August 19, 2009

(Photo) "The European girl," to fight Obama with Naked Portrait - Qzone

"European girls," Obama together
nude portrait

Obama is now, the hair for a white one black.

Hey, do not, this is his team to build his way to a very good.

Americans feel that he is hard for the United States.

Of course, some things that Obama will not only play, and that the Europeans also know that to play.

This will, to get a body painting Obama's head, what is its mean, you know I should have.

Macao to achieve your dream 《Sexy MF》 rock and roll night 《Sonny@Cher》



rock and roll


来自美国的Hard Rock International在澳门全新娱乐度假项目新濠天地里新开了其全球的第10家硬石酒店,延续酒店一贯的摇滚与流行音乐风格,在软硬件的设计配置上,都相当完整地表达出音乐的美妙世界,带来一场关于音乐文化的独特居住体验。

 From the United States, Hard Rock International brand-new entertainment resort in Macau, Melco projects in the new world opened its first global 10 Hard Rock Hotels, the hotel has always been the continuation of the rock and pop music styles, the design of hardware and software configuration on all very complete expression of the wonderful world of music has brought about a unique culture on the live music experience.

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不那么规则的圆柱状大楼,从一条长方形的玻璃群楼上一跃而出,建筑外立面上那盘旋而上的螺纹状,让我想起了马岩松的梦露大厦,当然,它不是。 Rules less cylindrical building, a rectangular glass from upstairs group jumped out of the building facades and on the spiral thread-like, reminds me of the Monroe Building, Ma Yansong, of course, it is not. 其实有点像音乐的旋律感,或者说随着音乐扭动的身躯,紧身衣很自然地起了小褶皱,这样理解或许更接近在大楼的顶端黄颜色、很醒目的那几个字:hard rock。 In fact, a bit like the music a sense of melody, or twisting of the body with the music, tights naturally from a small fold, perhaps this way the building is closer to the top of yellow color, very eye-catching words: hard rock .

这里是澳门离岛,Hard Rock International将其全球的第10家酒店,放在了氹仔与路环之间的路氹城,这也是亚洲的第三家hard rock hotel,偏好这家摇滚风格酒店的人,就可以不用舍近求远去泰国芭堤雅或者印尼巴厘岛了吧。 This is the Macau Islands, Hard Rock International will be the first of its 10 global hotel on Taipa and Coloane Cotai between, which is Asia's third hard rock hotel, prefer the style of the hotel who rock , you can not detour to Pattaya in Thailand or Bali instead. 我住过不止三家走摇滚或夜场风格的酒店,与香港W Hotels或者北京Hotel G相比,这一家的厉害之处,也许从它以砸碎八支吉他的方式来宣布开幕的行动艺术里就可以看出来,它专攻的领域就是音乐。 I stayed away more than three or night rock-style hotel, W Hotels and the Hong Kong or Beijing Hotel G in comparison with that for much of the family, perhaps in order to break from its eight way guitar was opened on the art of action can be seen, it is specializing in the field of music.

穿过布满繁花图案的华丽玻璃门进入大堂,变暗的光线配合热烈的摇滚音乐,立马让人恍若置身夜场,接待台摇身变成了三个,竟然会觉得这是不是镜头摇晃得厉害而没有看真实。 Covered with flowers and patterns through the glass doors into the magnificent lobby, with the warm dim light rock music, people immediately outside恍若night, Front Desk suddenly turned into a three, even would not think this is a camera shake not much to see real. 当然不是。 Of course not. 确实是一改寻常酒店一个接待区的传统样貌,三个半岛式的接待台,像三只鼓架在那里,很自然地将大堂变成了一个音乐会现场。 Unusual indeed changed a hotel of the traditional appearance of the reception area, three reception-style Peninsula, such as frame drums 3, where it is natural to become a concert hall at the scene. 那么吉他在哪儿呢? So where does the guitar? 在左手边的墙上。

The walls of the left hand side. 你是要Deep Purple、Black Sabbath、Red Hot Chili Peppers? You are to Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Red Hot Chili Peppers? 还是Bon Jovi、Joe Satriani、Jackson Browne? Or Bon Jovi, Joe Satriani, Jackson Browne? 或是YES乐队所用的Steve Howe那支标志型号martin 00-18?

YES or band Steve Howe used in models that support mark martin 00-18?

