October 7, 2010

(video) "They should send this into space," says Hans 'Nettles' Eichinger cont. via Facebook

The Rosetta stone on yer rhinestone cowboy hat, E.T.:

Thanks, facebook. Nettles is learning a lot about life. He's like er uh crawling further into the self-abyss so he can get a running start to bust out of his shell again. Pen pals is like an affirmative action slingshot in the land of Opportunity, where Opportunity knocks like Jehovah's Witnesses, which isn't so often in his 'burb, but there's plenty of lower case opportunities. JajajjaAAAAaJa Jaaja!

Hey, tell us how you got "here" why don'tcha?

And thank your local Canadians; they are good people to have on your team. True North, Strong and Free!

Limbs Andthings  October 6 at 11:11pm Deploy • Deport
sorry, jad. these threadies are alittle slower then athe one's down stairs. i was responding to net. but you DO know that's mickey gilley, and not the killer: although related Mickey is like plastic and the killer's all teak

Nettles J. Eichinger October 6 at 11:26pm Deploy • Deport    
That's a true statement if I ever heard one. I guess Mickey got some Dr. John on his early records. Interesting. The hat was a popular style, which really brings my other page into this message thread a little too much so I'm gonna duck out now but I saved the killer search (thanks!). This'n here ought to introduce aliens to our entire world quite nicely I think


Lenny Smith October 6 at 10:40pm  

Nice one, Hans--I used to play that tune with my buddy, the late, great Hollerin' Man.

H. Nettles Wm.s October 7 at 12:29am

Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me hot via Dogmeat