October 24, 2009

She claims to be the sister of the king of rock and roll and she believes Elvis Presley is still alive.

Elvis in 1970Image via Wikipedia
She claims to be the sister of the king of rock and roll and she believes Elvis Presley is still alive.
Eliza Presley was adopted at birth and says when she started a mission to find out who her biological parents were, she never imagined her journey would take her to Memphis.
ok-magazine-michael-jackson-death-photoImage by what gets me hot via Flickr
What stunned her even more was that after some DNA comparisons, Eliza said she learned she was not only related to Elvis Presley, she was his half-sister.

She claims DNA tests have confirmed she was fathered by Elvis’s dad, Vernon Presley. Even more astounding is that Eliza asserts the tests proving her relation to the king of rock and roll also proves he’s still alive.
She says her DNA was compared to a man claiming to be Elvis, who’s DNA just happens to match both sides of Elvis’s family tree.
"It just took my breath away and I looked at it and I said are you sure and he said oh yeah, there's no doubt about it. I said you have got to be kidding me, this person's my brother,” Eliza "[I] didn't expect it - not by a long shot."
Eliza took it to mean only one thing – Elvis lives.
"For him to turn out to be alive, it's such a blessing and I'm so grateful for that."
Today Eliza say she is thrilled to be able to talk to her brother she never knew she had, although she is not sure the public will ever see or hear from him again.
"I don't know if ultimately he will. I highly doubt it,” Eliza said. “He's tried to live as much of a ‘normal life’ as you can live over the last 32 years."
Eliza says the DNA profiles proving her relation to Elvis are currently under seal in court documents.
She filed a petition in August to have Vernon Presley officially acknowledged as her father.
Friday night Eliza was the featured guest at an Elvis Celebration at the Rib River Ballroom in Marathon.

Latest Comments
Posted by: christine Location: U.K. on Oct 24, 2009 at 12:04 PM

How I wish Elvis was still alive but quite honestly I don`t believe it. Would that mean then that ALL the people who have talked about Elvis` death are liars?

Posted by: Garrett Location: Unknown on Oct 24, 2009 at 12:02 AM

I am the lead Forensic Investigator/Coordinator on this case. People should know that Eliza is the real deal. We intended to find Eliza's father, and by default the DNA proved not only Eliza was the child of Vernon; but also half sister to a VERY ALIVE! Elvis Presley that gave his DNA. Dr. Hinton did not lie about treating Jessie aka Elvis. The DNA cannot be faked. Impossible. For the doubters, this isn't the only evidence we have. Nothing is instant. We are taking the steps to process the evidence. We have a bombshell! proof that shows- Elvis does live and is 74 and has to be very much alive. This is the real deal. No he doesn't want to come out, and no I'm not going to force him out into the public eye against his wishes. Please accept this he's 74 doesn't want the attention, has been used time & time again and frankly doesn't owe US anything. He served our country, established a new Genre in Rock n Roll, paid his dues. NOW he just want to be. Did Michael Jackson teach us anything?

Posted by: Observer Location: Somewhere Over the Rainbow on Oct 23, 2009 at 08:50 PM

I suppose it's possible that what this woman says is true. But in the end, it comes down to chain of custody. Did the matching DNA really come from Elvis who is still alive? How was it obtained (legally and with approval or surreptitiously and without approval)and so forth? I think if Elvis is still alive, he should be allowed to live out the rest of his life in peace. And we should respect such a decision rather than try to push the man back into the public. Even Elvis Presley has a right to privacy.
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(VIDEOS 4) Soupy Sales and Hullabaloo Dancers - The Mouse (3) and I'm Alright

"I'm Alright"
- Soupy Sales
and dancers -

demonstrate new dance called

"The Mouse"
First aired: 3/16/1965

--Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames - "Point of No Return" and "Yeh, Yeh"
--Roosevelt ('Rosie') Grier - "On Broadway"
--Serendipity Singers - "Let Me Fly" and "My Heart Keeps Following You"
--Sylvie Vartan - "I Made My Choice"
--The Detergents - "Double-O-Seven"
Sylvie Vartan (Herself), Mary Wells (Herself), Little Anthony and the Imperials (Themselves), Soupy Sales (Himself), The Detergents (Themselves), Georgie Fame (Himself), The Serendipity Singers (Themselves), Roosevelt Grier (Himself)
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(VIDEOS 2) Soupy Sales Died Yesterday: JAZZ LEGEND Clifford Brown's Last Performance - Soupy Sales Show



Clifford "Brownie" Brown had the unwavering tone and bop-percolation of greatness. Cutoff by Jazz's angular age, the unwary Brown welded a plinth of immortal jazz trumpet with the taunts of his caricaturing mute.

