August 26, 2011

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Koreans Laugh Without Smiling




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「アルソミトラ・マクロカルパ君」1  鳩山郁子

「マヨネーズ姫」20  松井雪子 

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2011-08-26 雑記215 アックス82号発売中です。 AX vol.82 Now on sale. 表紙絵/コマツシンヤ ◎特集・コマツシンヤ「睡沌気候」発売記念 対談/コマツシンヤ×本秀康 「DEEP SKY」  コマツシンヤ  「ブックストア カウガール」  ツギノツギオ  「金魚まかせ」2  逆柱いみり 「タイムマシーン」  齋藤裕之介 「宇宙少女アニタ」第一章・1  後藤友香 「アルソミトラ・マクロカルパ君」1  鳩山郁子 「マヨネーズ姫」20  松井雪子  「リスと犯罪」  まどの一哉 「隔月蛭子劇画プロダクション社内報14『追憶の中の無題」  蛭子能収(社長)、根本敬、マス ...»See Ya

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Rolling Stones vs. Satisfaction vs. Opera vs. Dollie De Luxe

Rolling Stones Opera Dollie De Luxe yt.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Rolling Stones vs. Opera vs. Satisfaction vs. Dollie De Luxe

De to 16-åringene Ingrid Bjørnov og Benedicte Adrian kalte seg Dollie og ga ut ''Første akt'' (1980)

"Queen of the Night/Satisfaction"/"On Top Again" (1984) 20. plass i Frankrike, 250.000 solgte eksemplarer.

Dollie de Luxe

Rock vs. Opera

In 1984 came the plate Dollie de Luxe which contained the usual pop music, but also the track "Queen of the Night / Satisfaction". This was extended in 1986 with the disc Rock vs. Opera. Where mixed girls Beatles, Spencer Davis Group and 60-number heroes of old masters such as Value, Mozart, Bizet and Lehár. Rock vs. Opera sold 35 000 and laid the foundation for girls' greatest works - Which Witch. The single "Queen of the Night / Satisfaction" reached a 20 place France and solge 250,000 copies combined. Also in Canada Dollie de Luxe made great success in 1986.

''Which Witch'' ble sett av 37 000 mennesker i London, men hadde likevel tapt over 11 millioner. I Norge ble den imidlertid sett av mer enn 100 000! Her fra ''Which Witch på Slottsfjellet'' (1990)

Med sin unike sammensmelting av rock og opera, som her med «Carmen/Gimme Some Lovin'» (1984), havnet Dollie de Luxe på hitlistene i Europa

Etter Dollie og Dollie de Luxe kom ''Adrian/Bjørnov'' (1999), en plate som viser at de to jentene var blitt voksne kvinner

Duo composed of Benedicte Adrian, born 22.10.1963, and Ingrid Bjørnov,

Bjørnov, Ingrid


Ingrid Bjørnovs foreløpig eneste soloplate heter ''Eskorte­service'' (2002) fra fore­stillingen ''Eskorteservice for hverdags­mennesker''

Musician and composer, b. 5/12/1963, from Oslo. Bjørnov was part of the duo Dollie (later ►Dollie de Luxe), Which she founded with childhood friend of Benedicte Adrian when they were 15 years old. They released several albums together and achieved to get listed in their own musical Which Witch in London in 1992. In 1999 they released the disc Adrian / Bjørnov, Which marks the end of Dollie de Luxe, but not the end for the cooperation and certainly not the end for solo careers.

Ingrid Bjørnov has made his mark in several areas. First and foremost, as arranger and conductor in many musicals and theater productions, but also through the role as host of the television and radio. On television, she has such worked with the program Note Break on NRK1, and has been for huspoet Afternoon TV and Breakfast TV. A guest appearance in Men's Department at P1 in 1998 led to real participation from the fall of 1999. The following year she had the first of a series of summer jobs as a presenter on Travel Radio.

In autumn 2000, Ingrid invited to make a solo evening at Soria Moria in Oslo. This avstedkom a series of shows on the balance of terror in the home, presented in the show Escort service for everyday people. The success was followed up with a new show in the autumn of 2003, Classic vandalism, Which was founded on loving radbrekking of old heroes. The show was a huge success. On its own stand Ingrid as an adult artist with a well developed, subtle sense of humor. This is well up on her solo album Escort Service (2002).

Escort Service (KKV, 2002)

B. 5/12/1963. Talent, confidence, creativity and courage - there are words for women Benedicte Adrian (vocals) and Ingrid Bjørnov (vocals, keyboards), who throughout his career has put everything to realize their dreams and ideas. These dreams have resulted in ovation, successes, winning records and gigantic tours and some downs, not least, a frequently mentioned one million debt for investment in London. But none of those downs have managed to kill the girls. Quite the contrary.

Benedicte and Ingrid is in many ways, the Norwegian popular music response to the tip and Lillemor. They formed a lifelong friendship in the sandbox, and began writing songs together in the room while the girl the same age friends ran after the boys. The girls had not come further than the mid-teens when they contract with Dollie label dB Records, led by Ole A. Sørli (from ►Cool Cats), After his debut on the radio 18 January 1979 with a version of the ABBA song "Summer Night City" was recorded in the bathroom. Sørli would be the girls' main supporter for the next 15 years, both as a producer, songwriter and manager.

Album The first act (1980) was a success with 52,000 copies sold and Grammy award. The music was clearly inspired by artists like Kate Bush, ABBA, with the difference that this was two 16-year-olds who sang in Norwegian. The musicians who backed them were old men in ►Popol Ace. Dollie-girls support while on their first problem: It turned out that the turnaround was too great layout-related similarities with the American band Blondie LP Eat To The BeatAnd The first act had to be withdrawn to be equipped with a slightly different case.

Sørli started a new label in 1981, Notabene Records, Dollie broke up with him. Dollie's diary was equipped with an original utbrettomslag, and was musically a bit more rocky than the debut. Musicians were members of the Popol Ace ►Lava. The sales stopped at 24,000, but in return began to overseas interest in the young duo. This led to the album First Act (1982) was specifically created for the European market. The contents were songs from the first three discs, but with English subtitles. 5000 items found their way into the Norwegian collections.

Limelight was a new album with upbeat, contemporary pop, with many of the country's best musicians such as supporters, including Lava, ►Marius Müller and Freddy Lindquist. As a whole, this was a consistent album, but 8000 found it worthwhile to buy it. Sørli tried this time to launch Dollie in Japan. Dollie's Diary - Consisting of songs from the first two discs - was published in 1982 simultaneously with a three-week tour, but the success was the message that there was no need to invest further in Japan. Benedicte and Ingrid went home and gave 120 concerts over the next year.

In 1984 the girls decided to expand its artist name from the Dollie Dollie de Luxe after they won the Norwegian final of Melodi Grand Prix with "Long live life" in 1984, with rags in her hair and a choreography which included skiing. In the final it was 17 place. Later that year, presented Adrian and Bjørnov the first result of an old dream of total melt rock and opera. Album Dollie de Luxe (1984) contained the "Queen Of The Night" / "Satisfaction", where the classic rock of The Rolling Stones, was united with romantic tunes from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Magic Flute. ►Egil Eldøen and Håkon Iversen participated as singers on this cut. The rest of the disc was more familiar tunes from the duo, but they sang in English. There was, however, the link rock opera that ensured that the girls ended up on the charts in France on TV in Italy and on tour in Canada.

The sale of Dollie de Luxe had stopped at 11 000 in Norway, but things were about to turn. Queen Of The Night "/" Satisfaction "was the only starter - all the next production was devoted to mergers of rock and opera. Thus, the music of the Beatles, Spencer Davis Group and the second 60-digit heroes merged with old masters such as Verdi, Mozart, Bizet and Lehár. Rock vs. Opera (1986) sold 35,000 and laid the foundation for girls' opus maximum - Which Witch.

Which Witch was a full-bred musicals where the action was based on the tragic story of Maria Vittoria di Benevento, who was burned at the stake as a witch. The idea was taken from the book Malleus Maleficarum (Witch Hammer), The textbook of witch persecution, written by two German inquisitors, and published in 1487. The musical was a huge success, and also one of Norway's most daring ventures. The work premiered at the Bergen International Festival 27 May 1987 and was released on record Halloween night, October 31 October. Musically speaking, Which Witch unique in the Norwegian context. Benedicte Adrian made his life's vocal efforts, and Ingrid BJØRNOV events border on genius. Helen Hampton wrote many of the texts, and among the musicians were Aage Kvalbein, ►Bugge Wesseltoft, Knut Skram, Kjetil Bjerkestrand and ►Lars Klevstrand. Obviously they got the Norwegian Grammy award.

Album version was followed by several tours, and book Satan's woman, authored by Hege Duckert, in collaboration with Adrian and Bjørnhov. Cast a concert version of Which Witch included among others Kjersti Berge (Women on the verge) and Jahn Teigen - The latter as frightening credible executioner. Thurs sterling performances in the Palace in Tønsberg 3 and 4 July 1990 was recorded and released on double LP / CD. It was also made a video that was aired on New Year's Eve.

Autumn 1992 was the ultimate dream come true: Which Witch was set up in a theater in London's West End. Before the girls was 30, was responsible for a composed musical in London. It should be done well, the quality and the action taken into account, but the musical was awarded the merciless slaughter of most British newspapers after the premiere 22 October 1992. Complete failure, it was not: Which Witch played 76 times and seen by 37,000 before it was acquired by the poster. When it had recorded 7.5 million kroner. The cost was 19 million.

A British film crew had followed Which Witch from planning to conclusion, and this resulted in an hour-long TV documentary that aired on NRK 27 February 1993. At the same time the musical was sent out on disc for the third time - this time in the stage version from London. At home in Norway was undertaken many long negotiations on the repayment of debt, while the girls' most successful tour was conducted. In the summer of 1993, Which Witch performed for more than 100 000 spectators. When they put an end to witch the musical in 1994, had Benedicte and Ingrid lived and breathed for Which Witch for seven years.

After a minute breather composed the new musical in collaboration with Ole Sørli and His Rotmo. Henriette and her six husbands was a far more clear and humorous musical, clearly designed to entertain and provoke. This toured the summer of 1995, with a cast of characters that included Sven Nordin, Helge Jordal and Paul Ottar Haga. 60 000 spectators turned up at the concerts, while 10 000 bought the album Princess elect, which included music from the show.

Album Adrian / Bjørnov (1999) marked a restart of his career. Artist name Dollie de Luxe was the story - now sought Benedicte and Ingrid back to the starting point to determine whether they were still creative. The new album showed in many ways the cross section of the duo's artistic expression. Most of it was light, catchy pop with lyrics from two friends who had become mature women, but you also heard echoes of the mighty from Which Witch. At the same time, this was a modern record, helped out by the manufacturer and medmusiker Javed Kurd.

A new musical was performed in 2001 with Jannike Kruse as Nancy and Marian Aas Hansen bestevenninen, this time on behalf of Harvey Goldsmith and Nils Nordberg, who had written a screenplay about the young girl hero Nancy Drew - better known as Miss Detective novel character. Crime Musical The Singing Detective and mystery Miss at Grevly gave the girls a chance to enjoy themselves without worrying about the prestige and heavy costs. The music was not released on record - the only release from the musical was a single that was only sent to radio stations. The song about Nancy Drew was however included on the compilation disc Dollie's best, which came in August 2001.

The two have marked up sharply in Norwegian music also as solo artists. Benedicte Adrian appeared for the first time on his own in December 1988, when she debuted on the Norwegian Opera in the role as "Queen of the Night" in Mozart's Magic Flute. The following year she sang with Oratoriekor Bergen and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. She has lent voice to several Disney cartoons, and settled side in France.

Ingrid Bjørnov has made his mark in several areas. First and foremost, as arranger and conductor in many musicals and theater productions, but also through the role as host of the television and radio. She has had great success with shows Escort service for everyday people and Classic vandalism. She has also released a solo album Escort Service (2002).

The first act (DB Records, 1980)
Dollie's diary (Notabene, 1981)
First Act (Notabene, 1982)
Limelight (Notabene, 1982)
Dollie de Luxe (Notabene, 1984)
Rock vs. Opera (Notabene, 1986)
Which Witch (Notabene, 1987)
Which Witch on Slottsfjellet (Notabene, 1990) double
Which Witch - London Cast Album (Notabene, 1993) double
Princess selected (Notabene, 1995)
Adrian / Bjørnov (Virgin, 1999)
Dollie's best (Grappa, 2001) compilation

Dollie de Lux "Queen of the Night-Satisfaction"Dollie, Later known as Dollie de Luxe and Adrian / Bjørnov, Is one of the Norwegian pophistories most famous duos. It consisted of singers and songwriters Ingrid Bjørnov (Born 5. December 1963) And Benedicte Adrian (Born 22. October 1963).

The members, Ingrid Bjørnov and Benedicte Adrian, voktste up together Oppsal in Oslo. The girls started early with music and was just teenage girls as they 18. January 1979 played on NRK radio. The melody was a version of ABBATune Summer Night City. After that they got a record deal with the company dB Records, led by Ole A. Sørli, Which would be the girls' manager the next 15 years. The group their name at this time only Dollie.

Early recordings

The first disc, The first act, Was published in 1980 and was a success with 52,000 copies sold and Grammy Award 1980 in pop class. Ole A. Sørli started a new label in the 1981, Notabene Records, and the girls broke up with him. Plate Dollies Journal was released in 1981. It sold 23,000 copies and attracted some attention abroad. The next disc, Limelight, Stopped at 8,000 copies sold.

Grand prix-participation

In 1981 Dollie participated in the Norwegian Melodi Grand PrixFinal with the song "1984" which came in 6 place. They also participated in final in 1982 with the song "It's you I want, but dropped to a 10 place. In 1984 girls won the Norwegian final of Melodi Grand Prix with the contribution "Long live life. They then changed its name to Dollie de Luxe, In that the final would be held in Luxembourg. During the final, the girls performed his now legendary "skiing dancing" with rags in their hair, but it did not contain more than 17 place.

Which Witch


Which Witch were full-length musical, where the action was based on the tragic story of Maria Vittoria di Benevento, who was burned at the stake as a witch. The musical was a huge success, and also one of Norway's most daring ventures. The work premiered during Bergen International Festival 27. May 1987 and was released on record Halloween night, 31. October. The plate was duo Grammy Award 1987 in open class. They won also Gammleng Award in-class pop in 1988.

Album version was followed by several tours, and book Satan's woman, Authored by Hege Duckert in collaboration with Adrian and Bjørnov. Cast a concert version of Which Witch included among others Kjersti Berge and Jahn Teigen - The latter as frightening credible executioner. Thurs sterling performances on Castle Rock in Tønsberg 3. and 4. July 1990 was recorded and released on double LP / CD. It was also made a video that was aired on New Year's Eve.


In autumn 1992, Which Witch set up in a theater in London's West End. It should be done well, the quality and the action taken into account, but the musical was awarded the merciless slaughter of most British newspapers after the premiere 22. October 1992. Complete failure, it was not: Which Witch played 76 times and seen by 37,000 before it was acquired by the poster. When it had recorded 7.5 million kroner. The cost was 19 million.

A UK film crew had followed Which Witch from planning to conclusion, and this resulted in an hour-long TV documentary that aired on NRK 27. February 1993. At the same time the musical was sent out on disc for the third time - this time in the stage version London. At home in Norway was undertaken many long negotiations on the repayment of debt, while the girls' most successful tour was conducted. In the summer of 1993, Which Witch performed for more than 100 000 spectators. When they put an end to witch the musical 1994Had Benedicte and Ingrid lived and breathed for Which Witch for seven years.

New musicals and musical restart

In 1995 attempted girls with a completely different musical than Which Witch. This was called Henriette and her six husbands and was a humorous and easy-legged performance. This toured the summer of 1995, with a cast of characters that included Sven Nordin, Helge Jordal and Paul Ottar Haga. 60 000 spectators turned up at the concerts, while 10 000 bought the album Princess selected, Which contained music from the show.

In 1999 came the plate Adrian / Bjørnov. Dollie de Luxe was now history and Dollie girls no longer girls, but mature friends who sought a new expression together musically. In 2001 attended Adrian / Bjørnov in crime musical The Singing Detective and mystery Miss at Grevly. This was a performance devoid of heavy prestige and great economic boost and the only ugivelsen from the show was a single that was sent to radio stations. The song about Nancy Drew was however included on the compilation disc Dollie's best, Which came in August 2001. This compilation is the latest collaboration between Benedicte Adrian and Ingrid Bjørnov.

Album Releases

  • 1980: The first act - Published in the dB Records, No. 3, VG-lista and 52 000 copies sold (gold record)
  • 1981: Dollies diary - Published in the Notabene, Number 10 on the official list and 23 000 copies sold
  • 1982: First Act - Published on Notabene, 5000 copies sold
  • 1982: Limelight - Published on Notabene, number 36 on the official list and the 8000 copies sold
  • 1983: Dollie's Diary - Published on Notabene, Japan
  • 1984: Dollie de Luxe - Published on Notabene, 11 000 copies sold
  • 1986: Rock vs. Opera - Published on Notabene, number 7 on the official list and 35 000 copies solge (silver plate)
  • 1987: Which Witch - Published on Notabene
  • 1990: Which Witch on Slottsfjellet - Double-CD released on Notabene, number 12 on VG-lista
  • 1993: Which Witch - London Cast Album - Double-CD released on Notabene
  • 1995: Princess selected - Published on Notabene, number 28 on the official list
  • 1999: Adrian / Bjørnov - Published in the Virgin
  • 2001: Dollies best'' - Compilation released Grappa

Dollie / Dollie de Luxe its total production is now available on CD.


  • "Under the Snow" / "Adieu Monsieur" (1980)
  • "Hypnotized" / "As in a play" (1980)
  • "1984" / "Pin-Up" (1981)
  • "It's you I should have" / "For ever" (1982)
  • "I Want You" / "Forever" (1982)
  • "1984" / "Pin-Up" (Japan 1982, English version)
  • "On again" / "La la la (the broken valgløfters chorus)" (1982)
  • "On Top Again" / "Hello Myself Who Are You" (Japan 1983)
  • "Long live life"/" You and I "(1984)
  • "Life Was Made For Living" / "Vive la Vie" (1984)
  • "Wanted" / "Hit Between The Eyes" (1984)
  • "Queen of the Night / Satisfaction" / "On Top Again" (1984) 20 place in France, 250,000 copies sold.
  • "Vilja / Whatever You Want" / "Everybody Loves A Winner" (1985)
  • "Carmen / Gimme Some Loving" / "The Waltz Ariaz" (1985)
  • "Eternally" / "Overture" (1987)
  • "She Devil" / "Overture" (1987)
  • "My white belly" / "Sleep for a hundred years" (1995), 4th place on the official list.
  • "As a movie" / "I'm floating" (radio single, 1998)

See also


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Medlemmene, Ingrid Bjørnov og Benedicte Adrian, voktste opp sammen på Oppsal i Oslo. Jentene startet tidlig med musikk og var bare tenåringsjenter da de 18. januar 1979 ble spilt på NRK radio. Melodien var en versjon av ABBA-låten Summer Night City. Etter dette fikk de platekontrakt med selskapet dB Records, ledet av Ole A. Sørli, som skulle bli jentenes manager de neste 15 år. Gruppen deres het på dette tidspunktet kun Dollie.

Tidlige plateutgivelser

Den første platen, Første akt, ble utgitt i 1980 og ble en suksess med 52 000 solgte eksemplarer og Spellemannprisen 1980 i pop-klassen. Ole A. Sørli startet nytt plateselskap i 1981, NotaBene Records, og jentene slo følge med ham. Platen Dollies Dagbok ble gitt ut i 1981. Den solgte 23 000 eksemplarer, og vakte en viss oppsikt i utlandet. Den neste platen, Rampelys, stanset på 8000 solgte eksemplarer.

Grand prix-deltagelse

I 1981 deltok Dollie i den norske Melodi Grand Prix-finalen med sangen «1984» som kom på 6. plass. De deltok også i finalen i 1982 med sangen «Det er deg jeg vil ha», men havnet på en 10. plass. I 1984 vant jentene den norske finalen i Melodi Grand Prix med bidraget «Lenge leve livet». De skiftet da navn til Dollie de Luxe, i og med at den internasjonale finalen skulle avholdes i Luxembourg. Under finalen fremførte jentene sin nå legendariske «skigåingsdans» med filler i håret, men det holdt ikke til mer enn 17. plass.

Rock vs. Opera

I 1984 kom platen Dollie de Luxe som inneholdt vanlig popmusikk, men også sporet "Queen of the Night/Satisfaction". Dette ble utvidet i 1986 med platen Rock vs. Opera. Der blandet jentene Beatles, Spencer Davis Group og andre 60-tallshelter med gamle mestere som Verdi, Mozart, Bizet og Lehár. Rock vs. Opera solgte 35 000 og la grunnlaget for jentenes største verk – Which Witch. Singelen «Queen of the Night/Satisfaction» nådde en 20. plass i Frankrike og solge 250 000 eksemplarer tilsammen. Også i Canada gjorde Dollie de Luxe stor suksess i 1986.

