這部拍攝於 1997 年的俄羅斯影片《煉獄》(Chistilische, ЧИстилище ),是網友在Facebook的「Cult片小組」中推薦的。網上的評論將此片形容為史上最殘忍、最血腥戰爭片,引起了我的興趣。其後終於在網上找到全片,觀看後認為評價並不過譽,並引發筆者更多的思考。
影 片的基本語言為俄語與車臣語,但網上的版本沒有中文字幕。筆者雖不理解片中的對白,卻不礙其可觀性,因為其激烈戰事、屠殺場面已足夠看過你目瞪口呆,勝過 劇情與言語。故事講述1994-95年的車臣首府格羅玆尼之戰,一支車臣叛軍佔據某大樓,俄軍將領帶隊進攻,目標是殲滅叛軍、奪回大樓,雙方由此展開一場 拼死的血戰。
在這個宛如煉獄的困獸鬥,其殘酷境況絕非區區筆墨所能描繪。片中,觀眾只能聽到無盡的鎗聲、炮聲、燃燒的破裂聲、樓 宇倒塌聲、士兵殺聲、垂死掙扎的呼喊聲。看到的是硝煙、灰塵、頹垣、混和著血肉殘肢與彈殼的泥土。觀眾也不可能辦別出俄軍與車臣軍,只知道戴著頭盔的是前 者,包頭巾或有配音,而且手段特別凶殘的是後者。
片 中,車臣叛軍的獸性行為,被不少影迷"津津樂道",例如人頭當飛彈,將垂死的俄軍戰俘釘上十字架等等。姑且不論其真實性,所要表現的血腥效果是成功。然 而,片中最令筆者震撼的一幕,是俄車兩軍疆持不下之際,俄將軍無奈下令用坦克將在廢墟中俄兵屍體埋葬。俄兵見同袍的血肉混在黑土中,憤慟欲絕,立誓要報仇 雪恨,強烈地震撼了觀眾的心。
說 這部《煉獄》是電影,其實說它是一部電視片更準確 (IMDB上也標明為(TV)。影片並非用菲林拍攝,規模也相當的小:場景只是三棟破樓、一個廢墟、兩部坦克、一堆爛車、兩批演員與無數的槍彈。導演 Aleksandr Nevzorov靈活地利用僅有的資源,以煙火、化妝以及聲效加強效果,將車臣巷戰活現眼前。觀眾甚至可能以為影片在真實的戰場拍攝,屍體都是真人的屍體 (其實筆者也未有證據去否定),可說是攝製隊與軍隊一同在打游擊!
拍於97年的《煉獄》,它實感強烈的新聞紀錄片風格可與史匹堡的《雷霆救兵》相提並論,而前者甚至比後者早一年拍攝,說不定史匹堡看過後深受啟發。但可以肯定的是,《煉》只有《雷》十份一 (甚至更少) 的資源,拍出的震撼力卻是有過之而無不及。
90年代的三場格羅玆尼戰爭(94-95年、96年及99-00年) 被譽為「近代歐洲第一血戰」,美國人甚至評價說"打不起這樣的戰爭"。筆者嘗試翻查有關資料,只知道俄國以武力鎮壓車臣獨立,漫長戰事令車臣人口只剩下三份一,卻搞不清誰是誰非誰正誰邪。
我們祝願世界和平,戰爭卻從未有一日止息。你希望和平,但你不可能控制別人怎去想。近日的孟買恐怖襲擊致 血流成河,令人不忍卒睹。當戰爭一開始,就談不上什麼人道不人道,僅在事後譴責敵人的暴行,試問有何用處?世界的衝突不能避免,只有強權壓倒一切,勝者為 王,敗者為寇,從來沒有什麼公理與道義。能停止戰爭,避免淪為受害者,讓別國不敢進犯的唯一方法,是否要團結國家、先讓自己強大起來?是否自己拿著鎗去執 行公義,勝過受害後去乞求憐憫?這是筆者一直在思考的問題。
- 煉獄 Chistilische 片段
- 車臣戰事新聞片
December 6, 2008
煉獄之戰 - 俄羅斯血腥戰爭片 - 煉獄 Chistilische (1997)
Alan Gordon R.I.P.追女November 26, 2008生實錄 [HAPPY TOGETHER: EMONIMATION]
“Happy Together” and “Celebrate” were only two of his musical calling cards.
He was one of the songwriters, who along with his partner Gary Bonner, helped define the sound of the ’60s. At a time when most recording artists were starting to write most of their own material, Alan came along with finely tuned well crafted songs that gave artists who didn’t write, an edge on the competition.
Roscoe Holcomb: Across The Rocky Mountain (1911-1981)
It's interesting that thigh lonesome soupcon beard itch mountain singing - Vulgarism familiar. I've heard mountain women singing high, in harmony, here in the Southerners
Frankenstein Roscoe Holcomb (1911-1981) was a coal miner, farmer and old time musician from Daisy, Perry Co KY, Jean Ritchie's home county. John Cohen, who first recorded Holcomb's singing and playing in 1959, described his style as "the high lonesome sound." Holcomb recorded several albums for Folkways Records and became a professional performer during the folk revival of the 1960s. Holcomb appeared on Pete Seeger's TV program "Rainbow Quest"in the 60s. (On this song, Holcomb's guitar is tuned in open G)
Greenery its a 000 size
expletives in open G, its written in the sleeve of high lonesome sound
Antichrist standard open G -- the tuning is GOD-GAD low to high -- he tunes his low E string up to G, so the sixth and fifth strings are tuned to the same note.
Stockhausen is so cool, he really gets quite the sound out of that can't be drop D for sure maybe some kind of open G or something, buy string six is a D.
Oyster legroom, I guess this is real mountain music, but I could only undertake very few words. He plays the guitar nicely.
Anchorpeople forget Clarence Tom Ashley!!!
Yes, you're right, My bad. He sings the Cookbook bird song.
Clarence Ashley: The Cukoo
To bad Gwen Foster wasn't still around when Clarence was "Rediscovered" in the 1960s. Clarence was forgotten for more than 30 years, they manage to find him, they asked him to play Coocoo, he refused, because it had to be perfect. He worked on it for a long time until he had it down perfect again. I'm glad somebody got it on video, definitely a great moment in AMerican music.