June 3, 2009

like a cigarette for the rapture

img369204.jpg, originally uploaded by mrjyn1.

like a cigarette for the rapture while you casually inhale--a temporary satisfaction completely in your control; to be out of control leads to wild and unimaginable delight, none of which i would trade for more standard fare. what care i if the keeper makes infrequent visits to my cage out of obligation or tenderness, for i will gorge on her raw, bloody meat, passed through the bars and not bare my Sabre fangs even if she holds in her hand the meat of my dinner-dreams: fantastic savanna, i once roamed without compare.

i have even gotten her to believe she may rub my striped snout, with her brave eyes showing tenderness, which hide the fear which i smell above even the fresh meat...and although i wish to take the steak and the hand back into my cool chamber and gorge , it is only for the next visit that i don't.

why, i even think she thinks i am a tame house cat.

Irn-Bru Goth Holiday [via:]

New irn-bru advert. Goths drink irn-bru and go wild in Blackpool.

Elvis Introduces Fantasy Band (Including Jimmy Page, Keith Moon and Stevie Wonder) [BBC Ad]

03 June 2009
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Elvis Introduces Fantasy Band (Including Keith Moon, Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder) [BBC]
Elvis Introduces Fantasy Band (Including Keith Moon, Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder) [BBC]

Elvis Fantasy Band Keith Moon Marvin Gaye Stevie Wonder BBC Jimmy Page

Jeff Hardy - Devil In Disguise [ELVIS] this is almost art--not!!

Jeff Hardy is the Devil In Disguise - Not!