April 23, 2011


The definitions with (JIS Z 8125) and (JIS X 4051) at the end are those adopted for the corresponding terms by JIS Z 8125 ("Graphic arts - Glossary - Digital printing terms") and JIS X 4051 ("Formatting rules for Japanese documents") respectively.

Japanese Romanized transliteration Definition back matter 後付 atozuke base character 親文字 oya moji A character to be annotated by ruby, ornament characters, or emphasis dots. base line 並び線 narabi sen A virtual line on which almost all glyphs in Western fonts are designed to be aligned. (JIS Z 8125) bi ...»See Ya

JapaneseRomanized transliterationDefinition
back matter後付atozuke
base character親文字oya mojiA character to be annotated by ruby, ornament characters, or emphasis dots.
base line並び線narabi senA virtual line on which almost all glyphs in Western fonts are designed to be aligned. (JIS Z 8125)
bibliography参考文献sankō bunkenA list of works and papers related to the subjects in the text. (JIS Z 8125)
blank page白ページshiro pējiAn empty page.
bleed裁切りtachikiriTo print a picture or a tint to run off the edge of a trimmed page. (JIS Z 8125)
block direction行送り方向gyō okuri hōkōThe direction lines progress, one after the other. (JIS Z 8125)
bound on the left-hand side左綴じhidari tojiBinding of a book to be opened from the left.
bound on the right-hand side右綴じmigi tojiBinding of a book to be opened from the right.
bousen傍線bōsenA line drawn by the left or right side of a character or a run of text in vertical writing mode. (JIS Z 8125)
break (a line)(2行に)分割bunkatsuTo place the first of two adjacent characters at the end of a line and the second at the head of a new line.
captionキャプションkyapushonA title or a short description accompanying a picture, an illustration, or a table. (JIS Z 8125)
centering中央そろえchūō soroeTo align the center of a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to the center of a line. (JIS Z 8125)
character advance字幅jihabaSize of a character frame in the inline direction, generally indicated as a ratio of the size of a full-width character, as in full-width, half-width, or quarter em width. Character advance is the width of a given character in horizontal writing-mode, while it is the height in vertical writing-mode.
character frame(文字の)外枠sotowakuRectangular area occupied by a character when it is set solid.
character shape字形jikeiIncarnation of a character by handwriting, printing or rendering to a computer screen. (JIS Z 8125)
character size文字サイズmoji saizuDimensions of a character. Unless otherwise noted, it refers to the size of a character frame in the block direction.
characters not ending line行末禁則文字gyōmatsu kinsoku mojiAny character for which "line-end prohibition rule" is invoked. (JIS Z 8125)
characters not starting line行頭禁則文字gyōtō kinsoku mojiAny character for which "line-start prohibition rule" is invoked. (JIS Z 8125)
columndanA partition on a page in multi-column format. (JIS Z 8125)
column gap段間dankanAmount of space between columns on a page. (JIS Z 8125)
composition組版kumihanProcess of arrangement of text, figures and/or pictures, etc on a page in a desired layout (design) in preparation for printing.
compound word (jukugo)熟語jukugoA combination of two or more kanji characters which makes one word.
continuous pagination通しノンブルtōshi nonburua) To number the pages of a book continuously across all those in the front matter, the text and the back matter.
b) To number the pages continuously across those of all books, such as a series published in separate volumes. Also to number the pages continuously across those of all issues of a periodical published in a year, aside from pagination per issue.
(JIS Z 8125)
descender lineディセンダラインdisenda rainA descender is the part of a letter extending below the base line, as in 'g', 'j', 'p', 'q', or 'y'. A descender line is a virtual line drawn at the bottom of descender parallel to base line.
double running head method両柱方式ryōbashira hōshikiA method that prints running heads on both even and odd pages. (JIS Z 8125)
emphasis dots圏点kentenSymbols attached alongside a run of base characters to emphasize them. (JIS Z 8125)
endnote後注kōchūA set of notes placed at the end of a part, chapter, section, paragraph and so on, or at the end of a book. (JIS Z 8125)
European numeralsアラビア数字arabia sūjiAny of the symbols in [0-9] used to represent numbers. (JIS Z 8125)
even inter-character spacing均等割りkintō wariA text setting with uniform inter-character spacing per line so that each line is aligned on the same line-head and line-end. (JIS Z 8125)
even spacing distribution均等そろえkintō soroeTo align a text to both edges of a line by inserting the same amount of space between characters.
