October 14, 2009

How do I move my Windows XP taskbar back to the bottom of the screen? (Video) i was this close to ending it all


I'm Leo Notenboom for

A reader asked "My taskbar moved from the bottom of my monitor to the side. How do I put it back?"

That's easy.

Click on an empty area of the taskbar and hold the mouse button down.

Now, just drag the mouse down to where you want the taskbar to be. Once you get close enough, it'll jump right into place.

To keep it from jumping around again, right click on the taskbar, and then select Lock the Taskbar.

If you like, you can actually put your taskbar on top, the bottom or any side of the screen you like.

That's all there is to it!

Once again, I'm Leo Notenboom for


How do I move my Windows XP taskbar back to the bottom of the screen? (Video)