October 21, 2009

60 years of British sex education films, spanning the years 1917 - 1973 Wellcome Library Catalogue - 'b1674002'

 REQUEST Moving image and sound collections  4265D
Phys. Desc.
1 DVD (338 min.) : sd. & si., b&w. & col., PAL
Produced and directed by: 1. Joseph Best, War Office; 2. British Instructional Films Ltd.; 3. British Instructional films Ltd.; 4. Mary Field for British Instructional Films Ltd.; 5. Central Council for Health Education Film Unit; 6. Vernon Sewell for Gaumont-British Instructional; 7. Brian Salt for Gaumont-British Instructional; 8. Horace Shepherd for Inspiration Pictures; 9. John Halas and Joy Batchelor for Halas & Batchelor Cartoon Films; 10. J.B. Holmes for crown Film Unit; 11. Winifred Holmes for Film Producers Guild; 12. Guy Fergusson and Phillip Sattin for Eothen Films; 13. Lothar Wolff for Louis de Rochemont Associates; 14. Martin Cole for Global Films; 15. Hugh Baddeley for Hugh Baddeley Productions; 16. Graham Jones and Jon Astley for Oxford Polytechnic.
Target Audience
General public
A collection of 16 titles from over 60 years of British sex education films, spanning the years 1917 - 1973. Disc 1 contains:

1. 'Whatsoever a man soweth' (1917) (38 min.) - black and white, silent film, warning Canadian troops about the dangers of catching veneral disease. It follows young Canadian soldier, Dick, as he tries to avoid propositions from prostitutes in London. He is encouraged to see Dr. Burns who shows him victims of venereal disease in various stages - explicit close-ups show rotting legs, hands and syphilitic sores. After the war it transpires that Dick's brother Tom has infected his wife with syphilis. They are both cured but their child is born blind. The film has a new score by Dave Formula.

2. 'Any evening after work' (1930) (27 min.) - Black and white, silent film, looking at the dangers of leaving venereal disease untreated. It follows the fate of a man who begins to feel unwell following an encounter with a female stranger. While prevaricating about going to see his GP he sees a poster for a lecture by the British Social Hygiene Council. He attends and hears a lecture on venereal disease. Following the lecture, the man secures a hospital appointment. The film has a new score by Dave Formula.

3. 'How to tell' (1931) (21 min.) - Black and white, silent film encouraging parents to equip their children with the truth about reproduction. New score by Dave Formula.


Bing is Bringing Twitter Search to You

October 21, 2009, 10:24 AM by Bing | 17 Comments

One of the most interesting things going on today on the Internet is the notion of the real time web. The idea of accessing data in real time has been an elusive goal in the world of search. Web indexes in search engines update at pretty amazing rates, given what it takes to crawl the entire web and index it for searching, but getting that to “real time” has been challenging.

The explosive popularity of Twitter is the best example of this opportunity. Twitter is producing millions of tweets every minute on every subject you can imagine. The power of those tweets as a form of data that can be surfaced in search is enormous. Innovative services like Twitter give us access to public opinion and thoughts in a way that has not before been possible. From important social and political issues to keeping friends up to date on the minute-by-minute of our daily lives, the web is getting more and more real time.

Search needs to keep up. Shortly after we launched Bing, we did an experiment with the team at Twitter, where we took a fairly small number of “celebrities” from Twitter and provided access to their tweets as part of the search result. Here is a great example.

But what if we take that to the next level? What if we indexed basically the whole public Twitter stream and made it available to customers?

We’re glad you asked that. Because today at Web 2.0 we announced that working with those clever birds over at Twitter, we now have access to the entire public Twitter feed and have a beta of Bing Twitter search for you to play with (in the US, for now). Try it out. The Bing and Twitter teams want to know what you think.

How does this all work?

Were you as fascinated by the 6-year-old boy floating away in a balloon as we were? Was it a hoax? We know that people are going to twitter more and more for information surrounding all the latest chatter.

