September 30, 2011

this used to be my favorite site and it's still good

Memes are ideas that are copied from one mind to another. Let us define this, they are behaviours that are shared by many, the ideas and trends. This video of how to deactivate a cat

has been watched almost 100k times, but more if you consider how many times it is hosted on different platforms. It is a meme that can be defined as such : People love cats, can relate to them on a primitive level, often they are treated as members of the family. We have a basic positive reaction to cats. People liked to share pictures of their cats. Eventually this mutated into the lolcat . 

  • coupled with their reading which loads that into the mind of next person. 

  • coupled with an interpretation of the image which causes the mind to call forth (evoke) an internal representation of the meme. 

  • This invokation of a meme by a person is followed by a positive rewarding reaction of seeing a fluffy cat that is cute.

  • The further attached data is also executed to add suprise, this new information is another meme basically that is attached to the first one.

  • We have a carrier system and a payload.

  • Now we have defined the basic idea of a meme being copied. The next point is that the global internet mind is defined as a large number of interacting people who are exchanging memes on some level. It is defining all cultural content and behavior as being the product of some meme. Or in reverse, it is saying that the meme is the basic unit of behavior that is copied. Now lets take the instance of the bushman in papua new guinea , the remix is entitled "Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time" and shows a short mix of a very long video series with nice music. It is a mutation of the original long video, making it more pleasing and rewarding in terms of time spent. The payload of this video, the new information that is contained in it is the act of hitting yourself on the head lightly to express happiness. The natives are doing this, and the associated positive expression in this case is simple pleasure at eating. If other tribesmen see this, they will be able to remember previous times that they saw this behavior and a similar positive reaction is evoked.  So I hope you enjoyed my little exposition on memes. Please share this and think about it. The meme of introspection, reviewing your internal mental state while interacting with the world and seeing the world mirrored in the code and the memory of programs and in the minds of people.

    Memes are ideas that are copied from one mind to another. Let us define this, they are behaviours that are shared by many, the ideas and trends. This video of how to deactivate a cat has been watched almost 100k times, but more if you consider how many times it is hosted on different platforms. It i ...»See Ya