June 1, 2012

Vinaigrette de Satan [LaVey]

Vinaigrette de Satan 

Nous sommes en train d'essayer de trouver un passage instructif de lire au mariage prochain d'un copain. (Suggestions de bienvenue, par le chemin.) Il nous a beaucoup plus de temps que prévu, en grande partie parce que nous continuons à se laisser distraire par les anciens favoris, nous avons découvert tout saccager nos étagères rembourrés. Affaire au point: Saints de Lawrence Wright et les pécheurs, une collection de profils de personnages plus grands que la vie des personnalités religieuses. Après avoir trouvé le livre, nous avons immédiatement retourné au passage qui est gravée dans notre mémoire, depuis le début du chapitre sur sataniste / showman / charlatan Anton LaVey. Wright décrit un dîner avec LaVey et Blanche Barton, dont il gâte rapidement avec une hilarante faux pas:

     "Qu'est-ce pansement souhaitez-vous sur votre salade?" Demanda le garçon.

     «Fromage Bleu," je l'ai dit.

     LaVey et Barton échangèrent un regard, puis retournés à leurs menus. Sans le savoir, je venais échoué le test de salade vinaigrette LaVey. Selon La sorcière satanique, son guide pour lovelorn sorcières », dominantes archétypes masculins [comme LaVey] préfèrent pansements douces, telles que le français, russe, Thousand Island", parce que l'odeur ressemble à l'odeur des organes sexuels d'une femme. Fromage Bleu, d'autre part, est "rappelle d'un casier plein de suspensoirs bien usés." Il convient, en réalité, seulement pour les mauviettes, des homophiles et les femelles soumises. LaVey a ordonné le steak d'aloyau de vingt-deux onces, rare.


Nous estimons que c'est pour le meilleur que LaVey a été incinéré après sa mort en 1997. Sinon, il sera constamment retourner dans sa tombe à cause de la popularité croissante de Buffalo Wild Wings.




[[posterous-content:pid___2]]     Mais alors nous ne serons pas en mesure de produire de l'énergie de son indignation:

Satan’s Salad Dressing


July 13th, 2010 · 2 Comments

We’re in the process of trying to find an insightful passage to read at a pal’s forthcoming wedding. (Suggestions welcome, by the way.) It’s taking us much longer than anticipated, in large part because we keep getting sidetracked by old favorites we’ve discovered while ransacking our overstuffed bookshelves. Case in point: Lawrence Wright’s Saints and Sinners, a collection of profiles of larger-than-life religious figures. Upon finding the book, we immediately flipped to the passage that is etched into our memory, from the beginning of the chapter on Satanist/showman/charlatan Anton LaVey. Wright describes a dinner with LaVey and Blanche Barton, which he quickly mars with a hilarious faux pas:

“What dressing would you like on your salad?” the waiter inquired.

“Bleu cheese,” I said.

LaVey and Barton exchanged a look, then returned to their menus. Unknowingly, I had just failed the LaVey Salad Dressing Test. According to The Satanic Witch, his guide for lovelorn sorceresses, “dominant masculine archetypes [like LaVey] prefer sweet dressings, such as French, Russian, Thousand Island,” because the smell resembles the odor of a woman’s sexual organs. Bleu cheese, on the other hand, is “reminiscent of a locker full of well-worn jock straps.” It is suitable, really, only for wimps, homophiles, and submissive females. LaVey ordered the twenty-two-ounce porterhouse steak, rare.

We reckon that it’s for the best that LaVey was cremated after his death in 1997. Otherwise, he would be constantly spinning in his grave due to the soaring popularity of Buffalo Wild Wings.


But then we won’t be able to generate power from his outrage:


Dressing of Satan

We are trying to find a passage instructive to read the upcoming wedding of a friend. (Suggestions welcome, by the way.) We have much more time than expected, largely because we keep getting distracted by the old favorites, we found our shelves stuffed rampage. Case in point: Saints and sinners Lawrence Wright, a collection of profiles of larger-than-life religious figures. After finding the book, we immediately returned the portion is etched in our memory, since the beginning of the chapter on Satanism / showman / charlatan Anton LaVey. Wright describes a dinner with LaVey and Blanche Barton, which spoils quickly with a hilarious faux pas:

     "What would you like dressing on your salad?" Asked the boy.

     "Blue Cheese," I said.

     LaVey and Barton exchanged glances, then returned to their menus. Unknowingly, I had failed the test of salad dressing LaVey. According to The Satanic Witch, his guide for lovelorn witches ", dominant male archetypes [like LaVey] prefer sweet dressings, such as French, Russian, Thousand Island," because the smell resembles the odor of the sexual organs of a woman. Blue Cheese, on the other hand, is "reminiscent of a locker full of jock well worn." It is in reality only for wimps, and females of homophilic subject. LaVey ordered the sirloin steak twenty-two ounces, rare.

We believe this is the best that LaVey was cremated after his death in 1997. Otherwise it will be constantly turning in his grave because of the increasing popularity of Buffalo Wild Wings.

But we will not be able to produce power of his indignation:

Vinaigrette de Satan   Nous sommes en train d'essayer de trouver un passage instructif de lire au mariage prochain d'un copain . ( Suggestions de bienvenue , par le chemin. ) Il nous a beaucoup plus de temps que prévu , en grande partie parce que nous continuons à se laisser distraire par les ancien ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot