August 7, 2010

Retrieve Facebook Comments tutorial/code by Gil "I found a way Wohahaha" Goldshlager (gil.goldshlager on Facebook)

 Retrieve Facebook Comments code by Gil Goldshlager:


 i've just got to say that for the first time in the history of anything having to do with this application and me using it, I installed this and viewed it with 100% expected results in under three minutes--from logging on to the forum to pressing save on Blogger. 

I won't say what a 'shocking' genius you are because i'm sure it would only replace all my shock, [swear word], and god-damns with shocks, shocks, and shocks, but: you are a shock genius

and thanks.

2010-08-05 19:33:56

Retrieve / Manage Comments-Box comments tutorial

This tutorial is not for how to setup the comments-box plugin,

for this visit: for regular websites | for Tumblr blogs | for Blogger blogs.
This tutorial is for how to retrieve/show/display/pull/grab/manage (or however you want to call it),
all the comments on your site by the Comments-Box plug-in.

Let's start

instructions for Blogger (only)
Now, Blogger doesn't give you a way to create a new blank page,
what it does it is using the same template for each page and let you only change the content.

  • But I found a way to bypass it (Wohahaha...^_^)

what we just done is telling Blogger that if the page name is "Facebook Comments" then hide all the and content.
by that we are hiding the regular template and when we will view the page name "Facebook Comments" it will be blank.
4. Let's create the page!
go to "Posting" > "Edit Pages" and click on "NEW PAGE"
enter the "Page Title:" this MUST to be exactly "Facebook Comments"
click on "Edit HTML" tab, Download the code, copy & paste it in the textarea.

5. Search for:
// Application ID# - enter your application ID# (Not API Key!) //
var appid = 'YOUR-APP-ID';
and start edit all these variables as you wish.
(until // Background Color )

6. Click on "PUBLISH PAGE".
7. Done!
visit your page click on "View Page"

First thanks to 'pingflood' & 'TH_Wesley' who helped me with some of the codes.



1. The variables

General for all:
// Application ID# - enter your application ID# (Not API Key!) //
var appid = 'YOUR-APP-ID';

// Admin ID# - enter your admin ID# (facebook profile id# in numbers, not a name id) //
var adminid = 'YOUR-ADMIN-ID';

// Limit - number of comments to dispaly (default is '-1' unlimit [99999999999999999]) //
var comments_limit = '-1';

// Width - the width for example '800px' (default is '0' auto) //
var comments_width = '0';

// Margin - the margin of the whole content
// if you changed the width-setting above from '0' (auto), -
// then you may want to change this setting to '0 auto' to center it (default is '0px 15px') //

var comments_margin = '0px 15px';

// Paging - change to 'false' if you don't want pagging (default is 'true') //
var paging_comments = 'true';

// Paging Limit - number of comments per page (default is 10) //
var paging_limit = '10';

// Count - change to 'false' if you don't want comments count (default is 'true') //
var comments_count = 'true';

// Login header - change to 'false' if you want to hide the login header (default is 'true') //
var login_header = 'true';

// Local Date type - change to 'true' if you want the local type (default is 'false') //
var localdate = 'false';

// Dark style - change to 'true' if you want it dark (default is 'false') //
var dark_style = 'false';

// Background Color (if dark style is 'true') - change to blank '' for transparent (default is '#000' black) //
var bgcolor = '#000';

Retrieve Facebook Comments code by Gil Goldshlager: i've just got to say that for the first time in the history of anything having to do with this application and me using it, I installed this and viewed it with 100% expected results in under three minutes from logging on to the forum and pressing save.  I won't say what a 'shocking' genius you are because i'm sure it would only replace all my shock, [swear word], and god-damns with shocks, shocks, and shocks, but: you are a shock genius.  and thanks.

mrjyn Limbs Andthings Facebook 
What Gets Me Hot Blog 
Limbsandthings YouTube 
Dogmeat (WhatGetsMeHot.Posterous)