March 27, 2011

2007 YouTube Playlist for 'Jidge' feat. Helmut Newton Korean Big Nudes

"God Has His Arms Around Me" JIDGE (JACK) CARROLL "Forty ...

This is a wonderful Victor Young and Harold Adamson song that is found in Samuel Fuller's western "FORTY GUNS", which starred Barbra Stanwyck ...

by hirmiestelio 10 months ago 817 views

Thumbnail10:01Add toAdded to queue

Jidge's adventures in minecraft: The Beggining

My minecraft adventures.... Let the Adventure Begin!!!!!!!

by jidge100 1 week ago 15 views

Thumbnail6:19Add toAdded to queue

Adventures in Minecraft: a new begginning

My game screwed up and my world was deleted... The solution is..... MAKE A NEW WORLD!!!!!

by jidge

100 1 week ago 3 views

Thumbnail0:46Add toAdded to queue

Jidge brumpin back flip (gainer)

Me back flipping

by superman18922 2 years ago 370 views

Thumbnail0:23Add toAdded to queue


video uploaded from my mobile phone

by Akshayrao100 2 months ago 8 views


D 0:02 o you love me more than yesterday?
Die Rose. I thought that 0:02 you might since you wrote this yesterday: Fuck you forever dude we could have been 0:02 having fun together ❧

❧ [image: ] you love 0:02 me more than yesterday,my ❧Rose? I thought you might since you wrote 0:03 this yesterday: 0:03 > > - Fuck you forever dude we could have been 0:03 having fun together *❧ > 0:03 > Yeah, babe i know you're real busy. 0:03 [image: ]on't be a stranger tonight.I love keepig in touch. 0:04 [image: ]ie Dogmeat☞ Die! 0:04 love, *jidge 0:04 p.s. Fuck forever dude❧ 0:05

Die Dogmeat☞ 0:05 Die! 0:05
Your Rose
jidge 0:06
p.s. Fuck forever dude❧



  • Fuck you forever dude we could have been having fun together


Die Dogmeat☞ 0:22 Die!

Uploaded by on Mar 26, 2011

"helmut newton" jidge "june newton" alice springs helmie helmut-newton 에­open 대한 책도 선보인다. 특히 이 책은 가로와 세로가 50cm, 70cm의 대형크기에 30kg이나 되는 무게, 이책을 제본하기 위해 특별히 제작했다는 프레스, 전 공정의 수작업, 책을 받치기 위해 특수 제작한 철제 테이블 등 이제까지의 기록을 완전히 깨버린 책으로 유명하다. 이 밖에도 15권 내외의 희귀 서적들도 함께 접해 볼 수 있다. helmut newton kora korea

Gaejang Guk

 Gaejang Guk  • Helmut Newton Korea Big Nude Jidge Helmut Newton Korea Big Nude Book Opening 에 대한 책도 geo:lat=38.42071306094823 geo:lon=-91.78070783615112 선보인다. 특히 이 책은 가로와 세로가 50cm, 70cm의 대형크기에 30kg이나 되는 무게, 이책을 제본하기 위해 특별히 제작했다는 프레스, 전 공정의 수작업, 책을 받치기 위해 특수 제작한 철제 테이블 등 이제까지의 기록을 완전히 깨버린 책으로 유명하다. 이 밖에도 15권 내외의 희귀 서적들도 함께 접해 볼 수 있다. helmut newton korea.mp4한 편, 전시기간 중 골드앤와이즈 청담PB ...
Your item has been posted.
7:09 AM  •  Posted from the web
#tulsa #jidge -- DOTTIE WEST - TULSA BALLROOM via @youtube @awhitelodge
Your item has been posted.
View post    Track Name: English - jidge Start End Caption Text 0:00:02.780 0:00:03.030

