October 27, 2009

INCREDIBLE POST BY ME: A T.J. Hooker event! VIDEO + (mp3 from episode 2.13 "Deadly Ambition" Jerry Lee Lewis) | What Gets Me Hot

A T.J. Hooker event! VIDEO + (mp3 from episode 2.13 "Deadly Ambition" Jerry Lee Lewis) | What Gets Me Hot

what gets me hot

PAT'S PIZZA MEMPHIS Jerry Lee Lewis OR Millard Fillmore via The Memphis Flyer

Facebook, Inc.Image via Wikipedia


I've received some whining (mixed in with the only thing which makes my job as the Facebook Entertainer worthwhile: some eloquent, sincere requests, regrettably asking to be placed on the 'no tag' list, which unfortunately doesn't exist (until FB devises a simple Tag Cloud List as is available for Friend Messaging).

And so I lack a current alternative. The only solution I can offer until that changes would simply be to

But, ever the resourceful Irishman, I'm going to try the
ONLY FRIENDS (I just realized I can't do that because then no one will be able to watch this on my site) video view for a second; which means that only You will be able to see these documents of tenderness, AND that your friends will not be inconvenienced by proxy, OR TRICKED into thinking ANYMORE that you may be Jerry Lee Lewis OR Millard Fillmore--savants that they are (your friends), but more importantly, it also means that I will not receive more meaningful correspondence from your friends than, I'm guessing, you receive.

Regarding my 'Profligacy'
(Is anyone going to own up to Preston?) and usage of Mass Tagging, as opposed to more sublte Carrier Pigeon or other old-fashioned less flashy methods of spreading my ? Gospel, which has been revealed for what it is through their well-intentioned scrutiny and detection, and which I have helped to soothe through the last act of a desperate man: blocking the offended.

I Not Spammmer. (For one week, a year ago, i thought it would be funny to set up a blog called 'Spam' and only blog about that Pressed Pork and Favorite of Hawaiians on all Four Islands- Product, AND write it in Arabic--but it wasn't (well, for the first couple days of trying to figure out how to indent in Arabic, it was very funny, but that was all).

Spamming would mean that there would be a product somewhere down the pipeline which I was attempting to promote or sell though the surreptitious method of cleverly luring my potential customers with the irresistible bait of my devious video arcana, until that fateful moment when, having successfully suspended disbelief for my profiteering through the subliminal flicker of my rotten goods, I inveigled them into some form of deception or unwanted contract, both binding and unethical, through my video chicanery. And what's worse? You wouldn't even realize it for months to come--At which point, I've packed up my Facebook Kit and headed for the next Social Network, where I can pitch my greasy video hobo tent unnoticed by locals, DO-GOODERS, and nabobs whose friends have yet to nose my con and unreputable (wait, i thought that was a word) mercenary mercantilism.

So, tell your friends, that they won't have Mossie to worry about anymore, and that there were no hard feelings on my part because (and write this with scary letters: He says: 'Since I've been out of the joint, my counselor says I'm not allowed to engage in any type of "Trigger Exchange" for the next fifteen years.' And then he said that it made him feel depressed, and the next thing anyone knew he'd posted 100 Videos with (insert name) scrolling across the screen in blinking letters...'

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Pat's Pizza on Film | Hungry Memphis | Memphis Flyer

October 26, 2009

Alex Chilton • The Box Tops • The Letter • Halloween Dance Party • 1967 • TV horror-host John Zacherley ♥ mrjyn

Halloween • Disc-O-Teen • Alex Chilton • The Letter • 1967
• TV horror-host John Zacherley Halloween Dance Party featuring The BOX TOPS • The Letter TWICE •

When Creatures of the Night appear, rest assured that Zacherley is near!
Enter his world for some fun and a thrill, but do so carefully and of your own free will!

Happy Birthday, Zacherley!!

The Dungeon Gang here at the Zacherley website and all of the staff of Chiller Theatre Inc want to wish John Zacherle a happy 90th birthday!
Zach shares his birthday with fitness guru Jack Lalane who is 94, and Beverly Hillbillies star Donna Douglas who is 75.
We wish the best for our favorite horror host and hope he'll be with us for many years to come!

Many of the "Disc-O-Teen" kids went on to lead interesting lives. According to Semon-Krauss, one manages ex-Beatle Pete Best and another married a member of the British rock band Procol Harum. Richard Scrivani of Bergenfield wrote a memoir titled "Good Night, Whatever You Are! My Journey With Zacherley, the Cool Ghoul," which was published by Dynoship in 2006.

In 1970, Domaniecki won the regional "Miss American Vampire" contest held at Palisades Amusement Park to promote "House of Dark Shadows" (the first of two movies based on the Gothic soap opera "Dark Shadows"). All regional winners were flown to Los Angeles for the final competition on Regis Philbin's show there.

According to Domaniecki, she and a fellow finalist, Sacheen Littlefeather, were paired up as hotel roommates during the "Miss American Vampire" finals. Littlefeather won the contest; three years later, she made headlines for rejecting an Oscar on behalf of Marlon Brando over a standoff between authorities and activists at Wounded Knee, S.D.
Show canceled

According to Joe LoRe, former cameraman for "Disc-O-Teen," the show was canceled when Channel 47 switched to a Spanish-language format.

As for the time Jim Morrison stumbled around the "Disc-O-Teen" dance floor, many former dancers recall that Zacherle conducted a bizarre interview with the Doors singer (who died at age 27 in 1971).
One witness was Marsha Silvestri of Jersey City.
"We assumed they (The Doors) were stoned," Silvestri says. "They were very spaced-out, especially Jim Morrison. Zach tried to interview him, and he hardly said a word. A lot of the kids thought it was strange."

"I don't remember that," Zacherle says with a laugh, "but everybody who was there tells me it happened that way, so it must be true. I just remember Jim Morrison walking by me in the middle of a dance. He said to me, "This is the damned-est show I ever saw in my life.' "

Zacherley Remembers 'Disc-o-Teen'!