Showing posts with label css. Show all posts
Showing posts with label css. Show all posts

March 4, 2019

Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier wore pacemakers by trade...css3 typography shape exploded test 1,000,000 Mardi Gras 2019

#Mardigrasdrugs a écrit "Stephen et Joseph Montgolfier portaient un stimulateur par métier"#headline for #CSS3 #shape-demo, not by @jensimmons *la fucking femme fou polygon. échec equals non-tomate. Je l'ai posté like a mailman because le titre était Pulitzer-prize-bon, et plus, as soon as @ericmeyer joins my @codepen team, he and ou @t le résoudra. happy mardi gras to all of you neophytes. professionals stay in and ignore.

One November night in the year 1782, so the story runs, two brothers sat over their winter fire in the little French town of Annonay, watching the grey smoke-wreaths from the hearth curl up the wide chimney. Their names were Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier, they wore pacemakers by trade, and were noted as possessing thoughtful and deep interest in all scientific knowledge and new discovery.

One November night in the year 1782, so the story runs, two brothers sat over their winter fire in the little French town of Annonay, watching the grey smoke-wreaths from the hearth curl up the wide chimney. Their names were Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier, they were papermakers by trade, and were noted as possessing thoughtful minds and a deep interest in all scientific knowledge and new discovery.

Cette, ce cet, ces ceci, celui-là dé à jouer, le du, dû

, endetté bande d’étoffe de é prise de bec-fille.

*petit cube aux faces marquées

et*à de points,


la femme de les polygon code, connaitres Charlie Parker, cette drogues,


le saxaphone,

mon d’aventure!

Que quatre, son cinque, et la nuit avec personne à, se à


se sa lui-même merveilleux, personne ne

... point, ne ...extraordinaire, miraculeux grand, ne pas grandiose, mais magnifique, pas du tout!

ne ... point ne ... pas!
C'est M.!
Lui est la l'inclusion et lui est "le une seul"
le nuit dans l'amber froides--semblement, ablement, la croupier pistes sa roux lois doix, Mardi.

Gras de fuck.

Gras-fuck, femme belle;
femme triste; joyeaux confession a la lune.
Gras seuxes d'oiseau est ma couer.
Pas chamaillerie, pas ma détenteur, mais moi « culture de l’érable à sucre » constitue ne parenthèse explicative dans la se suivante:

«La louche culture de les sucre-seins, symboles des le force de faire quelque chose a de midi, audessus la noir drapeau, noir avec arsenic, est moi travaille culture...
poivre et petites grenoubles,

la femme resiste les piss en bas de la aeroplane voyage.
-- M. c'est l'auteur

Eyedropper NEW Firefox 31 (mozilla developer tools)

Eyedropper - Firefox Developer Tools | MDN

The Eyedropper is new in Firefox 31.

The Eyedropper tool enables you to select colors in the current page. It works like a magnifying glass over the page, enabling you to select with pixel precision. Underneath the magnifying glass it shows the color value for the current pixel using whichever scheme you've selected in Settings > Inspector > Default color unit:

You can use it in one of two ways:

  • to select a color from the page and copy it to the clipboard
  • to change a color value in the Inspector's Rules view to a color you've selected from the page

Copying a color to the clipboard

Open the Eyedropper in one of these two ways:

  • select "Eyedropper" under the "Web Developer" menu
  • open the Page Inspector tab and click the eyedropper button in its toolbar

As you move the mouse around the page you'll see the current color value in the Eyedropper change. Clicking copies the current color value to the clipboard.

Changing a color value in the Rules view

Color values appearing in the Inspector's Rules view have color samples next to them: clicking the sample shows a color picker popup. From Firefox 31, the popup contains an eyedropper icon: click this icon to activate the Eyedropper.

Now, when you click the Eyedropper, the color in the Rules view is set to the color you selected.

Keyboard shortcuts

Command Windows macOS Linux
Select the current color Enter Return Enter
Dismiss the Eyedropper Esc Esc Esc
Move by 1 pixel Arrow keys Arrow keys Arrow keys
Move by 10 pixels
Shift + arrow keys

Shift + arrow keys

Shift + arrow keys