of his wife and requested her to sleep with them.

This 37-year-old wife, Mrs. Xie, couldn’t stand her husband’s behavior but all her objections only brought her curses, beatings and denial by her husband. Angrily, Mrs. Xie waited until her husband had fallen asleep and snipped his penis off while he was sleeping.

Yesterday, Dongwan No. 1 Court of Law sentenced Mrs. Xie 10 years of prison for her crime. After the judgment, Mrs. Xie could not stop crying and said, “I could always think about when we (me and my husband) worked hard together. I am very worried about my 3 children. I owe them.”

The aggressive behavior by both husband and wife triggered a huge discussion on the internet. Many netizens did not agree with the court’s judgment, arguing that the conviction was too heavy.

Popular Chinese Internet Slang, Expressions, & Acronyms |

Here is a list of common Chinese-language internet terms, expressions, acronyms, or slang. I will update it over time. Hope it helps you better understand some of the funny or offensive language often used by Chinese people online (and also offline for some).

A片[A piān / A pian1]
“Adult” video/film, pornographic video.
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棒子[bàngzi / bang4 zi]
A nickname for Korean people, maybe offensive.
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BS = 鄙视[bǐshì / bi3 shi4]
Although this is sometimes BS like the English “bullshit,” sometimes it is used to mean “despise.”
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BT = 变态[biàntài / bian4 tai4]
Perverted, deviant, abnormal.
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[cào / cao4]
Fuck. Common variants include 草 (”cao”) or 靠 (”kao”) as well as the English spelling “cao” and “kao.” 肏 is also correct for “fuck” but almost never used.
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草泥马[cǎonímǎ / cao3 ni2 ma3]
An alpaca, or literally “grass mud horse,” which is a pun for 操你妈 cao ni ma, “fuck your mom.” It was created by the Mop BBS in early 2009, maybe in response to government censorship.
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操你妈[càonǐmā / cao4 ni3 ma1]
Fuck your mother/mom.
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操你妈的屄[càonǐmādebī / cao4 ni3 ma1 de bi1]
Fuck your mother’s/mom’s cunt. The “屄” could be and usually is any Chinese character with the “bi” sound, especially 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.
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CCAV (China Central Adult Video) is a funny nickname for CCTV (China Central Television).
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CN = 册那[cènà / ce4 na4]
Shanghainese, similar to 操 “cao”, but maybe a little less strong.
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CN = 处女[chǔnǚ / chu3 nv3]
Virgin girl. For boys, it is 处男, chǔnán / chu3 nan2.
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打酱油[dǎjiàngyóu / da3 jiang4 you2]
Get soy sauce. This is a popular internet meme that means “none of my business” or “does not involve me”.
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[dǎo / dao3]
Fallen over, knocked over.
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[dǐng / ding3]
Often used in BBS forums to express support, especially by “pushing a topic/post to the top” of the BBS forum so more people will see it. It is similar to “bump” in English BBS forums.
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FL = 发廊[fàláng / fa4 lang2]
Hairdresser, the kind that provides special services. Many “hairdressing” stores in China are actually prostitution houses/brothels.
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非主流[fēizhǔliú / fei1 zhu3 liu2]
A person, usually young, who is anti-mainstream/non-mainstream, emo, underground, or alternative. They are usually characterized by their fashion and attitudes about life. A common variant is “FZL.”
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FQ = 愤青[fènqīng / fen4 qing1]
Indignant/angry youth. Often refers to young Chinese who are too patriotic/nationalistic.
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粪青[fènqīng / fen4 qing1]
“Shitty youth”, a pun of 愤青.
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粉丝[fěnsī / fen3 si1]
Although it means “vermicelli,” it also means “fans” because it sounds similar. Also seen as only 粉 “fen” or 饭 “fan” (which is actually “rice” or “meal”).
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GC = 高潮[gāocháo / gao1 chao2]
Orgasm, climax, come.
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GG = 哥哥[gēge / ge1 ge]
Older brother, male friend, guys. Often written as “GG.” Do not confuse with “GG” used in online gaming that means “good game.”
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狗日的[gǒurìde / gou3 ri4 de]
Someone who was dog-fucked or a child of a dog, similar to “bastard.”
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滚滚[gǔngǔn / gun3 gun3]
A cute nickname for “pandas,” because of how young pandas “roll around” when they are playing.
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国猪[guózhū / guo2 zhu1]
A derogatory pun on 国足 [guózú / guo2 zu2], the Chinese national football/soccer association or team, whose poor performance/behavior often frustrates and embarrasses Chinese football fans.
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[hàn / han4]
“Sweat.” Used to express being embarrassed or dumbfounded, like in Japanese anime.
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河蟹[héxiè / he2 xie4]
“River crab” is a pun for 和谐 [héxié], “harmonious。” It is used to avoid possible censorship and to mock the Chinese government’s efforts to promote a “harmonious society.”
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很黄,很暴力[hěn huáng hěn bàolì / hen3 huang2 hen3 bao4 li4]
Very yellow (pornographic), very violent. This phrase became popular after a young Chinese girl said it while being interviewed about her impression of the during a CCTV report about government regulation of the internet.
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很傻,很天真[hěn shǎ hěn tiānzhēn / hen3 sha3 hen3 tian1 zhen1]
Very foolish, very naive. This phrase became popular after Hong Kong star Gillian Chung said it during a news conference (to explain and apologize for the pornographic photos of her with Edison Chen that were made public) because it was similar to 很黄,很暴力 [hěn huáng hěn bàolì / hen3 huang2 hen3 bao4 li4].
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火星人[huǒxīngrén / huo3 xing1 ren2]
Someone from Mars, meaning someone who is out of touch with reality or with current news, events, fashion, trends, culture, etc. 你是火星回来的吗 = did you just come back from Mars?
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J8 = 鸡巴[jībā / ji1 ba1]
Penis, dick, cock.
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JJ = 鸡鸡[jījī / ji1 ji1]
Penis, dick, cock.
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加油[jiāyóu / jia1 you2]
An expression of encouragement or support similar to “good luck”, “go for it”, “try your best”, “wish you well”, etc. depending on context.