even tsumegumi均等詰めkintō zumeAdjustment of inter-character space by subtracting the same amount of space. (JIS Z 8125)
face tsumegumi字面詰めjizura zumeAdjustment of inter-character space by subtracting space to the extent that two letter faces are placed adjacent. (JIS Z 8125)
fixed inter-character spacingアキ組aki gumiA text setting with a uniform inter-character spacing. (JIS Z 8125)
fixed-widthモノスペースmonosupēsuA characteristic of a font where the same character advance is assigned for all glyphs. (JIS Z 8125)
fontフォントfontoA set of character glyphs of a given typeface. (JIS Z 8125)
footchia) The bottom part of a book or a page.
b) The bottom margin between the edge of a trimmed page and the hanmen (text area)
(JIS Z 8125)
footnote脚注kyakuchūA note in a smaller face than that of main text, placed at the bottom of a page. (JIS Z 8125)
fore-edge小口koguchia) The three front trimmed edges of pages in a book.
b) The opposite sides of the gutter in a book.
(JIS Z 8125)
front matter前付maezukeThe first part of a book followed by the text, usually consisting of a forward, preface, table of contents, list of illustrations, acknowledgement and so on.
full-width全角zenkakua) Relative index for the length which is equal to a given character size.
b) Character frame which character advance is equal to the amount referred to as a). A full-width character frame is square in shape by definition.
furigana振り仮名furiganaA method of ruby annotation using kana characters to indicate how to read kanji characters. This term derives from a Japanese verb "furu (to attach alongside)" and "kana", and has been used synonymously with "ruby". This document prefers to use the term "ruby".
furikanji振り漢字furikanjiA method of ruby annotation using Kanji characters for ruby instead of kana characters.
furiwake振分けfuriwakeA method of placing multiple runs of text in a line. (JIS Z 8125)
general-ruby総ルビsō rubiA method of ruby annotation that attaches ruby text for all Kanji characters in the text. (JIS Z 8125)
group-rubyグループルビgurūpu rubiA method of ruby character distribution such that the length of ruby text matches to that of the base text by giving the same adjusted amount of space between ruby characters.
gutterのどnodoa) The binding side of a spread of a book.
b) the margin between the binding edge of a book and the hanmen (text area).
c) The part of a book where all pages are bound together to the book spine.
(JIS Z 8125)
half em二分nibuHalf of the full-width size. (JIS Z 8125)
half em space二分アキnibu akiAmount of space that is half size of em space.
half-width半角hankakuCharacter frame which has a character advance of a half em.
hanmen (page content area)版面hanmenActual printed area in a page excluding the margins. (note: Running heads and page numbers are not part of hanmen.) (JIS Z 8125)
han-tobira半扉hantobiraA simplified version of naka-tobira, the verso side of which text of the new part starts. (JIS Z 8125)
headtena) The top part of a book or a page.
b) The top margin between the top edge of a trimmed page and the hanmen (text area)
(JIS Z 8125)
heading見出しmidashia) A title of a paper or an article.
b) A title for each section of a book, paper or article.
(JIS Z 8125)
horizontal writing mode横組yokogumiThe process or the result of arranging characters on a line from left to right, of lines on a page from top to bottom, and/or of columns on a page from left to right. (JIS Z 8125)
hyphenationハイフネーションhaifunēshonA method of breaking a line by dividing a Western word at the end of a line and adding a hyphen at the end of the first half of the syllable.
ideographic numerals漢数字kansūjiIdeographic characters representing numbers.
illustrations図版zuhanA general term referring to a diagram, chart, cut, figure, picture and the like, to be used for printed materials.
independent pagination別ノンブルbetsu nonburuTo number the pages of the front matter, the text and the back matter independently. (JIS Z 8125)
index索引sakuinA list of terms or subjects with page numbers for where they are referred to in a single or multiple volumes of a book. (JIS Z 8125)
inline direction字詰め方向jizume hōkōText direction in a line. (JIS Z 8125)
inseparable characters rule分離禁止bunri kinshiA line adjustment rule that prohibits inserting any space between specific combinations of characters. (JIS Z 8125)
inter-character space字間jikanAmount of space between two adjacent character frames on the same line.
itemization箇条書きkajō gakiTo list ordered or unordered items one under the other. (JIS Z 8125)
Japanese and Western mixed text composition和欧文混植waō konshokuTo mix Japanese text and Western text in the same composition.