Born October 30, 1930 in Wilmington Delaware, Clifford "Brownie" Brown got his start at 15 when his father gave him a trumpet. The scoundrel's cool band director, Harry No's affinity for trumpet antics did not go unrecognized. His broodiness and his instrument provided initial engagements which helped contour his annealing swirls. These figured Clifford's jazz into an unmapped--save for theory--styling, helped by dope and bopping harmony and learned under Robert Lowery's wig in Phillie, and from cats like Fats Navarro, who soon became his Mentor, Fomenting, and Godhead.

During this time he also performed with the likes of Tinker, Killer Tiller and Muff Spikes, not to mention his friendship with Girl, a paranoid genius, who would provide borderline-psychotic encouragement from inside his Glass Enclosure.

In 1949, hindered by his aural studies, his amusement almost became short-lived when he had a mildly fatal automobile accident. This hospitalized Brown from June 1950 until May of 1951.

Miraculously, just hours before his death, Brownie appeared at a Soupy Sales variety show that was recorded

((((but never seen--until!) )),
where he played some of the finest music of his short life.
This bookend's his career with two short, hip, pent-up songs, which after 40 years, leave a taste for more.

I present to you the unloosing of Brownie and his trumpet.



David Bowie was a man of many looks, but it’s very clear that his dental transformation went down sometime during his iconic run in the spotlight. Just peep the photographic proof.


Well someone had to do it, right?

Painter and sculptor Jessine Hein has created dentures of David Bowie’s old teeth because why not? They’re made of denture acrylics, plaster and acrylic paint. Personally, I liked Bowie’s natural, crooked teeth vs. the porcelain, Chicklet-esque veneers he has now. They gave him character, IMO. Once he got his teeth fixed, he started showing up on shows like Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee. I blamed the veneers then and I still hold them responsible! So far the denture sculpture is not for sale, but you never know…

Dental Innovation David Bowie Dental Surgical David Bowie David Bowie Surgical Tools

LOVeD his "ugly" teeth...what was so bad about them?? I adore endearingly imperfect teeth. Take "fangs" for example... (for those of you that aren't accustomed to reading forum comments, just pretend it's a play.  i've spellchecked the user names to protect the ridiculous.)

LOVeD his "ugly" teeth...what was so bad about them? I adore endearingly imperfect teeth.
Take George Harrison's original "fangs," for example.
Ah, well...

Provoke: agree with the both of you.
He loved his fangs...everybody did really, but Bowie's stupid perfectionism ruined it.
His teeth were falling out, people.
He is almost 60 and British!
Okay, that was a shot, but he lived much of his life on the road.
No way he took care of them.
He liked whitewash fangs.
He didn't like the yellow fungus, but he loved his white teeth.

All the pictures they had of him made me laugh!
They weren't the most flattering, but hes rich and British.
You definitely have to cash in on a dental plan.
Yeah this was an interesting video.
I also preferred his old fangs.
I remember him being quoted as saying he would wake up with the pillow bloodied from his sharp teeth gnashing his mouth on the inside.
So he IS a vampire... ! No wonder he "never outsold OJ".
Provoker: this is fucking insane mean.
I can understand ufology, but this is just silly = girlish. * consenting*.
Rushdie: taking over the world!

Vote: The Man Who Knows How to Wear His Pants!
Greybeard: teeth are the sex, don't you know anything, Bowie?!
GASH: Men...
Dagos: Ahoy, I long for the days when substance overruled style.
Today's pop-tarts can't hold a candle to yesterday's legend's teeth.
Trinidad: he was tore to need to care about his teeth.
I seem to remember him saying somewhere that he had them fixed because they were rotting out of his head, not because he was worried about how they looked: poof.
To all with gum bleeding.
I can kill you!
I can cause clots, stroke, heart and liver disease!
Just ask your doc!
Take care of your temples. hoodwink: I can't believe I watched this!
Twas hilarious!
Thanks for posting.
I loved his fangs too, but lord it's funny to listen to people analyzing them.
I like his teeth ... that part of what makes his smile so sexy.
Schizoid: think we all learned a lot.
They're playing Suede's "She's in Fashion" Bowie "less than perfect"???
Bowie IS perfect!
Egocentric LAMP: Wow, so the Brits take their stars too seriously, too.
Unloved: guess they had nothing else to do but a documentary on David Bowie's teeth.

Ground: I don't like his new noshers.
Latrine: whoever made this document had far too much time on their hands.
Sexologist: really like his teeth before he got them fixed.
Its more 'him'.
Lookalike: his crooked chompers too!
When he first got the crowns it was like EEK!
Chic teeth! cutlets: blinded by the glare, but now they look more worn in and natural.
Oh my God.
I m turning into those teeth.
Refinery: Would have loved him with or without the glamorous teeth.
His smile was always gorgeous in my opinion!
Burbank: you liked his crooked teeth.
I loved the one between his insides (if it makes him feel better then he had to do it).

David Bowie was wondering if his new choppers affected his music as of late.
I did read about his new teeth in a biography.
The surgeon has a point about ensuring the teeth must line up in order not to affect his singing.
Chinks: Surely this is a joke!
It's so stupidly pointless!
LOLA Medellin: Yore the joke sweetheart - that was gently interesting and informative.
Twixt Chinooks: And you're obviously a bitch.
There's no need to be mean.
Smear analgesics: Hot, Crooked Teeth Or Not.
Elegiacal: he is the most gorgeous man ever! workout his teeth.
Anonymity: wanna see one about his ever changing hair..
Ha ha: will second that.
DOA: effing teeth.
The man has an amazing head of hair.
My favorite period would be circa Man Who Fell to Earth, that red slicked back look was extremely tops.
I prefer old teeth - cleaned up though.
The new ones have changed his face, made the area between his nose and top lip longer...

