February 17, 2011

Facebook 'You are about to poke...' implementation report TEMPLATE

Facebook 'You are about to poke...' implementation report TEMPLATE Key

pass na fail 

You are about to poke Dampira

Test numbers in italic are failure/error tests and are likely to contain invalid CSS, yet are still quite useful for testing error handling in UAs.



hyperlinked name of user agent version x.y.z platform/OS the rendering engine used in the UA date user agent was shipped hyperlinked implementor/company report writer date report written

--> 46 46b --> 8787b9090b161 d2 -->

You are about to poke Dampira

type 2 160 2 160 182 --> 2 91 92 -->

You are about to poke Dampira

You are about to poke Dampira. She will be informed of this on her home page.

You are about to poke Dampira

This is a paragraph

You are about to poke Dampira

You are about to poke Dampira. She will be informed of this on her home page.

93 160 182
2 91 92 93 160 182
single class '.' 13 155 155a 155b 155c 155d 170b 175a 175b 175c 183  13 155 155a 155b 155c 155d 170b 175a 175b 175c 183 171 -->  13 155 155a 155b 155c 155d 170b 175a 175b 175c 183 171 --> 13 155 155a 155b 155c 155d 170b 171 175a 175b 175c 183
grouping ',' 1 154 156 156b 156c 170 170a 1 154 156 156b 156c 170 170a --> 1 154 156 156b 156c 170 170a --> 1 154 156 156b 156c 170 170a
ID '#' 4 15 15b  4 15 15b 15c -->  4 15 15b 15c --> 4 15 15b 15c
descendant ' ' 43 43b 181 27b  43 43b 181 --> 27b  43 43b 181 --> 27b 43 43b 181 27b
:link 16     16
:visited 17     17
:active link 19     19
:first-letter 39 39 39 39
:first-line 38 38 38 38
universal '*' 3a  3a --> 3 --> 3a 3 --> 94 94b 95 96 96b --> 3 3a 94 94b 95 96 96b
child '>' 44 44b 44c 44d 86 89 44 44b 44c --> 44d --> 86 89 44 44b 44c --> 44d --> 86 89 44 44b 44c 44d 86 89
multi-class '.' 14 14b 14c  14 14b 14c -->  14 14b 14c --> 14 14b 14c
:active 19b  19b -->  19b --> 19b
:focus 20  20 -->  20 --> 20
:first-child 32 170d 177b 27a 32 --> 170d 177b 27a 32 --> 170d 177b 27a 32 170d 177b 27a
:hover 18 18a 18b 18c 18 18a --> 18b 18c --> 18 18a --> 18b 18c --> 18 18a 18b 18c
:lang 22  22 -->  22 --> 22
direct sibling '+' 45 45b 45c 88 88b 45 45b 45c --> 88 88b 45 45b 45c --> 88 88b 45 45b 45c 88 88b
attribute presence '[ ]' 5 5 5 97 97b 104 104b 111 111b 5 97 97b 104 104b 111 111b
attribute equality '[ = ]' 6 12 --> 6 12 --> 6 12 --> 98 98b 105 105b 112 112b 174a 6 12 --> 98 98b 105 105b 112 112b 174a
attribute space set '[ ~= ]' 7 7b 7 7b 7 7b 99 99b 106 106b 113 113b 7 7b 99 99b 106 106b 113 113b
attribute dashed prefix '[ |= ]' 8 8 8 100 100b 107 107b 114 114b 8 100 100b 107 107b 114 114b
:before 39a 41a 39a 41a 39a 41a 39a 41a
:after 42a 42a 42a 42a
(CSS3) Selectors
attribute prefix '[^=]' 9 184b 9 184b 9 101 101b 108 108b 115 115b 184b 9 101 101b 108 108b 115 115b 184b
attribute suffix '[$=]' 10 184a 10 184a 10 102 102b 109 109b 116 116b 184a 10 102 102b 109 109b 116 116b 184a
attribute substring '[*=]' 11 157 158 184c 11 157 158 184c 11 103 103b 110 110b 117 117b 157 158 172a 172b 173a 173b 184c d3 --> 11 103 103b 110 110b 117 117b 157 158 172a 172b 173a 173b d3 184c
:root 27 27 27 27
:nth-child 28 28b 27a 28 28b --> 146a 146b 27a 28 28b --> 146a 146b 27a 28 28b 146a 146b 27a
:nth-last-child 29 29b 27a  29 29b --> 27a  29 29b --> 27a 29 29b 27a
:nth-of-type 30 27a 30 --> 145a 145b 27a 30 --> 145a 145b 27a 30 145a 145b 27a
:nth-last-of-type 31 27a 31 --> 147a 147b 27a 31 --> 147a 147b 27a 31 147a 147b 27a
:last-child 33 d4 27a  33 --> d4 --> 27a  33 --> d4 --> 27a 33 d4 27a
:first-of-type 34 27a  34 --> 27a  34 --> 27a 34 27a
:last-of-type 35 27a  35 --> 27a  35 --> 27a 35 27a
:only-child 36 27a  36 --> 27a  36 --> 27a 36 27a
:only-of-type 37 27a  37 --> 27a  37 --> 27a 37 27a
:empty 148 149 149b 150 151 152 148 149 149b 150 151 152 --> 148 149 149b 150 151 152 153 --> 148 149 149b 150 151 152 153
:target 21 21b 21c 21 --> 21b 21c 21 --> 21b 21c 21 21b 21c
:enabled 23  23 -->  23 --> 23
:disabled 24  24 -->  24 --> 24
:checked 25  25 -->  25 --> 25
:indeterminate d5 d5a d5d d5 d5a d5d d5 d5a d5d d5 d5a d5d
::first-letter 39b 166 166a 180a 39b 166 166a 180a 39b 166 166a 180a 39b 166 166a 180a
::first-line 167 167a 179 179a 167 167a 179 179a 167 167a 179 179a 167 167a 179 179a
::before 39c 41 168 168a 39c 41 168 168a 39c 41 168 168a 39c 41 168 168a
::after 42 169 169a 42 169 169a 42 169 169a 42 169 169a
:not 14d 14e 54 55 56 58 --> 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66b 67 68 69 70 72 72b 73 73b 74 74b 75 75b 76 76b 77 77b 78 78b 79 80 81 81b 82 82b 83 144 170c 176 178 184d 184e 184f d1 d1b d5b d5c d5e --> 14d 14e 54 55 56 --> 58 --> 59 60 61 62 63 64 --> 65 66 --> 66b 67 --> 70 --> 72 72b 73 73b 74 74b 75 75b 76 76b 77 77b 78 78b 79 80 81 81b 82 82b --> 83 144 170c --> 174b --> 176 --> 178 184d 184e 184f d1 d1b --> d5b d5c d5e --> 14d 14e 54 55 56 --> 58 --> 59 60 61 62 63 64 --> 65 66 --> 66b 67 --> 70 --> 72 72b 73 73b 74 74b 75 75b 76 76b 77 77b 78 78b 79 80 81 81b 82 82b --> 83 144 170c --> 174b 176 --> 178 184d 184e 184f d1 d1b --> d5b d5c d5e --> 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 57 57b --> 68 69 --> 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 125b 126 127 127b 128 129 129b 130 130b 131 131b 132 132b 133 133b 134 134b 135 135b 136 136b 137 137b 138 138b 139 139b 140 140b 141 141b 142 142b 143 143b --> 14d 14e 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57b 58 --> 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66b 67 68 69 70 72 72b 73 73b 74 74b 75 75b 76 76b 77 77b 78 78b 79 80 81 81b 82 82b 83 118 119 120 121 122 123 123b 124 124b 125 125b 126 126b 127 127b 128 128b 129 129b 130 130b 131 131b 132 132b 133 133b 134 134b 135 135b 136 136b 137 137b 138 138b 139 139b 140 140b 141 141b 142 142b 143 143b 144 170c 174b 176 178 184d 184e 184f d1 d1b d5b d5c d5e -->
indirect sibling '~' 46 46b 87 87b 90 90b 161 d2 46 46b --> 87 87b 90 90b 161 d2 --> 46 46b 87 87b 90 90b 161 d2
Facebook 'You are about to poke...' implementation report TEMPLATE Key Test numbers in italic are failure/error tests and are likely to contain invalid CSS, yet are still quite useful for testing error handling in UAs. Report hyperlinked name of user agent version x.y.z platform/OS the rendering eng ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat

RIP Tura Satana : 1938-2011

She never "tried" anything. She just *did* it.

As most people have probably heard by now, B-Movie Empress and larger-than-larger-than-life human being Tura Satana has passed away. I don't know as much about her life as many others, but her work in Russ Meyer's Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! instantly rocketed her to my number one anti-heroine of all time. Reading the brief biographical sketches of her by Jimmy McDonough in his Meyer biography Big Bosoms and Square Jaws, I saw that her real life put even her most famous roles to shame. There simply never was anyone like her, on screen or off, and never will be again. She will be greatly missed.

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! MMMMMovies Review
Tura Satana on Wikipedia
Tura Satana Official Website
Meyer collaborator (and film critic of some note) Roger Ebert on Satana

As most people have probably heard by now, B-Movie Empress and larger-than-larger-than-life human being Tura Satana has passed away. I don't know as much about her life as many others, but her work in Russ Meyer's Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! instantly rocketed her to my number one anti-heroine of ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat

Ferrari F430 totalled at Lorong Merican Kota

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Ah Sendrine Quetier!

Sendrine Quetier
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are photos on Twitter

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Salope més

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