August 21, 2009

Michael - Jackson was traced to same-sex love with people everywhere, to bid farewell to his death

Michael - Jackson was traced to same-sex love with people everywhere, to bid farewell to his death 2009年08月22日09:49 新浪娱乐 2009 Nian 08 Yue 22 Ri 09:49 LOS ANGELES
Michael - Jackson was traced to same-sex love with people everywhere, to bid farewell to his death

杰克逊过世后仍然是非不断 After Jackson's death is still a non-constant

新浪娱乐讯北京时间8月22日上午消息,据香港媒体报道,在迈克尔-杰克逊 (MJ)好友医生Arnold Klein诊所打工的Jason Pfeiffer,日前受访时自曝与MJ有过一段情。 LOS ANGELES Beijing the morning of August 22, according to Hong Kong media reported that during the Michael - Jackson (MJ) friend Dr. Arnold Klein clinics in the employ of Jason Pfeiffer, in an interview with MJ admit there have been some feelings. 他还透露MJ死前两周行为异常,到处跟人道别。 He also revealed that MJ abnormal behavior before his death two weeks, with people everywhere say good-bye.

Jason Pfeiffer有一次MJ主动提出想开车送他回家,因而展开第一次约会,MJ临死前二人还经常有联络,他说:“MJ死前两周突然表现得很奇怪,对宗教很沉迷,还在临死前一周突然跟人说再见,吓坏所有人。” Jason Pfeiffer offered to MJ once drove him home, and thus started the first date, MJ died before the two often have to contact, he said: "MJ 2 weeks before he died suddenly appeared very strange, very obsessed with religion , also died suddenly the previous week to say goodbye to people, and frighten everyone. "

MJ致敬演唱会将于下月在维也纳举行,在门票开售前半小时已有一百万网民登入,令网站一度瘫痪。 MJ tribute concert will be held in Vienna next month, in the pre-opening ticket has 1 million Internet users log in half an hour, so that website paralyzed. 而MJ的《This Is It》电影将提早两日于十月二十八日上映两星期。 And MJ's "This Is It" movie will be two days in advance on October 28 released two weeks. (鱼鱼/文) (Fishes / text)