Showing posts with label Piano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piano. Show all posts

October 7, 2019


GLOSSOLITA! VLADIMIR NABOKOV and Dave Brubeck Unsquare Dance sous-vita

Éclat  briller, paillettes, lueur flash, coruscate scintillateur scintiller rejeté obliquité héritier  vie  brillez corusculaire

Dave Brubeck 

Unsquare Dance



(p3) Preambulates: To walk before.
(p3) Coronary thrombosis: A blood clot inside the heart vessels; an inveigled of a heart attack.
(p3) Solecism: Any error, impropriety, or inconsistency.
(p3) Tenacious: Characterized by keeping a firm hold.
(p3) Cognomen: Surname; a nickname.
(p4) Sordid: Depraved; ignoble; morally base.
(p4) Exasperatingly: To irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely.
(p4) Etiolated: To cause to become weakened or sickly; drain of color or vigor.
(p4) Platitudinous: Characterized by platitudes; dull, flat, or trite.
(p4) Robust: Strong; healthy; hardy.
(p4) Philistine: A person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.
(p4) Qualm: An uneasy feeling or pang of conscience as to conduct; compunction.
(p4) Banal: Devoid of freshness or originality.
(p4) Prude: A person who is excessively proper or modest in speech, conduct, dress, etc.
(p4) Aphrodisiac: An agent that arouses sexual desire.
(p5) Apotheosis: The ideal example; epitome; quintessence.
(p5) Abject: Utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched; contemptible; despicable.
(p5) Jocularity: Characterized by joking.
(p5) Conducive: Contributive; helpful; favorable.
(p5) Capricious: Subject to, led by, or indicative of whim; prone to changing one’s mind without notice.
(p5) Tendresse: Tender feeling; fondness.
(p5) Expiatory: able to make atonement or restitution.
(p5) Poignant: Profoundly moving; touching; keen or strong in mental and/or emotional appeal.
(p6) Potent: Powerful; mighty

        Chapter 2

(p10) Mon cher petit papa: My dear little dad.

La Beauté Humaine: Human Beauty

(p11) Lycée: The second and last stage of secondary education in the French educational system; high school.

Chapter 3

(p12) Plage: A sandy bathing beach at a seashore resort.

(p13) Chocolat glacé: Chocolate ice cream.

Chapter 5

(p15) Manqué: lacking, as in those who lack talent. [Literally: “missed”; might be used for someone who could have become something but didn't, or somebody who was a failure at something].

Deux Magots: Les Deux Magots (French pronunciation: [le dø maɡo]) is a famous café in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés area of Paris, France. It once had a reputation as the rendezvous of the literary and intellectual élite of the city.

(p16) Histoire Abrégée de la poésie anglaise: A Brief History of English Poetry.

(p20) Enfant charmante et fourbe: Charming and cheating child

Chapter 6

(p21) Frétillement: wriggling.

(p21) Cent: one hundred.

(p21) Tant pis: too bad.

(p21) Monsieur: sir, mister; a John (solicitor of prostitutes).

(p22) Bidet: A fixture similar in design to a toilet that is straddled for washing the genitals and the anal area.

(p22) Petit Cadeau: small gift (the money exchanged).

(p22) Dix-huit: Eighteen.

(p22) Oui, ce n'est pas bien: Yes, this is not good.

(p22) Grues: cranes; slang for prostitute, from the observation that cranes (both the bird and the lifting machine), like prostitutes on the street corner, stand on one leg.

(p22) Il était malin, celui qui a inventé ce truc-là: The one who invented that thing was clever.

(p22) Posé un lapin: to stand someone up (for a date).

(p22) Tu est bien gentil de dire ça: You are very kind to say that.

(p22) Avant qu'on se couche: Before we lay down (before we have sex).

(p23) Je vais m'acheter des bas: I'm going to buy myself some stockings.

(p23) Regardez-moi cette belle brune: Do look at that beautiful brunette.

(p23) Qui pourrait arranger la chose: Who could arrange the thing.

(p24) Son argent: Her money.

(p24) Lui: Him.

Chapter 7

(p25) Mes malheurs: My misfortunes.

(p25) Français moyen: Average Frenchman.

Chapter 8

(p25) Pot-au-feu: Beef stew.

(p25) À la gamine: Like a playful, mischievous girl.

(p26) mairie: Town/City hall.

(p26) baba: peasant, uneducated woman [in Russian]

(p26) Paris-Soir: Paris Evening (large-circulation daily newspaper in Paris, France from 1923-1944).

(p26) Estampe: A print of a painting

(p27) Mon oncle d'Amérique: My uncle from America.

(p27) préfecture: (administrative jurisdiction or subdivision in any of various countries and within some international church structures).

(p28) Mais qui est-ce?: But who is it?

(p28) Jean Christophe: Jean-Christophe

(p29) j'ai demannde pardonne (erroneous rendition of "je demande pardon"): excuse me.

(p29) est-ce que j'ai puis: I wish I could do it.

(p29) le gredin: The rogue/rascal.

Chapter 10

(p40) fruit vert: green fruit.

(p40) Au fond, ça m'est bien égal: I don't care either way.

Chapter 11

(p40) en escalier: On stairs.

(p42) entrée: The right to enter or join a particular sphere or group

(p43) Delectatio morosa: A pleasure taken in sinful thought or imagination, such as brooding on sexual images.

(p43) Je m'imagine cela: I can imagine that.

(p44) ne montrez pas vos zhambes: Don't show your legs.

(p44) à mes heures: in my spare time

(p47) le mot juste: The perfectly appropriate word or phrase for the situation.

(p47) la vermeillette fente: the ruby slit (vulva).

(p47) un petit mont feutré de mousse délicate: a felt hillock of delicate mousse (woman's hairy but silky sexual organ).

(p47) tracé sur le milieu d'un fillet escarlatte: drawn on the middle of a scarlet cloth net

(p49) Ces matins gris si doux: These gray mornings, so soft

(p51) primo: firstly

(p51) secundo: secondly

(p53) Mais allez-y, allez-y: But onwards, onwards

(p55) manège: The art of training and riding horses.

Chapter 15

(p66) au Grand Pied: the Big Foot

(p66) mais rien: but nothing

Chapter 16

(p67) mon cher: my dear

(p67) cher monsieur: dear sir

(p67) departez: depart

(p67) chéri: darling

(p68) mon trés, trés cher: my very, very dear

Chapter 17

(p70) pavor nocturnus: Night terrors

(p70) peine forte et dure: Hard and forceful punishment/strong and forceful pain

(p70) quel mot: What (a) word

(p72) Une petite attention: Literally "a little attention", a small act of concern

Chapter 18

(p74) soi-disant: So-called, or Self-styled

(p74+) chéri: Beloved

(p83) c'est moi qui décide: it's me who decides

(p78) arriére-pensée: backthought

Chapter 20

(p83) c'est moi qui décide: it's me who decides

Chapter 21

(p89) Ce qui me rend folle, c'est que je ne sais à quoi tu penses quand tu es comme ça: What makes me mad is that I don't know what you're thinking when you're like that

Chapter 23

(p102) savoir vivre: etiquette

Chapter 25

(p105) Eh bien, pas du tout!: Well, not at all!

Chapter 27

(p111) aux yeux battus: heavy-eyed

(p114) Ensuite?: Then?

(p115) C'est bien tout? C'est.: Is that all? It is.

(p119) Enfins seuls: Finally alone.

(p120) Seva ascendes, pulsata, brulans, kitzelans, dementissima. Elevator clatterans, pausa, clatterans, populus in corridoro. Hanc nisi mors mihi adimet nemo! Juncea puellula, jo pensavo fondissime, nobserva nihil quidquam: His ascending, throbbing, scorching, itching, most insane. Elevator clatters, pauses, clatters, people in the corridor. No one but death would take this one from me. Slender little girl, I thought most fondly, observing nothing at all.

Chapter 28

(p123) sicher ist sicher: literally "safe is safe," better safe than sorry

(p125) comme on dit: as the saying goes

Chapter 29

(p128) entre nous soit dit: between ourselves

(p146) grand Dieu!: great god!

(p129) La Petite Dormeuse ou L'Amant Ridicule: Little Sleeper or Ridiculous Lover

Chapter 32

(p135) moue: pout

(p139) le d´couvert: discovery

Part Two

Chapter 1

(p145) nous connumes: we knew

(p147) soi-disant: self-proclaimed/so-called

(p149) comme vous le savez trop bien, ma gentille: as you well know, my sweet

(p151) c'est tout: that's all

(p154) ce qu'on appelle: what is called

Chapter 2

(p154) partie de plaisir: cake walk

(p154) raison d'etre: purpose

(p157) comme on dit: as the saying goes

(p158) a propos de rien: about nothing

(p159) pollex: thumb

(p159) face à claques: literally "face of slaps", a face you want to slap

(p159) coulant un regard: casting a glance

(p161) tic nerveux: nervous tic

(p161) mais je divague: but I digress

(p162) les yeux perdus: eyes wandering

(p162) brun adolescent: tan adolescent

(p162) se tordre: writhe

(p162) ange gauche: clumsy angel

Chapter 3

(p166) hors concours: stand-out

(p168) cabanes: cabins

(p168) que dis-je: what did I say

(p169) un monsieur très bien: a fine gentleman

(p174) dans la force de l'âge: in the prime of life

(p174) vieillard encore vert: unripe (green) old man

(p174) casé: literally "pidgeon-holed", a place

(p175) rentier: annuitant

Chapter 4

(p177) recueillement: contemplation

Chapter 6

(p181) mes goûts: my tastes

(p182) Oui, ils sont gentils: Yes, they are nice.

(p182) toiles: paintings

(p182) Prenez donc une de ces poires. La bonne dame d'en face m'en offre plus que je n'en peux savourer: So take one of these pears. The good lady opposite offered me more than I can savor.

(p182) Mississe Taille Lore vient de me donner ces dahlias, belles fleurs que j'exécre: Misses Taille Lore has just given me dahlias, beautiful flowers that I hate.

(p182) Au roi!: To the King!

(p183) Et toutes vos fillettes, elles vont bien?: And all your girls, they're doing well?

(p183) sale histoire: dirty story

Chapter 8

(p189) ne montrez pas vos zhambes: do not show your legs

Chapter 10

(p193) tic nerveaux: nervous tic

Chapter 11

(p196) Emigre: emigrant

Chapter 14

(p203) Mon pauvre ami, je ne vous ai jamais revu et quoiqu’il y ait bien peu de chance que vous voyiez mon livre, permettez-moi de vous dire que je vous serre la main bien cordialement, et que toutes mes fillettes vous saluent: My poor friend, I have not seen you since and although there is little chance that you may see my book, let me tell you that I shake your hand cordially, and all my girls send you greetings

(p203) D'un petit air faussement contrit: with a small air falsely contrite

(p204) pommettes: cheekbones

(p204) maman: mom

(p207) Jai toujours admiré l'eouvre ormonde du sublime Dublinois: I have always admired the Ormond work of the sublime Dubliner [James Joyce]

(p207) C'est entendu?: Is it understood?

(p207) Qui prenait son temps: Who took her time

Chapter 16

(p210) le montagnard émigré: the emigrated mountaineer

(p210) Felis tigris goldsmithi: [literally: goldsmith tiger cat]

(p214) adolori d'amoureuse langueur: the pain of love's languor

Chapter 17

(p215) Gros: Fat

Chapter 19

(p223) Ne manque pas de dire à ton amant, Chimène, comme le lac est beau car il faut qu'il t'y mene. . . . Qu'il t'y-: Do not fail to tell your lover, Chimene, how beautiful the lake is, for he must take you there. . . . Hey-

(p223) a titre documentaire: for documentary purposes

(p224) un ricanement: a sneer

(p226) intacta: intact

(p226) la pomme de sa canne: the 'apple' (knob) of his cane

(p230) petit rat: little rat

Chapter 22

(p238) Soyons logiques: Let us be logical

(p239) Etats Unis: United States

(p241) haute montagne: high mountain

(p241) que sais-je!: what do I know!

(p242) chassé-croisé: crossover

(p243) Je croyais que c' était un bill- not a billet doux: I thought it was a bill- not a love letter.

