May 16, 2011

Congratulations! Facebook Document HTML5! Finally made Dogmeat FB Classes, IDs

  • Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "or, Jerry Lee Lewis called me Killer" 4:35pm

  • Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "nothin but net" 4:31pm

  • Thomas Damour likes a link on your Wall. 11:32am

  • Duncan Chrystal commented on your video. 12:03am

  • Yesterday

    Validating CSS Style Sheets

    If you use CSS in your document, you can check it using the W3C CSS Validation Service.
    Source Listing
    Below is the source input I used for this validation:
    1. # Tag styleName
    2. 10 A 9
    3. 40 A text-indent : 1.5em; text-align : left; padding-right : 3em; text-decoration : blink; border : 2px double; background : black; color : white; font-family : 'lucida grande'; font-size: 10px; text-indent : 5em; float:left; clear:left: border-radius: 222px; box-shadow: 10px 1em 0 black;
    4. 42 A text-indent : 1.5em; text-align : left; padding-right : 3em; text-decoration : blink; border : 2px double; background : black; color : white; font-family : 'lucida grande'; font-size: 10px; text-indent : 5em; float:left; clear:left: border-radius: 222px; box-shadow: 10px 1em 0 black;-time
    5. 43 DIV fb-div-noti-1
    6. 1 DIV pane
    7. 2 DIV paneHeader
    8. 1 DIV uiHeader uiHeaderTopAndBottomBorder mbm uiHeaderSection clearfix uiHeaderTop
    9. 1 H3 1
    10. 2 LI 10
    11. 2 LI fb-noti-li
    12. 39 LI fb-noti-li
    13. 10 SPAN 11
    14. 42 SPAN fb-span-noti-likesyourvideo-time
    15. 3 TEXTAREA pane
    16. 2 UL fb-ul-noti-1

    Congratulations! Facebook Document Successfully Checked as HTML5! come back and see it after i install the classes in my CSS! Congratulations Ginger Kat and Elena CemetaryCorvid Bridges like your album MORE REAL FUNNY ZUCKERPUNCH Facebook Jokes and Offensive Warnings The uploaded document was succes ...»See Ya