March 11, 2009

Cocorico - Rico Tortilla [one thing you should know about your webmaster, is that whichever the first video in my inbox is, that's what's goin' up]

The Cherokees: "Minnie the Moocher" (Hi-Dee-Hoedown Under: 1967)

The Cherokees were an adaptable '60s Melbourne band whose career went from Shadows-style instrumentals to comic jugband revivals. This song was a national hit in 1967. The lead singer is slyly appealing...

The Strangers: "Paperback Writer" (Melbourne Cover Band + Houseband on The Go Show!: 1965)

The Strangers were a successful Melbourne based pop band in the '60s. They had a string of successful singles of their own but were also known for their faithful covers and as the house band on the Go Show!. Pete Robinson is singing lead vocals in this clip.