Japanese characters和文文字wabun mojiCharacters used to compose Japanese text.
Japanese gothic faceゴシック体goshikku taiA Japanese typeface, with strokes almost the same in thickness, and no special ornament on a stroke such as a triangular element commonly seen in the Mincho typeface. Used for text emphasis and/or headings.
jidori字取りjidoriA method of aligning a run of text to both edges which is specified by a position to start and the length calculated by a specified number of a given size of characters. (JIS Z 8125)
Jouyou Kanji Table常用漢字表jōyō kanji hyōThe official list of Kanji characters "for general use in society. such as in legal and official documents, newspapers, magazines, broadcasting and the like". It was established in 1981 as a reference guide for people in composing contemporary Japanese. It listed 1,945 of Kanji characters together with their orthographic shapes, Japanese native reading (Kun), Chinese derived reading (On) and other useful information.
jukugo-ruby熟語ルビjukugo rubiA method of ruby character distribution determined by two functions, one is to provide reading for each Kanji character, the other is to give a united appearance attached to a word.
kanbun composition漢文kanbunChinese classic text (or text in the same style) with various auxiliary symbols so that it can be read as Japanese text.
katatsuki (katatsuki-ruby)肩付き(肩付きルビ)katatsuki (katatsuki rubi)A method of attaching ruby at the upper right of each base character. (JIS Z 8125)
kihon-hanmen基本版面kihon hanmenThe default dimensions of the main area of a typeset page specified by text direction, number of columns, character size, number of characters in a line, number of lines in a column, inter-line spacing and inter-column spacing. (JIS X 4051)
letter face字面jizuraArea in which glyph is drawn. (JIS Z 8125)
letterpress printing活字組版katsuji kumihanThe traditional printing method using movable type.
line adjustment行の調整処理gyō no chōsei shoriA method of aligning both edges of all lines to be the same given length by removing or adding adjustable spaces.
line adjustment by hanging punctuationぶら下げ組burasage gumiA line breaking rule to avoid commas or full stops at a line head (which is prohibited in Japanese typography) by taking them back to the end of the previous line beyond the specified line length. (JIS Z 8125)
line adjustment by inter-character space expansion追出し処理oidashi shoriA line breaking rule that aligns both edges of a line by expanding inter-character spaces. (JIS Z 8125).
line adjustment by inter-character space reduction追込み処理oikomi shoriA line breaking rule that aligns both edges of a line by removing adjustable spaces such as conditional spaces for punctuation marks. (JIS Z 8125).
line breaking rules禁則処理kinsoku shoriA set of rules to avoid prohibited layout in Japanese typography, such as "line-start prohibition rule", "line-end prohibition rule", inseparable or unbreakable character sequences and so on. (JIS Z 8125)
line end行末gyōmatsuThe position at which a line ends. (JIS Z 8125)
line end alignment行末そろえgyōmatsu soroeTo align a run of text to the line end. (JIS Z 8125)
line end indent字上げjiageTo reserve a certain amount of space before the default position of a line end. (JIS Z 8125)
line-end prohibition rule行末禁則gyōmatsu kinsokuA line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line end. (JIS Z 8125)
line feed行送りgyō okuriThe distance between two adjacent lines measured by their reference points. (JIS Z 8125)
line gap行間gyoukanThe smallest amount of space between adjacent lines.
line head行頭gyoutouThe position at which a line starts. (JIS Z 8125)
line head alignment行頭そろえgyōtō soroeTo align a run of text to the line head. (JIS Z 8125)
line head indent字下げjisageTo reserve a certain amount of space after the default position of a line head. (JIS Z 8125)
line length行長gyōchōLength of a line with a pre-defined number of characters. When the line is indented at the line head or the line end, it is length of the line from the specified amount of line head indent to the specified amount of line end indent.
line-start prohibition rule行頭禁則gyōtō kinsokuA line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line head. (JIS Z 8125)
main text本文honbuna) The principal part of a book, usually preceded by the front matter, followed by the back matter.
b) The principal part of an article excluding figures, tables, heading, notes, leads and so on.
c) The content of a page excluding running heads and page numbers.
d) The net contents of a book excluding covers, end papers, insets and so on.
(JIS Z 8125)
matrix母型bokeiA metal mold from which movable type is cast.
mixed text composition混植konshokua) To interleave Japanese text with Western text in a line (Japanese and Western mixed text composition).
b) To compose text with different sizes of characters (mixed size composition).
c) To compose text with different typefaces (mixed typeface composition).
(JIS Z 8125)
mono-rubyモノルビmono rubiA method of ruby distribution where a run of ruby text is attached to each base character. (JIS Z 8125)
multi-column format段組dangumiA format of text on a page where text is divided into two or more sections (columns) in the inline direction and each column is separated by a certain amount of space (column space). (JIS Z 8125)
multivolume work多巻物takanmonoA set of work published in two or more volumes, as in the complete work or the first/last half volumes.
naka-tobira中扉naka tobiraA recto or a page inserted to divide two different parts in a book. It often has a title or other text to describe the new part. (JIS Z 8125)
nakatsuki (nakatsuki-ruby)中付き(中付きルビ)nakatsuki (nakatsuki rubi)A method of ruby character distribution where each ruby character is aligned to the vertical center of the corresponding base character in vertical writing mode, or to the horizontal center of the base character in horizontal writing mode. (JIS Z 8125)
new recto改丁kaichōTo start a new heading or something on a odd page. (JIS Z 8125)
notechūExplanatory information added to terms, figures or tables. (JIS Z 8125)
number of characters per line字詰めjizumeNumber of characters in a line to specify the length of lines. (JIS Z 8125)
number of columns段数dansūNumber of columns on a page. (JIS Z 8125)
one em space全角アキzenkaku akiAmount of space that is full-width size.
one third em三分sanbuOne third of the full-width size. (JIS Z 8125)
one third em space三分アキsanbu akiAmount of space that is one third size of em space.
one-third-ruby三分ルビsanbu rubiRuby characters, narrow enough so that three can fit within the width of a full-width base character.
original pattern原図genzuAn original drawn pattern of a character image to be used for a printing type or a digitized glyph.
ornament characters添え字soejiA superscript or subscript attached to a base character. (JIS Z 8125)
pageページpējiA side of a sheet of paper in a written work such as a book. (JIS Z 8125)
page break改ページkai pējiTo end a page even if it is not full and to start a new page with the next paragraph, a new heading and so on. (JIS Z 8125)
page format組体裁kumi teisaiThe layout and presentation of a page with text, graphics and other elements for a publication such as a book.
page numberノンブルnonburuA sequential number to indicate the order of pages in a publication. (JIS Z 8125)
para-rubyパラルビpara rubiA method of ruby annotation where ruby text is only attached to selected Kanji characters in the text. (JIS Z 8125)
paragraph段落danrakuA group of sentences to be processed for line composition. A paragraph consists of one or more lines. (JIS Z 8125)
paragraph break改行kaigyōTo start a new line to indicate a new paragraph.
paragraph format段落整形danraku seikeiA format of a paragraph, as in line head indent or line end indent.
pointポイントpointoA measurement unit of character size. 1 point is equal to 0.3514mm (see JIS Z 8305). There is another unit to measure character sizes called Q, where 1Q is equivalent to 0.25mm.
printing types活字katsujiMovable type used for letterpress printing.
proportionalプロポーショナルpuropōshonaruA characteristic of a font where character advance is different per glyph. (JIS Z 8125)
punctuation marks約物yakumonoA general term referring to the symbols used in text composition to help make the meaning of text clearer, as in commas, full stops, question marks, brackets, diereses and so on. (JIS Z 8125)
quarter em四分shibuQuarter size of full-width.
quarter em space四分アキshibu akiAmount of space that is a quarter of an em space in size.
quarter em width四分角shibu kakuCharacter frame which has a character advance of a quarter em. (JIS X 4051)
quotation引用文in-yōbunExcerps from other published works. (JIS Z 8125)
reference marks合印aijirushiA symbol or short run of text attached to a specific part of text, to which notes are provided followed by the corresponding marks.