You can now search for what people are saying all over the web about breaking news topics, your favorite celebrity, hometown sports team, and anything else you use Twitter to stay on top of today.

The search results on people’s tweets will show up like this:

If you want to keep an eye on this topic, you can just watch the Tweets roll in. Or, click on “See more Tweets about…” to go to a page full of Tweets. On that page, you can change the ordering to “Best Match.” Here we arrange Tweets differently. If someone has a lot of followers, his/her Tweet may get ranked higher. If a tweet is exactly the same as other Tweets, it will get ranked lower. For example, I saw a Tweet from ABC News ranked pretty high in the Best Match mode during the “boy in the balloon” fiasco. By the way, you won’t see any of your tweets if you protected or deleted them, and tweets don’t last more than 7 days in our index.

Are you a Taylor Swift fan?  Just think of all the links that are shared on twitter that have to do with Taylor. To help you find these links we sift through and find the most interesting and hot trending links that other search engines usually don’t pick up on. Below you can see a couple of interesting links shared by Twitter users – some news and some gossip.   

Instead of the usual captions that are used for links, we decided to give you a “social caption” and show you what people are saying about these links.

Our team has been using this product internally, below are some situations where it came in handy:

  • Sean Suchter (my boss) and I avoided a closed freeway on a rainy Seattle day and made our flight home.
  • Eric Scheel (principle program manager on the team) a photo-gear junkie, keeps up on early product reviews and  owners’ tweets, which helped him decide on his next purchase.
  • My wife thinks I am almost cool because I know stuff about Taylor Swift.

We’d love to hear some stories from you about how this may have helped you. Of course, we also want to hear your ideas about how to keep improving this product.

Paul Yiu and the Bing Social Search Team

*Please note that at this time this is a US only feature.

Bing - Bing is Bringing Twitter Search to You - Search Blog - Bing Community

Harry Potter Dumbledore Gay, JK Amazes Fans | UK news | The Observer

Dumbledore Gay, JK Amazes fans

Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone

The late Richard Harris as Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

There could hardly have been a bigger sensation if Russell Crowe, Rod Stewart or Sven-Goran Eriksson had come out of the closet. Millions of fans around the world were yesterday digesting the news that one of the main characters in the Harry Potter novels, Albus Dumbledore, is gay.

The revelation came from author JK Rowling during a question-and-answer session at New York's Carnegie Hall. It instantly hurtled around the internet and the world. News websites in China and Germany announced starkly: 'JK Rowling: "Dumbledore is gay".' One blogger wrote on a fansite: 'My head is spinning. Wow. One more reason to love gay men.'

After reading briefly from her mega-selling book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, on Friday night, Rowling took questions from an audience of 1,600 students. A 19-year-old from Colorado asked about the avuncular headmaster of Hogwarts School: 'Did Dumbledore, who believed in the prevailing power of love, ever fall in love himself?'

The author replied: 'My truthful answer to you...I always thought of Dumbledore as gay.' The audience reportedly fell silent - then erupted into prolonged applause.

Rowling, 42, continued: 'Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald [a bad wizard he defeated long ago], and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extent, but he met someone as brilliant as he was and, rather like Bellatrix, he was very drawn to this brilliant person and horribly, terribly let down by him.'

She added: 'Yeah, that's how I always saw Dumbledore. In fact, recently I was in a script read-through for the sixth film, and they had Dumbledore saying a line to Harry early in the script saying, "I knew a girl once, whose hair..." I had to write a little note in the margin and slide it along to the scriptwriter, "Dumbledore's gay!"'

Amazed by the warm reaction of the audience, Rowling, on her first US tour in seven years, joked: 'Just imagine the fan fiction now.'

Harry Potter character Dumbledore was gay, JK tells amazed fans | UK news | The Observer

Five Gayest Halloween Costumes: 5 Halloween Outfits Inspired by Gays |

  • Five Gay Halloween Costume Ideas

    5 Halloween Party Outfits Inspired by Hollywood Movies for Gay Men

    © Steve Williams

    Gay Halloween Costume Idea 1 – Christian Bale's Batman

    Christian Bale has been a poster boy for straight women and gay men alike ever since his iconic performance in American Psycho, but it is his turn in the revived Batman franchise that makes an ideal gay Halloween costume idea. To recreate the Dark Knight look cheaply, items include:

    • A dark pair of fitted trousers.
    • A flowing black cape.
    • A black mask that fully covers the upper face as part of a skullcap with antenna like horns.
    • Finally, don't forget the bat signal, stuck on to the centre of Batman's chest!

    If part of a couple, a budding Batman might like to take his Robin along to the Halloween party too. In this instance, try the 1997 Batman and Robin film for inspiration which had suits with very chiseled physiques.

    Gay Halloween Costume Idea 2 – King Leonidas from 300

The gay interest film that took the world by storm, Brokeback Mountain gives an ideal opportunity for making a gay Halloween costume inexpensively for either a single man or a gay trick-or-treating couple, just don't forget to add some Wyoming drawl alongside this Halloween party outfit for that truly authentic feel. The items required include:

  • A cowboy hat. Ennis appears to favour a lighter cream hat whereas Jack, as a rodeo man, prefers a jet black one.
  • Plaid shirts. Ennis wears light blue or pale shirts whereas Jack is more adventurous with deeper colours such as greens and reds.
  • Scuffed cowboy boots are a must for the final touch to this gay cowboy Halloween costume.
  • A spear (blunted, of course).
  • A long red cloak.
  • A loin cloth if the wearer has the thighs for it. Otherwise, some tan coloured shorts are a good substitute.
  • A smattering of fake blood.

Gay Halloween Costume Idea 3 – Ennis and Jack from Brokeback Mountain

The gay interest film that took the world by storm, Brokeback Mountain gives an ideal opportunity for making a gay Halloween costume inexpensively for either a single man or a gay trick-or-treating couple, just don't forget to add some Wyoming drawl alongside this Halloween party outfit for that truly authentic feel. The items required include:

  • A cowboy hat. Ennis appears to favour a lighter cream hat whereas Jack, as a rodeo man, prefers a jet black one.
  • Plaid shirts. Ennis wears light blue or pale shirts whereas Jack is more adventurous with deeper colours such as greens and reds.
  • Scuffed cowboy boots are a must for the final touch to this gay cowboy Halloween costume.

Gay Halloween Costume Idea 4 – Dumbledore from the Harry Potter Series

After acclaimed writer J.K. Rowling announced that Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, was gay, the possibility of making a Dumbledore Halloween costume has become more enticing. For this master wizard a few key items to add that extra touch of magic to a Halloween party outfit are:

  • A long, flowing purple robe (or blue if going for the Michael Gambon version).
  • A pale golden wand.
  • A small pair of spectacles
  • Long white hair and an equally lengthy white beard.

Gay Halloween Costume Idea 5 – Sam and Frodo from The Lord of the Rings

Whilst not actually identified as gay characters, Sam and Frodo become very close throughout the course of The Lord of the Rings, leading some fans and scholars to speculate as to the nature of their relationship. A simple concept, the two hobbits make a great pairing for another gay Halloween party outfit idea. For this, the following items will be required:

  • Curly, shaggy looking wigs that hang loosely about the face.
  • White shirts.
  • Green or brown waistcoats.
  • Brown or black three-quarter-length trousers.
  • Large, bare feet (fake if genetics have not been forthcoming).

Gay Halloween Costume Ideas – The Spooky Fun Doesn't Stop Here

Whatever gay Halloween costume appeals, the above list of ideas shows that simple, iconic pieces are what dressing for Halloween parties is all about, so have fun and create more gay Halloween costume ideas using these suggestions as a starting point.