July 26, 2009
Uri Geller Bends a Spoon - With his HAND!
Uri Geller claims that he bends spoons with the power of his mind. If this is true why has he been bending them with his hand since way back in 1981?
This video clip is from Uri Geller's appearance on "People Are Talking" back in 1981. He ofcourse goes through his routine of making watches start, bending keys, and in this particular cut bending a spoon.
I have added some titles as well as slow motion action of the moment when Geller bends the spoon with his hand. Pay close attention, you may have to rewind it a few times to really see what happens.
Uri helps Michael Jackson and 'N Sync
Uri Geller the Official Site Sports pages
Jackson said: "It was a great match. Lennox deserved to be champ." Amid amazing tension there was no doubt that Lennox's army of fans helped him to victory. Many wore England football shirts and waved Union Jacks. To the astonishment of the locals some had their faces painted with the cross of St George.
Among the Brits were EastEnders star Ross Kemp, TV host Frank Skinner and Spurs star Darren Anderton. Ross said: "It was brilliant. The atmosphere was sensational. The better man definitely won. What with Argentina and then this - it couldn't get much better."
Mohamed Ali (click for more)