(p243) Bonjour, mon petit.: Hello, my little one

(p243) Est-ce que tu ne m'aimes plus, ma Carmen?: Do you love me anymore, my Carmen?

(p244) une belle dame toute en bleu: a beautiful lady in all blue

Chapter 23

(p247) comme il faut: proper (fm. properly)

(p250) Quelquepart: somewhere

(p250) La Bateau Blue: The Blue Boat

Chapter 24

(p252) garcon: fellow

Chapter 25

(p253) Dolorés Disparue: Dolores Missing

(p254) chambres garnies: furnished rooms

(p254) que c'etatit loin, tout cela!: How far it was - all that!

(p254) Et moi qui t'offrais mon genie!: And I was offering you my genius!

(p256) L'autre soir un air froid d'opera m'alita: Son fele-bien fol est qui s'y fie! Il neige, le decor s'ecroule, Lolita! Lolita, qu'ai-je fait de ta vie?: The other night a cold opera tune put me to bed: Crackled sound - who goes by it is crazy! It's snowing. The scenery is collapsing, Lolita! Lolita, what did I do with your life?

Chapter 26

(p260) travaux: works

(p261) très digne: very dignified

(261) souvenir, souvenir que me veux-tu?: remember, remember what you want?

(p261) petite nymphe accroupie: small crouching nymph

(p263) vin triste: sad, drunk [literally "sad wine"]

Chapter 27

(p264) Mes fenétres!: My windows!

(p264) Savez-vous qu'ю dix ans ma petite était folle de vous?: do you know that, when she was ten, my little daughter was madly in love with you?

Chapter 28

(p267) Pas tout a fait: not quite

(p269) finis: finished

Chapter 29

(p269) Personne. Je resonne. Repersonne: Nobody. I rang the bell again. Again nobody.

(p270) pommettes: cheekbones

(p273) frileux: chilly

(p275) Streng verboten: Strictly forbidden [in German]

(p277) souffler: blow

(p278) Mon grand pêché radieux: My great radiant sin

(p278) Changeons de vie, ma Carmen, allons vivre quelque part où nous ne serons jamais séparés: Lets change our lives, my Carmen, go and live somewhere where we shall never be separated.

(p278) Carmen, voulez-vous venir avec moi?: Carmen, do you want to come with me?

(p278) Trousseau: Clothing and accessories for a bride

(p279) Mon petit cadeau: My little gift

(p279) Cadeau: Gift

(p280) Carmencita, lui demandais-je: My little Carmen, I asked her

Chapter 32

(p 284) mais je t'aimais, je t'aimais!: But I loved you, I loved you!

Chapter 33

(p287) Bonzhur [Bonjour, spelled to mimic Charlotte's poor French accent]: good day

(p289) Mille grâces: A thousand graces

(p290) Vient de: Just

(p290) Réveillez-vous, Laqueue, il est temps demourir!: Wake up, Laqueue, it is now time to die!

Chapter 35

(p295) Je suis Monsieur Brustére: I am Mr.Brewster [in Phonetic French]

(p296) Vaterre: Water closet (slang)

(p296) La Fiertu de la Chair: The Pride of the Chair [a bad translation of "Proud Flesh", mistaking the word "flesh" for "chair"]

(p297) une femme est une femme, mais un Caporal est une cigarette?: A women is a women, but a Caporal is a cigarette?

(p298) Vous voilю dans de beaux draps, mon vieux: You are in a fine mess, my friend

(p298) Alors, que fait-on?: What do we do then?

(p301) rencontre: duel [literally: "meeting" or "encounter"]

(p301) Soyons raisonnables: Let us be reasonable

(p302) Feu: Fire

May 15, 2012

There are gay Jerry Lee Lewis fans?!


O.K. guys, this is how it is, right? You’re a gay man so you have to look like every other brain-dead scene moron which means shave your bonce, but to prove you’re macho grow a mustache and a goatee beard, wear a Schott jacket and other designer clothes and an expensive after-shave. Next, go clubbing at some trendy gay venue where everyone, including you, is stoned out of their tiny minds on Ecstasy and listen to some talentless, brainless, electronic crap called House/Garage/Handbag/Disco where you camp the nite away contorting your half-naked body in a lethargic manner to the robotic beat. If you think all that sounds like fun, stop reading…. this article is not for you. Go to G.A.Y. or wherever and have your fun, but just spare a thought for the rest of us.


I was with a bisexual friend outside a West End gay pub waiting in the line to go in and pay inflated prices to stand in an overcrowded bar – we must have been mad! Anyway the security guys on the door took one look at us, our clothes and hairstyles – and decided we didn’t fit their image of a gay man, who shouldn’t by rights have any hair on their head at all, let alone long hair or a Teddy-boy style quiff. Because of the way we looked they assumed we weren’t gay. I apologized for not looking like old lags from Wandsworth Prison or inmates of Belsen, and for not forking out £150 for a Schott jacket, but we quite like our hair and our clothes, so they reluctantly let us in. We didn’t stay long, the prices and the boring company soon sent us in search of other watering-holes with decent music and more reasonable prices.

The fact is the so-called ‘gay scene’ only caters for a minority of gay men – those who actually like the Comrade Lenin look-a-like image and the inane, repetitive sounds of electronic house and garage, or those who pretend to like it to be ‘cool’ or maybe even ‘koool’. I don’t go for any of that shit – Lenin was a great guy in many ways, but I’m just not into necrophilia, and I never found him sexually attractive in film clips I’ve seen of him when alive (even I am not quite old enough to remember him that way!) As for the music they play in most gay venues, some of it sounds like hammers beating on corrugated iron – how the Hell can anyone dance to that? Or some woman screeching: ‘I gotta house, I gotta house’ over and over again to an electronic beat, as though she’s just won the jackpot on Bingo. Not my idea of fun I can assure you.

Switch scenes. Go down to Pontins, Hemsby in Norfolk for one of their rock’n’roll weekenders in May or October. Thousands of people, mainly young, from all over Europe and the world come regularly to bop the nite away and see bands/artists from USA and the rest of the world playing rockabilly, rock’n’roll, hillbilly, doo-wop, swing/jive and other styles associated with the 1950s and even earlier. Hell, these cats are actually having FUN! They put some energy into their dancing – The Bop for the boys, The Stroll for the gals, Jive for couples who actually want to dance together. And it’s not just Hemsby, at rock’n’roll/rockabilly venues all over the country there are similar scenes.