reverse pagination逆ノンブルgyaku nonburuNumbering pages of a book backwards. (JIS Z 8125)
Roman numeralsローマ数字rōma sūjiNumerals represented by upper case or lower case of Latin letters. (JIS Z 8125)
rubyルビrubiSupplementary small characters indicating pronunciation, meaning, etc. for the character or the block of characters they annotate. (JIS Z 8125) (Sometimes these annotations are referred to as "furigana".)
running headhashiraA page element which contains information on the title of the book, chapter, section and so on, printed outside the area of the hanmen. (JIS Z 8125)
single line alignment methodそろえsoroeTo align a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to designated positions.
single running head method片柱方式katabashira hōshikiA method that puts running heads only on odd pages. (JIS Z 8125)
small kana小書きの仮名kogaki no kanaKana with smaller letter faces to be used mainly for representing contracted sounds or prolonged vowels. (JIS Z 8125)
solid settingベタ組beta gumiTo arrange characters with no inter-character space between adjacent character frames.
spaceアキakiAmount of space between adjacent characters or lines. It also refers to the blank area between the edges of a hanmen or an illustration and text or other hanmen elements.
spread見開きmihirakiAny two facing pages when opening a book and the like. (JIS Z 8125)
subscript (inferior)下付きshitatsukiSmaller face of characters, attached to the lower right or the lower left of a normal size character. (JIS Z 8125)
superscript (superior)上付きuwatsukiSmaller face of characters, attached to the upper right or the upper left of a normal size character. (JIS Z 8125)
tab settingタブ処理tabu shoriA method of line composition to align one or more runs of text to designated positions on a line.
tablehyōFormatted data consisting of characters or numbers, arranged in cells and sometimes divided by lines, in order to present the data in a way that is easier to understand. (JIS Z 8125)
table of contents目次mokujiA list of headings of contents of a book in page order or arranged by subjects, with page numbers on which each section begins. (JIS Z 8125)
tate-chu-yoko縦中横tate chū yokoTo typeset a (small) group of characters horizontally within a vertical line of main text.
tentsuki天付きtentsukia) To remove conditional space from opening brackets at a line head to align the line head to the ones of the adjacent lines.
b) Not to add the default line head indent for the first line of a paragraph so as to align all line heads.
(JIS Z 8125)
text direction組方向kumi hōkōHorizontal setting or vertical setting. (JIS Z 8125)
Touyou Kanji Table当用漢字表tōyō kanji hyōThe official list of Kanji characters established in 1946, which was designed to restrict the Kanji characters for general use in society to only those 1850 specified in the list. The list together with other related tables was superseded by the Jouyou Kanji Table.
trim size仕上りサイズshiagari saizuDimensions of a full page in a publication, including margins. (JIS Z 8125)
tsumegumi詰め組tsumegumiAdjustment of inter-character space by making the distance between the letter face of adjacent characters shorter than that produced by solid setting. (JIS Z 8125)
type-picking文選bunsenTo select metal type for characters needed to print a manuscript. (Metal type is stored in a type case, but because the number of Japanese characters is very large, an extra operation was invented that involves collecting type in a so-called 'bunsen box' before typesetting a manuscript using a composing stick.)
typeface書体shotaiA set of letters or symbols, which are designed to have coherent patterns to be used for printing or rendering to a computer screen. (JIS Z 8125)
unbreakable characters rule分割禁止bunkatsu kinshiA line breaking rule that prohibits breaking a line between consecutive dashes or leaders, or between other specific combinations of characters.
underline下線kasenA line drawn under a character or a run of text in horizontal writing mode. (JIS Z 8125)
vertical writing mode縦組tate gumiThe process or the result of arranging characters on a line from top to bottom, of lines on a page from right to left, and/or of columns on a page from top to bottom. (JIS Z 8125)
warichu (inline cutting note)割注warichūA note of two or more lines inserted in the text. It includes brackets which surround the note (JIS Z 8125)
widowウィドウwidōThe term in Western text layout to describe that the last line of a paragraph with only a few words appears at the top of a new page or a column. (JIS Z 8125)
widow adjustment段落末尾処理danraku matsubi shoriA method of line composition to adjust lines in a paragraph so that the last line consists of more than a given number of characters.