最耀眼的音乐明星用过的吉他,错落地堆成了一面相当具有音乐能量的艺术墙,也算是酒店给每一位客人最初的见面礼。 The most dazzling star of the music used guitars, scattered to the side quite堆成energy music wall art, it can be considered for every hotel guests the initial gift. 其 实这面墙上除了吉他,也有Anthrax的鼓,Mariah Carey的牛仔上衣穿插其间,不过真的要看贴身家伙,可以去酒店开幕首展里的珍藏区让自己更加兴奋一点:Michael Jackson标志性的金手套,猫王经典扮相中的皮毛大衣,Andre Van Pier为麦当娜设计的紧身上衣连热裤,雪儿在《Sonny@Cher》演出时穿的晚装,大门乐队吉他手Robbie Krieger的印度风格背心,Ozzy Osbourne红色闪亮舞台服,Bon Jovi2008世界巡回演唱会的舞衣及长裤,Prince拍摄《Sexy MF》录象带及专辑封面时戴的金链面纱黑帽子,Dolly Parton金色高跟鞋……20件来自世界super star的独家珍藏,先期在这里为酒店的摆明身份。

In fact, this wall in addition to guitar, but also Anthrax drum, Mariah Carey interspersed during the denim jacket, but the guys really have to close, you can go to a hotel and the opening of the first exhibition of the treasures in their own area so that even more excited:

Michael Jackson's landmark Gold Glove, Elvis classic appearance of fur coats, Andre Van Pier Madonna designed for tight T-shirt hot even Cher in "Sonny @ Cher" the performances of the evening wear, Doors guitarist Robbie Krieger of India style vest, Ozzy Osbourne flashes red stage clothes, Bon Jovi2008 world tour concert costumes and a pair of trousers, Prince film "Sexy MF" video and album cover wearing the gold chain at the black veil hat, Dolly Parton high gold heeled shoes ...

from the exclusive collection of super star, early in the clear identity for the hotel.

据了解,Hard Rock集团几乎与世界最重要的音乐明星都有合作,独家收藏其私人物件,而这些藏品被展示于世界各地的Hard Rock咖啡馆、酒店以及饭店。 It is understood, Hard Rock group is almost the world's most important music stars have cooperation, exclusive collection of their personal objects, and these collections have been displayed all over the world in the Hard Rock cafes, hotels and restaurants. 首位进入珍藏品系列的华人巨星则是张学友,这也是澳门Hard Rock的最新珍藏。 The first family to enter the Chinese collection is a superstar Jacky Cheung, Macau This is the latest collection of Hard Rock.

大 堂奠定基本风格的音乐元素,可谓一直贯穿到酒店的每一个部分,最令人印象深刻的,是通往二楼的扶梯一侧巨型装置艺术,由超过60000支的微型鼓棒所拼凑 而成,与扶梯另一侧真实的鼓相辉映,一虚一实,亦真亦幻,站在扶梯上,仿佛就踩着那鼓点密集而成的旋律,让人内心欢快,而二楼公共区域的唱片装饰,则对这 一段路程的音乐意象做了很自然的收尾。 Hall lay the basic elements of music style, the hotel has been run through every part of the most impressive is the side of the escalator leading to the second floor of a huge installation art, from the more than 60,000 by a patchwork of micro-鼓棒with the other side of the escalator with a real drum embraced is a virtual one,亦真亦幻, standing on the escalator, as if the drums on the foot by the melody-intensive, people feel cheerful, and the second floor public area Decorative record, the journey of this music has done a very natural image of the end.设计师在细节上呈现了对音乐的完整理解。 Designer shows in detail a complete understanding of music. 乘升降梯通往房间之路,也是具有如此真实的音乐现场感。 Room by the road leading to the elevators, but also with such a true sense of the music scene. 先 是电梯里面的音乐,延续了大堂里的热烈节奏,而电梯墙饰以深色木片编织的图案,配合明暗对照强烈的射灯,整个电梯间变成了一个微型的舞池,是很特别的经 历;出了电梯来,过道地面丰富的橘红色圆晕装饰,继续让人踩着摇滚的节奏去往房间,过道的装饰同时还有同样来自明星的贴身衣物,如果喝高了一点,那么是不 是还真的会让自己有置身演唱会的现场呢?

First, the music inside the elevator, and continued the rhythm of the lobby where the warm, and the elevator to墙饰dark woven wood patterns, with strong chiaroscuro lighting control, the entire elevator into a tiny dance floor is a very special experience; to the elevator, aisle-rich orange ground round halo decoration, continue to rock the rhythm of walking people go to the room, aisle decorations, also from the star as well as personal clothing, if they drink a bit high, it is not really will have their own outside the concert scene?

所以进了房间的第一件事,应该是将iPod接驳到专用的多功能播放器上,换上自己随身携带的音乐继续high上一会儿。 So into the room the first thing should be the iPod connected to a dedicated multi-functional player, put on their music continues to carry high the moment. 也许不用马上倒在hard rock品牌自有的“Sleep like a Rock”350针埃及密织棉质床单上,因为那个与洗浴室一墙之隔的大红色吧台实在太抢眼了,而银色的吧台椅更是让人马上要将跳舞的屁股挪过去,坐在吧台旁喝上一杯。 Perhaps not immediately fell to the hard rock of its own brand "Sleep like a Rock" 350-pin density woven Egyptian cotton sheets, because the bath room separated by a wall with a large red bar is too eye-catching, and silver is the bar chairs people dancing to the bottom immediately moved over to sit next to a drink bar.这 个超级简单的吧台区设计,实在我对整个酒店房间最爱之处,因为还可以当作书桌看书喝咖啡,或者当作办公台写东西上网,当然我连续两天早上都是在那里喝咖啡 吃早点,就像在家里那种随意,而,这个地方也可以用来干点别的什么事情,只要你想得到,所以叫它mult-station也不为过吧。 This super-simple design of the bar is my favorite of the entire hotel room because the desk can also be read as a cup of coffee, or the Taiwan office to write things as the Internet, of course, I am all for two consecutive days where drinking breakfast of coffee, just like at home the kind of arbitrary, but, this place can also be used to do anything else, as long as you want, so called mult-station it is not excessive. 唯一比较缺陷的地方,是没有设计电源插座的位置,也许设计师故意不要让人太流连于此而忽略更多美好的体验? The only flaw is that there is no power outlet in the location of the design may not be too much designer deliberately hang around here and ignore the more experience the better? 他还想要你去复古风格的沙发上消解情绪,去宽敞的浴缸里荡涤身心,或者放下行李立刻出门,去酒店所在的新濠天地大型娱乐项目里购物、看秀、吃饭或者看看能不能碰上点别的什么好运气。 He also would like you to retro style sofa digestion emotional, to the spacious bath and cleaned up the body and mind, or go immediately to lay down their luggage to the hotel where the world Melco to large-scale entertainment projects, see shows, eat or be able to see What came across something else good luck.

must try must try

R Bar R Bar

酒店虽然没有同步开设很有名的hard rock咖啡馆,却在大堂设有一个很大的R Bar(乐吧),空间充满强烈的节奏感,既与大堂热闹的氛围既相延续,又有独自的静谧感,提供各式小吃和饮品。 Although there is no simultaneous opening of the hotel well-known hard rock cafe in the lobby with a big R Bar (Music Bar), the space filled with a strong sense of rhythm, not only with the atmosphere of the lobby is busy with the continuation of its own and the quiet sense of providing all kinds of snacks and drinks.

hard rock shop hard rock shop

在酒店里最不能错过的体验当然是花点时间去细致参观那些平时无法接触到的明星私人物件,展览陈设会时常更换,而一楼专设的hard rock设计商店里,可以买到很多与音乐相关的服饰、配件以及CD等商品。 In the hotel can not afford to miss most of the experience of course, take time to visit those who normally can not be detailed access to the star of private objects, the exhibition displays will be replaced from time to time, and the first floor of the design of dedicated hard rock shops, you can buy a lot of music related apparel, accessories, as well as commodities such as CD.

design highlights design highlights

迷你吧台 Mini-bar

房间设计有小型的吧台,看似简单的设计,却是能放大很多生活的行为,很适合坐在舒服的吧台椅上喝酒聊天、看书上网、吃饭读报,几乎成为酒店房间中使用率最高的地方。 Room design of small bars, the design seems simple, but it is able to enlarge a lot of life, it is very suitable for sitting in a comfortable chair drinking bar chat, read books online, reading a meal, almost as a hotel room in the utilization rate of highest.

音乐元素 Musical elements

作为主打音乐风格的连锁酒店,从建筑外观的韵律开始,到大堂的吉他墙、巨星珍藏陈列、公共艺术设置以电梯间、房间的细节规划,以及贯穿整个酒店的背景音乐,都充分呼应了其音乐的主题。 As the main musical style chain hotel, from the appearance of the rhythm of the beginning of construction to the lobby wall of guitar, superstar collection on display, set up public art in order to lift, the rooms the details of planning, as well as throughout the hotel's background music, are fully echoed its The theme of music.

[责任编辑:cherryzhang] [Editor: cherryzhang]

dueling milkshake

dueling milkshake

Jimmy Dean Customer Service: 12oz Sausage Don't Feed Texas Family

Customer Upset Jimmy Dean Downsized Sausage 16oz To 12oz But Charges Same Price
By Ben Popken
Enraged by Jimmy Dean reducing the size of their sausage from 16 oz to 12 oz but still charging the same price, Randy Taylor left a voicemail complaint on Jimmy Dean corporate line. Randy has a southern accent and is quite upset with the Jimmy Dean sausage company. He threatens to never buy, and never eat, Jimmy Dean sausage again until they go back to making sausage like they used to. Click above to hear it (warning: curse words). How good an idea is this all-too common price-chiseling if it turns 30-year fans into boycotters?
Category: Comedy
Jimmy Dean Sausage Jimmy Dean marfa riatta Texas Man 12 oz Pkg package Don't Feed Family fat plump audio prank dissatisfied customer service help line