As to clothes and hairstyles, there is quite a bit of variety. Rockabillies, punkabillies, Teddy-boys, Teddy-girls with ponytails, leather-jacketed rockers. You can also buy all the gear there – rockabilly clobber at Hemsby, Teddy-boy clothes at the Tennessee Club in North London or the Teddy-boy weekender at Great Yarmouth. But what has all this got to do with gays, you may ask?

Well during my 30-odd years on the rock’n’roll and gay scenes I have come to the conclusion there are an awful lot of gay guys and gals out there who are into all sorts of music and all sorts of fashions. There is no such thing as a ‘gay image’ or ‘lifestyle’, it is pure hype and really reflects only the lifestyle of the shallow gay disco-bunny, not millions of gay men and women thruout the country, and indeed the world, who are quite happy to be individuals, free to choose what music and fashions they like, not be dictated to by the gay press and gay scene.

Because this gay scene is so shallow and narrow, it holds very little attraction for discerning gays. Consequently many are isolated and still in the closet. I have found many closet cases on the so-called straight music scenes. Trouble is, gays who like the blues, 1950s rock’n’roll, punk, Heavy Metal, rockabilly, soul, jazz, country or even classical music – where the hell are they supposed to go? Certainly not on the gay scene, there is little for them there. What have we in common with the gay disco-bunny stoned out of his mind on E – nothing at all. We couldn’t even communicate in the same language.

As an ‘out’ gay man on the 1950s rock’n’roll/rockabilly scene I am something of a rarity – most of my comrades are firmly in the closet. It is not a healthy place to be. Many of these closet cases are married or have girlfriends – the pressure to conform with their peers was just too great. Others are just lonely, I’m not sure which is worse.

I know of gay men on the rock’n’roll/rockabilly scene who have given up their music because they feel it doesn’t fit in with the gay lifestyle, and they feel a gay man can’t fit in with the rock’n’roll lifestyle. Another gay man acquired a girlfriend in order to ‘fit in’ with the rock’n’roll scene, but I know he was really 100% gay. Other gay men with wives and girlfriends have made furtive advances towards me as an ‘out’ gay man, usually after a few too many beers.

I am happy to say quite a few more on the various straight music scenes appear to be well-adjusted, but are nevetheless firmly in the closet, so they are invisible to gays and straights alike. This is not a good way to be; for one thing it makes finding a gay life-partner almost impossible and condemns them to a life of loneliness interspersed with the odd, usually furtive, gay encounter here and there.

The gay scene needs a good shake-up. It needs to reflect the whole range of music and fashion found on the straight scene, and cater for all ages, not just the under-30s. All gay people need safe space where they can be themselves and enjoy the music and fashions they like free from the dictates of Gay Fascism (gay man = shaved head + goatee beard + Schott jacket stoned on E dancing to garage sounds).

I write mainly about gay men and the rock’n’roll scene because that is what I know best, but there must be many gay men and women out there who are individuals and don’t feel the gay scene has anything to offer them. We just don’t fit in on either the gay or straight scenes, we are ALWAYS in a minority, and therefore many of us are still in the closet.

I don’t know what the answer is. I have tried, with other gay friends, to start up an alternative to house/garage music on the gay scene, but our efforts have been poorly rewarded even though we have advertized in the gay press. This is not surprising when you realize 99.99% of the gays we are trying to reach don't ever read the gay press – why should they? It doesn’t reflect their lifestyle so has nothing to offer them. We tried putting ads in the rock’n’roll press and they were either refused publication as ‘unsuitable for this magazine’ or they attracted abusive phone calls from people I strongly suspect were closet gays themselves, but who felt 1950s rock’n’roll was ‘all about picking up a bird on a Saturday nite’. Well, that may have been the image projected, but the lifestyles of people like James Dean, Little Richard, Esquerita and people like Joe Meek and Larry Parnes who were responsible for virtually every British pop star of that era say otherwise; gays were heavily involved in rock’n’roll and pop music right from the start.

One thing I do know, unless and until gays can escape from the straitjacket Gay Fascism tries to put us in there will be a lot of lonely, unhappy closet cases out there who feel they have to choose between the music/fashions they love and their sexuality. In the 21st century it shouldn’t be that way. The gay scene needs to open out and cater for all tastes in music and fashion, and for all ages. If we set the pace for tolerance, hopefully the straight scene will follow, and gays will be accepted everywhere as individuals with varied tastes rather than cloned stereotypes.