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JC = 警察[jǐngchá / jing3 cha2]
The police. Similar in usage as ZF = 政府 [zhèngfǔ / zheng4 fu3].
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[jiǒng / jiong3]
A popular Chinese character/pictogram often used on the Chinese-language internet to express being shocked, amused, or stupefied. Possibly originated from Taiwan, and similar to “Orz” which looks like a person kneeling/bowing.
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JY = 精液[jīngyè / jing1 ye4]
Semen, sperm, ejaculate.
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KB = 恐怖[kǒngbù / kong3 bu4]
Frightening, scary, terrible.
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[léi / lei2]
Literally thunder/lightning, used to express shock or being shocked.
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[lèi / lei4]
Literally tear or teardrop, used to express sadness, crying.
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LB = 篱笆[tǔfěi / tu3 fei3]
Liba BBS discussion forum, famous for having a lot of “materialistic” girls.
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LJ = 轮奸[lúnjiān / lun2 jian1]
Gang rape.
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LZ = 楼主[lóuzhǔ / lou2 zhu3]
The person who made the first/original post or started a BBS topic. Often written as “LZ.”
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MB = 妈比[mābī / ma1 bi1]
Probably a shorter version of MLGB that also means “mother’s cunt.” Maybe similar to English’s “motherfucker.” The “B” could be any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.
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“Make Love,” to have sex.
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MLGB = 妈了个逼
Mother’s cunt. Similar to “motherfucker” in usage. The “B” could be any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.
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MM = 妹妹[mèimèi / mei4 mei4]
Little sister, young girl, pretty girl, or a girl’s private part. Often written as “MM,” which usually refers to a young girl or pretty girls. It can also refer to a girl’s vagina, her “little sister.”
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脑残[nǎocán / nao3 can2]
Mental retardation, mental disability, mental disorder, or a person who is mentally retarded.
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[niú / niu2]
If not used to mean “cow,” it is is used to describe someone or something as being very 牛屄 = niúbī / niu2 bi1.
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NB = 牛屄[niúbī / niu2 bi1]
When used negatively, it means a very self-important, egotistical, arrogant, cocky person. When used positively, it means a very confident, daring, impressive, amazing person. Often shortened to “NB” or 牛 + any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.
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[ǒu / ou3]
This is commonly used online as a substitute for 我 [wǒ, wo3], often by girls, because it sounds “cuter.” It means “I.”
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Original meaning is “player-killing” or “player killer” but it is often used in Chinese internet to mean “competition” or “contest” or “defeating” something.
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PS = Photoshop
A Photoshopped picture or to Photoshop a picture.
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QJ = 强奸[qiángjiān / qiang2 jian1]
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[rì / ri4]
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RT = 如题[rú tí / ru2 ti2]
Refer to title/subject.
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SB = 傻屄[shǎbī / sha3 bi1]
Stupid cunt, or describes something as being very stupid. Often shortened to “SB”, “sha bi”, 傻B, or 傻 + any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.
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沙发[shāfā / sha1 fa1]
“Sofa.” LZ is the topic starter or original poster and thus the “owner of the house.” The first person entering the “house” and replying gets the “sofa.” So “sofa” means the first replier/reply. Sometimes written in English as “sofa.”
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山寨[shānzhài / shan1 zhai4]
Real meaning is “mountain village” but it is now popularly used to mean fake, cheap, copied goods.
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SY = 手淫[shǒuyín / shou3 yin2]
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[tū / tu1]
Often used online to represent giving someone the middle finger.
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TF = 土匪[tǔfěi / tu3 fei3]
Bandits. Nickname for male members of the mostly-Shanghainese KDS BBS discussion forum.
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TMD = 他妈的[tāmāde / ta1 ma1 de]
Damn, damn it, dammit, fuck, fucking. Sometimes 他 [tā / ta1], his/her, is replaced with 你 [nǐ / ni3], your, or not used at all, 妈的 or MD.
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WDR = 外地人[wàidìrén / wai4 di4 ren2]
An outsider, non-local, someone from another part of the country. Popular versions on the Shanghainese KDS BBS discussion forum include 西部数据人/西数人, Western Digital person, or 硬盘人, hard disk person.
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WW = 湾湾[wānwān / wan1 wan1]
A nickname for Taiwan (台湾), like a child’s nickname, like Taiwan is a child of China.
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小三[xiǎosān / xiao3 san1]
The third party of in a marriage, usually referring to a husband’s mistress. This name may have originally started on Liba.
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[yūn / yun1]
Faint, feel dizzy, usually because of surprise, shock, amusement, or disgust.
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YD = 淫荡[yín dàng / yin2 dang4]
Lewd, obscene, dirty, perverted.
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YY = 意淫[yì yín / yi4 yin2]
Thinking or behaving strangely or mischievously/creatively, often yellow/perverted things but usually just abnormally, unconventionally, etc.
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ZF = 政府[zhèngfǔ / zheng4 fu3]
A common replacement/variant for “government” used by netizens hoping to avoid internet filters, censors, and attention by the government.
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装B = 装屄[zhuāng bī / zhuang1 bi1]
Pretending to be cool, better, or more impressive. Poser, pretender. A popular version on the Shanghainese KDS BBS discussion forum is “IB” or “install B” because “zhuang” means “install” as well as “pretend.” The “B” could be any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.
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ZG = 中国[zhōngguó / zhong1 guo2]
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ZW = 自慰[zìwèi / zi4 wei4]
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Freshman girls: the Third abortions to tell their children how to love after awakening

The eleventh grade, his mother connived at their cohabitation

堕落时,她经历了人生中最幸福的一记耳光 A crash, she experienced the happiest life a slap in the face

大一女生:第三次堕胎后才醒悟 Freshman girls: the Third abortions after awakening

林艺 Lin Yi


一个大一的女孩,在第三次人流前联系我。 A freshman girl, in the third flow before contact me. 她说出了她的故事,而且要求我把她的故事发到博客上,让更多的人看到,让更多的女孩看到,她想用她的经历告诉大家点什么。 She stated her story, and asked me the story of her hair to the blog, so that more people see them, so that more girls to see, and she would like to use her experience to tell you something.

高二时,在与母亲关系特好的一“姐妹”家里留宿。 The eleventh grade, special relationship with the mother, a good one "sister" staying at home. 她家有个比女孩大的男生,因为两家关系好,两个人也不错,虽不是那种亲密的关系,但相互也都不烦感。 Her family has a big boys than girls, because the relationship between two good, two were also good, although not the kind of intimate relationship, but a sense of each other do not even bother.

有了第一次的在她家留宿后,女孩便偶尔在那里留宿,都是跟“阿姨”住在一起。 With the first After staying the night at her home, the girl would occasionally stay overnight there, all with "auntie," living together. 一天晚上,在男孩房间,两个人聊了很晚,男孩要求与她发生性关系,她还没来得及考虑什么,就在半推半就中发生了。 One night, in the boys room, two men talked late, the boy asked a sexual relationship with her, and she has not had time to consider what occurred in half-hearted. 这晚她就住在了男孩的房间。 That night she had lived in the boy's room.

