March 13, 2009


lightbulbThe higher the graph, the hotter your video!
Ups-and-Downs of Viewership
lightbulbAudience attention score
lightbulb*your video's audience's attention
at each moment in your video
lightbulblightbulb**fewer viewers are leaving your video
and they may also be rewinding
to watch that point in the video again

Oct 14, 2008 9:36:47 PM


Hlightbulbt Splightbulbts

lightbulbWe've added a new feature to Insight called Hot Spots. With Hot Spots, you can figure out which scenes in your videos are the 'hottest' and edit those videos to keep your audience engaged. Insight now shows which parts of videos viewers are watching and skipping, so creators no longer have to play guessing games. You can find this new feature under the 'Hot Spots' tab within the lightbulbInsight dashboard.

What does 'hot' mean?

'Hot' shows that compared to other YouTube videos of similar length, fewer viewers are leaving your video at that point, and many viewers may even be rewinding on the control bar to see a particular sequence in your video again.

What does 'cold' mean?

'Cold' means that, compared to other YouTube videos of similar length, many viewers are moving to another part of your video or leaving the video entirely.


Watching/Collecting Videos

Most people start to watch YouTube, a video, the next video - one point of view by view. Perhaps they have received a link via e-mail, or a video is posted on a popular blog. People around the world to find pleasure in watching videos.

You know why?

Then in May, they watch the video again. A second time. A third time, countless, countless views of the entire video, which in May has been adapted to their taste or current mood.

This section shows you how to become a collector of video.

May you watch?

You're the boss of the Company.

YouTube is the company you own and manage on a daily basis. There are no known times, your working hours.

You are KISS, CEO,


You can hire and dismiss anyone or everyone by pressing a red button next to your YouTelephone.

You Tube. You.

[Translation: you, your, the TV you paid for and own.]

It is difficult to translate:

"The word, trademark or name."

No, not really a word at all. It is not assembled as Siamese twins who share certain anatomical orgasm. Like Siamese twins, the word comboform uses two words to do so.

The result contains no spacing, language, grammar, universal rule, which exists to distinguish the specificity of a word and its relationship with the word immediately following.

YouTube. 'You,' here is "my own list."

It reminds the user.

It may have been intended to represent a large, PC, "Ask them about the world"-sense.

Referring to YOU as a collective.

The YOU,
means all of you. Everyone in the world-YOU.

Tube, of course, references quaintly, dinosaurs; and gives life to antediluvian, electronic devices, without whose invention -

No television, or life as we know it today.

These tubes have been installed by the men and women in television-skeletons, led slowly past and around a manufacturing plant.

At one point, a person installs the thin and fragile life of the fetus; only a moment before, a wooden box, and now with his work completed, the fetus has developed into a newborn -- he or she can now be dispatched around the world.

[This reminds me of the beautiful, Angelina J., but in reverse.]

The tube was invented by Thomas Alva Edison, in the Garden of the State of New Jersey, USA, and proliferated from its primary Geneisis, to its Television
age of the early 1950s for General Electric and others.

Each TV is equipped with these beautiful, glowing, phosphorescent tubes. They come
color and surreal, warm to the touch and the eye.
They were ingeniously designed.

It is only recently that the "tube drive" in light of its approach to gas-blue horizon. Death!

The world of digital TV is to thaw the temperature of the tubular built man-friend.

," we are told, "is better!"

Digital is small and compact, designed by computer, manufactured by inhuman robots, and with lightning speed.

But those of us who appreciate an old Citroen, Cassoulet, or grandmother, may thank the owners, [now extremely rich and living on their own island, where they thank Google every day, for his greed and the desire to conquer the world. They smile and thank Google, which was the first, not too early in his plan of domination. They bought half-way, or is it possible to design time futuriYT?]

These frontiersmen struck us with / it / you / the world / the name, which we now know -
Big Y, Little ou. Big T, Little ube.

Love it, or hate it...

It could have been called,

"A person watching the video Place"



    The higher the graph, the hotter your video: fewer viewers are leaving your video and they may also be rewinding to watch that point in the video again.
    Audience attention score is an overall measure of your video's ability to retain its audience's attention, compared to videos of a similar length.
    Audience attention
    There is insufficient data to display the Hot Spots graph for this video.

    GRAPH DATA Represented:
    Informational Aggregate Representation

    View Numbers
    May Be



    YouTube: My Video's 'Hotspot World'

    Learn More:
    YouTube Insight definition
    YouTube Insight
    External Facing Analytics and Reporting Product
    EFARP enables anyone with a YouTube account to view detailed statistics about the videos that they upload to the site. This first version charts video views on an interactive time line and map, allowing users to drill down into different geographic regions and see the viewing activity in those regions over selected time periods. It also allows users to compare the relative popularity of their videos in a given region to all other videos in that region. To see Insights on your own videos, log on to YouTube and click on the "Insight" button under "Account" > "My Videos" > "Insight." Over the next few weeks we'll be launching new features and additional analytics including viewer demographics, how viewers are engaging with videos (playback length, ratings, comments) and a breakdown of how viewers are discovering videos (e.g. search, email, embeds etc.).

    Age ranges for both genders

    Age ranges of female visitors
    Age ranges of male visitors


    % of total views

    You're Most Popular
    [stats below represent the countries i like [sexy countries], and do not include those which i don't [are not sexy, like Canada, which featured deuxiemme, mais, qua, je paswhich i really don't give a fuck about...sorry, canada, except Montreal]]

    Age ranges of male visitors
    Age ranges of female visitors
    Age ranges for both genders
    Genders for all age groups

    Insights on Your Videos
    log on to YouTube

    "My Videos"


    YT To Launch

    New Features/Additional Analytics

    Including >

    Viewer Demographics
    How Viewers Engage (Playback, Ratings, Comments)


    Viewer Video Discovery
    (Search, Email, Embed)

    Micah de la Cruz : When You Believe ["The Prince of Egypt" -14 years old]

    When You Believe from "The Prince of Egypt". I'm the first singer (14 years old), the second one is my sister (17 years old), and the classical guitarist is my brother (18 years old).

    Aradia [Demo: double veil to ice queen] beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! so energetic!!!

    Aradia Demo of double veil to ice queen

    Aradia: LA Fever [Dina and Little Egypt]

    La Fever by Aradia.

    Dr. John: Goodnight Irene {James Booker's Version}

    Dr. John performs James Booker's version of the Leadbelly classic 'Goodnight Irene'.