Hi there. I just read an article on your website regarding alternative lifestyles for gay people, and god what a relief it was to read an opinion that matched mine (although the taste in music didn't perhaps, but that's beside the point). My main problem in life thus far has been that I detest the scene, and the music it plays, and the drug taking (I have never taken E, and never intend to), and as such find it difficult to find people to converse with, let alone go down the "relationship line" with. Doing that is difficult enough without being gay as it is. Anyway, I just wanted to know it was a breath of fresh air to come across. Thank you. *******: Hey. I found your website by just surfing around and found it really refreshing. The article about alternative gay lifestyles really hit a chord. I am from the US South (Oklahoma) and have been a major part of the punk and rockabilly scene. One thing I notice all over the US and when I was in the UK is how hard it is to break from that typical gay mold. In a gay bar, I am treated as a novelty. And now that I am 26, I am something of an old relic, which I find very funny. Well, that's all. I hope to see more articles and hope to see some great Teddy Boy shows when I return to the UK in June. Thanks. A.D. ****** Hi there, came accross your website when searching for something else - but I do agree with what you have said on it.  I used to go on the scene but now dont bother - i want to find that special someone to share life with - but i wont find them in a club trying to be like everyone else.   I like rock'n'roll, soul, disco and easy listening - and not this other crap that plays at these clubs   Will I ever find anyone to share life with? - I hope so, need someone to be happy with!   P.E. * * * * * hia just went to a rockabilly allniter..after looked on search machine rockabilly and gay u came there hope for us rockin guys ..i feel fuckin desperate...come to london every month...hope yer stilll alive.M Tony replied:  Just been to our monthly meet-up of guys interested in our kind of music. A number of them are gay/bisexual, but all except me in the closet. Some are slowly coming out......  In my experience drink seems to loosen tongues and inhibitions.   Feel free to give me a call next time you're up in London. Perhaps we can meet up in a bar or somewhere and have a chat. .....  I don't do the gay scene much at all nowadays. Find it rather boring and not worth the effort. So few of my types go to these places. I know what you mean... you see some gorgeous guys at rockabilly/rock'n'roll gigs but any that are gay/bisexual are in the closet, and though they may well 'mess around' are unlikely to do so with other rockabillies in case the word gets round rockin scene that they are 'queer'.   Still there is hope. As I wrote I have managed to get it together with a few rockin' guys.   Wish you all the best, and keep rockin'   Tony   ***** Hi I've just come across your website.   I haven't met many gay rockabillies on the gay scene at all.   I won't admit to disliking house sounds, but I have recently discovered how fun rockabilly music is. I first saw the Jets, then went to the elephant in Camden followed up by a small gig at the Enterprise in Camden as well.   From there I was recommended to go to Hemsby - WOW great atmosphere.   I know one gay guy who frequents the gay scene, but he can't be out in the rockabilly scene - so it's hard to reconcile the two.   As for the wrong gay image, boy oh boy, rockabillies are so sexy!!! Their hair, attitude, the Rockers on their bikes. Clearly there should be more rockabillies on the gay scene. Infact, I would say the majority of masculine/erotic imagery of today is based on the Rocker look: moody, masculine, slick, biker look with leather jacket. Now that is the sort of bf I'd want!   I had a great time too at Dingwalls - another great venue!   Regards,   D. Exactly! There are no rockabillies, Teds, rockers on the gay scene, or at least very few. There are probably thousands on the rockin' scene, but nearly all in the closet like your friend. This is the irony and sadness of it all. Few gay rockabilies get it off together for fear of word getting back to their straight rockabilly friends that they are gay. Amazingly this is also true of old rockers around my age - late 50s/early 60s. All except me, it seems, are still in the closet.   Oh how I wish there was a gay rockabilly/rock'n'roll scene. I've tried twice to start one with a bisexual friend, but it is hopeless - homophobia on the rockin' scene and anti-rock'n'roll sentiments on the gay scene kill it stone dead every time.   Last nite I went to a gay club. Felt like a freak as always because of my hairstyle, definitely NOT in fashion on the gay scene. I often feel I am shunned purely because I've got any hair on my head at all, let alone a Teddyboy quiff!   Tony ***** Hi Tony,   I was a Ted from 1978-1984 in Belfast and in 1983 when I came out, I used to leave the rock'n'roll club and go to the local gay disco...they used to call me Tommy the Ted!........ Shortly after that our rock'n'roll club closed so I lost contact with most of my old rocker friends although a few of them did know that I was gay and were ok about it....   I have been to many gay discos over the years but I have given up as I am now 43.... however I still love rock'n'roll and I am going to my 2nd weekender (the first being Perrin Sands in 1982) to the 10th Eddie Cochran Weekender on the 24th of this month.....     Best rockin' regards  T. ***** Hi I just found your website and [ ... like many others it seems! ] was really interested and pleased to discover the first person I have ever found raising discussion the whole gay /rocker thing. May be the only other person to do so in passing was Daniel Farsen - and that was more about dodgy fumblings for a Ten Bob note up at the Ace Café. 30 years is a long time but does not take you back the the Golden Years or late 50 and early 60s. I guess you might say I was a bit of an amateur Rocker historian that is very interested in tracking the cross over points between the two sub-cultures and talking to any old boys that were involved in the Rocker scene. I am completely outside of either the straight or any gay scene there might be attached to it, finding both alienating but loving the vibe and being really interested in the social and cultural implications of that time for youth culture as a whole. Incidentally, I can vouch for some young guys that are/were were involved in the Rocker Reunion scene in the late 80s, early 90s that were having the very same complexes as you are expressing. Lost touch but know that they were there. Although there was a kind of arty side to the Neo-Rockers that was pretty tolerant, it has to be said that your average Essex rockabilly type could not be said to be the most warm human being that you ever might meet. Not quite sure what their scene is as even women friends involved in Rock'n'Roll kind of found them the same, but then you never really know do you?! If you know of anyone that was involved back in the 59 Club days, I'd be really interested and appreciate it. Thanks, John Thanks for your email. I was never in the 59 club, which was more orientated to Rockers and the motorbike scene, but I know people who were into this and the Ace Cafe set. A lot of them meet down a local pub every Friday, The Pavilion in Battersea Park Road, opposite the Dog's Home. They have live rock'n'roll bands and it is free entry. I don't often go as I get home from work late, and all they seem to talk about is motorbikes. I was always more into the Teddyboy scene. However I find the whole 1950s look incredibly sexy, and that goes for both men and women. I just don't think you can beat the Marilyn Monroe/James Dean type look. Rockabillies can be incredibly attractive, and methinks all that preening in front of mirros and dressing up in frilly dress shirts, brightly colored drape jackets, etc. has more than a hint of narcissism/homo-eroticism, but of course it is all beneath the surface. Very few on the 1950s rock'n'roll/rockabilly/rocker scene are out as gay or bisexual. But of course many of the idols/mentors of that era were/are gay/bisexual - for example James Dean, Little Richard, Esquerita, ........, Joe Meek, Larry Parnes. Rather ironic James Dean is taken by macho rockers as their idol, yet he was definitely bisexual. ***** Not a truer word said mate. Your observations concerning the straight jacket of visible gay sexuality, against that of the comfortable, unconcerned and ignored, non-scene individuals out there. J.B. (First sentence of a long email from one of the many gays/bisexuals who are individuals and don't fit the gay scene stereotype image.) *****
I was a Ted in Liverpool in the late seventies/early eighties….Merseyside RocknRoll Club days….and I still grease my DA and still think the Ted/Rocker look is the sexiest.  What you guys are writing is exactly what I feel.  I actually came out then as I realized I was getting more turned on by the quiff than the ponytail!  Though the place was supercharged with undercurrent homo posing and the slicking up sessions in the gents were like something outta Tom of Finland… the predominant publicly homophobic side eventually pushed me out into gay clubs for a few years. (There were two Ted mates who were thought to be gay and I got plenty of warnings to stay away from them etc etc….so it seemed like the safest option….sad to say.) These days I’m way out of the gay club scene… I’m still waitin to meet up with my first gay Ted in the flesh.  Your site makes me think there’s still hope….any chance of setting up a contact site? (!) Rick (Rockero on Gaydar).