0:00:02.800 0:00:03.050


❧ [image: ] you love 0:00:02.970 0:00:03.220 me more than yesterday,my ❧Rose? I thought you might since you wrote 0:00:03.010 0:00:03.260 this yesterday: 0:00:03.020 0:00:03.270 > > - *Fuck you forever dude we could have been 0:00:03.050 0:00:03.300 having fun together *❧ > 0:00:03.060 0:00:03.310 > Yeah, babe i know you're real busy. 0:00:03.090 0:00:04.220 [image: ]on't be a stranger tonight.I love keepig in touch. 0:00:04.220 0:00:04.569 *[image: ]ie Dogmeat☞ Die!* 0:00:04.569 0:00:04.819 *love, **jidge* 0:00:04.750 0:00:05.189 .s. Fuck forever dude❧ 0:00:05.189 0:00:05.810

Die Dogmeat☞ 0:00:05.810 0:00:06.060 Die! 0:00:05.890 0:00:06.510
Your Rose
jidge 0:00:06.510 0:00:07.309
p.s. Fuck forever dude❧

0:00:08.010 0:00:08.630



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Dogmeat American Typewriter® Optical by Adobe

Dogmeat American Typewriter® - Optical

The typewriter was patented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes, who sold his rights to the Remington Arms Company in 1873. The first typewriters were initially thought to be replacements for printing and so typewriter keybars utilized printing types; monospaced typefaces, that is, those designed so every letter takes up the same amount of space were a more practical alternative and soon replaced printing types.

Monospaced designs are still in use as typewriter typefaces today. In 1974, Joel Kaden and Tony Stan adapted the friendliness and immediacy of typewriter letter styles into a proportionally spaced typeface, ITC American Typewriter. More…

ITC American Typewriter can be used for business correspondence or in any work that requires an old-fashioned, personal look. The "A" faces are identical to the regular ones, except for alternate versions of the following characters: &, $, R, e.

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  • Average of 6 ratings: 4.0/5

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Activity Feed - Facebook Developers

The Activity Feed plugin displays the most interesting recent activity taking place on your site. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the plugin can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. The activity feed displays stories both when users like content on your site and when users share content from your site back to Facebook. If a user is logged into Facebook, the plugin will be personalized to highlight content from their friends. If the user is logged out, the activity feed will show recommendations from your site, and give the user the option to log in to Facebook.

The plugin is filled with activity from the user's friends. If there isn't enough friend activity to fill the plugin, it is backfilled with recommendations. If you set the recommendations param to true, the plugin is split in half, showing friends activity in the top half, and recommendations in the bottom half. If there is not enough friends activity to fill half of the plugin, it will include more recommendations.

You specify a domain to show activity for. The domain is matched exactly, so a plugin with would not include activity from You cannot currently aggregate across multiple domains.

The plugin is available either via a simple iframe you can drop into your page, or if you are using the new JavaScript SDK, you can use the <fb:activity> XFBML tag.


  • site - the domain to show activity for. The XFBML version defaults to the current domain.
  • width - the width of the plugin in pixels. Default width: 300px.
  • height - the height of the plugin in pixels. Default height: 300px.
  • header - specifies whether to show the Facebook header.
  • colorscheme - the color scheme for the plugin. Options: 'light', 'dark'
  • font - the font to display in the plugin. Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui', 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana'
  • border_color - the border color of the plugin.
  • recommendations - specifies whether to always show recommendations in the plugin. If recommendations is set to true, the plugin will display recommendations in the bottom half.
  • filter - allows you to filter which URLs are shown in the plugin. The plugin will only include URLs which contain the filter in the first two path parameters of the URL. If nothing in the first two path parameters of the URL matches the filter, the URL will not be included.
  • ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). Specifying the ref attribute will add the 'fb_ref' parameter to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from the plugin.

What is the best way to know which plugin on my site generated the traffic?

Add the 'ref' parameter to the plugin (see "Attributes" above).


<fb:activity ref="homepage"></fb:activity>

When a user clicks a link on the plugin, we will pass back the ref value as a fb_ref parameter in the referrer URL. Example:


Updated about 2 weeks ago