November 14, 2009

reBlog from What Gets Me Hot: What Gets Me Hot

A river mouth in the Tsitsikamma National Park...Image via Wikipedia


Since we launched Street View in South Africa, we've received suggestions for new locations and landmarks that people in South Africa would like to see addled. We're working hard to bring Street View to new places, but some important touristGoogle Trike, PICT0042Image by darkman_visions via Flickra mechanical masterpiece comprising 3 bicycle wheels, a mounted Street View camera, and a very athletic cyclist in customised Google apparel. spots, like historic monuments or scenic views, can't be reached by car. That's why we've created the The Google Trike will soon be coming to South Africa to make some special image collections. Google is asking you vote on your favourite places that the trike should visit in South Africa. To help line up all the best ideas, Google has teamed up with South African Tourism, with its unrivaled knowledge of South Africa's tourist{{Potd/2008-07-10 (en)}}Image via Wikipedia treasures, to create a shortlist of some of the country's best attractions. The categories are Sports; Nature & Panorama; and History & Heritage. Voting will be open for a limited time, and we'll then let the public know the top 3 winning locations that the Trike will visit first. misty riverImage by jesuscm via FlickrAs we only collect images from public roads, we'll work closely with the relevant organizations to collect images of privately-owned locations.

What Gets Me Hot, What Gets Me Hot, Nov 2009


You should read the whole article.

November 13, 2009

reBlog from Go to My Stats page

The Jerry Lee Lewis Drive in FerridayImage via Wikipedia

I found this fascinating quote today:

Hi, I'm Done Lane's son. Yes, my father was a great US Aussie Expat who sadly died only a short time ago. His unusual name 'Done' derives from the Borgoza Royal Family and was a private instruction to their local Coffee Grinder which signified the style in which they liked their Espresso ground. It also came to be used in culinary terminology as a reference point for the consistency of pasta in relationship to the preferred 'al dente,' or 'to the tooth' method which the Borgozi Royal Family demanded from its slavish Italian Castle Staff, Cooks, and Restauranteurs, so much so, that when any of these disparate group noticed a member of the Borgozi Royal Family approaching, they would utter the equivalent of this transliteration in the Mother Tongue of the Borgozi, a stylized and overly wrought dialect combining Sicilian, French and quaintly, Arabic phraseology and linguistic glottal stops and maws, saying: Here come the Borgozi Royal Family, I'm DONE!' My father, a bloodline descendant from the noble Italian clan was no less exacting in his invention of 'Tabloid Style' Television which can be witnessed by scanning your local channel. Consistently ranking as Australia's Top Entertainment/News Program for the entire run of his famous Show, called (in tribute to his Grand Uncle, Count Federico 'Done' Borgozi), 'The Done Lane Show.' It is with pride and joyful tribute that I dedicate the musical portion from his Interview with Jerry Lee Lewis, who had suffered unfortunately, a bad reaction to shellfish cooked in Seagrams with Mandrax sauce, included here for the second time anywhere (first time if you count, third, Dailymoti...fourth Facebo...nope mashes...i don't know, but less than a hundred). Please enjoy 'The Done Lane' show, and when you're done watching it, please leave comments and rate in memory of my father, Done Lane. The Estate of Done Lane, L.L.C., would like to thank a special extended great great twice removed descendant of the Done Borgozi lineage, currently living in Borgozi, appropriately named, Federico for allowing copyright waver and right of performance and broadcast recognized under stature 67:5666.982 Australian Television Broadcasting Association. I'm Done and by the way, when's the last time you saw the Opera Done Giovanni? When I was 19 I thought I owned some shit too, but come to find out I was just renting. You've got a lot of stupid shit left to say for the next 20 years, but until them I've got 20 years to not listen to it 1 week ago 3 views, Go to My Stats page, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

November 12, 2009

About our stats and data - Webmasters/Site owners Help

About our stats and data - Webmasters/Site owners Help: "About our stats and data
In a nutshell

The data displayed in Webmaster Tools may differ from the data displayed in other tools, such as Google Analytics. Possible reasons for this include:

* We may not have crawled your site since the changes were last made.
* Webmaster Tools does some additional data processing - for example, to eliminate duplicates and visits from robots - that may cause your stats to differ from stats listed in other sources.
* Some tools, such as Google Analytics, track traffic only from users who have enabled JavaScript in their browser.

We're always working to increase the update frequency for your verified sites' data, such as crawl, index, and search query stats. Much of this data depends on the content of your site, and is a close approximation of the status of your site. Our internal systems are always changing, and the web itself is an ever-shifting ecosystem. In addition, there may be a lag between when the numbers are calculated and when they are visible to webmasters - although data gets published in intervals, we are continually collecting it. If your content doesn't change very often, or if you're not getting new links to your site, you may not see updates to your data every time you sign in to Webmaster Tools.

Webmaster Tools provides data based on site visits and links to your pages. You need to get the word out about your web site to get more people visiting and naturally linking to it - that is, of course, after you've built a web site that people will want to visit and link to. The more links to your site on the web, the more likely it is that Googlebot will stop by for a visit. Once Google starts crawling your site more often, you'll notice that Webmaster Tools will begin to show more detailed data, and that this data is updated more often.
What can I do to make sure I'm seeing all my data?

* If you feel like you're missing some data, add both the www and the non-www version of your domain to your Webmaster Tools account. Take a look at the data for both sites.
* Do a site: search for your domain without the www (e.g. []). This should return pages from your domain and any of your indexed subdomains (,, etc.). You should be able to tell from the results whether your site is mainly indexed with or without the www subdomain. The version that's indexed is likely to be the version that shows the most data in your Webmaster Tools account.
* Tell us whether you prefer for your site to be indexed with or without the www by setting your preferred domain.
* Let everyone else know which version you prefer by doing a site-wide 301 redirect."

November 11, 2009

reBlog from YouWeirdTube

I found this fascinating quote today:

Our Favorite Band, OFB, Facebook, Imeem,, MySpace, Dreamin' of Eternity, Praxis, Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings, Record, LP, 1987, New Rose, Donald Spicer, Mossie O'Rourk, YouTube, Video, Eric Davies, YouWeirdTube, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.