July 8, 2010

«Un siècle de plaisir» documentaire sur l'histoire du ciné porno - Liberation

CANAL +, Saturday , 0:05 . "A century of fun, " documentary on the history of hardcore . Extension of film aptly porn .

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    It is a matter of course that makes too rare to be picky :

    pornographic film has a story , a culture and heroes. But because it is considered " Poor Americans " , it is never the subject of research, documentaries, short , consideration . But it is a film to clear land , almost virgin analysis and studies from the beginning , the porn is too centennial, and nobody noticed it . It is as if there was still porn with what happened with the short film a hundred years ago : not to be taken seriously , he remains a showman and entertainment almost commonplace among legs more or less scrupulous operators , and as such can not abdicate its untouchable status : it is literally " unclean " , that is to say in the religious sense and the first of "unclean ". Where is the new Andre Bazin, who will in turn give a eulogy updated impurity founder of cinema ? Some graduate theses that are lost ...

    Informative , reliable , A century of fun ( "journey through the history of cinema hard " ) is an overview of sloppy question X , which you can just blame a laconic , too much graphic work within the same sequences ( why go back and tweak what is?) and , perhaps, a timid tone that borders on impersonal . But it is a good opportunity to learn at the same time that way, hopefully , to prime the pump for better investigations excavated .

    A vision of the many documents available , we see that this is very special to porn , it is not possible. He does not communicate with any other kind , delivered entirely alone in its sealed overnight , and also consumes more and more in the sealed chambers and automatons of techno videos sex shops that spread in big cities on the planet . It is not really despised or ignored because it is broadcast on TV and then watched . But he was maintained on several heavy bells: legal , fiscal , social. And any film that is not pornographic is wary of this beyond the pale cousin of the monster family that we only visit illegally . There are very few exceptions: Paul Vecchiali , primarily , perfect in his role when in 1975 he shot blaster this rather unique fleece that is porn not exchange hands, passing between movie fiction and pornography , haunted by real issues of cinema.

    There was also Michel Simon pornocracy illustrates the head of a private collection of Babylonian , which was unearthed a marvel porn -edge , which may have been made by Man Ray . This document is one of the best included in the documentary Gigoux of Henry and Jean - François Rauger and reels recently unearthed by the library of Valencia : a series of mini movies curiosa expressly sponsored by the rogue king Spain Alfonso XIII in the late 20s.

    After the trip , which in any case is emerging is the extreme resistance of such pornographic and powerful mutability : the rooms of brothels X (as named by the very law that would kill the market), sex Shops to pay-per -view , the bestiality of sadomasochism through the entire range of sexual tastes imaginable to date (all sub-genres on which a century of silence observed pleasure a bit contrite wrestling (wrestling) , spanking ( spanking ), nix, gang - bangs (gang rape ) , or even manga , etc. . ), porn , undaunted , continues. And that is all her beautiful mystery the

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