October 23, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, Linni Meister and her boyfriend Kristian Hillberg was associated with Big Brother Norway.

Ladies and gentlemen, Linni Meister and her boyfriend Kristian Hillberg was associated with Big Brother Norway.
Linni do some modeling career that will not surprise you.
Linni have big breast, but she is definitely a Slob also.
The film quality of the clip is good.
I presented to you the most blatant, hysterical, scantily clad and very likely effective piece of viral marketing ever created.
 When the guys behind the Norwegian Nazi zombie comedy Dead Snow fields need to put together a promotional video two plug the upcoming Norwegian DVD teleconferencing nicely with the upcoming theatrical runt, hey, do something with the Nazis?

John TravoltaImage via Wikipedia
Zombies? None of them either.
No, what is it a whole lot Linni Meister, Norwegian FUM model and Columnists (they hired her for her writing skills, honest!)
Turned pop singer after a period of the Norwegian version of Survivor.
Yes, I saw her up.
Research is a harsh mistress sometimes.
"My Ass" teammate for girls in the record, slaughtering her.
Anyway ... what did Linni come up with?
A charming Little song titleholder appropriately Ass It's all about her ass, and how good it is.
There are no zombies in the song whatsoever.
How does this count as viral marketing?
You have to look to see.
We have the uncensored version of the song, the video during the break, and while not exactly considered not pushing the envelope.
NO, OK, that it was yanked from You Tube for viola-ting's terms of service.
An entire listed as the shitty understanding net darts.
And yes, that terrible, butt, hey, a small budget you can get much the do-kill-signal.
I would not last as long as it's here for that chick, so it's not a joke for her, anyways, nice tits, nice ass, you get a new face.
Lil Love people take this seriously.
Just as Dead Snow is made to be a parody and joke, so is this.
Micro-stupid what a waste of money.
Um Is this for real?
Or was the singer come on casting couch on all fours?
Believe it or not.
The Director of the dead snow also directed the video.
I think I know how she got him to do so.
Well, he just decided he wanted to promote his film since he made the video.
He had not his marketing team with him so he photocopied a few posters and handed over to the Norwegian woman.

Ladies and gentlemen, Linni Meister and her boyfriend Kristian Hillberg...stay tuned
Ladies and gentlemen, Linni Meister and her boyfriend Kristian Hillberg were associated with Big Brother Norway. Linni also does some modeling which won't surprise you. Linni has great boobs and she's a sport, but she is definitely a slob too. The film quality of the clip is good, the most blatant, hysterical, scantily clad and very likely effective piece of viral marketing ever made. When the lads behind Norwegian Nazi zombie comedy Dead Snow felt the need to put together a promotional video to plug the upcoming Norwegian DVD release...stay tuned

WTF is this shit? "My Ass" ble lagt ut for salg i mai, fikk hun slakt

Bette Davis & The Little FoxesImage by NMCIL ortiz domney via Flickr
Linni vil bli årets julestjerne - SEHER.NO : Norske

LES OGSÅ: - Dette er horribelt
Bestill ditt abonnement her Få 13 tirsdagsutgaver av Se og Hør for kun kr 369! Bestill her!
Relaterte saker
Slik ser hun ut etter fødselen
- Jeg var for liten til å føde vanlig
- Jeg har aldri vært så lykkelig

Nye bildespesialer
Strålte på Slottet med babymage
Se bildene fra kongeparets middag for stortingsrepresentantene.
Denne dama er 45 år!
- Alle beundret vaskebrett-magen hennes.
Viste frem babyen på settet
Guttebarnet er allerede en liten stjerne...
Har hun funnet ungdomskilden?
Nå går bildene verden over...
Se, hun er tilbake i badedrakta!
17 år etter at hun hadde på seg denne for første gang, ser hun like bra ut...
Puppen glapp for popstjernen
Rx_symbolImage by what gets me hot via Flickr

Kun uker etter sjefsbaben sluttet, begikk av de nye på en real tabbe...
Så mye har de rast ned i vekt
Se hvor mye de mannlige dansestjernene har gått ned tilsammen.
Derfor dumpet hun TV-bonden
Her er kvinnen som trakk seg fra Jakten på kjærligheten...
Se på den magen!
TV-stjernen struttet på filmfestival...
Her er bildebeviset
Det mener i hvert fall bladet bak den oppsiktsvekkende kåringen...
Nekter å bøye seg for eksen
- Hun synes det er ironisk...
Dette bildet forteller det meste
- Tårene kom hos oss begge...
- Jeg hygger meg med familien
Her er grunnen til at den norske superstjernen ikke har hastverk...
Greide det på tredje forsøk
Danserne slet med å få supersjernen over hodet...
TV-bonde måtte ta til tårene
- Jeg ble litt satt ut...

