July 19, 2009

Dear Readers: I leave the Letter and link to the Full Post for you to read Tonight 'The Adventures of Michael Jackson'

The Adventures of Michael Jackson
Serialization, Concept, Intellectual Property and Copyright for Publication by [::]

Dear Reader,

Here you will discover the very essence of a fantastical work in progress which I now ask for assistance in completing. It has long (since MJ died) been a dream of mine to present a serialized E-Version of Mr. J.M. Barrie's The Adventures of Peter Pan, replacing all of his characters with appropriate figures from the life and death of The King of Pop--who naturally becomes the protagonist, Peter Pan himself.
As fantastical works go this one has spent many weeks in the dreaming stage, and only one evening in actual application (although I must say that I am very pleased with the immediate result, having experimented with medias, formats, generators and the like, and ultimately utilizing the simplest and most effective method of this half-mechanized and, I like to think anyway, half-creative redheaded brainchild of mine).
So it is though, that while thoroughly committed to following through with a 17-part, old-fashioned, Dickensian E-serialization, contemporaneous with the ongoing criminal investigation and burial-even, of our beloved (and I mean that sincerely, if you have been following my blog, you can find the moment when I not only fell in love with Michael Jackson, unbelievably, but decided that I was him in many ways) protagonist/replacement, Michael Joseph Jackson.
I'd be happy to hear from anyone with just about any type of help, or encouragement, or suggestion regarding what I hope to be, and after reading the Wikipedia Replaced Summary, am encouraged, a wonderful, thought-provoking commentary on the Unusual Life and Times and Death of Michael Jackson. I would like to present Chapter 1 as quickly as possible, and so, even though there is no deadline, if any of you are interested, and possess a specific field of expertise or interest (editorial, computer graphic, layout, illustration, musical soundtrack, video, proofreading, etc.), please don't hesitate to contact me in the comment section of this or any other subsequent posting.
I am also hoping that public reception will be encouraging as the true-life events unfold, simultaneously increasing the complexity of the story (of which I plan to stay as fateful as possible), and inspiring someone in the media or publishing industry to republish the story online or as a book when completed (that way I could afford to pay my best friend Tony Millionaire the fee for illustration services).
Enjoy the general and completely-subject-to-change summary (with thanks to Wikipedia), and let your imagination range.


Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Jesus Christ-what do they have in common?

Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Jesus Christ-what do they have in common?

July 17, 9:35 PM

These three men are all worshiped by some and hated by others. Each of them suffered from a fame so big that nearly all people know who each of them was. All of them died young under horrific circumstances and each man was called "king" by some.

Beyond that you would probably think that the only parallels you could draw are between Presley and Jackson. After all, Christ was not a musician or an addict. He was not rich or reclusive. He never married or had children and he didn't overdose on drugs as Elvis did and Michael may have. So what else could they possibly have in common?

In Wm. Paul Young's The Shack ( in a previous article), the main character tells Christ that he is sorry that Jesus went through such pain and torture. Jesus tells him that he would gladly do it all over again even if it was only for him. It is at this point that Mack realizes the depth of God's love for him. And when he hears God say he is "especially fond" of someone a few times he thinks God likes certain people more. But he quickly learns that God feels "especially fond" of everyone.

Mack finally understands that God loves him just as he is. He also sees that God loves all of his children just as they are and considers each and every one of them special.

And so there is one more thing that The King of Rock and Roll, The King of Pop, and The King of the Jews all have in common. And it is a commonality that they share with each and every one of us. They are deeply and completely loved by God. We are all deeply and completely loved by God. You are deeply and completely loved by God.

Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Jesus Christ-what do they have in common?


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