December 7, 2009

reBlog from What Gets Me Hot: What Gets Me Hot

A map showing Hong Kong's location in Asia, in...Image via Wikipedia
950718-蘋果日報-717健保局業助調解動員報導/ Photo from the rep...Image by KarlMarx via Flickr

I found this fascinating quote today:

TAIPEI - The man behind Apple Daily's controversial animated news in Taiwan has hit back at critics after a week-long row over the cartoons. Jason Chan, CEO, NextMedia Animation, told Media: “Apple Daily is regarded as 'evil' but popular in Taiwan. Taiwan's media industry may feel threatened by it or fear it, I guess.”  Apple Daily received a barrage of complaints from concerned parents after broadcasting explicit, erotic and violent content on its animated news channel on Apple Daily launched its animated news website in Hong Kong and Taiwan on 26 November. The site received 120,000 clicks on the first day of its launch in Taiwan, with viewer numbers increasing by 60 per cent. However, the site was also boycotted by elementary and junior high schools and the Taipei City Council which found its content offensive.

What Gets Me Hot, What Gets Me Hot, Dec 2009

You should read the whole article.

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