此后,她和男孩的关系近了很多。 Since then, she and the boy's relations in the past a lot. 又一次在他家留宿的时候,男孩让她在自己的房间住。 Again at his house overnight when the boy let her live in their own rooms. “阿姨”没有阻拦她们,而且女孩感觉到她对自己好像是更好了。 "Auntie," did not prevent them, and girls seemed to feel her own better. 这时她才上高二,男生也才刚上大学。 Then she was on the second year, boys are also just go to college.

以后的日子,女孩频繁地在“阿姨”家留宿,每次都与男孩住在一起。 Days later, the girl frequently in the "Auntie" home stay overnight, each time with the boys to live with. 阿姨从不说什么,甚至做好了饭会叫他们起床。 Aunt never say anything, or even do a good job of rice would tell them to get up. 不久她就怀孕了,男孩与她做了流产。 Soon she was pregnant, the boy with her had an abortion. 除了她们三个没有别人知道。 In addition to three of them no one else knows.

高三时,她又一次怀孕了。 Third year, she again became pregnant. 这次男孩不认账了,他说她可能是和别人有的。 The boys admit its fault, and he said that she could be there with others. 女孩心痛极了,她自己筹钱做了人流。 Girls heartache great, she did raise money flow. 这次,我忘记了是化验单还是手术的什么单子,反正她说被她母亲发现了。 This time, I forgot that a single laboratory or what surgical list, anyway she said that her mother was found. 她说看到母亲绝望地、发疯的眼神时,她呆了…… She said her mother saw a desperate, crazy eyes, she spent ... ...

因为男孩子不认账,她恨他。 Because the boys admit its fault, and she hated him. 男孩也开始疏远她。 Boy begins to alienate her. 她说她最恨的还不是这个男生,而是他的母亲,她的“阿姨”。 She said she hated this boy is not yet, but his mother, her "aunt." “你与我母亲那么要好,为什么不阻止我们住在一起,我们还都是孩子!” "So you and my mother is better, why not prevent us from living together, we are a child!"

情没了,心痛了,受伤了,凄惨了。 No love, and heartache, and hurt, miserable.

渐渐地,她开始不在乎什么了。 Gradually, she began to not care what it is. 她开始和校内的、校外的帅哥们来往。 She began and in school, outside of the handsome guy who exchanges. 在这期间,她结识了一个大她好多的男人,有事业、有家庭的好男人。 During this period, she met a great many men in her, there is cause, there is a good family man. 接触不久,她就开始和他无话不谈。 Contact soon, she begins to talk about anything with him. 伤心了,她可以在他面前哭,没钱了,她敢向他要。 Sad, and she can cry in front of him, no money, she dare he. 她自己也不知道这是为什么,她还想把自己给他。 She did not know if this is why, she also wanted to own him. 可他不要,什么都不要。 But he should not, nothing. 他可以请她吃饭,可以给她钱花,但他对她没有任何要求。 He can ask her to dinner, you can give her money, but he told her no requirements. 越是这样,她就越想探究这个男人。 The more so, the more she would like to explore the man. 因为别的男人都想向她索取点什么,就他特别,不要,什么也不要。 Because other men want to obtain something to her on his special, do not, what do not.

在她终于大着胆子要给他的时候。 In her last big the guts to give him the time. 他训斥了她,她哭了。 He reprimanded her, and she burst into tears. 她一阵失落之后,选择了真正的坠落。 After a while she was lost, choose a real fall. 就在她到娱乐场所去坐台的那天,她还没做成“生意”就被这个大男人把她拽了出去。 As she went POP Counter to the entertainment of the day, and she has not made the "business" was the big man pulled her out. 刚一出门,他就给了她一记耳光。 Just one out, he gives her a slap in the face.   

她哭了。 She burst into tears. 她说,这是她一生之中最幸福的一记耳光。 She said that this was among the happiest of her life a slap in the face. 以后的日子,他还经常请她吃饭,给她钱花。 Later days, he often asked her to dinner, give her money. 但他,仍然是什么都不要。 But he is still nothing.

直到女孩第三次怀孕。 Not until the third pregnant girl. 她才真正地醒悟,她说,他是上天派来拯救我的,我从来没体会过这种像哥哥那样的关爱。 She really wake up, she said, he was sent by God to save me, I never had experience of this kind of love, like his brother.

女孩说,这将是她最后一次堕胎,她将永远铭记那最幸福的一记耳光。 The girls said that this will be her last abortion, she will always remember it's a slap in the face of the most happy.

