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Funiculaire de Montmartre et le Sacré-Coeur
(audio ogg) Announcement boards on Paris rail service ASVA - Concorde
Baggotsrath Castle (Co. Dublin)
Paris Metro Style Book Launch
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Serge Gainsbourg tells all (Pivot)
Monsieur Playboy (Hefner) Sex Mansion Benton Polanski Lapins
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Sex Mansion Benton Polanski Lapins [HQ]
Inside Monsieur Playboy Paris (14 mins) Hefner Sex Mansion Benton Bunnies Jets Philosophy
- Monsieur Playboy
- (Paris 14 mins)
- Hefner
Monsieur Playboy Hef avec les Lapins!
- Mansion
Monsieur Playboy Hef avec les Lapins!
Rabbits and Men
Meet the founder of the Playboy empire Hugh Hefner in his luxurious house in Chicago. He talks about his way of life, the beginnings of the magazine, the "Playboy Philosophy" and its projects. On images of the "Playboy Club" in Chicago and hostesses who work there, the Bunnies, interview off of New York director evoking the world of place. In his bunny suit, a hostess of the Playboy Club talks about his job and customers.
Des lapins et des hommes
- Rencontre avec le fondateur de l'empire Playboy Hugh HEFNER, dans sa luxueuse maison de Chicago. Il parle de sa manière de vivre, des débuts du magazine, de la "philosophie Playboy" et de ses projets. Sur des images du "Playboy club" de Chicago et des hôtesses qui y travaillent, les Bunnies, interview off du directeur new yorkais évoquant l'univers du lieu. Dans son costume de lapin, une hôtesse du Playboy club parle de son métier et de la clientèle.
Led Zeppelin Rock n Roll 1973Ledzeppelin1973zoso
Ledzeppelin1973zoso | January 02, 2008Copyright 1976
The Song Remains The Same
Led Zeppelin
Swan Song RecordsCategory:
"A roiling vortex of lust for the illness called Rock n' Roll"--Lex10 (GlyphJockey) 43 people like BlogBaby
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Motorcycle Camping - Liz Travels (i spy on things nobody worries about on Sunday)
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Making Template out of Scribd Screenshots (i don't know how, but you could send it to me)
Educational Exhibitions & Events
"Elvis: From Memphis to Manhattan"
Stax Museum of American Soul Music
Through Oct. 16
Opening reception for this exhibit of photographs from the CBS Photo Archive. Many of the photos are from Elvis� appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Johnny Paycheck - In memory of a memory...
henriettevalium.com - art
bright lights and go go girls mp3
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むずむず脚症候群 - Wikipedia
FOUND! FAVORITE PUNK VID - Best-Rarest Sex Pistols-Sid Vicious Interview (drug sick and full of Schnauzer)
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FOUND!!!!!! MY FAVORITE PUNK VID - Best-Rarest, local Sex Pistols Punk Rock Report
Also features one of only a handful, i can think of, Sid interviews (who at this stage of the tour was very drug sick and full of Schnauzer)
Sex Pistols Show-Sid Vicious Interview Dallas 1978 YouWeirdTube — April 21, 2010 —
by YouWeird Tube (videos)
Sex Pistols Show Footage-Interview
(Local Dallas News Report) 1978http://www.facebook.com/video/video.p...
"Sex Pistols" "Sid Vicious" Interview 1978 Dallas yt:quality=high mrjyn youweirdtube Nervebreakers videos limbsandthings1 limbsandthings whatgetsmehotI had no idea the Nervebreakers and Tex opened for them--way to go T. Tex Edwards
Most Popular People Born Between 1860 and 1914 With Date of Death Between 0001 and 31 December 2012
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1. | Gloria Stuart Actress, Titanic Gloria Stuart was born in Santa Monica, California, did some acting while in college at the University of California at Berkeley and later worked on stage in little theater productions. Universal enticed the glamourous blond actress with the assurance of "big plans," but outside of her films for director James Whale (The Old Dark House... | ||
2. | Dolores Hope Self, Bob Hope's Bag Full of Christmas Memories | ||
3. | Luise Rainer Actress, The Great Ziegfeld Luise Rainer, the first thespian to win back-to-back Oscars, was born on January 12, 1910 in Dusseldorf, Germany into a prosperous Jewish family. She took to the stage, and plied her craft on the boards in Germany. As a young actress, she was discovered by the legendary theater director Max Reinhardt and became part of his company in Vienna... | ||
4. | Manoel de Oliveira Director, To Each His Own Cinema | ||
5. | Tony Martin Self, The Colgate Comedy Hour Born Alvin Morris, Tony Martin received a soprano saxophone on his tenth birthday. In his grammar school glee club, he became an instrumentalist and soprano pop singer. When in high school he then formed his first band called "The Red Peppers", eventually joining a local orchestra leader, Tom Gerun, as a reed instrument specialist, sitting along with a future band leader, Woody Herman... | ||
6. | Marc Platt Actor, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | ||
7. | Kaneto Shindô Writer, Hachi-ko | ||
8. | Connie Sawyer Actress, Dumb & Dumber | ||
9. | Mary Carlisle Actress, Dead Men Walk Starring blonde in Hollywood "B" films of the 30's. | ||
10. | Lupita Tovar Actress, Drácula Born in Oaxaca, Mexico, Lupita Tovar appeared first in silent Fox films before making the move to Universal and co-starring in the Spanish- language version of 1930's "The Cat Creeps" (_La Voluntad del Muerto (1930)_). For the same producer, Czech-born Paul Kohner, she appeared as Eva Seward (the Spanish-language counterpart of Helen Chandler's Mina) in Universal's Spanish Dracula... |
Music From the Baltics
Russian pianist accused of pedophilia in Thailand
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The Craziest Party Video Presentation PDF
Deep Wet Torture and Die Leisure Suit Larry "Aktuelle Angebote"
Deep Wet Torture Handbook !! |
Deep Wet Torture Handbook Die 100 Besten Frauenfolterfilme von Andreas Bethmann ca 226 Seiten in Farbe !!! |
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(Video) Velvet Underground & Nico (22 Mins. French Mini-doc Never before seen in America) PLUS (Mp3s) The eBay Acetates
Velvet Underground & Nico
By now most music heads have heard the story of Warren Hill picking up the rare acetate of the Velvet Underground's lost Scepter studio sessions on a Chelsea Street for 75 cents, and how it recently turned into EBay mania (selling for $25,000 after an aborted first attempt that was ruined by fake high bidders).
- Here are the Mp3s, in the running order of the acetate (which differs from the order of the actual VU and Nico release). You can hear the marked difference in tracks like "European Son", and while some of these same takes wound up utilized for the Warhol LP, these are rougher mixes.
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My123456789abc123 has made a comment on Chaplin Daughter Geraldine Ruler-Spanked OTK «La Madriguera»:
this is good
Tiny Wisdom: On Understanding
Tiny Wisdom: On Understanding
“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” -Paul Boese
Sometimes resentment and anger may seem involuntary–like reactions you have to indulge for a length of time to proportionate to how badly you were wronged. It might even feel like your anger is a justified retaliation, and you’d be weak if you let it go.
The irony is that after we’ve been hurt, we choose to continue hurting ourselves. Bitterness never feels good, no matter where it’s rooted.
Psychologists suggest that when other people make mistakes, we tend to assign them character flaws (i.e.: he’s selfish, or she doesn’t care who she hurts) whereas when wemake mistakes, we more frequently cite external causes (i.e.: I’ve been overworked, or Ihaven’t been getting enough sleep.)
It’s almost as though we’re willing to let ourselves off the hook because we have to live with ourselves, but when it comes to other people we’re quick to condemn and slow to forget.
You might not be able to forget what happened yesterday, but you can choose not to let it suffocate today. We all have character flaws and we’re all affected by external causes. Today if you have a hard time forgiving, ask yourself this question: do you want to feel bitter or better?
Newest passenger aircraft tests in Roswell
Boeing was in Roswell testing its 787 Dreamliner on Wednesday and gave Eyewitness News 4 an up close look at the new aircraft.
Officials with Boeing were testing the 787’s brakes on a wet runway.
Water trucks hosed down the pavement and the aircraft made several takeoffs and landings to make sure the jet’s brakes could handle the load.
“Boeing comes here basically because of the length of the runway and the airspace. They’re able to do the maneuvers they need to do to get their practice in and get the aircraft certified,” said Roswell International Aircenter Manager Jennifer Brady.
Roswell has two enormous runways because the airport use to be Walker Air Force Base.
The Dreamliner is a long-range aircraft but its delivery to customers has been delayed several years.
Boeing expects to have the first Dreamliner delivered to Continental Airlines next year.
Buk in Wormwood Review - A Great Read
The following piece, modified slightly, was written by Marvin Malone in the mid 1980s.
This editor tries to avoid literary criticism and speculations about the private lives of the poets published in Wormwood. However, a bit of history might be interesting to those who follow the little magazine scene. Since the very first,Wormwood has had a policy of not publishing the writings of the editor's intimate friends. On the other hand, manuscripts are not secured in a purely random manner via the U. S. mail. The arrival of Charles Bukowski in our pages was the product of a sequence of interrelated discoveries, associations, and affiliations.
In 1948 I discovered the New Directions annuals, which led me to read all of the authors sponsored by James Laughlin--including Henry Miller and Céline. About the same time, I came across The Little Magazine: A History and a Bibliography as written by Hoffman, Allen, and Ulrich (Princeton University Press, 1946). The book launched a personal enthusiasm for the little magazine as a publishing institution that has not yet dimmed.
At that time, the only publishers unafraid of the "unpublishable" Henry Miller were James Laughlin, Bern Porter, and Judson Crews. In the process of collecting and reading Henry Miller, in collecting and reading little mags, and in moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico, I would eventually meet Judson Crews in Taos, New Mexico.