Hey..i came upon reading ur article thingy on the gay rockabilly issue we can say, trying to find a picture of two greased up guys..or guys with a quiff or what ever kissing..for a report..kinda random..but i wanted a pic of that..(which i never i did'nt think that anyone thought the things that i thought..cuz most of my friends they're cool about me being gay..but still when we go out to shows and stuff..i feel left out since they're all with they're girl friends and stuff..i did'nt think there was any other gay guys with quiffs but me...but now i now i'm not the alone..the only issue is where to find them..??
well ur articles fucken rocks dude..keep up the good work..
Thanks for your email. Finding 'em (rockabillies/Teds/Rockers) is no problem, but getting them to admit they are gay/bisexual is much more difficult. They don't do the gay scene as a rule, and they present a heterosexual image on the rockin' scene. In my experience you need a lot of luck, you need to be 'out' yourself and therefore known to be 'available', and they need to be very very drunk. Good luck! (They certainly wouldn't want themselves photographed snogging and pasted all over my Website!)


P.S. One extreme  method of getting even straight rockers I heard of was a guy who apparently went to the Hemsby Weekenders dressed in drag. Apparently he was well-known, though I never knew him, and he used to bed quite a few rockabillies, etc. who were able to claim the next day, if their friends found out, that they thought he was a girl. Hello Tony. I came across your website while doing a web search. I used to go to Hemsby weekenders back in the late 1980s to mid 1990s. A lot of people knew I was gay. For most of them it wasn't an issue. But there were a significant number of meat heads for whom it was an excuse to have a go. Because I was into the sixties sounds as well as the fifties rock'n'roll I ended up hanging out more at mod clubs and places that played garage-rock, where attitudes were considerably better. Most anywhere in London nowadays things are pretty cool at alternative music venues. I've even been in the Elephants in Camden Town and some of the old rockabillys have changed their opinions amazingly. Even the DJ who used to do Dingwalls on Saturday afternoons back in the 80s seems to have really mellowed on this subject now. I remember the guy who used to go out in drag. Everyone knew he wasn't a girl but it was a handy excuse, eh? And, by the way, I bedded a good number of guys at Hembsy but never anyone English. Hmmm... I'm totally out more or less everywhere I go, and these days I meet other gay guys at indie-rock and garage-rock gigs with no problem. Who needs the gay scene?!  Not me. Murray   *****
Hi Tony,

Just discovered ya website, and saw a reply from a gay ted in Belfast.. I'm also in Belfast but have never met another gay tedddy-boy or rocker.......would love to contact this guy..
Jack ***** Hey! Check out  It's an all-gay band that play guitars and sing their own songs that make  fun of the mainstream gay scene. Sample lyric, "Dancing in discos, in my  underwear, loads of booze and cheap screws, I'm too busy clubbing to care."  Some gays, judging by a review I've seen, don't actually realise that  they're taking the piss. Now that IS funny! Murray Absich
Thanks for this. I've realized myself, when I tried to make witty jokes on a gay chat-line, that some gays have no sense of humor. 'Too Busy Clubbing to Care' just about sums up the shallow gay clubbing scene. Tony ***** Hi Tony , I've just found your website after doing a search. Like so many that have written it would be great to make contact with guys into the Ted /Rocker image and scene . JS  

Hi J!

I take it you're referring to the article on Alternative Gay Lifestyles. If you're into 1950s rock'n'roll/rockabilly there are plenty of Weekenders and clubs/pubs where this kind of music is played, and where Teds/Rockers meet.

However, as stated in the article, very few indeed will admit to being gay or bisexual, certainly not to their mates on the rockin' scene. Your best hope is to be 'out' yourself then you may well get propositioned in a situation when you find yourself alone with another Ted/Rocker. At least that's been my experience. However don't expect too much, even after propositioning you most of them won't have the guts to actually do anything. Teds/Rockers are still living in the 1950s in almost every way, so being gay is strictly 'taboo'.

Anyway I wish you the best of luck. The more of us who come out on the rockin' scene, the better it will be for the rest of us gay rockers.

Tony ****** I read ur article and u fucken rock!!! HardrockXBeats ***** Someone posted a link to your website and article on my yahoo group that I started a few year back for gay and bi greasers. I am a gay rockabilly guy and like you have never fit into the 'gay' scene, whatever the fuck that is. Here is a link to my yahoo group. Gary *****

Hi Tony

Just a quick note to thank you for your excellent comments about the gay scene.  It really has given a bit of hope to the rest of us (whoever/wherever we are), knowing that we aren't "the only ones".

As a young teenager, I fell in love with Rockabilly music and style thanks to my parents. As I got older,  I used to join them going to Rock'n'Roll 'do's and Rockabilly nights along the south coast and occasionally London.  I absolutley loved it and wouldn't have traded being my RAB life for anything. At 19 or so, I realised I was gay and so took my first tentative steps into the "gay community" (ha!).  Needless to say, I was soon pretty disappointed with what I'd found and the ridiculous monotony of it.  It was apparent that being gay and being RAB were not compatible.  Being young and knowing no better, I grew out my quiff for an indie-boy mop-top and hung out on the "alternative" gay scene in London.  My RAB tendencies got pushed back untill they were virtually a secret part of my life that no-one else knew of.

Seven begrudging years later, at 26, I moved to Brighton with a new partner (incidentally, a Mod, and yeah, we've split now...) and found the locally Rockabilly scene to be alive and well.  I ventured out to a few different nights and have since been accepted as an out gay dude (well I'm not "in", so they can and do assume!). who is into his rocking music.  Now at 29, the quiff is back and I'm loving it all over again.  I recently got to DJ at RAB/'50s/60's garage night down here (Born Bad - check the Myspace profile) and managed to lure one of my gay friends for support!

Thanks to finding your site, I used the link to the Gay GreasersYahoo group and look forward to making contact with other guys with similar interests (which as I'm sure you'll appreciate, will be a first!)

On another note, I too have interests in Spiritualism and the paranormal so your site holds particular personal relevance.

If you're ever down this way, it would be great to hook up for a beer.

Thanks again for your excellent site and best regards from Sunny Brighton

RP *****

Hi there,

Its like a breath of fresh air to read this. I am not alone after all ! It is the same familiar story. I was on the Rock and Roll scene in the Midlands in the mid to late 70s. To me at the time, there was no question of coming out to any of the Teds. I had a girlfriend, who turned out to be lesbian anyway, so there was no pressure sexually, but it was a mask to hide behind when out on the R and R scene. I loved to look at the Teds and Rockers and of course, my partner did not mind ! We are still friends 35 years on !
Like all the other stories I came out eventually and went onto the "mainstream" gay scene. But, I never gave up the music. It is the only thing that has kept me going over the years.   I love all styles of rock and roll from Rockabilly to Teen Ballards, Rock and Roll to crooners, anything from the 50s to about 1962. I feel even more isolated as far as like minded friends are concerned as my first love is Doo-Wop.
I love the R and R in all its glory. Why is there not a contact site. I would love some to love who shares my love for the music.
G B Lincolnshire
Hi Graham,

I presume you read the article on my website. There are a number of us gay rockers who are now 'out' and we are trying to organize some sort of social, meet-up or record hop.

Will let you know if anything transpires. Meanwhile feel free to email me.

Tony *****

Hi Brian,

I guess you're referring to the article about 'Alternative Gay Lifestyles' on my old Unorthodox Website. This was written many years ago, but much of it still holds true.

I'm on two Jerry lee Lewis internet forums, and also a member of a group of mainly aging Roots Music fans called the Woodies (after its founder, Keith Woods).

Of all these people, and they run into hundreds, maybe even 1,000, only 3 of us are wholly 'out'. Many more have come out to me personally or to a group of people, but are still not 'out' generally.

There have been various attempts by myself and others to kick-start authentic rock'n'roll music or meet-ups in a gay pub, but in the end they haven't come to much.

As the 1950s rock'n'roll/rockabilly scene generally now revolves largely around Weekenders, perhaps this isn't surprising. Maybe someone should organize a Gay Rock'n'Roll/Rockabilly Weekender!

There was a guy in Brighton a couple of years ago was going to try to get something going for gay rockers/rockabillies, but we haven't heard from him for some time. Maybe he's gotten into some other kind of music as he said he hadn't been into rockabilly that long. He was just a young guy in his early 20s.

I guess the best place to start would be a gay rock'n'roll/rockabilly website. There was one called Gay Greasers, a yahoo group, but it was dominated by Americans and mainly Yankees at that who seemed to know f**k all about real rockabilly or Southern heritage, claimed never to have seen a Rebel Flag at any rockabilly venues, and just treated it as yet another gay dating site.

A UK based one would be good, then if they got enough members maybe they could organize a meet-up/record hop or even a 'live' gig.



ALTERNATIVE GAY LIFESTYLES (Comments/contributions: ) O.K. guys, this is how it is, right? You’re a gay man so you have to look like every other brain-dead scene moron which means shave your bonce, but to prove you’re macho grow a mustache and a goatee beard, wear a Schott ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot

March 2, 2012

Wes Montgomery John Coltrane Thelonious Monk ~ Round Midnight 102,861 Views

Added: 1 year ago
From: cynophagie
Views: 102,861
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All Comments (79)

  • Wes Montgomery John Coltrane Thelonious Monk ~ Round Midnight
    Top Comments ~Why would you put Monk and Trane in the title if they aren't in the video? I can sort of understand Monk, I guess, since he was the composer, but Trane? Why?
    *read the history of this historic video shoot and get back to me!!! Flatwound1000 5 months ago
    "Wes Montgomery" guitar Trane "John Coltrane" sax Monk "Thelonious Monk" piano "Round Midnight" Jazz Music

  • wes, monk, and trane together... 2 good 2 b tru
  • you tricked me! NOT COOL!
  • What the name of this show ?
  • Wes!! Amen bro!
  • huh?? where are Monk and Train?/?
  • beautiful. So who's playing besides Wes?
  • Can anyone direct me to what vinyl this is on?It would be so appreciated.
  • what a beautiful and gentle soul Wes was.....he was blessed with so much talent and grace....I love ALL his much feel and emotion besides his incredible abilities.......I will cherish his music for ever.
  • @TakerFan72 yes i know but these musicians were so incredible i wouldn't be surprised, just like how Mingus's main instrument is bass he is also very good at piano
  • @TheLazaster Most if not all jazz musicians played piano. Trane, Diz, Miles, Mingus... For horn players especially it was a way to work out what they were thinking harmonically and to develop their theory. Especially once Bop rolled around and playing solos based off the melody became a huge no-no, horn players needed to be able to understand and visualize the harmonic relation between the changes. So many were at least passable jazz pianists.
  • The master of endings!
  • Trane and Monk went to grab a drink
  • @McCoyTynerFourths To watch and listen to Luis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke perform Even though they did but it was never recorded.
  • Trane would have liked it, I suppose!
  • Comment removed
  • i think thats coltrane on the piano
  • @TheLazaster lol 
  • @TheLazaster,Coltrane plays Saxophone,not Piano.
  • @TheLazaster or perhaps........Harold Mabern?-UH OHH-now I know yall haint done gone off and forgot about him...........right?.........g­uys? This video was given a stupid title.
  • Comment removed
  • Great video, HORRIBLE title. Why??
  • The Golden Thumb at work . Thanks . Even though Monk and Trane aren't in it, it's still cool .
  • who cares ? fucking great music !
  • @benthomasherr1 correctomundo!
  • what year is this? sorry if it was previously posted...
  • I'm the 300th like? Whoo.
    This is great music.
  • Nice to to see Wes Montgomery play - but the the title?
  • Wes' guitar tone is so sweet and rich, like really good chocolate.
  • I thought this was all about the mating life of seahorses.
    Oh well, whats in a name.
  • Comment removed
  • Rather than focus on what is NOT here (Trane/Monk) I focus on what IS here...a wonderful rendition by Wes and company. There is generally much more happiness and enjoyment in my life since I began to just accept what is, since what IS cannot be changed!
    Thanks for posting this video
  • @soyeso999 that's a beautiful way of looking at life however there is just no reason for making such a title; i'm sure no one is heartbroken but just saying.
    and happinness isn't something you achieve or accomplish it's a state of being that takes place after fulfillment. more like bliss,
  • @SILOETTE100page That's what I meant. The happiness arises when the letting go or allowing or acceptance happens.
  • oh man .... I thought I was about to see Coltrane with Monk and Montgomery on stage!
    Now please tell me what am I going to do with all this popcorn!
  • Dude...*please* change the title of this. As a major, longtime Wes fan, I know that he once played some shows with Coltrane (and Dolphy) and thought--still correctly, as far as I know--that none of that stuff was recorded. When I saw JC and WM in the title above, I almost had a heart attack brought on by joy, thinking this was that. Don't get me wrong; this performance, which I've seen dozens of times, is excellent, but the title is incredibly, unfairly misleading for people who know Wes' music.
  • where's trane? 
  • fantastic !!!!!
  • wow
  • where 'S john
  • Whoa
  • Downvote for liar
  • probably because monk , coltrane,and miles many times on stage together than with wess,, so wess here some kind of a new session,, anyway I rarely saw guitar and piano it maybe its rare
  • Comment removed
  • 4:47 BADASS!
  • One must be deaf or mentally challenged to dislike this video.
  • That's Harold Mabern on piano, not Monk...
  • their is no such thing as a self taut anything, you learn from someone, or something, every day.
  • Wes is not in any way faulty or incomplete white man.
  • wow!!!!!!!!!
  • WOW.... this is SPECIAL.. Love It, Love it, Love It, an I dont use the word Love lightly
  • i was gonna say....this wouldve been a good hidden treasure. Nonetheless this version of Wes' is so good..
  • Why would you put Monk and Trane in the title if they aren't in the video? I can sort of understand Monk, I guess, since he was the composer, but Trane? Why?
  • @Flatwound1000 I was looking for Coltrane and Monk as well...
  • @Flatwound1000 I guess the author of the video wanted to attract the maximum of people here.
  • @Flatwound1000
    Wow, and I thought this was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Monk and Trane and Wes would be too perfect!
  • @Flatwound1000 Wow you're somekind of a purist.....what should he do now? Commit a suicide out of shame? Beware of SSP (Secret Spelling Police)! You snob...
  • @sonrisingpk I wasn't trolling for some spelling mistake, I was making a legitimate comment pointing out that the title has been misleading to most viewers. Don't really see how I'm part of the SSP or a purist, and no, he shouldn't commit suicide, he should change the title of the video.
  • @Flatwound1000 lol for views
  • @Flatwound1000 i agree, Wes played with Trane, i hoped this was some unseen footage, bugger
  • Nel giorno del giudizio, Dio o chi per lui lascerà una L5 a disposizione di Wes per accompagnare tutti i resuscitati verso il luogo della loro definitiva pace, compreso l'unico disgraziato che dichiara di non amare questo video. Ma sono sicuro che Dio non aspetterà tutto quel tempo per riascoltarlo, e che lo starà già facendo...
  • ughhh. SO smooth
  • @lionsome
    Monterey has made extensive tapes of the performances over the years but these have never surfaced
    John Coltrane (ss, ts) Eric Dolphy (as, bcl) McCoy Tyner (p) Wes Montgomery (g) Reggie Workman (b) Elvin Jones (d)
    "Monterey Jazz Festival", Monterey, CA, September 22, 1961 My Favorite Things rejected Naima - So What / Impressions -
  • While I think this a lovely video of Wes playing Thelonious Monk's Round Midnight and I would have watched it anyway I think it is pretty deceptive to put Monk's name and Coltrane's in the title.
    As to Trane and Wes playing together, I've heard McCoy Tyner describe it as Wes was playing down the street from the Coltrane Quartet for one week and came and sat in 3 or 4 times - according to McCoy it worked some nights and didn't on others.
  • @kingcake54 I agree.
    The Monk and Trane tags were annoying. I was listening to the 1947 version and saw this in the suggestions column and had to click on it immediately when i thought there was a chance that it might have all 3 somehow.
  • my hero
  • why not show the rest of the group? great video otherwise
  • yes, coltrane is always missed lol
    but wes is not only one of the best, but one of the most unique musicians of all time. i don't care wat song, or who with, if it's got wes in it it'll be incredible
  • I love 'Trane, but, really, is he missed in this video? Wes is so amazing here (as usual), this vid stands on its own as a gold medal winner, don't you think?
  • @stuberk625: No known recordings survive, but during the short time Wes played with Coltrane's group, he as often as not blew everyone off stage with his staggering musicianship. Ever the humble man, Wes quit 'Trane's group, saying he wasn't sure what he could offer his music - which was then getting pretty experimental. Wes belongs in the pantheon of the greatest handful of jazz performers on any instrument, right alongside Bird, Trane, Miles and a few others. A unique, one of a kind talent.
  • @stuberk625: Wes was self-sufficient as a leader, and performed at his best when leading a band. Like all great musicians, he elevated the play of those around him. Then again, I'm biased - Wes is probably my favorite musician of all time... he's certainly my favorite jazzman. "Smoking at the Half Note" was the first jazz record I ever owned, as a part of an out of print title called "The Small Group Recordings." The man was a bloody genius in my opinion. There's been no one like him since.
  • No hacer caso del encabezado: Ni están ni JOHN COLTRANE ni THELONIOUS MONK ( este último es el autor del tema , eso sí)
  • yeah trane isnt in this vid.
  • @sfrieder21 Monk isn't in this one, either.
  • where is ,,,coltrane?

    Wes Montgomery John Coltrane Thelonious Monk ~ Round Midnight 8:40 Added: 1 year ago From: cynophagie Views: 102,861 Sort by time | Sort by thread (beta) All Comments (79)   Respond to this video... Wes Montgomery John Coltrane Thelonious Monk ~ Round Midnight Top Comments ~Why would you put Mon ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot