August 17, 2009

Build-A-Bear Black and orange leather-look chaps have the Harley-Davidson® Workshop-United States: Shop: Details

Black and orange leather-look chaps have the Harley-Davidson® logo on the front.
©2009 H-D,
Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: Shop: Details

Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: Shop: Details

Blushing Bride Curly Teddy & Groom Bearemy®

Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: Shop: Details

BOB DYLAN Aug 16, 2009 Stateline, NV Harveys Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena


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Dylan at his finest. This is


Dylan at his finest. This is my third Dylan concert and I believe it to be the best thus far. I was surprised when I saw Dylan playing a guitar, I knew he hadn't played his guitar live in a few years so I felt treated.

BOB DYLAN /tour/2009-08-16-harveys-lake-tahoe-outdoor-arena

My wife sex life should be abolished - FT中文网-

Dear Economist:

既然我们已经完成了传宗接代的任务,我太太希望我去做输精管结扎手术,并强烈暗示我,除非我照办,否则她将取消所有的性生活。 Now that we have completed the task of the family line, my wife wanted me to do vasectomy surgery, and strongly implying that I, unless I do so, otherwise she would cancel all of the sex life. 长期以来,我们做爱的频率(大约一个月一次)一直低于我的需求(一周两次)。 A long period of time, we have the frequency of sex (about once a month) the demand has been lower than I (twice a week). 尽管我不是经济学家,但我读到过,正面激励相当重要。 Although I am not an economist, but I read about, a very important positive incentives. 假如我太太承诺给我更多的性爱,而不是威胁说要彻底取消的话,那么她说服我去挨那一刀的胜算不是会更大吗? If my wife and I promised more sex, not a threat to the total elimination of, then she persuaded me to pay it back would be greater chances of winning is not it?

戴夫(Dave),伦敦 Dave (Dave), London

亲爱的戴夫, Dear Dave,

在传统经济学中,大棒和胡萝卜在动机方面并不存在很大差异,因此,就这一点而言,我很难批评你太太的经济学很糟糕。 In traditional economics, a big stick and the carrot does not exist in the motivations differ, therefore, on this point, I find it difficult to criticize your wife is bad economics.

不过,即便你的提议被接受了,你也会面临一个严重的问题。 However, even if your proposal is accepted, you will face a serious problem. 输精管结扎手术只是一个一次性手术,而你却希望得到一个未来不断持续的激励。 Vasectomy surgery is a one-time operation, but you have hope that the future continues to be an incentive. 你怎么能肯定你太太会遵守协议? How can you be sure you comply with the agreement his wife? 经济学家们称之为“套牢问题”(hold up problem)。 Economists called the "hold-up problem" (hold up problem).

你希望每年能多享受90次性爱。 I hope each of you can enjoy 90 times more than sex. 假定我给你们的婚姻再加上5年(这是最好的情况了),那么这总共要多出450次性行为。 I assume that your marriage together with 5 years (this is the best situation), it is a total of 450 per cent more sex. 但你却无法保证在做完手术后,会享受到其中哪怕一次。 But you have no guarantee that after surgery, even if one of them will enjoy.

显而易见的解决办法是签订一份履约保函。 Obvious solution is to sign a performance bond. 你太太可以在律师那里存放——比如——4.5万英镑。 Your wife can be stored in the lawyers - for example - £ 45,000. 只要你们俩通知律师,证实发生了一次性关系,他就会退还给你太太100英镑。 As long as you notice the two lawyers, confirmed the relationship between the one-time, he would have returned to your wife £ 100.

或许这看上去平淡无奇,因此我有一个更好的主意——就是预先以实物付款。 Perhaps this seems obvious, so I have a better idea - is the kind of payment in advance. 如果你们俩勤快点儿,你们应可以在一年内做爱450次,可能还会更快些。 If you were a little hard, you should be able to have sex 450 times a year, may be faster. 你甚至可能发现自己是如此地乐在其中,你那陷入危机的婚姻也会变得柳暗花明。 You may even find that they are so fun, your crisis will become a way out of the marriage. 我建议你马上开始行动! I suggest that you immediately begin to take action!

译者/何黎 Translator / HE