August 15, 2018

WATCH Marc Campbell stole these (YouTube playlist) - DangerousMinds dirtbag finally replies on YouTube

Marc Campbell ripped off, stole, plagiarized, posted on your watch; represented this site like Donald Trump; broke every ethical value that barely holds the internet together.

Richard Metzger, you are, if not worse, equal to this. just check out the date. this is the tenth video from posts that Marc Campbell while with Dangerous Minds stole and posted that i've found so far. there are many more.

May 8, 2010

Published on Aug 9, 2010

no shit, dirtbag. that's where the fuck i found it.

did you notice the title?

do you know how long it took me to find that with that title?

did you notice the date i posted it?

May 8, 2010.

did you notice the date you poached it?
August 4, 2010 - 3 mos. later.

i guess you'll have to be a lowlife plagiarizer - are you going to block me on YouTube like DM and Metzger on Twitter?

why don't you just be a man and apologize. go back and attribute your sources?

if they won't let you back in to the site, do it somewhere else.

there's more of your shit where this came from, and you know it.
#stolen by Dangerous Minds​ #MarcCampbell