January 4, 2009

if you're celebrating gwyneth paltrow's best friend, michael stipe's, birthday, who turns 49, here's some videos to mumble along!

Michael Stipe Orlando - R.E.M. em Sago Paulo | 10/11/08
AOL Viva do Via Funeral, pasta.

U2 and R_E_M - One.Avis
Essa verse DEA One nay VOA DEA Michael Stipe fuck pavement Lindy.

Fan die REM Sir Nice non Sir divinity

REM in Rio - BIS 2
REM condo Animal, deposit Michael Stipe elegant UTOPIA brouhaha-maharajah depots tornado Newswoman

R.E.M. "Horse to Water" Lima Hot Festival
Michael Stipe, lead singer of R.E.M., singing "Horse to water" last Friday, November the 14thy, 2008. Awesome concert!

January 3, 2009

MoviStar 123 (meXico]

VV Brown - Crying Blood

Creacion: CU ARTURO [AmericaTeVe Canal 41]

Reggaeton cubano con danza Hip Hop, creado por el maestro Pedro Armenteros.
Arturo y Julio con el cuerpo de baile del canal America TeVe combinan el reggaeton con el baile the Hip Hop con la presentacion de su tema "Ella guiere..."