Which Witch


Which Witch var helaftens musikal der handlingen var basert på den tragiske historien om Maria Vittoria di Benevento, som ble brent på bålet som heks. Musikalen ble en stor suksess, og samtidig en av norgeshistoriens dristigste satsinger. Verket hadde premiere under Festspillene i Bergen 27. mai 1987 og ble utgitt på plate allehelgensnatt, 31. oktober. For platen fikk duoen Spellemannprisen 1987 i åpen klasse. De vant dessuten Gammleng-prisen i klassen pop i 1988.

Plateversjonen ble etterfulgt av flere turneer, samt boka Satans kvinnfolk, forfattet av Hege Duckert i samarbeid med Adrian og Bjørnov. Rollelisten på konsertversjonen av Which Witch inkluderte bl.a. Kjersti Berge og Jahn Teigen – sistnevnte som skremmende troverdig bøddel. To gedigne forestillinger på Slottsfjellet i Tønsberg 3. og 4. juli 1990 ble spilt inn og gitt ut på dobbel LP/CD. Det ble også laget en video som ble sendt på TV nyttårsaften.


Høsten 1992 ble Which Witch satt opp i et teater i Londons West End. Det burde gått bra, kvaliteten og handlingen tatt i betraktning, men musikalen ble belønnet med nådeløs slakt i de fleste britiske aviser etter premieren 22. oktober 1992. Fullstendig fiasko var det imidlertid ikke: Which Witch ble spilt 76 ganger og sett av 37 000 før den ble tatt av plakaten. Da hadde den spilt inn 7,5 millioner kroner. Kostnadene var på 19 millioner.

Et britisk filmteam hadde fulgt Which Witch fra planlegging til avslutning, og dette resulterte i en timelang TV-dokumentar som ble sendt på NRK 27. februar 1993. Samtidig ble musikalen sendt ut på plate for tredje gang – denne gang i sceneversjonen fra London. Hjemme i Norge ble det foretatt mange og lange forhandlinger om nedbetaling av gjeld, samtidig som jentenes mest suksessrike turné ble gjennomført. Sommeren 1993 ble Which Witch fremført for mer enn 100 000 tilskuere. Da de satte punktum for heksemusikalen i 1994, hadde Benedicte og Ingrid levd og åndet for Which Witch i sju år.

Nye musikaler og musikalsk omstart

I 1995 forsøkte jentene seg med en helt annerledes musikal enn Which Witch. Denne het Henriette og hennes seks ekte menn og var en humoristisk og lettbeint forestilling. Denne turnerte de med sommeren 1995, med et persongalleri som inkluderte Sven Nordin, Helge Jordal og Paul Ottar Haga. 60 000 tilskuere møtte opp på konsertene, mens 10 000 kjøpte albumet Prinsessens utvalgte, som inneholdt musikk fra forestillingen.

I 1999 kom platen Adrian/Bjørnov. Dollie de Luxe var nå historie og Dollie-jentene ikke lenger jenter, men modne venninner som søkte et nytt utrykk sammen musikalsk. I 2001 deltok Adrian/Bjørnov i kriminalmusikalen Den syngende Frøken Detektiv og mysteriet på Grevly. Dette var en forestilling blottet for tung prestisje og store økonomiske løft og den eneste ugivelsen fra forestillingen var en single som ble sendt til radiostasjoner. Sangen om Nancy Drew ble imidlertid inkludert på samleplaten Dollie's beste, som kom i august 2001. Denne samleplaten er det foreløpig siste samarbeidet mellom Benedicte Adrian og Ingrid Bjørnov.


Rolling Stones Opera Dollie De Luxe yt.mp4 Watch on Posterous Rolling Stones vs. Opera vs. Satisfaction vs. Dollie De Luxe "Queen of the Night/Satisfaction"/"On Top Again" (1984) 20. plass i Frankrike, 250.000 solgte eksemplarer. Dollie de Luxe Rock vs. Opera In 1984 came the plate Dollie de Luxe wh ...»See Ya

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