October 26, 2009

319: And the Call Was Coming from the Basement This American Life

This American Life


Originally aired 10.27.2006

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319: And the Call Was Coming from the Basement

Halloween, scary stories that are all true. Kidnappings, zombie
raccoons, haunted houses—real haunted houses!—and things that go
"EEEEK!!!" in the night. Plus, a new story by David Sedaris, in which
he walks among the dead.


Host Ira Glass and
Albert Donnay read a true ghost story that appeared in a medical
journal in 1921. After a "Mrs H" and her family moved into an old
rambling house, strange apparitions started appearing...until her
brother-in-law figured out the real cause of the ghostly presences. (6

Act One. The Hills Have Eyes.

Some of the scariest stories happen when fluffy, innocent creatures turn murderously evil. This American Life producer Alex Blumberg tells one such story, about a raccoon gone bad. (11 minutes)

Song: "Evil," 45 Grave

Act Two. The Hitcher.

Bill Eville and his brother are picked up late at night on the side of
the road...and not taken to their destination. (9 minutes)

Act Three. And the Call Was Coming from...the Listeners!

ago, we set up a special 800 number for listeners to call with their
true-life scary stories. Over five hundred people called. We hear a
sample. The scariest stories we got all had one thing in common. (9

Act Four. Graveyard Shift.

One Halloween,
David Sedaris decided to skip all the fake monsters and ghosts and
zombies and visit the real thing: dead people. In a morgue. (14 minutes)

Song: "The Boogie Monster," Gnarls Barkley

Mr. Jyn Be Trippin'

Audio / Visual findings on a more or less regular basis. Some of the most frequent categories:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Mr. Jyn Be Trippin'

The Perfect American

I was looking for an image From The Silencers (it's on this week) and I found some images at this site. Later, when checking my Technorati stats, I discovered that this guy favorite d me.....spooky! So I went back for a second look.... and fell into the vortex of his mind. This is a special experience if only for it'sobsessiveness and pathological imperfection. It's broad and deep and weird and to put it in his words: craunchy. KNSFW

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Bientôt Halloween Paris Hilton

Image by what gets me hot via Flickr
Bientôt Halloween, un récap des tenues sexy de Paris Hilton
Bientôt Halloween, un récap des tenues sexy de Paris Hilton
Halloween, tout le monde connaît cette fête comme celle où on fait peur aux enfants, où on frappe à la porte et demande des bonbons, où on se raconte des histoires de fantômes, etc. Pour Paris Hilton, s’est surtout l’occasion de se déguiser, euh…déguiser ou s’habiller normale ?

Alice au pays des merveilles, militaire, policière, ou simplement en lingerie, Paris Hilton profite chaque année d’Halloween pour s’exhiber davantage qu’à son habitude. Elle écume alors chaque année les fantasmes masculins, mais alors, quel sera-t-il cette année ?

Paris Hilton paris hilton 4031175 1024 768 500x375 custom Bientôt Halloween, un récap des tenues sexy de Paris Hilton

Halloween, tout le monde connaît cette fête comme celle où on fait peur aux enfants, où on frappe à la porte et demande des bonbons, où on se raconte des histoires de fantômes, etc. Pour Paris Hilton, s’est surtout l’occasion de se déguiser, euh…déguiser ou s’habiller normale ?

Alice au pays des merveilles, militaire, policière, ou simplement en lingerie, Paris Hilton profite chaque année d’Halloween pour s’exhiber davantage qu’à son habitude. Elle écume alors chaque année les fantasmes masculins, mais alors, quel sera-t-il cette année ?

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Paris Hilton car wash video

Good morning, darling, our viewers! 7 video 7 days (GOT This in my Inbox from my RuTube Account [Russian YouTube] Translated it For You)

Image representing RuTube as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

7 video 7 days - from RuTube

Good morning, darling, our viewers! 
Today, our collection of mainly teaches that you should never surrender, despair and lose heart. Only positive, just full speed ahead!

Jim Brochu and Steve Schalchlin. Opening night...Image via Wikipedia
Rollers of the week:

1. The American who has reached the border states of consciousness, he went for a beer in a supermarket, but mostly wandered in other spaces, trying to get back on their feet. And still won. Strong sight!

2. Another young American decided to while away a boring evening at the hotel in the company of his beloved flute and ushered in a new musical genre. Hussars, be silent!

3. Sasha Gray is known to many, if not all. But after this episode it becomes apparent that it is primarily an actress, and only then - the porn ...

4. The fashion for gay divorce is gaining momentum and moves from the U.S. in friendly Ukraine. A local media to help them in this. Well, we also do not stay away ... :-)

5. And this is the worst movie of the week. Sensational in the world history of an Australian mother and her baby-lucky, escaped from the train - as it was.

6. Another lucky, escaped from death. Long live the quick feet! (Incidentally, this is our countryman ...)

7. And finally - a bit of pure positive. Having scored a beautiful goal, football player decided to feel the audience. :-))))))))

Thank you for your attention and views! Do not forget to send this letter to friends. Good week to you!

Sincerely, The RuTube
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