Calamine: He's English.
What do you expect?
Drollery: look like a row of bombed houses, but now they're straight and whitey.
Shouldn't seafood.
Teeth do tend to look better in ones mouth than say...the nose or ear.
If he had no teeth that may affect his singing god..who cares!
Having said that, I think a lot of these 'celebrity analysts' could do with having their teeth knocked out!
Schlepped groupie: loved his snuggles teeth...they were sexy.
They look weird now...
Ringside: weird that they looked so much at his teeth.
Hes so hot!
Lode name: Who gives a shit about his teeth?
As long as he sings like a god?
Is this envy or what?
This maybe is the most needless video lifelong.
Cheesiness: Where is the documentary about Buckteeth?
I need something else to throw popcorn at!
Dustsheet: Hilarious.
Alderamin: Is amazing, and his teeth are equally amazing.
How many people were getting braces in the 50's That's when he would have Rotten-ed them.
Gunfight: Wow, I was thinking the EXACT same thing!
Broken Habit: Teeth back in the day was too busy writing the most amazing songs.
Bad teeth help you produce great music.
I think hip hop stars should start chewing on rocks and ass just 2 spite myself.
Okay, I have to admit that using "Changes" at the end was class.
Anonymous whore: Poor Davey, had some major stereotypical British teeth, child.
Teeth? ...You wanna go to Japan?
Teeth, hell.
Man, especially the women.
Indistinct Blower: Teeth or no teeth, I love him anyway!
It's his spirit and soul that only counts and that shines through and that's enough for me....Beauty is within.
Aruba: I don't like his new toothy grin.
Looks like he's got a mouthful of Chiclets.
We: Give me those snugly English teeth anyway.
ClassicCosmogony: Hungry orthodontist (or whoever put this worthless video together) is totally missing the bigger picture.
I rather see everyone in the world with snuggle teeth (or big noses or lumpy foreheads) if it meant the return of meaningful art.
Fictionalizing Jesus: I can't stop laughing at this.
It's ridiculous how vain the media is.
They even included his marriage as a reason to fix his teeth.
I mean.
Hellman: who want a nice smile. keep rocking 'DAVID'.
Gotta break balls: Dude has fangs. um, OK.
Dude's chompers entrap ya.
Gotta laugh.
Makes me wonder, David.
Bad Art and Antlers: This is so ridiculous that I love it.
But I agree, old Bowie teeth looked more jiggly so this is selling me that the whole girl image was the Ziggy era?
I me: Bastard fangs are sexy!
Skull: Lets dance teeth fab.
I thought those were bloody brilliant - who cares.
ALily: Is he drunk!
Immaculate Metaphors: Is hilarious.
Flossing: I need help?
Obviously: So does the lot of Flannel fangs.
Leapfrogging Hanoi: Right?
I loved them better.
XXgoblin: Damn.
XXIncognito: Make it through the whole video.
It's just too laughable.
He got his teeth fixed, no big deal.
As long as he doesn't continue and have his eyes, his nose, his ears, etc..., etc..., etc... changed, it seems a reasonable enough thing to have done.
Is there some suggestion here that he should not have done it just because he is a celebrity?
I mean eventually, the damage would have progressed, and become both more unsightly and unhealthy.
Attach Jesus: What channel was that on the "Dentist Chemo Cuckold Teeth Character" CHANNEL?
Can people find nothing better to make about bowie?
Is so much more than teeth?
Uncoiled teeth were odd.
That is cool.
His new teeth are good teeth.
Really doesn't matter.
Mr MAYO: This is the lamest thing I think I have ever seen.
Ha, who gives a shit about some one's teeth?
And come on, the annoying dude with the white board that just kept blabbering on.
Just XS: Ahoy, Love Bowie though.
Legend Zoroastrian: This has to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
Yet, I couldn't help but laugh.
I can't believe somebody put this much time into David Bowie's changing teeth.
He's so much more than teeth.
What's next the evolution of Michael Jackson's nose?
(PREDICTED!!! ed.)
I agree with FDR.
Lil Grendel: Ch ch ch changes.
Soggy: Had the same problem - I had too many curly-wily chocolate bars...
Hebe Viaduct: He shouldn't have got them fixed - He was so hot with them crooked and in Labyrinth?
Heehawstillbirth: Them fixed tho!
Ejaculated: Even noticed his teeth.
How banal people can be.
Kibble Dude: He's fucking David bowie, Who the hell cares about his teeth.
Whoever put this "documentary" together definitely wasted their time.
Mustache: Glad everyone in the comments realize this.
Tuneups: Just think if Freddy mercury had of availed himself of this opportunity.
He would have been, as he said, "The most beautiful man in rock and roll".
Mincemeat Furrow: My sister and I wondered!
Whatever his deal is, my whole family and most of my friends love him and wish him and the kids all the best in the world!!!!
Nonhuman: Can not imagine what kind of show people can remember to do...this is a bit sic.
Peculates: Fucking superficial brats...Care about teeth due to insecurity brought on by lack of brushing.
Smacked: Love teeth!
Whats wrong with his teeth?
Jameson: Wow!
That was weird!
Really Broadloom: This rocks.
Sinusoid: I liked his teeth the way they were....
(But yellow aint cool!)
His teeth made him SEXIER!
POP Holocaust: A quirk I totally lounged!
So glad he stopped smoking, though.
Solon: Fuck that.
I love slightly crooked teeth.
Melantha: David Bowie's teeth are sexy as hell, just like everything else about him.
David Bowie is the most beautiful man on the planet, bar none. bowel: DON`T BE SO FUCKING FACILE!
Stick to commenting on Paris Hilton`s new handbag.
Fuck`Stamina: Teethmarks Fuck about his teeth - He is unique and looks sexy with his original teeth - Christy: Sake they're not that bad!
LOVeD :its "ugly".. what the??
I adore endearingly imperfect cogs-re this way bad.
Take George Harrison's original "canines," for example.
Ah, good.
Thanks for sharing. ~ Provoker: With both of you loved its canines...
Everyone real - but ruined perfectionism of Bowie cogs.
Hamhung: Was bursting out people.
He is almost 60!
All pictures they has of him on here made me laughs!
They were flatter to burn future realm and not British Orwell.

yes, were an interesting video.
I preferred also am old canines.
I remind that such he with the pillow bloodied of its sharp thrashing its mouth would awake!

Thus he IS vampire... !?
For the supply of fuck.
Stamina fuck: Concerning the importance of look sexy with its origins are they not those bad.

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