Linni Meister's 3Fer Video

Linni Meister - My Ass Uncensored Version HQ

Linni Meister - Best Of Linni

Linni Meister - Behind the scenes - My ass

'I am from Pontos and I do whatever I want'

Chef Paul Prudhomme turduckenImage by what gets me hot via Flickr

reBlog from What Gets Me Hot

I found this fascinating quote today:

Japanese mayonnaiseImage via  Wikipedia

too-too long a time out of complacency in my advancing middling ears, i theory it to the dung-heap where it belongs and got with the
Mozilla FirefoxImage via Wikipedia

Firefox program, which has made me very happy, if not concerned for my own sanity regarding me keeping up with it as opposed to the visa verso situation which it'd been grimly in the muddle of for the last two years of flock never ever Bing able to keep up with me.  flock shut down more than the (impatiens)., What Gets Me Hot, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

only blogger crazy enough to use zemanta and apture at the same time: organization-based resource into the mess i'm creating

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Google to get more “real-time” with the search results…

Image by what gets me hot via Flickr

The words were barely out my mouth about the urgent need for Google to get more “real-time” with the search results…

..when Voila!
BOTH Google and Bing
announce strategic alliances with Twitter.

Naturally, the Twitter grapevine was ablaze with the news.

I have 3 things to say about this (besides, “I told you so!” ).

1. SEX

Like sex, this is bigger and more pervasive than most people realise.

Social Media is now bigger than porn. And Google and Bing garner most of the search engine traffic for the English-speaking world.

This move not only marks Twitter’s Cinderella ascendancy to what some have termed “being a first rate citizen” of the burgeoning real-time Social Media spaces. (In these spaces, Twitter has long been looked down upon as Facebook’s 2nd rate, country-mouse cousin).

It’s also a watershed for search engines generally. It’s a crossing of The Rubicon, into a search world of a more immediate search result context.

Merry Go Round.

The search brass ring: Give searchers the most relevant and most current results. Now!. Image Credit: Janek M

And it’s not just “real-time” search that’s the magic pill here. It’s the combination of real time search and searcher relevance that’s so virile and potent from a search perspective. 

In that context, this may very well be one of the sexiest things to happen to both Search and Social Media in about 6 months. Which is aeons in cyber terms.


As @jowyang suggests:

There are a lot of blog posts and articles about the Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft and Google Deals, but most miss a key insight. Social Search Shifts Power To Twitter Users, As They Influence Search Results.

He expands his thoughts on that in his post written with Charlene Li about social search and how customers will influence search results over brands.

One of the key points of that is that this trend towards micro-media (and social search) requires companies to pay attention to the real time and social web for marketing, support and competitive strategies.

From a search professional’s perspective, it means our search methodologies will need to be modified and possibly even re-invented – to cater for this rapidly changing search landscape. 

Some of the relatively crude “blast” techniques some marketers have used to try game Social Media spaces will not work. Inevitably, Twitter and the search engines will work mutually to distil better signals and separate them out from the Social Media noise. As they do that, Search Marketers will need to adopt more sophisticated techniques to get results.


Lastly – this Google-Bing-Twitter real-time search-fest doesn’t really surprise me because it’s smack-bang on target with mega-trends affecting all of us.’s megatrend for October 2009 is Nowism.

A bit more about that megatrend from their site:

NOWISM | “Consumers" ingrained lust for instant gratification is being satisfied by a host of novel, important (offline and online) real-time products, services and experiences.

Consumers are also feverishly contributing to the real-time content avalanche that’s building as we speak. As a result, expect your brand and company to have no choice but to finally mirror and join the ‘now’, in all its splendid chaos, realness and excitement.”

As Trendwatching points out – the human desire for instant gratification is nothing new:

….our current consumer societies handily accommodating and encouraging this relentless pursuit of instant information, communications, pleasure, if not indulgences. En passant reducing the ‘now’ to mere minutes, if not seconds….

What is evolving though is how quickly and easily we can do that and what mechanisms are available to do so.

So, the Google-Bing-Twitter ménage à trois is merely a symptom of a much greater trend.

It’s in sync with Zygmunt Bauman's "Liquid Modernity

Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference for human actions and long-term life plans, so individuals have to find other ways to organise their lives.
Such fragmented lives require individuals to be flexible and adaptable — to be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice, to abandon commitments and loyalties without regret and to pursue opportunities according to their current availability.

In liquid modernity the individual must act, plan actions and calculate the likely gains and losses of acting (or failing to act) under conditions of endemic uncertainty.

Anyone who has spent enough time getting to grips with Twitter will realise, this is exactly the paradigms Twitter serves so well: The online quest for the Instant Information Orgasm.

Enough waffling on about sex and socialism though.

Let’s cut to the chase and raise our champagne glasses to Nowism… And to Twitter as a vehicle of liquid modernity in Search.

Viva the hotbed of instant Search gratification!

For another angle on this story you may want to consider this very entertaining talk given by Rory Sutherland, in which he talks about the fact that intangible value is becoming more and more important - things like real time search and immediate information and influence have huge relevance to or world today.


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elvis peta

Image by what gets me hot via Flickr
A ranch once owned by the late Elvis Presley is up for sale — and PETA is interested in leasing it.

The 155-acre spread, located in Horn Lake, Mississippi, was purchased by Presley in 1967 and served as the site of his honeymoon with actress Priscilla Presley. In its current condition, the ranch raises cattle for slaughter — something PETA would love to see turned into a “Don’t Be Cruel” education center to promote veganism.

“Kids deserve to know that the animals who are turned into blue suede shoes and burgers are thinking and feeling individuals who don’t want to die and often panic at the slaughterhouse and try to run for their lives,” wrote PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman in a letter to the sellers. “We are hoping that Mr. (Dennis) McLemore doesn’t have a ‘wooden heart’ and will let PETA make this a place where ‘Don’t Be Cruel’ means loving cows rather than eating them,” she said.

Unfortunately, the ranchers aren’t interested in leasing the property – but would happily sell it to the animal rights org. The current price stands at $6.5 million.

With PETA’s budget, $6.5 million seems like a steal for a massive piece of Elvis memorabilia. Such a place would bring in the crowds — which would give the group a public forum to spread its veggie message. Methinks, however, that this may just be another publicity stunt. Color me heartbreak hotel.



dashes dashed dashing dasher dashers 

day daily daylight days midday goodday gidday deal dealer dealers dealership dealerships dealing dealings deals dealt undealt dean deans deanship deanships deanery death deathly deaths deathless deathlessly debauch debauching debauches debauched debauchery debaucheries debaucher debauchers decade decades decadence decadences decadent decamp decamps decamped decamping decampment decampments deliberate deliberately delight delights delighting delightfully delightful delighted delightedly delude deludes deluded deluding delusion delusions delusive delusional depict depicts depicted depicting depiction depictions die died dies dying undying difference differences different differently difficult difficulties difficulty digest digests digested undigested digesting digestion digestive digestives digestible indigestible directory directories disappoint disappoints disappointing disappointingly disappointed disappointment disappointments discover discovered discoveries discovering discovers discovery discoverer discoverers undiscovered rediscover rediscovers rediscovered rediscovering rediscovery rediscoveries dish dishes dished dishing disorder disorders disordered disorderly distract distracts distracted distractedly distractingly distracting distraction distractions dividend dividends do did didn does doesn doing doings don done doer doers dodge dodges dodged dodging dodger dodgers door doors indoors indoor outdoors outdoor doubt doubted doubtful doubtfully doubter doubters doubting doubtless undoubted undoubtedly doubts down downs downed downing downings downward downwards downtown dozen dozens drag drags dragging dragged drape drapes draped draping draper drapers drapery draperies draw drawing drawings drawn undrawn draws drew redraw redraws redrawing redrew redrawn drink drinks drinker drinkers drank drunk undrunk drinking drug drugged drugging drugs drunken drunkenness drunkenly dumb dumber dumbest dumbness dumbly during

Artist Dash Snow rammed-screwdriver into his buzzer other day.
He has no phone.
He Downs now if you want to speak to him you have to go by his apartment on Bowery and yell up Borax-like.
He welcome to window to let you see that.
He sees you.
He has-periscope.
He puts up.
He can check you out first • Seemed Happy and Healthy Say Shocked Friends • Will Work Benefit From Ghoul Factor Partly it comes from his graffiti days. 

Adolescence-year-old spent tagging city and dodging police.
Pretty paranoid about lots of things in general and some of it was dished out to him but others Created.
Himself friendless year-old-artist who like many friends has made significant artistic contributions to ever-expanding mythology of Dash Snow.
And went to London together this fall for show in which they both had work had bought one sculpture for $.
Got them-fancy hotel room on Piccadilly.
They had to flee it in middle of night with their suitcases before it was discovered that threatened one of their Hamster Nests which they'd quite-few times before.
To make-hamster Nest and shred up to phone books.
Yank around all blankets and drapes.
Turn on taps.
Take off their clothes.
And do drugs.
Until they feel like hamsters. * Warhol Children and Best of Bowery School.

Pan's People ♫ Joy To The World

Вы никогда не видели Beatles Cover совсем верно: "Re-Work"


Вы никогда не видели Beatles Cover совсем верно: "Re-Work" из "The Beatles" легендарные "Let It Be" на русский флот группе было несколько вентиляторов Fab Four's скручивания и кричали: не счастливы.

"Почему бы не вытащить вокалиста группы со сценой.

И чем больше благотворительности: "Я не могу ждать, чтобы увидеть их все Medley Beatles".

Критикуя других легко - это намного труднее сделать что-нибудь сами.

It's The Beatles - Everybody Loves The Beatles.

"Эта песня была всегда очень любил, сказал он.

"Раньше мы закончим концерт с ним.

В любом случае, начало славы интернет Графики ему придется догонять созданы хиты, как в Европе "The Final Countdown" - охватывающий Freaky увидели более миллиона людей на YouTube - или новую интерпретацию Nirvana Classic, и некоторых голландских Поп-идол "кандидаты, которые вряд ли идти в класс.

Я мог бы написать на более высокий голос, но в конце концов, оказалось все в порядке.

"Эта песня была всегда хорошо любимые" - оркестр Hits Back Черноморского флота оркестром известного в России и Украине, а также регулярные поездки в Западную Европу.

Let It Be.

RT корреспондента Игоря Ogorodnev принял вызов и сделала кавер-версию песни "Let It Be" By The Beatles - видео, нажмите, чтобы увидеть его, скажем, толкование! "The Beatles" Битлз "Пола Маккартни", "Джон Леннон" "Let It Be" "Let It Be" Русский морской Band "Черноморский флот оркестром".

Почему не Пола Маккартни подал иск против этих людей? - Это лишь один пример из комментариев в оркестре, который пришел к Интернету для всех неправильным причинам. Подражание может быть самая искренняя форма лести, но не всегда в музыку, когда большинство песен Мир поп получить лечение за кавер-версию.

Он застыл в Интернете реакции.

Другое зрители пошли еще дальше в своем комментарии: "Это как в кино сцен.

Плохое состояние здоровья в последние годы принудительное Солист Евгений Устинов ушел в отставку.

Черноморский флот оркестр, позволяют ему быть.

Действительно, видео показали энтузиазм при адаптации классики. , It's So Funny, не может быть реальной производительности! "Имитация может быть самая искренняя форма лести, но не всегда в музыку, когда большинство песен Мир поп получить лечение за кавер-версию вы никогда не видели Beatles Cover совсем верно:" Re-Work "из" The Beatles " легендарный "Let It Be" на русский флот группе было несколько вентиляторов Fab Four's скручивания и кричали: не счастливы. веб-пользователей в восторге от китча покрытия Битлз "Это просто преступно. Почему не Пола Маккартни подал иск против этих людей? - Это лишь один пример из комментариев в оркестре, который пришел к Интернету для всех неправильным причинам.

Веб-пользователей в восторге от китча покрытия Битлз "Это просто преступно.  

You never seen Beatles Cover completely true: "Re-Work" from "The Beatles" legendary "Let It Be" on the Russian navy group had several fans Fab Four's twisting and shouting: not happy.

"Why not pull the band singer with the stage.

And the more charitable: "I can not wait to see them all Medley Beatles".


October 22, 2009


Dailymotion - Fresh Prince Of Bel Air (Italian Theme) - a Film & TV video

more about "Dailymotion - Fresh Prince Of Bel Air...", posted with vodpod

Elton John - Bennie and the jets - Soul Train '75

cool, my videos already have fans on vopod

more about "Elton John - Bennie and the jets - So...", posted with vodpod

Video Bill Haley (1979-London): Moi et bobby mcgee - Bill, Haley, (last, show):, mcgee - Dailymotion Share Your Videos

now this is bloggin'

Vodpod autopost test

autopost is working

If you think you know all about Captain Marvel Jr'.s influence on Elvis Presley ... think again!

If you think you know all about Captain Marvel Jr'.s influence on Elvis Presley ... think again! Because the World's Mightiest Boy didn't just influence the King of Rock and Roll's hairstyle ...
- Captain Marvel Jr. helped shape Elvis' entire lifestyle.
It all began on the battlefields of the first World War, with soldiers enduring bombs that whizzed right over their heads like a lightning bolt, then exploded nearby with a tremendous bang. Wilford 'Billy' Fawcett, a former police reporter for the Minneapolis Journal, was a World War I Army captain.
After the war, Fawcett began printing a small two-color pamphlet containing barracks humor meant to entertain disabled servicemen in veterans hospitals. The title of Fawcett's self-published pamphlet came from his own former army rank and nickname, plus a reference to one of the 'whiz-bang' bombs of WWI. The magazine was called 'Captain Billy's Whiz Bang'. But the monthly collection of off-color jokes, sexy stories and racy cartoons wasn't a bomb -- it was an instant hit. A wholesaler picked it up in 1919 and started selling it in hotels and drugstores. It soon became an American standard, published continuously for the next thirty years.
Vernon and Gladys Presley had married in 1933 and moved into the shotgun shack pictured right, in East Tupelo, Mississippi -- a two-room house Vernon built himself, for $180. Gladys soon got pregnant, and she gave birth to twin boys right in the Presley's modest home, on January 8, 1935.


visualguidanceltd halloween -archive

nice Martin Denny video from mr dante fontana circa 2007 - Dites Moi | What Gets Me Hot

Martin Denny and his band - Dites Moi | What Gets Me Hot

what gets me hot

@mrjyn @nichopoulouzo @whatgetsmehot Twitter Feed

October 21, 2009

I made this out of one of my YouWeirdTube Runners Up Slapping Channel and an Italian Cop Film with Crispin Glover • These Boots Are Made For Walkin' YouTube

YouTube - Crispin Glover • These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

'No man with a good car needs to be justified!' Hazel Motes - WOW, WHO WOULDA THOUGHT IT. VIEWS ON MY WISE BLOOD-FALLON BEATNIK HS CONFIDENTIAL MASHUP YouTube

YouTube - 'No man with a good car needs to be justified!' -- Hazel Motes

Vic Mizzy Composer wrote Green Acres *and* music for The Ghost and Mr. Chicken Dead R.I.P.

What do you say about a composer who wrote the theme to Green Acres *and* the music for The Ghost and Mr. Chicken?

Frankly, I dunno. The dude rocked our worlds with bass harmonicas and fuzztone guitar motifs and now he's gone.

But Magic Carpet Burn takes a step in the right direction with the aforementioned primo Don Knotts comedy.

Around 8:38, dig the creepiest organ music ever . . . (thanks, Vic)

courtesy DonKnottsFanThe Ghost and Mr. Chicken

unterkayness: holding on to Halloween

Here's a jaunty Halloween tune from the Boat Lullabies.

One can venture into the Bridgewater Triangle . . .

Or hang with Spiderman and such.
unterkayness: holding on to Halloween

60 years of British sex education films, spanning the years 1917 - 1973 Wellcome Library Catalogue - 'b1674002'

 REQUEST Moving image and sound collections  4265D
Phys. Desc.
1 DVD (338 min.) : sd. & si., b&w. & col., PAL
Produced and directed by: 1. Joseph Best, War Office; 2. British Instructional Films Ltd.; 3. British Instructional films Ltd.; 4. Mary Field for British Instructional Films Ltd.; 5. Central Council for Health Education Film Unit; 6. Vernon Sewell for Gaumont-British Instructional; 7. Brian Salt for Gaumont-British Instructional; 8. Horace Shepherd for Inspiration Pictures; 9. John Halas and Joy Batchelor for Halas & Batchelor Cartoon Films; 10. J.B. Holmes for crown Film Unit; 11. Winifred Holmes for Film Producers Guild; 12. Guy Fergusson and Phillip Sattin for Eothen Films; 13. Lothar Wolff for Louis de Rochemont Associates; 14. Martin Cole for Global Films; 15. Hugh Baddeley for Hugh Baddeley Productions; 16. Graham Jones and Jon Astley for Oxford Polytechnic.
Target Audience
General public
A collection of 16 titles from over 60 years of British sex education films, spanning the years 1917 - 1973. Disc 1 contains:

1. 'Whatsoever a man soweth' (1917) (38 min.) - black and white, silent film, warning Canadian troops about the dangers of catching veneral disease. It follows young Canadian soldier, Dick, as he tries to avoid propositions from prostitutes in London. He is encouraged to see Dr. Burns who shows him victims of venereal disease in various stages - explicit close-ups show rotting legs, hands and syphilitic sores. After the war it transpires that Dick's brother Tom has infected his wife with syphilis. They are both cured but their child is born blind. The film has a new score by Dave Formula.

2. 'Any evening after work' (1930) (27 min.) - Black and white, silent film, looking at the dangers of leaving venereal disease untreated. It follows the fate of a man who begins to feel unwell following an encounter with a female stranger. While prevaricating about going to see his GP he sees a poster for a lecture by the British Social Hygiene Council. He attends and hears a lecture on venereal disease. Following the lecture, the man secures a hospital appointment. The film has a new score by Dave Formula.

3. 'How to tell' (1931) (21 min.) - Black and white, silent film encouraging parents to equip their children with the truth about reproduction. New score by Dave Formula.


Bing is Bringing Twitter Search to You

October 21, 2009, 10:24 AM by Bing | 17 Comments

One of the most interesting things going on today on the Internet is the notion of the real time web. The idea of accessing data in real time has been an elusive goal in the world of search. Web indexes in search engines update at pretty amazing rates, given what it takes to crawl the entire web and index it for searching, but getting that to “real time” has been challenging.

The explosive popularity of Twitter is the best example of this opportunity. Twitter is producing millions of tweets every minute on every subject you can imagine. The power of those tweets as a form of data that can be surfaced in search is enormous. Innovative services like Twitter give us access to public opinion and thoughts in a way that has not before been possible. From important social and political issues to keeping friends up to date on the minute-by-minute of our daily lives, the web is getting more and more real time.

Search needs to keep up. Shortly after we launched Bing, we did an experiment with the team at Twitter, where we took a fairly small number of “celebrities” from Twitter and provided access to their tweets as part of the search result. Here is a great example.

But what if we take that to the next level? What if we indexed basically the whole public Twitter stream and made it available to customers?

We’re glad you asked that. Because today at Web 2.0 we announced that working with those clever birds over at Twitter, we now have access to the entire public Twitter feed and have a beta of Bing Twitter search for you to play with (in the US, for now). Try it out. The Bing and Twitter teams want to know what you think.

How does this all work?

Were you as fascinated by the 6-year-old boy floating away in a balloon as we were? Was it a hoax? We know that people are going to twitter more and more for information surrounding all the latest chatter.

You can now search for what people are saying all over the web about breaking news topics, your favorite celebrity, hometown sports team, and anything else you use Twitter to stay on top of today.

The search results on people’s tweets will show up like this:

If you want to keep an eye on this topic, you can just watch the Tweets roll in. Or, click on “See more Tweets about…” to go to a page full of Tweets. On that page, you can change the ordering to “Best Match.” Here we arrange Tweets differently. If someone has a lot of followers, his/her Tweet may get ranked higher. If a tweet is exactly the same as other Tweets, it will get ranked lower. For example, I saw a Tweet from ABC News ranked pretty high in the Best Match mode during the “boy in the balloon” fiasco. By the way, you won’t see any of your tweets if you protected or deleted them, and tweets don’t last more than 7 days in our index.

Are you a Taylor Swift fan?  Just think of all the links that are shared on twitter that have to do with Taylor. To help you find these links we sift through and find the most interesting and hot trending links that other search engines usually don’t pick up on. Below you can see a couple of interesting links shared by Twitter users – some news and some gossip.   

Instead of the usual captions that are used for links, we decided to give you a “social caption” and show you what people are saying about these links.

Our team has been using this product internally, below are some situations where it came in handy:

  • Sean Suchter (my boss) and I avoided a closed freeway on a rainy Seattle day and made our flight home.
  • Eric Scheel (principle program manager on the team) a photo-gear junkie, keeps up on early product reviews and  owners’ tweets, which helped him decide on his next purchase.
  • My wife thinks I am almost cool because I know stuff about Taylor Swift.

We’d love to hear some stories from you about how this may have helped you. Of course, we also want to hear your ideas about how to keep improving this product.

Paul Yiu and the Bing Social Search Team

*Please note that at this time this is a US only feature.

Bing - Bing is Bringing Twitter Search to You - Search Blog - Bing Community

Harry Potter Dumbledore Gay, JK Amazes Fans | UK news | The Observer

Dumbledore Gay, JK Amazes fans

Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone

The late Richard Harris as Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

There could hardly have been a bigger sensation if Russell Crowe, Rod Stewart or Sven-Goran Eriksson had come out of the closet. Millions of fans around the world were yesterday digesting the news that one of the main characters in the Harry Potter novels, Albus Dumbledore, is gay.

The revelation came from author JK Rowling during a question-and-answer session at New York's Carnegie Hall. It instantly hurtled around the internet and the world. News websites in China and Germany announced starkly: 'JK Rowling: "Dumbledore is gay".' One blogger wrote on a fansite: 'My head is spinning. Wow. One more reason to love gay men.'

After reading briefly from her mega-selling book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, on Friday night, Rowling took questions from an audience of 1,600 students. A 19-year-old from Colorado asked about the avuncular headmaster of Hogwarts School: 'Did Dumbledore, who believed in the prevailing power of love, ever fall in love himself?'

The author replied: 'My truthful answer to you...I always thought of Dumbledore as gay.' The audience reportedly fell silent - then erupted into prolonged applause.

Rowling, 42, continued: 'Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald [a bad wizard he defeated long ago], and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extent, but he met someone as brilliant as he was and, rather like Bellatrix, he was very drawn to this brilliant person and horribly, terribly let down by him.'

She added: 'Yeah, that's how I always saw Dumbledore. In fact, recently I was in a script read-through for the sixth film, and they had Dumbledore saying a line to Harry early in the script saying, "I knew a girl once, whose hair..." I had to write a little note in the margin and slide it along to the scriptwriter, "Dumbledore's gay!"'

Amazed by the warm reaction of the audience, Rowling, on her first US tour in seven years, joked: 'Just imagine the fan fiction now.'

Harry Potter character Dumbledore was gay, JK tells amazed fans | UK news | The Observer

Five Gayest Halloween Costumes: 5 Halloween Outfits Inspired by Gays |

  • Five Gay Halloween Costume Ideas

    5 Halloween Party Outfits Inspired by Hollywood Movies for Gay Men

    © Steve Williams

    Gay Halloween Costume Idea 1 – Christian Bale's Batman

    Christian Bale has been a poster boy for straight women and gay men alike ever since his iconic performance in American Psycho, but it is his turn in the revived Batman franchise that makes an ideal gay Halloween costume idea. To recreate the Dark Knight look cheaply, items include:

    • A dark pair of fitted trousers.
    • A flowing black cape.
    • A black mask that fully covers the upper face as part of a skullcap with antenna like horns.
    • Finally, don't forget the bat signal, stuck on to the centre of Batman's chest!

    If part of a couple, a budding Batman might like to take his Robin along to the Halloween party too. In this instance, try the 1997 Batman and Robin film for inspiration which had suits with very chiseled physiques.

    Gay Halloween Costume Idea 2 – King Leonidas from 300

The gay interest film that took the world by storm, Brokeback Mountain gives an ideal opportunity for making a gay Halloween costume inexpensively for either a single man or a gay trick-or-treating couple, just don't forget to add some Wyoming drawl alongside this Halloween party outfit for that truly authentic feel. The items required include:

  • A cowboy hat. Ennis appears to favour a lighter cream hat whereas Jack, as a rodeo man, prefers a jet black one.
  • Plaid shirts. Ennis wears light blue or pale shirts whereas Jack is more adventurous with deeper colours such as greens and reds.
  • Scuffed cowboy boots are a must for the final touch to this gay cowboy Halloween costume.
  • A spear (blunted, of course).
  • A long red cloak.
  • A loin cloth if the wearer has the thighs for it. Otherwise, some tan coloured shorts are a good substitute.
  • A smattering of fake blood.

Gay Halloween Costume Idea 3 – Ennis and Jack from Brokeback Mountain

The gay interest film that took the world by storm, Brokeback Mountain gives an ideal opportunity for making a gay Halloween costume inexpensively for either a single man or a gay trick-or-treating couple, just don't forget to add some Wyoming drawl alongside this Halloween party outfit for that truly authentic feel. The items required include:

  • A cowboy hat. Ennis appears to favour a lighter cream hat whereas Jack, as a rodeo man, prefers a jet black one.
  • Plaid shirts. Ennis wears light blue or pale shirts whereas Jack is more adventurous with deeper colours such as greens and reds.
  • Scuffed cowboy boots are a must for the final touch to this gay cowboy Halloween costume.

Gay Halloween Costume Idea 4 – Dumbledore from the Harry Potter Series

After acclaimed writer J.K. Rowling announced that Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, was gay, the possibility of making a Dumbledore Halloween costume has become more enticing. For this master wizard a few key items to add that extra touch of magic to a Halloween party outfit are:

  • A long, flowing purple robe (or blue if going for the Michael Gambon version).
  • A pale golden wand.
  • A small pair of spectacles
  • Long white hair and an equally lengthy white beard.

Gay Halloween Costume Idea 5 – Sam and Frodo from The Lord of the Rings

Whilst not actually identified as gay characters, Sam and Frodo become very close throughout the course of The Lord of the Rings, leading some fans and scholars to speculate as to the nature of their relationship. A simple concept, the two hobbits make a great pairing for another gay Halloween party outfit idea. For this, the following items will be required:

  • Curly, shaggy looking wigs that hang loosely about the face.
  • White shirts.
  • Green or brown waistcoats.
  • Brown or black three-quarter-length trousers.
  • Large, bare feet (fake if genetics have not been forthcoming).

Gay Halloween Costume Ideas – The Spooky Fun Doesn't Stop Here

Whatever gay Halloween costume appeals, the above list of ideas shows that simple, iconic pieces are what dressing for Halloween parties is all about, so have fun and create more gay Halloween costume ideas using these suggestions as a starting point.

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Dailymotion - Aleister Crowley: La légende de l'absinthe - a Sports & Extreme video

GLORIA GAYNOR Love is Just a Heartbeat Away from Transylvania to Manhattan with Pans People 1979


Love  is  Just  a  Heartbeat  Away

from Transylvania 





Pans  People 



Dailymotion - NICOLAS CAGE: Love Me Tender: Wild at Heart [ BARRY GIFFORD] - a People & Family video

Nobody ever made fags like John Lennon. Personne n'a jamais fait tapettes comme John Lennon.

Personne n'a jamais fait tapettes comme John Lennon.

Hot 'n Spicy Kisses: John Lennon, Jerry Lee Lewis &  Feet

Il voulait que ses fesses nues prises.

J'ai commandé deux.

L'alcool, du tabac et du jambon, du bébé.

Même si vous transpirez, ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez voir si je suis enceinte.

Je prends le contrôle des naissances de la Beatlemania.

The Beatles, danseuses brésiliennes, musiciens et autres choses sont toutes les explications nécessaires à la journée de Jerry Lee changé pour toujours.

Beatlemania est Universal Music, et la légende du rock Jerry Lee Lewis n'en croyait pas ses yeux.

Je vous remercie pour des groupes comme les Beatles.

"It Was Like My Piano ou de chantage, at-il dit.

Il embrassa mes pieds.

Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qu'il ferait à mon fils, Junior.

Il dit: «Papa, John Lennon?

Lennon a déclaré: "Oui, John Lennon l'angoisse, la baguette, la satisfaction, à la pénitence."

La star des Beatles est le tombeau de spermicides.

Walkabout en eau de rose.

John Lennon accéléré. Carte de crédit, Harrods, à minuit, et l'argent qu'il a caché - quelle honte pour tous les groupes comme les Fab Four leurs idoles menti

"Thésaurus Beatlemania. Je n'aime pas, mais après le baiser-up, les souvenirs sont privés, dit Lewis.

Ce serait ... C'est embarrassant ...

Etait-ce papa?

John Lennon?


Love Power, oi.

John Lennon.

Lennon et goulasch, vous savez. "

L'homme qui a rendu possible pour moi de jouer rock roll.

Si mon corps avaient été gelés parce que nous ne boivent jamais, yo, viticulteur dans le soleil.

Il est patient et il a dit: Je voulais juste que vous sachiez que vous êtes un homme, je suis un homme, mais ensemble, nous sommes des femmes.

Ne comprenez-vous?

Qui ont rendu possible pour moi?


Rock-un garçon.

Non Jerry Lee Lewis, mais le caractère festif.

Shake pour l'Hôtel Royal.

Palm sur mon visage, il était humide ...


LENNON embrassé Jerry Lee.

Lewis étourdis John Lennon.

Star s'agenouilla et lui baisa les pieds de Légende.

Lennon a envoyé son piano à Schoo, y compris Lewis, qui est crédité lors de leur rencontre derrière des lieux emblématiques tels que des concerts par Roxy Music et des Beatles.

Lewis: Remember The Kiss?

Je n'ai aucune idée.

Que ferait-il si mon fils n'était pas là.

"Papa, qui va aider?"

«Papa, John Lennon a été ... petite?" "Oui, John Lennon a été ... Lennon était malade, et il ... Je veux juste que vous sachiez que vous êtes l'homme qui a rock star.

Je n'aurais pas pu le faire sans votre exemple.

Est ...