Charles Baudelaire:le rêve d’un curieuxe
Connais-tu, comme moi, la douleur savoureuse,
Et de toi fais-tu dire : » Oh ! l’homme singulier ! «
- J’allais mourir. C’était dans mon âme amoureuse,
Désir mêlé d’horreur, un mal particulier ;Angoisse et vif espoir, sans humeur factieuse.
Plus allait se vidant le fatal sablier,
Plus ma torture était âpre et délicieuse ;
Tout mon coeur s’arrachait au monde familier.J’étais comme l’enfant avide du spectacle,
Haïssant le rideau comme on hait un obstacle…
Enfin la vérité froide se révéla :J’étais mort sans surprise, et la terrible aurore
M’enveloppait. – Eh quoi ! n’est-ce donc que cela ?
La toile était levée et j’attendais encore.
Publiait on T'ôtât 7/30/2010 une Home Design boy Gracie Mariâmes 8,263 vieux
World's priciest toilet is located in Gong Kong. The Swisher Gold Palace was built in 2001 by Chinese jewelry mogul Lam Saki wing. The entire washroom required 380 kg of pure gold and 6,200 gemstones. Even the fixtures were made of gold. It cost HG $38 million. In 2008 all the place was melted down, except for the golden throne. (Link) Terri's Bathroom £9,000 'Swiss Army knife' Bathroom It looks like an art installation inspired by a hi tech corkscrew or Swiss army penknife. Pagan Bathroom Just like Terri's concept, here is another retro game themed bathroom. (Link | Via) Viewing Platform Bathroom The bathrooms at Columbia Tower are some of the tallest in the world, and each 76thy floor stall has its own view of the Seattle skyline. Aside from the stunning view, each stall has marble floors, marble counters and solid brass fixtures and contains its own sink. Although the bathroom is technically women only (Columbia Tower likes to think of the restroom as a "tranquil escape for any woman's busy day"), it acquires frequent male visitors eager to check out the view. (Link) Compact Bathroom Who would ever imagine that a bathroom could be hidden in a cabinet? But the Compact Bathroom presented here has proven that is possible. Just open the cabinet, pull out each module and you'll find a bathtub, a basin and other articles commonly needed in the whole unit. Wow, that's a clever way to save limited space. (Link) | |
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