December 6, 2008

Charles Mingus: Weird Nightmare [KEITH RICHARDS CHARLIE WATTS Part 2]

Charles Mingus Weird Nightmare Directed by Ray Davies

Charles Mingus: Weird Nightmare [Directed by Ray Davies Part 1]

Charles Mingus Weird Nightmare Directed by Ray Davies

The Kinks -Til the End of the Day + Waterloo Sunset [At the Rainbow, pt 1]

Part 1 of a programme from 1972 which is an odd mix of songs and interviews: songs are Til the End of the Day, Waterloo Sunset and Top of the Pops.

The Kinks - Sunny Afternoon [At the Rainbow, pt 2]

Part 2 - songs are The Money go round and Sunny Afternoon, plus an interview with agent Arthur Howes.

The Kinks - She's Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina [At the Rainbow, pt 3]

The concert performance is She's Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina, but the most bizarre part of this is the complete Virgin Soldiers opening titles... and there's also an interview with Ned Sherrin

The Kinks: Alcohol [At the Rainbow pt. 4]

In which Ray has a good old fashioned singalong, Mick demonstrates his Scouse accent and Dave claims the band hasn't had any problems... they also perform Alcohol.

The Residents: From The Plains To Mexico [Night Music]

The Residents on NBC's "Night Music" performing "From The Plains To Mexico" from their Cube-E

Jack Jones: I Am a Singer [The Tonight Show]

Jack Jones sings the title track from his album "I Am a Singer" on The Tonight Show.

Morton Downey Jr.: Are The Good Times REALLY Over FOR GOOD? [RIPS OFF MERLE HAGGARD]

Morton Downey Jr. sings "Are The Good Times All Over?" on The Pat Sajak Show

Morton Downey Jr.: "Hey There, Mr. Dealer"

Morton Downey Jr. sings "Hey There Mr. Dealer"