why does allow lesbian kissing sex videos in u tube, - YouTube Help
why does allow lesbian kissing sex videos in u tube,
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manoj illangakoonLevel 1
8/10/09i show more sex videos in u tube,, lesbian girls kissing, lesbian kissing also not good for childrens, why u tube user commynity allow lesbian porn videos. ? WHY?????All replies
YouveNeverHeardOfUsLevel 4
8/10/09Kissing is not porn.15 of 20 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
manoj illangakoonLevel 1
8/10/09are you mad , i know kissing are deferent kind,, frist you look videos before the answer, they kissing with bikini ,also on the body. this thing your daughter can fallow ,,,and be come lesbian,,,,, is not kissing like a parents,,,,,,7 of 12 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
Videodave2Level 4
8/10/09Best answer - manoj illangakoon (Asker)>is not kissing like a parents>If parents never engaged in erotic kissing, they probably would never get to be parents.104 of 157 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouveNeverHeardOfUsLevel 4
8/10/09"this thing your daughter can fallow" I don't have a daughter, but I wouldn't be ashamed if I did and she became a lesbian... I think you're just homophobic.11 of 16 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YtVigilantesLevel 4
8/10/09If you have a problem with the video, flag it. Let YouTube decide if if violates TOS or not. I expect it might be marked 18+, but unless there's a blatant violation, don't be too surprised if it's not taken down.7 of 10 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
faberoptimeLevel 4
8/11/09YNHOU, if you had a daughter, who knows, someday you might become a proud granddad. Or not, if your daughter chooses to become a lesbian.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect children from risks and dangers inherent in alternative lifestyle choices and some lessons in life necessarily should come later rather than sooner.3 of 8 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
studi011Level 1
8/13/09Your either a fucking homo or a retard and hey i'm a pretty gracious guy so i'll let you choose? Why do we allow it? Because there fucking hot dude when those sexy lesbian bitch's get to bumping pussy's the male hormones go crazy the penis gets hard and we're ready to fuck some nice hot wet juicy pussy's....I love you tube lesbian.....Don't hate4 of 8 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
rewbossTop Contributor
8/13/09Watching gays or lesbians kissing doesn't make people gay or lesbian. It's actually not a choice, as studies have repeatedly shown: it's the way they are. I'm left-handed, but I didn't get like that because I watched videos of Paul McCartney or Jimi Hendrix. Same thing with sexual orientation.
studi011: porn is not allowed on YouTube. This doesn't mean you have to go without your porn, though: there are plenty of free porn sites out there, just a Google search away.10 of 12 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
faberoptimeLevel 4
8/13/09There's actually a huge amount of ambiguity on your key point reboss - there's ample studies that have concluded the absolute opposite, that current evidence that homosexuality is genetic is insufficient to make it determinate, but that a clear lifestyle choice is a critical factor.
Current healtcare professional thinking does not share either view but rather prefers to think that it is likely a result of both genetic and environmental factors (see [1], Etiology).
In any case, I'm sure we agree that the same standards of taste and decency with regard to sexual content should be applied irrespective of homo- or hetro-orientation.References:
[1] en.wikipedia.org3 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
manoj illangakoonLevel 1
8/17/09you can do sex not just lesbian,not just gay,also with elephant,it is normal. everbody doing sex, but this peoples make videos and put in internet. did you see LOVE anywhere? ok ok, I UNDERSTUD THAT PEOPLES IS NORMAL, sex peoples making porno. educated peoples trying to go to mars(think about it;;;DRUGS,PORNO,and TERRORISM,)1 of 7 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
ChriyRLevel 1
8/26/09It's not Porn,Everyone at my School does it infront of Teachers,1 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
manoj illangakoonLevel 1
8/27/09what you did front of your teachers?, why teachers no doing in front of student? why teachers and students not doing in class room?1 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
anmooseTop Contributor
8/27/09Why are you so obsessed with this?2 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
young brezzyLevel 1
8/28/09awwwwwwww you lames can eat this pussy and suck my man dick0 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
starmagic444Level 1
8/28/09girls kissing girls, guys kissing guys..= sick behavior is what it is.2 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
Videodave2Level 4
8/28/09Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!0 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
anmooseTop Contributor
8/28/09Especially if the dogs and cats kiss each other and post videos of it on YouTube. <gasp>0 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
JDoorsLevel 4
8/28/09Manoj, if you're offended, as others have said, go ahead and flag it as inappropriate. I don't think it will be removed though as kissing doesn't really offend that many people. If readily available content on the Internet is offensive to you, it's your responsibility to block it. If YouTube regularly offends you, block YouTube. I've seen reports of video content sites that use MUCH higher moral standards than a general purpose, general access site like YouTube has. You might look into finding one of those (sorry, I don't have the links, but if I find them I'll try to remember to post them for ya). You might try a web search for "[your religion's name] videos."1 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
ainnhanaLevel 1
8/29/09first of all why are u watching such vids in first place if u find them offensive? u say u cant stand them, but still u managed to see the full video and even describe it in detail. so lesbianism is ok to rub ur ego but not good for ur girl? thats double standards. second if u do not wish ur daughter sees it, then dont let her join utube, rather make a nun out of her. third, there are 440 species in animal kingdom that are homosexual, including humans, so its a part of nature when it comes to homosexuality and transgender.and most important of all, how about improving ur english? no offence, but its too backward and sounds as if u've come from caves. going back to school might b a good idea for u.last but not least, if u do not like youtube, then pls do not visit. i wonder why people like u are now acting as moral police. you pretty much sound like taliban who wouldnt want such vids posted or who give no freedom to their women. just so u brand me a lesbian, im not. im pretty much straight. however, i rather do not come from a close-minded, male chauvenistic, egomaniac and selfish country/society/culture. i pretty much respect others freedom of sexuality even if it might not b my cup of tea. 3 of 6 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
JDoorsLevel 4
8/29/09ainnhana: Love the irony of you admonishing someone else's skill with the English language, if u no wht i meen.3 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouveNeverHeardOfUsLevel 4
8/29/09"ainnhana: Love the irony of you admonishing someone else's skill with the English language, if u no wht i meen."My personal favourite: "a[sic]nd most of all, how about improving ur[sic] e[sic]nglish?" Actually, you can't get alot better than "u've..."2 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
anmooseTop Contributor
8/29/09Hilarious. One must begin to wonder if real English has become a second language in the U.S.
(Wouldn't "u've" be more properly spelled "yewv"?)4 of 7 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
thedunnymanLevel 1
8/31/091. There is nothing wrong with kissing.
2. There is nothing wrong with lesbians/gays/straights.
3. Hence, there is NOTHING wrong.
If parents are worried about children viewing certain videos, that's their own issue with monitoring their child's use. Maybe not let children access the internet in the first place because there is ACTUAL porn out there...!4 of 6 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
Charman.KielLevel 1
8/31/09Are you retarded?
this thing your daughter can fallow ,,,and be come lesbian,,,,, is not kissing like a parents,,,,,,
why don't you go and live in a hole somewhere without internet, since you obviously can't handle a society where tolerance and understanding are the norm now. Gtfo, you homophobic ass.0 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
damirgraffitiLevel 2
8/31/09i don't like it1 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
JDoorsLevel 4
9/1/09Be more careful about what you choose to watch then. If you can't manage to avoid videos you don't like then you're going to the wrong video content site, find another.2 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
manoj illangakoonLevel 1
9/3/09thanky for everybody answerd my quection. have a nice life, thanks again3 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
LiterateNiggerLevel 1
9/3/09Don't be a punk bitch mother fucker1 of 6 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
damirgraffitiLevel 2
9/8/09i DON'T upload gay or lesbian kissing!i hate it!also don't like porn!1 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
mamadawgLevel 1
9/10/09parents should be monitering what their children are watching, and if u are the parent, or adult, don't watch it if u don't want to. nobody forces u to watch it.2 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
utopialandfillLevel 1
9/21/09porn intro segment clips with their website links should not be on youtube. /thread.1 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
gman1984Level 1
9/23/09Does kissing classify as porn?1 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
JDoorsLevel 4
9/23/09It does if you're doing it right!1 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse