June 15, 2010

Your video, mouth Bouche bouche , may include content that is owned or licensed by these content owners...

Copyright Info: mouth Bouche bouche
Your video, mouth Bouche bouche , may include content that is owned or licensed by these content owners:

* Content owner: UMG Type: Audio content

What should I do?

No action is required on your part. Your video is still available worldwide. In some cases ads may appear next to your video.
What can I do about my video's status?

Please note that the video's status can change, if the policies chosen by the content owners change. You may want to check back periodically to see if you have new options available to you.

Under certain circumstances, you may dispute this copyright claim. These are:

* if the content is mistakenly identified and is actually completely your original creation;
* if you believe your use does not infringe copyright (e.g. it is fair use under US law);
* if you are actually licensed by the owner to use this content.

I need more information. I want to learn more about the dispute process.

Please take a few minutes to visit our Help Center section on Policy and Copyright Guidelines, where you can learn more about copyright law and our Content Identification Service.

Learn more about the dispute process
Pay attention: this is really important.

There are very few valid reasons for disputing a claim. Please review the information below, because submitting an invalid dispute could result in penalties against your account.
Invalid reasons to dispute a claim

* I own the CD / DVD or bought the song online.

Buying a song, CD, DVD, or other piece of media doesn't give you authorization to post that content on YouTube. The content owner still has the right to choose where it is distributed.
* The content was only a part of my video.

In almost all cases, you need written permission from the content owner to use even part of their work in your video. Learn more about Copyright.
* There are other videos on YouTube with the same content. Why can't I use it too?

Copyright is all about the owner's right to decide who can use their content. Someone else's use doesn't give you permission.
* I gave credit in the description. Isn't that enough?

No. Giving credit does not give you authorization to upload the content.
* I'm not selling my video or trying to make money.

Whether or not you benefit financially from using the content doesn't matter. Unless you have permission from the owner, it's not yours to use.

I still need more information. Take me to the YouTube Copyright Help Center.

Valid reasons to dispute a claim

* The content was misidentified.

Your original content was misidentified; for example, your family picnic was mistakenly identified as a scene from The Godfather. Mistakes of this type are very rare but possible.
* You have the right to use the content online.

You have written permission from the content owner to use the material on YouTube.
* Fair Use / Fair Dealing

If you believe your use meets the legal requirements for exemption from copyright under appropriate law, you can dispute the claim. If you are unsure, you should seek legal counsel before submitting a dispute.

I have a valid reason to dispute this claim. Take me to the dispute form.

Posted via web from Dogmeat