July 25, 2009

Sonichu - Episode 1! The Audiobook! "Sonichu's Origin"

Sonichu - Episode 1! The Audiobook! "Sonichu's Origin"

"Yes" ickeriss70 seduces Chris posing as girl and gets package full of medallions in post

NerfDeathcoil (9 months ago) Show Hide
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OdaNoOwari (9 months ago) Show Hide
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That mask!

It has /b/ on it!

zomgpirate (9 months ago) Show Hide
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the man you are trying to destroy has an unbreakable spirit.
WILLishida (9 months ago) Show Hide
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For fuck's sake, /b/ ruins everything.
Coopersville (9 months ago) Show Hide
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5 stars for being real
Atheistgamerguy (9 months ago) Show Hide
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You look 15 years old
Proof that /b/ is fucking dead
gesi1223 (9 months ago) Show Hide
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doh hohoho so randum xD
TacoShivers (6 months ago) Show Hide
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The only thing this guy is doing is increasing his own homosexuality.
TheBigCheese199 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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don't be fag.
AlbertMondback (5 months ago) Show Hide
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RoboTronGO (2 months ago) Show Hide
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CloudNumberThirteen (2 months ago) Show Hide
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THIS is his ex-sweetheart?
Treniths (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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You seduced an autistic kid over the internet? That's pretty radical dude. At first I thought there was no way this guy was as cool as he looks, but then when it got to the part where you stuttered through the dude's love letter for you I was like "Wow, this guy IS as cool as he looks!".
Zitarillaz (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Thank you.


Chris himself can no longer recall when he made the first medallion except that it was sometime between the creation of Sonichu in 2000 and the publication of Sonichu 0 in 2005. Not remembering the introduction of your signature accessory within a margin of error of less than four years seems like a critical lapse in memory, but this is Chris we're talking about.
Throughout the ages, many have been tempted by the allure of the Medallion, with its power of giving its possessor delusions of grandeur, being Internet famous, and fail art skills
Throughout the ages, many have been tempted by the allure of the Medallion, with its power of giving its possessor delusions of grandeur, being Internet famous, and fail art skills

The earliest known photograph of Chris wearing a Sonichu medallion is from his 22nd birthday, on 24 February 2004. In his So Need a Cute Girl video (20 December 2004) he feels it necessary to explain what it is, suggesting that it is still a relatively new feature.

In a Mumble chat on 10 February 2009, Chris revealed the reason for the medallion and that is...because he wanted to. It's "like a nametag" for him. In one of his ED edits, Chris says that his medallion "identifies him for the high-funcioning Autistic individual that he is" [1]. And man, it sure does. It has also been speculated there could be other reasons for wearing his medallion, which range from simply thinking Sonichu is SERIOUS BUSINESS, to being a portable anchor in our dangerous real world to Cwcville, his own happy world where he's always the hero who saves the day.

Each medallion is forged in the fiery pits of Mordor constructed from Crayola Model Magic, a non-toxic, easy-to-use modeling clay intended for small children. Chris wedges a keyring into the edge of each medallion, from which he can attach a chain to go around his neck. Medallions are painted in the color schemes of the characters they represent, with copyright information scrawled on the back. Additional detailing varies, but Chris is known to have applied Shrinky-Dink charms to certain medallions as a form of authentication, to prevent counterfeiting. The Sonichu Medallion
Yes, he even wore it at his god damn college graduation