林艺一票 Cast a vote Lin Yi

Freshman girls: the Third abortions to tell their children how to love after awakening Lin Yi _ _ Sina blog

Flight 93 Cockpit Transcript - Wikisource

United Airlines Flight #93 cockpit voice recorder transcript
the United States government
Government exhibit P200056T 01-455-A (ID)
This is a transcript of a cockpit voice recorder from United Airlines Flight #93, one of four airlines hijacked on 11 September 2001. It was the only one of the four planes that did not reach its intended target, instead crashing in an empty field just outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, about 150 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. The 9/11 Commission (through testimony, tapes of passengers' phone calls, and the flight data recorders recovered from the crash) determined that crew and passengers, alerted through phone calls to loved ones, attempted to subdue the hijackers. The 9/11 Commission concluded that the hijackers crashed the plane to keep the crew and passengers from gaining control.
— Excerpted from United Airlines Flight 93 on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Time (EDT)


Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.


Er, uh…Calling Cleveland Center…You're unreadable. Say again slowly.


Don't move. Shut up.


Come on, come.


Shut up.


Don't move.




Sit, sit, sit down.


Sit down.


unintelligiblethe brother.




No more. Sit down.


That's it, that's it, that's it, down, down.


Shut up.




We just, we didn't get it clear…Is that United Ninety-Three calling?




In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate.




Finish, no more. No more.


No. No, no, no, no.


No, no, no, no.


Go ahead, lie down. Lie down. Down, down, down.


There is someone…Huh?


Down, down, down. Sit down. Come on, sit down. No, no, no, no, no. No.


Down, down, down.




No more.


No more. Down.


Please, please, please…




Please, please, don't hurt me…


Down. No more.


Oh, God.


Down, down, down.


Sit down.


Shut up.


No more.








One moment, one moment.




No more.


Down, down, down, down.


No, no, no, no, no, no…




Sit down, sit down, sit down.




What's this?


Sit down. Sit down. You know, sit down.


No, no, no.


Down, down, down, down.


Are you talking to me?


No, no, no. unintelligible


Down in the airport.


Down, down.


I don't want to die.


No, no. Down, down.


I don't want to die. I don't want to die.


No, no. Down, down, down, down, down, down.


No, no, please.




That's it. Go back.


That's it. Sit down.


Everything is fine. I finished.




Ah. Here's the captain; I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands. So, please remain quiet.


Okay. That's Ninety-Three calling?


One moment.


United Ninety-Three. I understand you have a bomb on board. Go ahead.


And center exec jet nine fifty-six. That was the transmission.


Okay. Ah. Who called Cleveland?


Executive jet nine fifty-six, did you understand that transmission?


Affirmative. He said that there was a bomb on board.


That was all that you got out of it also?






United Ninety-Three. Go ahead.


United Ninety-Three. Go ahead.




This green knob?


Yes, that's the one.


United Ninety-Three, do you hear the Cleveland Center?


One moment. One moment.




Oh, man.


This does not work now.


Turn it off.


…seven thousand…


How about we let them in? We let the guys in now.




Should we let the guys in?


Inform them, and tell him to talk to the pilot. Bring the pilot back.


In the name of Allah. In the name of Allah. I bear witness that there is no other god but Allah.




Allah knows.




Set course.












The best thing: The guys will go in, lift up the…unintelligible…and they put the axe into it. So, everyone will be scared.




The axe.




No, not the—


Let him look through the window. Let him look through the window.








You are…one…




Is there something?


A fight?




unintelligible Let's go guys. Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest. Oh, guys. Allah is greatest.






O Allah. O Allah. O the most gracious—


Ugh. Ugh.


Stay back.


In the cockpit.


In the cockpit.


They want to get in there. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold.


Hold the door.


Stop him.


Sit down.


Sit down.


Sit down.






There are some guys. All those guys.


Let's get them.


Sit down.
















Trust in Allah and in him.


Sit down.










There is nothing.


Is that it? Shall we finish it off?


No. Not yet.


When they all come, we finish it off.


There is nothing.






I'm injured.






O Allah. O Allah. O gracious—


In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.


Up, down. Up, down, in the cockpit.


The cockpit.


Up, down. Saeed, up, down.


Roll it.




Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest.




Is that it? I mean, shall we pull it down?


Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.










Cut off the oxygen.


Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen.






Up, down. Up, down.




Up, down.










Shut them off.


Shut them off.










Turn it up.


Down, down.


Pull it down. Pull it down.


Down. Push, push, push, push, push.


Hey. Hey. Give it to me. Give it to me.


Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.


Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.




Allah is greatest.


Allah is greatest.


Allah is greatest.


Allah is greatest.


Allah is greatest.




Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest.


Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest.

Flight 93 Cockpit Transcript - Wikisource