January 20, 2011

Who're Naming the Worst Hôtels in the World? (One-0-One)

I certainly did not want to be Naming the Worst hotel when I thought of this, and I feel a little terrible that now I am made to feel inadequate for the five-second shelf-life of this ODDee Post.

What does Oddee think is the worst, most pathetic THEME BLOG FOR THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB???



Worst hotel Naming One
Worst hotelier namings How are you going to argue against that?

This is an hotel where according to the name you want to return again and again.

It does not seem to be a very nice hotel to stay!

One might think that the owners of this hotel in Malta would have thought to check the name to ensure that it is not giving people the wrong impression.

And where's Malta? Malta has written to say that it is actually in an hotel-restaurant.


How do you argue against Naming SOMETHING? Or worse than that, HOTeLs?

You Can Get More welcoming in an hotel, where the name is bad than not. If you want to return they remember your name, no matter. 

...and an Inn.

There's an Inn, I've heard tell, located in an historic downtown, built on an historic rural Aztec pyramid in Colorado with replicas of antiques and Victorian American architecture...The Name?  NONE!

So don't tell me about naming the worst HOTeL.

Hell, I certainly do not want to hear abrupt critique on Naming worst hotels!

Is that supposed to be the beach?!  IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR WIFE?

It does not seem to be a very nice hotel to stay!  IT DOES NOT SEEM TO BE A VERY PRETTY WIFE!

Naming the worst hotel, you might think,

"Hats off to the owners of the hotel in Malta--Who would have thought to check the name so that it does not give people a false impression?"

And that's exactly what I'm saying.

Where's the fun in that?

Note Malta has written to say he is actually in the restaurant of the Worst hotel in the world, so it is impossible for him to be included in this list (he said, google the quote about eating in the eiffel tower).

I asked him what it was called, but he told me he couldn't tell me...NOOOOO--like that song Certain Girl by Ernie K-Do!)

Can you argue otherwise?
You can not get more welcoming THAN THIS Quebec hotel where the UN returns again and again...
Centrally located in historic rural Colorado and built in Victorian style...I GET IT.
Very nice hotel stay!

Worst hotelier namings Worst hotelier namings Worst hotelier namings

Dogmeat Presents: Naming the WORST Hotelier
This is an hotel where according to the name you want to return again and again. Step Back Inn is located in historic downtown rural Aztec built in Colorado of replica antique ornate Victorian America.
Dogmeat Presents: Naming the WORST HOTeL
Is that supposed to be the Minnaminnie? It does not seem to be a very nice hotel to stay! Link Worst hotelier namings
I certainly don't wanna be there. Worst hotelier namings Worst hotelier namings Was that supposed to be beach? It doesn't seem like a very pleasant hotel to stay at! Link
Worst hotelier namings
Worst hotelier namings

pires Hôtel Comment pouvez vous prétendre le contraire ôtel pires Namings vous ne pouvez pas obtenir plus accueillant que cela Il 'agit 'un ôtel ù selon le nom que vous souhaitez revenir encore et encore Step Back Inn est situé dans le centre ville historique rurales Aztec Colorado et construit en éplique style antique victorienne écorée américaine ôtel pires Namings Je 'ai certainement pas envie 'être à Namings pires ôtel Est ce censé être la plage Il ne semble pas être un très bel ôtel pour rester!
Namings pires ôtel On pourrait penser que les propriétaires de cet ôtel à Malte aurait pensé à érifier le nom de veiller à ce que ce 'est pas donner aux gens la fausse impression Et ù est le plaisir dans tout cela Note Malte a écrit pour dire qu'il est en fait un restaurantWorst hotel Namings Namedropping HOTeLHow can you argue otherwise HOT Ringworm HELL!

I certainly did not want to be Naming the Worst hotel when I thought of this, and I feel a little terrible that now I am made to feel inadequate for the five-second shelf-life of this ODDee Post. What does Oddee think is the worst, most pathetic THEME BLOG FOR THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR ON THE WO ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat