Showing posts with label RuTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RuTube. Show all posts

November 1, 2010

Hello, hello, our connoisseur of great video!

Hello, hello, our connoisseur of great video!

Понедельник на RuTube начинается!

Monday at RuTube begins!

We are all hoping that this time, blow over, but came back Monday.

But we have an occasion to share with you a good mood and rollers!

And do not forget to look at our home page!

Every day in her shop window, we collect the most trend-rollers the Internet:

a new, beautiful, funny and just cool!

Monday - day of fun!

Parkour developed and modified. Everyone has seen the usual parkour, female, cat or even a village. But the dog parkour demonstrates for the first time!

Привет-привет, наш ценитель классного видео! Мы все очень надеялись, что на сей раз пронесет, но понедельник снова наступил. Зато у нас есть повод поделиться с тобой хорошим настроением и роликами!

Кстати, если ты еще не в курсе, страница RuTube на Facebook переехала на новый, теперь постоянный адрес:


Присоединяйтесь к ней скорей!
И не забывай заглядывать на нашу главную страницу! Каждый день в ее витрине мы собираем самые трендовые ролики Интернета: новые, красивые, смешные и просто клевые!


Понедельник – день веселый!



Паркур развивается и видоизменяется. Все видели обычный паркур, женский, кошачий и даже деревенский. Но собачий паркур демонстрируется впервые!

This advertising Ford's forbidden on TV. But this does not mean that we will not see it on the Internet. In the end, we will not show you this ;-)



Эту рекламу "Форда" запретили показывать по ТВ. Но это не значит, что мы не увидим ее в интернете. В конце концов, мы и не такое вам показываем!;-)


Новая инкарнация известной мелодии сезона лето-2010. Под нее танцевали клабберы, придурки на дорогах, а теперь под нее танцуют арабы!

The new incarnation of the well-known tunes of the season the summer of 2010. Under her dancing clubbers, assholes on the road, and now under her dancing Arabs!

Спасибо, что заглянул, дорогой пользователь! За коменты тоже спасибо! Короткой недели!;-)

Искренне твоя, команда RuTube

Thank you for coming, dear user!

For komenty too thanks!

Short weeks ;-)

Sincerely yours,

team RuTube

Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat

October 9, 2010

Rutube: Best music video for the week of Fri, Oct 8 2010

Best music video for the week of Rutube
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 12:24 PM

Best of the week from Rutube

Hello, hello,

is our best customer!

Main news of the week - the start of the competition,

  • I LOL!

  • Hurry to take part and win the song in this music studio! Only need to pin the front of the camera to the song Lady Gaga.

  • What are you worse than those who have already done this?

  • A contest "Comedy Battle on Rutube" is over! Watch for the results, will soon announce the winners.

  • Only hits:

1. Dancing Hostess spread all over the world - and the plane and on the Internet. Video has already become legendary, and if suddenly you he has not yet caught the eye - quickly look! Safety instructions on the plane can also be interesting and even petrol!

2. America is once again surprised us! Previously, we did not know why they throw into the air their diplomas and square hats. This video explains it all: they just love a good cross between! Or diplomas were less than the students?

3. Juvenile offenders stole candy at number two kilograms. Parent patrol spotted them at the crime scene and the thief has to tick. Hollywood directors such pursuits, and never dreamed of!

4. Especially for those who still believe that our wolf with a hare better than their Tom and Jerry, we repeat one of his favorite episodes of "Just You Wait!". The action takes place in the country of fairy tales, where Gray and Eared meet Baba-Yaga and Snake Gorynycha. Let us remember what has ended and who wins ;-)

5. His new video Shakira withdrawn a blue sea! As always - Gorgeous, as always in a golden bikini and as always infectious melody! Love and boys and girls!

6. One of the first contestants "I LOL" struck us your clips! He has already collected a lot of views and comments shaft! And to whom do you bet?

7. And now we invite you to Venice! Photos - it's not. A trip without leaving your computer, you can perform only in HD. Forward!

  • Thank you for your comments and views!

  • Sincerely yours,
    • team RuTube

  • Спасибо за комментарии и просмотры!

  • Искренне твоя, команда RuTube

Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me hot via Dogmeat

October 6, 2010

MRI of male and female genitals during coitus (Hard Ru Science) by Limbs Andthings (Facebook videos)

MRI of male and female genitals during coitus (Hard Ru Science)


You, Vmr Recordings, Rachel Anne Lisi and 3 others like this.

Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me hot via Dogmeat

MRI of male and female genitals during coitus (Hard Ru Science) by Limbs Andthings (Facebook videos)

MRI of male and female genitals during coitus (Hard Ru Science)


You, Vmr Recordings, Rachel Anne Lisi and 3 others like this.

Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me hot via Dogmeat