A poet and a one-man publisher of astonishing books and little mags (Motive and Este Es presses), Crews had just published Bukowski's "Layover" in his current mag titled Naked Ear. Even though Naked Ear was very modest in size and format, it is now regarded as a little magazine classic. Crews has always had a good ear for the authentic and was then picking up and publishing many new poets who were (like Henry Miller) considered too far out for the established literary quarterlies of that day. Bukowski's debut was in issue 9 (1957), and he shared the pages with people as diverse as Mike McClure and Larry Eigner (new poets) and Norman Macleod (an establishment outsider). Crews, generous and proselytizing, gave me copies of Existaria #7 (published by Carl Larsen in Hermosa Beach, California) and Hearse #2 (published by E. V. Griffith in Eureka, California). Existaria contained three good Bukowski poems and Hearse (subtitled A Vehicle Used to Convey the Dead) contained one. Crews terminated Naked Ear at about that time, indicating to me that Hearse was its "spiritual successor." I placed subscriptions for both Existaria and Hearseand began a limited correspondence with Larsen and Griffith. Griffith launched a series of chapbooks with number one being Carl Larsen's Arrows of Longingand number five being Bukowski's first book, Flower, Fist and Bestial Wail(1960).
Moving to Connecticut in 1960, I became involved with the Wormwood Review--defunct after two issues. Resuscitation seemed possible. At about the same time, Larsen moved to New York City to seek the big-time literary scene. Being a literary neighbor of sorts, he was approached for manuscripts to relaunchWormwood. Larsen was then producing a mag called rongWrong (one of the first mags of the so-called mimeograph revolution), and Bukowski was scheduled for the second issue. At that time, Larsen and Bukowski were friendly rivals and frequent correspondents, so it was easy for me to get Bukowski's address and send him complimentary copies of Wormwood (probably issues 5 and 6) without comment. Poems were received for consideration-also without comment. In issue 7 (October 20, 1962), Bukowski made his debut with "Thank God for Alleys." Appropriately, that issue (printed offset from paper plates) also featured Carl Larsen and Judson Crews.
Many other editors have written me for Bukowski's address and have received it--notably d.a. levy and Douglas Blazek, who went on to publish some of Bukowski's most sought after books. This rather casual process (based on literary enthusiasms) is typical of the best of the little mag scene and keeps literature alive and current. I should point out that I have never met Bukowski. I met Crews once, Griffith once, Bern Porter once, and Larsen twice. Our associations have been primarily through our publications and secondarily through correspondence. Certainly there is some mutual respect there, but it would be very difficult to say that we constitute a group of personal friends. One common denominator is that we all operate independent of the present literary establishment, and this seems important to us. I do not believe a magazine filled with one's personal friends can be taken seriously as literature, and I do not believe a magazine filled with establishment figures can be contemporary in a meaningful way.
Wormwood was given the right of first refusal on the poems not used for the two Bukowski books produced in 1963 and 1965 by Loujon Press, owned by Lou and Jon Webb, who started out by publishing the famous little mag The Outsider. Since that time, Wormwoodhas always had a thick sheaf of unpublished Bukowski poems. Virtually every issue (chapbook issues excepted) contains two to four Bukowski poems that seem to fit the general mood of the issue. Wormwoodhas published four special sections (chapbooks within the magazine) featuring Bukowski: Grip the Walls(issue 16, 1964), Night's Work (issue 24, 1966), 55 Beds in the Same Direction (issue 53, 1974), and Good-Bye to Hollywood (issue 81-82, 1981). In addition, issue 71 was wholly devoted to Bukowski's Legs, Hips and Behind (1978) and issue 95 to Horses Don't Bet on People and Neither Do I(1984). Twenty-four copies of issues 16 and 24 were numbered and signed by Bukowski and are probably the most elusive items for collectors. Issue 24 also printed the first bibliography of his work (assembled by this editor). Forty copies of issue 53, sixty copies of issue 71, and 50 copies of issue 81-82 were numbered and signed. In 1969 Bukowski was awarded the Wormwood Award for "the most overlooked book of worth in a calendar year" for his first book of prose, Notes of a Dirty Old Man, which was published by Essex House, a "dirty book" publisher. Four years later, it would be republished by City Lights Books.
The above is history of a sort. The 1963 Bukowski poem appended here was used for several years on a Wormwood mailer to solicit subscriptions. Therefore, it must carry this editor's ultimate endorsement and must say something about what the Bukowski-Wormwood relationship is all about:
Same Old Thing, Shakespeare Through Mailer
into all instants before we like
woodchoppers die I would like to
think that what we've said will
not necessarily follow us into
that dark hole that is not love
or sex or anything we know now,
and when the troops marched into
Turkey they ran through the first
village raping the young girls
and some of the old ones too,
and Anderson and I found a café
and sat there drinking listening
to the air-arm overhead sinking
in its fangs and I said it's the
same old thing Shakespeare through
Mailer sticking his wife with the
same thing but the wrong thing,
and I thought if we could die here
now in a minute like a camera
snapped it would be much best
all the mules and drunken ladies
gone the bad novels march
stuck in the mud it is best
to die when you are ready
like razorblades and beersongs
to an ancient Irish tune
and then some Turk took a shot
from the staircase and split my
sleeve like a tight ass bending
and I fired back like people in
a play and I kept thinking
Maria Maria I wonder if I'll
ever see Maria again and
immortality did not seem
important at all.
Malone clearly valued