August 25, 2009

Guide to Pronouncing Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs

Guide to Pronunciations for Tobacco Products, Alcohol & Drugs

in SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use & Health

Brands of Tobacco:
Antonio y Cleopatra an–toe–nee–o ee clee–o–pah–tra
Capri ca–pree
Casa Silva kah–sah sil–vah
Copenhagen kope–en–hay–gun
Cuesta–Rey kwes–ta ray
Doral door–al
El Producto ell pro–duck–to
Garcia y Vega gar–see–ah ee vay–gah
Havatampa hav–ah–tam–pah
La Corona la kah–rone–ah
Macanudos mack–a–noo–doze
Partagas par–tay–gahs
Rigoletto rig–o–let–o
Tijuana Smalls tee–ya–wan–ah smalls
Viceroy vice–a–roy
Alcoholic Beverages:
Cassis kah–sees
Cognac kon–yak
Creme de menthe krem–duh–menth
Drambuie dram–boo–ee
Grand Marnier grand marn–nee–ay
Kahlua kah–loo–ah
Lager lah–gur
Liqueurs li–koors
Muscadine mus–ka–dine
Schnapps shnops
Scuppernong skupp–er–nong
Vermouth ver–mooth
Illicit Drugs:
Hallucinogen ha–loo–sin–oh–jin
Hashish hash–eesh
Heroin hair–roh–in
Marijuana mare–ah–wan–ah
Mescaline mess–ka–lin
Peyote pay–yo–tee
Phencyclidine fen–sigh–kluh–deen
Psilocybin sill–oh–sigh–bin
Aerosol spray air–uh–sol spray
Amyl Nitrite am–mill nigh–trite
Anesthetic an–ness–thet–ick
Ether ee–thur
Halothane hal–oh–thane
Inhalant in–hay–lunt
Lacquer thinner lack–er thin–ner
Nitrous oxide nigh–truss ock–side
Toluene tall–yoo–een
Whippets whip–ets
Prescription Pain Relievers:
Analgesic an–nul–jee–zick
Darvocet–N dar–voh–set–n
Darvon dar–von
Demerol dem–er–all
Dilaudid dye–law–did
Fioricet fee–or–i–set
Fiorinal fee–or–i–nall
Hydrocodone high–dro–koh–done
Lorcet lore–set
Lortab lore–tab
Methadone meth–uh–done
Morphine more–feen
Opiates oh–pee–yuts
OxyContin ock–see–con–tin
Percocet per–koh–set
Percodan per–koh–dan
Phenaphen with Codeine fen–a–fen with koh–deen
Propoxyphene pro–pocks–i–feen
Stadol stay–doll
Talacen tal–uh–sin
Talwin tall–win
Talwin NX tall–win–n–x
Tramadol tram–uh–doll
Tylenol with Codeine tie–luh–nall with koh–deen
Tylox tie–locks
Ultram ul–trum
Vicodin vigh–kuh–din
Prescription Tranquilizers:
Alprazolam al–pra–zoe–lam
Atarax at–uh–racks
Ativan at–uh–van
BuSpar byoo–spar
Clonazepam kluh–na–zuh–pam
Diazepam die–az–uh–pam
Equanil eh–kwuh–nill
Flexeril fleck–suh–rill
Klonopin klaw–nuh–pin
Librium lib–ree–um
Limbitrol lim–bi–trall
Lorazepam luh–raz–uh–pam
Meprobamate meh–pro–bam–ate
Rohypnol roh–hip–nall
Serax seer–racks
Soma so–muh
Tranquilizer trang–kwuh–lie–zer
Tranxene tran–zeen
Valium val–ee–um
Vistaril vis–tah–rill
Xanax zan–acks
Prescription Stimulants:
Amphetamines am–fet–uh–meens
Benzedrine ben–zah–dreen
Biphetamine bye–fet–uh–meen
Cylert sigh–lert
Desoxyn deh–zocks–in
Dexamyl decks–uh–mill
Dexedrine decks–uh–dreen
Dextroamphetamine decks–tro–am–fet–uh–meen
Didrex die–drecks
Eskatrol ess–kah–troll
Fastin fass–tin
Ionamin eye–own–uh–min
Mazanor maz–uh–nor
Methamphetamine meth–am–fet–uh–meen
Methedrine meth–uh–dreen
Methylphenidate meth–ill–fen–i–date
Obedrin – L.A. o–bed–rin – L.A.
Phentermine fen–ter–meen
Plegine pleh–zjeen
Preludin pray–loo–din
Ritalin rit–uh–lin
Sanorex san–uh–recks
Stimulant stim–yoo–lunt
Tenuate ten–you–ate
Prescription Sedatives:
Amytal am–ih–tall
Barbiturates bar–bit–chyoo–ruts or bar–bi–choo–its
Butalbital byoo–tal–bi–tall
Butisol byoo–ti–zall
Chloral Hydrate klor–al high–drate
Dalmane doll–main
Halcion hal–see–on
Methaqualone meth–ack–wuh–lone
Nembutal Sodium nem–byoo–tall–so–dee–um
Pentobarbital pen–toe–bar–bi–tall
Phenobarbital fee–noh–bar–bi–tall
Placidyl pla–si–dill
Quaalude kway–lood
Restoril res–toh–rill
Secobarbital seh–koh–bar–bi–tall
Seconal seh–kuh–nall
Sedative seh–duh–tiv
Sopor so–pore
Temazepam tuh–maz–i–pam
Tuinal two–in–all
Other Words:
CHAMPUS champ–us
CHAMPVA champ–vuh or champ–V.A.


Complete alphabetical listing

Aerosol spray air–uh–sol spray
Alprazolam al–pra–zoe–lam
Amphetamines am–fet–uh–meens
Amyl Nitrite am–mill nigh–trite
Amytal am–ih–tall
Analgesic an–nul–jee–zick
Anesthetic an–ness–thet–ick
Antonio y Cleopatra an–toe–nee–o ee clee–o–pah–tra
Atarax at–uh–racks
Ativan at–uh–van
Barbiturates bar–bit–chyoo–ruts or bar–bi–choo–its
Benzedrine ben–zah–dreen
Biphetamine bye–fet–uh–meen
BuSpar byoo–spar
Butalbital byoo–tal–bi–tall
Butisol byoo–ti–zall
Capri ca–pree
Casa Silva kah–sah sil–vah
Cassis kah–sees
CHAMPUS champ–us
CHAMPVA champ–vuh or champ–V.A.
Chloral Hydrate klor–al high–drate
Clonazepam kluh–na–zuh–pam
Cognac kon–yak
Copenhagen kope–en–hay–gun
Creme de menthe krem–duh–menth
Cuesta–Rey kwes–ta ray
Cylert sigh–lert
Dalmane doll–main
Darvocet–N dar–voh–set–n
Darvon dar–von
Demerol dem–er–all
Desoxyn deh–zocks–in
Dexamyl decks–uh–mill
Dexedrine decks–uh–dreen
Dextroamphetamine decks–tro–am–fet–uh–meen
Diazepam die–az–uh–pam
Didrex die–drecks
Dilaudid dye–law–did
Doral door–al
Drambuie dram–boo–ee
El Producto ell pro–duck–to
Equanil eh–kwuh–nill
Eskatrol ess–kah–troll
Ether ee–thur
Fastin fass–tin
Fioricet fee–or–i–set
Fiorinal fee–or–i–nall
Flexeril fleck–suh–rill
Garcia y Vega gar–see–ah ee vay–gah
Grand Marnier grand marn–nee–ay
Halcion hal–see–on
Hallucinogen ha–loo–sin–oh–jin
Halothane hal–oh–thane
Hashish hash–eesh
Havatampa hav–ah–tam–pah
Heroin hair–roh–in
Hydrocodone high–dro–koh–done
Inhalant in–hay–lunt
Ionamin eye–own–uh–min
Kahlua kah–loo–ah
Klonopin klaw–nuh–pin
La Corona la kah–rone–ah
Lacquer thinner lack–er thin–ner
Lager lah–gur
Librium lib–ree–um
Limbitrol lim–bi–trall
Liqueurs li–koors
Lorazepam luh–raz–uh–pam
Lorcet lore–set
Lortab lore–tab
Macanudos mack–a–noo–doze
Marijuana mare–ah–wan–ah
Mazanor maz–uh–nor
Meprobamate meh–pro–bam–ate
Mescaline mess–ka–lin
Methadone meth–uh–done
Methamphetamine meth–am–fet–uh–meen
Methaqualone meth–ack–wuh–lone
Methedrine meth–uh–dreen
Methylphenidate meth–ill–fen–i–date
Morphine more–feen
Muscadine mus–ka–dine
Nembutal Sodium nem–byoo–tall–so–dee–um
Nitrous oxide nigh–truss ock–side
Obedrin – L.A. o–bed–rin – L.A.
Opiates oh–pee–yuts
OxyContin ock–see–con–tin
Partagas par–tay–gahs
Pentobarbital pen–toe–bar–bi–tall
Percocet per–koh–set
Percodan per–koh–dan
Peyote pay–yo–tee
Phenaphen with Codeine fen–a–fen with koh–deen
Phencyclidine fen–sigh–kluh–deen
Phenobarbital fee–noh–bar–bi–tall
Phentermine fen–ter–meen
Placidyl pla–si–dill
Plegine pleh–zjeen
Preludin pray–loo–din
Propoxyphene pro–pocks–i–feen
Psilocybin sill–oh–sigh–bin
Quaalude kway–lood
Restoril res–toh–rill
Rigoletto rig–o–let–o
Ritalin rit–uh–lin
Rohypnol roh–hip–nall
Sanorex san–uh–recks
Schnapps shnops
Scuppernong skupp–er–nong
Secobarbital seh–koh–bar–bi–tall
Seconal seh–kuh–nall
Sedative seh–duh–tiv
Serax seer–racks
Soma so–muh
Sopor so–pore
Stadol stay–doll
Stimulant stim–yoo–lunt
Talacen tal–uh–sin
Talwin tall–win
Talwin NX tall–win–n–x
Temazepam tuh–maz–i–pam
Tenuate ten–you–ate
Tijuana Smalls tee–ya–wan–ah smalls
Toluene tall–yoo–een
Tramadol tram–uh–doll
Tranquilizer trang–kwuh–lie–zer
Tranxene tran–zeen
Tuinal two–in–all
Tylenol with Codeine tie–luh–nall with koh–deen
Tylox tie–locks
Ultram ul–trum
Valium val–ee–um
Vermouth ver–mooth
Viceroy vice–a–roy
Vicodin vigh–kuh–din
Vistaril vis–tah–rill
Whippets whip–ets
Xanax zan–acks

This is the page footer.
2003 NSDUH FI Manual - Appendix E. NSDUH Guide to Pronunciations

Double Down with KFC

Double Down with KFC

Double Down with KFC

With the sudden popularity of this post, I would like to ask that if anyone wants to use the images, feel free, just please add a note somewhere on your blog/site crediting  Thank you!


I saw this commercial yesterday and couldn’t find anything about it online or even on the KFC website.  I thought I had dreamed it up, but when it came on today I snagged it with my cellphone (sorry ’bout the quality):

You just saw the KFC Double Down Chicken Sandwich.  Who dreamed this up?  This is perhaps the most insane “sandwich” I have ever seen. A fried chicken patty, 2 slices of cheese, 2 slices of bacon, and another fried chicken patty.  Wow.  Sorry I don’t have much else to say, it is like the Monster Burger of chicken.  My mind is boggled… the funny thing about this sandwich is that it is part of the “unthink kfc” advertising, which has previously only been for grilled chicken.

So, upon seeing this I did what anyone would do and drove over to KFC to buy the beast.  The “meal” is $6.99, but you can buy the sandwich for a mere $4.99.  The description from the horse’s mouth:

  • 2 Original Recipe Filets
  • Bacon
  • Pepper Jack Cheese
  • Swiss Cheese
  • Colonel’s Sauce

So, what does it look like?  Check out some photos:

Behold the sign!

Behold the sign!

The unboxing...

The unboxing...

There she is.

There she is.

A bit of a closeup for ya…

The KFC Double Down Sandwich... its.... something, alright!

The KFC Double Down Sandwich... it's.... something, alright!

So, what does it taste like?  Well, let me let Jess tell you:

That’s it?  That is the sandwich?  That’s not worth five dollars.  <takes a bite>  Oh… oh my God.  That is the best thing ever.  I don’t know what “Colonel’s Sauce” is, but it is like a party in my mouth.  This is completely worth the five dollars.  Unfortunately I’m going to end up weighing 700 lbs after this, but it is simply amazing.

Now, I didn’t get that orgasmic feeling from it, then again, I’m not a huge fan of fast food.  So, there you have it.  Thoughts on this new offering from KFC?


Update -- 09/21/2009


Looks like the world has made it to my sleepy little corner of the web.  Thank you Consumerist, This is Why You’re Fat, 9 News and all the other blogs and news articles!

Now then, it looks like some people are doubting this is a true sandwich, so for SCIENCE I decided to go down and get some more shots to prove to you that yes, you can legally harden your arteries with this monster (plus, Jess is addicted to them).  Here we go!



The sign of things to come...


Who's that in the window?



What to choose... what to choose?


Perhaps this will quench my hunger!

Making & Receipt:


Caitlyn makes these like a pro!



The Sandwiches (one opened, one split in half):


Feed me Seymour, feed me!!


Ninja chop!!

NDouble Down with KFC

KFC tests out new bunless burger to rave reviews in America's heartland

The KFC Double Down Burger

The KFC Double Down Burger

Photograph by:, ..

The chemistry whizkids at what used to be called Kentucky Fried Chicken before 'fried' became a word with negative connotations have come up with what they believe may be the year's big fast food burger seller - and it doesn't include bread. Behold, the Double Down.

The creation features a dollop of the Colonel's secret sauce wrapped in a slice of both Pepperjack Cheese and Swiss Cheese, between two slices of bacon and two filets of KFC original recipe chicken that serve as the 'bread' of the burger.

That's right - instead of bread, you get breaded chicken. Multiplied by two.

The Double Down is generally considered to be a big success thus far in the areas it has been tested, with management at a KFC outlet in Omaha Nebraska telling Australian reporters that the 'sandwich' had exceeded expectations.

The Double Down sells for $6.99 and a TV commercial promoting it in the American midwest says it has "so much 100 percent premium chicken, we didn't have room for a bun." The commercial comes as part of the "Rethink KFC" campaign that has, to date, been focused on rebranding the company with healthy products.

KFC doesn't offer official nutritional information on their website to tell potential Double Downers what they might be doing to their internal system, so we here at The Vancouver Sun have taken out our chemistry set and rebuilt the Double Down in our underground lab with a view to figuring out how it works.

The results of our calculations (and these are only guess-timates) show this one menu item can be estimated to supply more than the daily recommended allowance in fat (124%), saturated fat (117%), cholesterol (105%), sodium (125%) and protein (194%), as well as 61% of your daily recommended calorie intake.

Our figures are only an estimate based on nutritional information listed for individual ingredients on the KFC website, as well as ingredients that closely resemble others not listed, and data provided by nutritional watchdog groups based on generic brands, so should be taken (if you'll excuse the pun) with a grain of salt.

But if our figures hold true, and we haven't been able to get KFC to confirm they don't, the Double Down is more caloriffic than the Wendy's Triple with Everything and Cheese (1700 mg sodium, 960 calories, 26 gms of fat), the Burger King Stacker Quad (1770 sodium, 1020 calories, 69 gms of fat), and compares closely to the fat, salt and calorie totals of three McDonalds Big Macs put together (3060 sodium, 1620 calories, 87 gms fat).

UPDATE: KFC public relations rep Rick Maynard has come forward with some nutritional information estimates for the Double Down which he says run contrary to what we've reported. Maynard says the firm wouldn't normally do a full nutritional run on a product unless they decided to roll out a product nationally, but he has volunteered estimated figures for the information of the eating public.

Maynard clarifies, "It looks like when you guys ran your numbers, you included the numbers for two Original Recipe breasts (chicken on the bone). This product uses Original Recipe filets."

That information changes things markedly in some areas, according to KFC, putting the calorie count at 590, the total fat content at 31g, the saturated fat at 10g, and the cholesterol at 190mg. That's certainly an improvement, putting the meal in line with the mid-to-high range of most fast food outlet menu items.

KFC provided no information on sodium content, carbohydrates or protein, and though our adjusted numbers still come out differently to what the company claims to be true, we'll cede to their food boffins as knowing more than our junk food addicts with calculators and muffin-top waistlines.

Eat up, Nebraskans. And pass the napkins.

KFC tests out new bunless burger to rave reviews in America's heartland

KFC's Double Down Sandwich: Is Chicken Instead Of Bread Going Too Far? (VIDEO)

In the midst of a staggering obesity epidemic in the US, KFC has doubled down on a high-calorie menu choice. KFC is now offering a "sandwich" which consists of bacon, two kinds of cheeses and sauce between two pieces of fried chicken. That's right, fried chicken as a bun instead of bread.

According to Fox News, the "sandwich" is being test-marketed in only two areas so far, Rhode Island and Nebraska.


The item is not yet on the KFC website. We look forward to looking at the nutrition information once it appears.


The Vancouver Sun has done an independent calorie analysis for the "Double Down" and has concluded the "sandwich" likely has 1228 calories.

But if our figures hold true, and KFC won't confirm they don't, the Double Down is more caloriffic than the Wendy's Triple with Everything and Cheese (1700 mg sodium, 960 calories, 26 gms of fat), the Burger King Stacker Quad (1770 sodium, 1020 calories, 69 gms of fat), and compares closely to the fat, salt and calorie totals of three McDonalds Big Macs put together (3060 sodium, 1620 calories, 87 gms fat).

Quick Poll

What do you think of KFC's new "Double Down" sandwich?

Gross! And shame on them for selling such an unhealthy thing.

I wouldn't eat it, but it's a free country if others want to.

It looks kinda tasty.

KFC's Double Down Sandwich: Is Chicken Instead Of Bread Going Too Far? (VIDEO)